ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
Palms pressed against the edge of his desk for support. The usual cane he clutched in his right hand had been long forgotten back at his home. Though far from an accident. A man with his fortitude could withstand a day of five minute delays instead of hushed whispers from his own students. The laughter when he would clumsily drop a book or two was something he did not miss. In a way, he felt he might be able to empathize with Seonho’s feelings - if the boy was aware of the rumors.
“You’re free to sit back down, you know. I’m not kicking you out for being early. Especially not when it’s my best student,” Jinil harbored up every modicum of strength he had to swivel on the heel of his foot, but he hobbled to the blackboard with nothing but a silent grimace. “Anyway, it’s good to hear that you’re confident about it, but…” He turned his head to gaze at the teenager. 
“A few little birdies told me you probably won’t have a lot of free time in the future. Not to pry, but are you sure you’re going to be able to manage all that pressure, Seonho?” As a teacher, he knew it would do him well not to show such obvious bias for a student, but Jinil would not hesitate to call one Yoo Seonho one of his prized pupils. It was only natural he wanted to see the boy successful.
seonho returns to his seat once permission was given, an appreciative smile given to his teacher. some might call him a teacher’s pet, but he didn’t even understand the negative connotations behind that name. what was wrong with having your teachers like you? being appreciated for your work? but oh no, that was too prideful of him to think. he just liked being on people’s good sides — in fact, he wondered why that seemed to be such a foreign concept to most people.
he opens his mouth to respond, but closes it quickly afterwards. seems like his teacher was more observant that he thought. he appreciated the concern, but it was definitely not something he wanted to talk about, at least for the moment. pressure was something he had lived with for as long as he could remember — this was nothing.
“don’t worry about me, i’ll be fine,” he smiles reassuringly, nodding ever the slightest as if it would make his words seem more genuine. “it’s true i won’t have as much time to study as i would like, but i’m sure i can squeeze in some readings in between schedules.” truthfully, it didn’t sound very promising for his grades which was a source of stress in itself  — he didn’t want to ruin his record now of all times. his mother wouldn’t much like him failing classes now because he couldn’t multitask properly, and he knew it was something he was capable of.
“i’ll try my very best,” he repeats, somewhat less energetically than before. 
* Rumor Mill
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
hello so! i might’ve been kinda stuck on plotting for this guy so i got off my ass and finally made his plots page. please send me an im if you’re interested in any of them! as for plots i’m currently discussing, i might be dropping some as i’ve changed some stuff up. i’ll be reply to ims with my decision soon, though. thank you for being patient with me ;v; i’ll work on stuff for hyeri too soon.
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
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a puppy?
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
She isn’t sure what’s worse, the idea of him being a magical hero or him getting into a fight on the street.
No, the idea of him being a hero and getting into a fight on the street is worse. So much worse, but she’s been helping these kids long enough to pick up on things. And the fact the Seonho would probably never have come to her if it wasn’t for the other heroes she’s taken care of so often her name was an automatic recommendation to all new kids.
But if he wants her to play dumb then she will do just that. 
It didn’t mean she couldn’t fuss, however. 
The gasp of surprise leaves her lips before she can stop herself. “A fight? Seonho, I can’t believe you!” Hastily perching herself beside him on the couch she reaches for his hand
“You’re my good kid. Who would want to start a fight with you?” She couldn’t help, but worry and coo over Seonho at times, especially times she thought he needed it. He was just so sweet and it even got her to the point that she felt bad for yelling at him during lessons. “Oh, you poor thing…” 
Setting the ice pack down in his lap she shot him an apologetic glance before gentle fingers tugged at his hand. 
“Lemme see.” It was already swelling, but it didn’t look broken and a quick, “This is gonna hurt a little. I’m really sorry, kid…” as she poked and prodded at the bones, his knuckles, feeling over his paln and pressing her fingers into his wrist. 
“Ah, it’s not broken… at least from what I can tell and you can still move it? It’s probably just a sprain– you got this from what? Punching the other kid?” 
