wandering dragon
63 posts
hello hello! wander, they/it, 24. Decided to make a new dragonkin blog because I missed it.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
I've seen some critters on here say "physical nonhuman" or "biologically nonhuman", and I haven't seen those terms before. Can anyone explain em? Are they new terms or have I just not seen them? Lol
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
being a huge dragon would be so awesome bc i wouldnt have to work bc nobody would hire me (too big) (tail and wings get in the way of and knock over everything) (would eat my boss) but its okay because everyone would love me so much that they give me all their money . and if not i can steal it from elon when i eat him
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
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He's just like me for real
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
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A long post about my hearthome
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Context- I must explain first… If you are an alterhuman that’s not familiar with my blog, I gotta explain I’m a turtle spirit/god
So take that information now because this post will make so much more sense if you know that about me lol
also please excuse spelling errors
Intro-I don’t think of myself as a past life aterhuman, but I am for sure a spiritual alterhuman.
In short, my experience is knowing my species identity not as a “I was once this” but rather “I was supposed to be this”
My hearthome is a similar thought. I know I was supposed to be born (or hatched) there but something failed in a cycle of either reincarnation or karma.
I am certain that I belong there but I’ve never actually been to the place. All I get are glimpses of it.
What it looks like- My hearthome is just one big  continent on an otherwise completely oceanic planet, with a few small islands scattered around the sea. It’s very similar to Earth’s Pangea.
I was supposed to be from one of the small islands but we’ll get back to that later…
The continent itself is very jungle-like and possesses bioluminescent rivers and ponds. Most of the architecture was built similarly to early eastern Asian architecture. As for the islands, most remained untouched but others were formed into small villages of huts and treehouses.
Who lived there- There are a variety of creatures that inhabit the world but the major ones are humans, animals, and ‘animal gods’ or demigods.
Demigods are usually half animal/half humanoid but some demigods were even created to be a place of elements. (oceans, forests, mountains, stars, etc)
I am a demigod from this world and I mostly resemble a green sea turtle but sometimes I see myself as a red eared slider, I’m not actually sure
All demigods or elemental beings were created by dragons, who were complete gods. Some dragons became teachers for the newly spawned demigods to show them their ways and philosophies but very rarely.
They have to have a very big plan for you if they are going to teach you forbidden knowledge when you were just born.
What was the culture like- Now that you know some information about the main continent, I would like to shift the subject to my island home. The name of the island was never told to me but I do know about the practices and beliefs we share.
Opalite is extremely important to us. My clan uses them to create  spears, bowls, and jewelry. The way we get these gems is not really possible in the current world I live in, because opalite here needs to be crafted by a human, but in my hearthome, the gems would be formed from the sand and would scatter the ocean floor until someone swam to the bottom to retrieve a piece. Grabbing your first opalite is very much of a ride of passage for my village.
Unlike the people/creatures on the continent who honor dragons, we chose another creature to be our symbol, Orcas. We know the significance of the dragons of course but we put more praise in the creatures we see everyday, rather than dragons that only resided in the main areas of the world.
Makes sense now, knowing that I’m orcahearted
The food we prepare on the island is always amazing. We usually hunt our own fish and grow our own fruits. Most of the fruits that exist on the island sadly don’t exist on this world.
Surfing and sailing is how my village got around to other islands or to the continent, but mainly we did it for fun.
Clothing is usually loose and silky. Mainly lots of beads, gems, and lightweight fabric. Shoes aren’t worn unless you are traveling a long distances, then you would wear geta shoes or something of the sort.
Our music is what I miss/yearn for the most. I wish I could describe it but it’s like it doesn’t want to translate into human words. I don’t think I can verbally illustrate it in a way that gives it justice. It feels like water…? It makes you feel like water is rushing around you, like you are in the center of a river made only of sound.
I think I should stop here, as I am loosing my words…
I apologize if this one was an info dump but I appreciate you reading through all this, even if you are one of the sneaky critters that skipped to the end.
I wish I knew more. I wish I could truly be there but that’s not possible. All I have are visions that I hold close to my chest that I now share with you :)
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
ok well if i was a wolf i would
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
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#2 -玉森 (jade forest)- A pretty green dragon and protector of forests 🌿🍃✨🌲🌳
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
nonhumans online call those webkinz
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
Can't sleep because of these goddamn WINGS getting in my WAY! Lay on my side? Nope, feels weird on the spine. Lay on my back? Nope, bends awkwardly. Lay on my stomach? Nope, too heavy, smushes me. HELP
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
Tell me why it took me ten years to realize when I'm happy and do this weird little wiggle thing I'm just WAGGING MY TAIL
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
Happy New Year 2024 from Korea.
Year of the 🐲🐉!
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ceaselesswanderer · 1 year ago
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ceaselesswanderer · 2 years ago
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ceaselesswanderer · 2 years ago
People tagging this with their “weird” kins are making me so happy. Hello pigeons and millipede and monkey and insects and parasites!!
Thinking about folks who are kin with "ugly" or "weird" animals tonight. Y'all are awesome and deserve more love
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ceaselesswanderer · 2 years ago
Thinking about folks who are kin with "ugly" or "weird" animals tonight. Y'all are awesome and deserve more love
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ceaselesswanderer · 2 years ago
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ceaselesswanderer · 2 years ago
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gluggafoss, hvolsvöllur
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ceaselesswanderer · 2 years ago
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An ad for your deepest desires :)
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