Well, I have to admit that I don’t particularly enjoy running. 
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Relatable? How?
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It’s a very good movie. Viola Davis and Emma Stone was in it, too, and I just love both of them. 
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The Help? I’m afraid I haven’t seen that one. But yes, she is quite the beauty.
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Avatar, really? That movie was mediocre at best. Yeah, they probably made a lot of money, but all the special effects used in the movie must be expensive, right? 
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Yeah, it was third only to Titanic and Avatar. Imagine making that much money.
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“Have you ever been to Australia? I haven’t been myself, but I’ve heard you get major waves there. I think there’s a show about a beach — Bondi Beach or something? It was on TV once, and I ended up watching it for a few minutes. The waves were insane.” 
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Laila forced herself to put on a smile. “Third time, of course,” she said. “I’ve only been doing it for a couple of years. I should be used to this by now, though.”
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“Are you saying I was eating like a savage?” 
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“There’s a difference between eating normally, and eating like a savage.”
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I’m Celeste. I haven’t been here for that long, so I guess you were on your break or something when I got here. It’s nice to meet you, though. 
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Yeah kind of, I had to take a break from this place for a bit. I’m Chloe, I’m one of the bartenders here. And who are you?
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“She’ll come around,” Celeste said, shooting Emily a smile before she crossed the street, not even bothering to see if there were any cars coming. She stopped on the other side of the road, waiting for Emily to come join her. 
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Emily nodded her head, listening as Celeste spoke and smiling softly - she wondered if that had been the same for Grace. “I came here to find my sister.. But y’know, some people don’t want to be found.” she shrugged lightly, trying to make the best of a continuous sting. “But I like it here. I might just stay for awhile.”
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Yeah, me neither. It was pretty entertaining to watch Andy try to work out on Parks and Rec, though. Very relatable, too. 
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Right? It’s insane and I would have never guessed he would look that good.
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“It’s nice to meet you, too, Robin. Do you have any idea when my lasagna will be finished?” 
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“I’m Robin, it’s nice to meet you.”
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Parks and Recreation? Guardians of the Galaxy?
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His name sounds familiar but I have no idea. I watch movies, but never know the names of the actors.
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Okay, Bryce Dallas Howard I can understand, but you’ve seriously never heard about Chris Pratt? 
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I’m sorry, who?
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The only other movie I’ve seen her in is The Help, but she’s seriously amazing. And she’s also super hot. 
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Although I’ve heard of Chris Pratt, I do have to admit, Bryce Dallas Howard is a bit of a new name to me.
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“It’s amazing. Especially the parts with Chris Pratt. You really should see it.” 
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“I haven’t seen it yet. Is it good?”
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“Let’s go, then,” she said, returning the smile and started walking with the other girl towards the cafe. “It’s beautiful,” she replied. “I actually just happened to stumble upon this place. I wasn’t actually planning on staying here. Well, I didn’t really have any plans, so there’s that. What about you?” 
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“Yeah! I’d love too.” Emily smiled, happy to change the subject and to get coffee, one of her absolute favorite things. “How are you liking it so far?” she wondered as they began to walk to the cafe.
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Really? I knew it was popular, but I had no idea it was doing that well. That’s incredible.
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Actually, Jurassic World is the third highest-grossing film in all of cinematic history, so Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas really do make a dynamic duo.
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He really is. And the transformation from his Parks and Rec days is incredible. 
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I’m not gonna lie, Chris Pratt is a fine hunk of a man.
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“I suppose it is, but maybe you’ll get lucky the third time. Third time’s a charm, right? Have you been surfing for long?” 
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“That’s true, I guess,” Laila mumbled. “I believe it’s bad luck, though, not having any good waves the first time surfing of the year.”
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