“i accidentally bumped into someone and i guess it escalated from there...” seonho trails off, avoiding eye contact. i guess? really? god, he was bad at lying. her concern was touching, but he couldn’t bear to let her worry — though he supposes he wasn’t doing a good job of convincing her otherwise. he thinks he should’ve taken care of it himself, maybe hide it from the others when he returned to the dorms — but no. he couldn’t risk infection, or worse, running into another monster on the way back. there was simply too much he still needed to do. so, as much as it upsets him to trouble taeyeon with his mistake, he had to suck it up. it wasn’t just his pride on line — it wasn’t just his future that laid in his hands.
he winces as she moves his hand, biting down on his lower lip. the throbbing pain wasn’t anything he hadn’t felt before, but god, did it still hurt like a bitch.
“mm, feels a bit stiff though,” he nods, wriggling his fingers a bit to prove his point. “and erm...i think the guy twisted it when i tried to fight back...? then i...fell on it at a wrong angle.”
might as well tell her the truth at this point.
“it won’t take too long to heal right? there’s something important soon and i...” he stops, afraid of revealing too much, but he gives her a look of worry as as answer.
.not the favorite son
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
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though he says he restricts this account to only close friends, the follower/following count is over 100 – he might claim that he just has that many friends but really, he just has a habit of accepting & following anyone who finds this account, even if they aren’t all that active.
on his main instagram, he tries to keep it light & fairly clean looking, and his posts tend to follow a beige/white theme. he posts pictures of things he thinks are cute or pretty, including his friends & his own outfits. his story is a bit more busy, as he updates almost every day with selfies & even MORE pictures of his friends.
ft. @ccminhyun / @ccyongguk / @ccfamine / @ccseonho / @ccniel / @ccxjoy / @ccseongwoo / @ccxjeongguk / @cceunki / @cchyeri 
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
seonho’s schedule was a mess. not that it hadn’t always been, but it had gotten even more intense recently. his hero activities coupled with his recent idol business added onto his already existing classes? he was surprised the world even had this much time to offer. thankfully, he had always been fit, so it wasn’t tiring him out that much, but it was a bit distracting at times, thinking about one thing when he was supposed to be focused on another. thanks to that, he finds himself zoning out more recently, to the dismay of his various tutors.
the sky sure was cloudy today — he wondered if he would have to borrow an umbrella later on. he never bring his own, always insisting he would run through the rain whenever minhyun pushes him to take one along. he supposes he should listen once in awhile, if not simply to sate his leader’s fussing.
seonho hardly notices the new presence in the classroom, only turning back around when a familiar voice was heard. 
“hm?” he looked down at his watch. oh, he was right. how did he mess up his timing so bad? “i must’ve gotten the times mixed up,” he laughed sheepishly, standing up out of politeness. “of course i did, i’m confident this time around,” he puffed out his chest subconsciously, a rather proud tone to his voice. if there was anything he was good at, it was...most of the things he worked at. he liked improving, after all.
* Rumor Mill
Calling @ccseonho to the front of the class.
The stresses of being a teacher at a high school with hormonal, dramatic teenagers often included unintentionally eavesdropping on gossip. The two girls loitering in front of his classroom, one leaning against the door, made little effort to conceal their rumor spreading. Both were far too occupied with scrolling through their social media feed to notice him stepping behind them.
“Didn’t you hear about it? He’s, like, totally untalented, too. I bet the teachers just give him good grades because he’s ‘famous’ now. Stupid…” “His looks are all he has going for him anyway.” “Yeah, totally. I can’t believe he goes to the same school–”
It was then that Jinil finally made his presence known. He cleared his throat, loudly, and glowered over the students until they made their hasty leave. With an irritated tilt of the head, he entered his empty classroom. It was too early for his temper to be drawn so thin already. However, when he noticed his classroom was, in fact, not empty, the anger suddenly dissipated. The teenager’s tall form almost seemed cramped stuffed into one of the smaller desks, but he seemed to pay no mind to it, his attention focused elsewhere.
“Seonho? Why are you here so early. Class doesn’t start for another hour,” He couldn’t help but let his thoughts linger to the gossip he heard just moments earlier. It couldn’t be about his prized pupil, could it? “Did you study for the exam?”
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
it was lonely. not that he ever had much company at home but it at least held some traces of his family. the dorms, however, felt so foreign — he wasn’t used to living on his own. the other members had been welcoming, sure, but relationships weren’t built overnight. his attitude had been formal, polite, not wanting to upset the balance he had already tipped by joining in the first place. 
the night he moved in was suffocating, his own imaginations and scenarios driving himself wild. they definitely weren’t happy to see him, to have him replace the former member they had trained so long with. no one likes being replaced, he knows that well enough.
still, he kept up a friendly attitude — this situation wasn’t their fault, after all. emotions were emotions, and he was sure things would get better in the future...but for now...
seonho sighed, stretching out on the unfamiliar bed. it was shorter than the one he had at home, his feet pressing against the metal frame. he would’ve never thought a slightly less-than-adequate bed like this would’ve affected his sleep so much, but who was he to complain. he flipped over so he’s on his back, propping the comic book he had been reading up on his chest. a few pages flicked through, a few messages answered on his phone, and then a knock.
he opened his mouth to respond, but his energy was nowhere to be found. perhaps if he kept silent, the leader would assume he was asleep?
oops, busted.
“oh, sorry. didn’t hear you,” seonho sits up slowly, words soft, but tone stiff. “no, it’s fine,” he gives a small smile. “wouldn’t want to intrude.” 
now that, he didn’t mean to say.
— comfort ❞
↠ @ccseonho
the fans declared a state of emergency after the announcement of seonho’s addition to the group. the members themselves had been surprised at first, digesting the news shortly before it was announced to the public. opinions were divided among the fans but united among the miracle boys; minhyun remembered grouping up the other three and telling them that he would not tolerate any mistreatment towards the maknae. they needed to show strong friendship now more than ever; whether they were bonded by contracts or not, the leader did not want any of them being left behind. it was his job, but also what he felt was the right thing to do.
seonho moved into the dorm very recently. had it been one, two days? a week already? time was a foreign concept to rookie idols with a schedule as packed as theirs. even more for minhyun who had hero duties to uphold. he could barely recall his last night of restful sleep this past month. this combined with the actual apocalypse he’d lived through just a couple months prior… let’s just say he would not have refused a vacation.
the five of them were at the dorms and playing videogames in the living room, except seonho whom they had not seen in a while. the door to the room he shared with daehwi was closed, suggesting he could be sleeping. but minhyun had sensed the maknae’s distress from the very beginning, as much as he tried to hide it from them. while he decided to give him some time to sort his feelings out on his own, he was starting to worry. the idea of leaving him by himself when he should be having fun together with the members was unbearable to minhyun, who excused himself from the living room to place a few gentle knocks on seonho’s door. “it’s minhyun. i’m coming in.”
he turned the doorknob, head peeking inside to check if the youngest would react, but when nothing of the sort happened, the leader walked in. “you should come play with us.”
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
“You… tripped…” Taeyeon knew a beat up hero when she saw one and even if Seonho is the last kid she would expect, these magical little shits never stop surprising her. She glances from his torn up uniform to his obviously swollen hand to his clearly nervous expression. 
Right, if he didn’t want to say it, then she wouldn’t either. 
A heavy sigh and Taeyeon was reaching for his good hand to pull him inside. “Of course, I can.” Even before looking too closely she could tell it was either a minor fracture or a sprain. Nothing serious and no blood. “C’mon, kiddo. Let’s go in before Pacha gets out.” 
The second she can close the door, she ushered him along to the couch, two dogs sniffing at his heels as she hurried along to the kitchen to grab one of the ice packs out of the freezer.  
She should have a splint in her EMT closet too. 
“You know, I knew you were bad at dancing, but I didn’t know your coordination was so terrible that you couldn’t even walk.” 
Quickly padding back into the living room, the ice pack wrapped in a dish towel, she held it short of handing it to him just yet. Fixing him with what the heroes like to call her ‘mom’ look Taeyeon asked him, voice firm, but not pushy, 
“Unless there’s something you want to tell me?” 
“yeah...tripped...” wow, he was unconvincing. lying has never been his strong suit, and it’s not looking like it’ll ever be. “you know, asphalt is rough...and stuff,” really, he should just shut his mouth now, but it seemed like she was willing to let it slide. 
“thank you,” he mumbles, though repeating it louder once more afterwards  — manners and all. he follows her in and waits for her to return from the door. 
the path to the couch was a familiar one, though he could never quite get used to the two canines. it wasn’t like he hated them, he had never been good around animals in general. he takes a seat cautiously, hoping neither of them leaped onto him.
ouch, harsh. seonho wasn’t sure if his hand hurt more or his pride from that burn. she was right, but still—
“...there’s nothing,” he mutters, reaching out for the ice pack. it didn’t seem right to tell her, though he supposed she deserves to know in return for helping him. problem was, he wasn’t quite familiar with the rules on the whole magic thing yet. was he even allowed to tell her? is there some kind of secrecy rule? if only he paid more attention during the briefing.
“actually...i got into a fight,” he supposes that will do for now. seems more believable that his previous excuse. “i didn’t start it though.”
.not the favorite son
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
he should really stop reading, he tells himself. it wasn’t healthy, both the fact that he had the phone way too close to his face, and the fact that the comments were eating away at his mentality little by little. the abyss of negativity and hate that just kept pulling and tugging at him to continue scrolling. he didn’t know what he was looking to get out of this — a compliment? hardly, those were rare, and even when the appeared, they were simply words he couldn’t accept. he understands he is flawed (in oh so many ways), he knows he’s dragging his members down. the comments were harsh, but true — he wasn’t about to turn a blind eye to their wisdom. granted, half of them were simply baseless insults, but the other half pointed out his failings perfectly. 
seonho wished he could reply, tell them that he agreed with their points and that he would work harder to improve, but their manager would skin him alive if he even tried. it was a naive thought, but he sometimes wished they would give him a chance to improve — but, alas, that was wishful thinking. the world of idols and netizens was way too harsh for someone like him. he’d heard of fandoms and such before, but there was no way it could’ve prepared him for any of this. he tried to be rational, to be mature about it, but oftentimes it drove him to tear-filled nights with his pillow. it was frustrating, draining. to see the look on his mother’s face when he told her about the situation, to see her proud smile sink into something much, much worse...
anything but that.
seonho snapped out of his trance-like state at daehwi’s interruption. he glanced at the older boy questioningly but followed suit, tucking his phone into his pocket. he moved wordlessly, attempting to reset his emotions so he could smile his usual smile at daehwi, it was hard (but he was used to it).
“all of a sudden?” he blinked curiously. “i didn’t even notice we had so many left,” of course, that was thanks to the fact they were mostly addressed to the others, but he decided to let that part slide. “shouldn’t you get one of the others to open them with you?”
჌cheer up baby
he wasn’t oblivious to it, to the comments on their videos, to the cruel tweets hashtagged with their names. he was there for the petition that circulated to have seonho removed from the group, he was there for the threats of a black ocean at their next live appearance. even at school, they were relentless with notes on his desk and whispers behind his back. i want to tell them to stop, he’d complained to his manager, who’d promptly threatened to end his internet access should he even try. but he couldn’t, for the life of him, decipher why their own fans would treat their youngest member so cruelly.
he couldn’t tell them to stop, not with words pasted on their social media pages. but he could do his best to convey the message by other means, by showing how much he cared for seonho, by reminding the fans that they weren’t whole as anything but five.
he wasn’t oblivious to it, and he certainly didn’t miss the way seonho’s face had darkened over the past hour as he scrolled through his phone. daehwi stole a glance over his shoulder when his own comment from across the room to seonho about the day’s recording went unanswered, his own smile faltering at the first few words he glimpsed. how long had seonho been sifting through thousands of characters of negativity? how deep in the pit of his stomach had his heart sunk? the very thought of it made daehwi sick to his stomach, a rare sensation for the famine card. something had to be done.
“c’mere,” he finally chimed in, putting the warm smile back on his face and scrambling to his feet, tugging the hero behind him as he shuffled, on socked feet, out of their shared bedroom and toward the living room, where he knew a colorful pile of unopened fan gifts awaited, “let’s open presents.”
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
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— accessing joy's personal ig... joyseph1ne
joy has two instagran accounts. her main/public one has more followers, but her feed is more all over the place. her personal instagram feed theme changes up per row, some being dedicated to her friends! since she has a couple of idol friends, she made the instagram so dispatch (and other passerbys) wouldn’t pry! (she’s also trying to avoid questions from nosy cousins whenever she posts photos of her guy friends and being out during late nights.)
featuring. @cctaehyung / @ccxdanny / vinny / @ccseonho / @ccyeri / @cckhs ‘s gtav stream / @ccseongwoo / @ccjaebum / @ccxsejeong / @ccjonghyun‘s camera
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
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yoo seonho’s private instagram 
— ft. @ccminhyun, @cclucky, @cctaehyung, @ccguanlin, @ccxjoy, and @ccfamine.
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
it had been a particularly nasty fight, being the rookie he is. his uniform was dirtied and bruised at more places than he could hide (he would have to get a new one before classes tomorrow). seonho wasn’t quiet sure what to do in this situation — he had been caught off guard on his way back from school and that meant he was quite a bit away from both the headquarters and the dorm. he didn’t want to scare anyone with seeing him like this, though, and the street was familiar enough for an idea to pop into his head. there was no way he was going to take the train looking like this, and the way his hand throbbed was not helping anything.
he just hoped he wouldn’t freak her out too much.
seonho knocks on the door with his good hand, a breath swallowed as he hears her dog shuffling around being it. they always made him a bit nervous, not sure why. he waits a few moments before knocking again, hoping his teacher was even home. what would he do if she wasn’t? was he going to have to fix his hand himself? would he have to chop it off if he fucked up? oh god...he hopes not, he uses his hand a lot.
his thoughts were cut short as the door swung open, taeyeon standing there looking confused to say the least. he smiles awkwardly in greeting, trying to read her expression.
“...yeah,” he nods, looking back down at his injury. she was taking this surprisingly well. “i...erm...tripped...outside...and your house was the closest so i thought you could....help?” he was so bad at this lying thing.
.not the favorite son
Her neighbors hate her. They hate her, she knows. That or they think she’s running some kind of illegal business with how many people she has in and out of here. Nevertheless, Taeyeon is jerked awake by a pair of paws thumping on her chest and knocking the wind out of her for a solid minute while the buzzer to her apartment continued to agitate the dogs. 
This wasn’t unusual. She’s used to sudden visitors so Taeyeon merely rolls out of bed, blinking blearily at Pacha immediately taking her spot. 
Spoiled thing. 
Slipping on a robe, she shuffles through her apartment rather quickly. She has to, only has a few minutes to shake herself awake because she never knows what is waiting on the other side of that door. 
Sometimes it a nasty bruise to be, or sometimes it’s an ugly gash and some blood soaked clothes. 
But certainly, did she never expect Seonho, one of her idols. The last face she expected to be at her door, cradling a hand and looking very much like every other magical hero she knows. 
Behind her, Pacha pads out of the bedroom and nudges her aside to see what the ruckus is. “H-hey kid…” Well, she was awake now. 
He certainly looked a little worse for wear. “You’re hurt? Right?” 
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
yo i’m haru, former mun of the previous run’s ccvernon and ccsomi…and now i present to you …the stressed out prodigy, seonho! (i also play hyeri)
he’s an overachieving boy with way too many talents and way too little time. he’s the new maknae of the rookie idol group, miracle era — a revelation that came fairly recently (more on this later). he deals with a lot of pressure, both on his performance and his attitude — everyone expects him to be happy so he is. outwardly, he’s a meme boi who’s way too tall for his age and scary good at almost everything. inside, he’s on the verge of breaking. being a hero is his way of relieving stress, as well as a way of keeping his best friend and card, guanlin, safe.
anyways! here is his profile page, most info can be found there but please feel free to ask clarifying questions! i haven’t set up his plots page so i’ll drop some trivia about him under the cut.
and as always, like this post if you want me to pop into your ims for plotting!
(p.s i respond faster on twitter @/wannaonesharu!)
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love his friends
skinship is a+++
a bit shyer with female friends though
ace of his school’s basketball team
piano prodigy
has good grades
how is he alive
has so many high expectations on him at all times
stress eats a lot
eats a lot in general (growing boi)
will provide emotional support in exchange for food
actually just cares for his friends a lot
will hug your sad away
he doesn’t know how to show his own sadness though
internalizes and represses his negative emotions
cos people expect him to be a happy, cheerful person and he doesn’t want to let anyone down
calls everyone bro
forgets how tall/heavy he is sometimes and ends up crushing people in clinghugs
“no homo”s all the time
his humor is vulgar and immature most of the time
received a lot of hate after being added to miracle era
people didn’t like him replacing their missing member
also he’s not exactly that talented idol-wise
his fanbase is small but growing (look out for that comeback y’all)
please give him some fans!!!
he’s so hardworking he’s practicing so hard to live up to expectations 
super cool while playing the piano
scared of crowds cos of violent antis that one time
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ccseonho-blog ¡ 7 years
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