ccoe-us 5 years
Six Important Questions To Ask Before Surgery
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There is a high likelihood that you may require some form of surgery during your life. This could because you an active sports player suffering from an injury or that your body is struggling as a result of old age. In all cases, the objective of the surgery will be to improve your range of movement and overall quality of life. Modern surgical techniques mean that a lot of surgeries are less invasive than in the past, which results in shorter recovery periods. However, for most people, the prospects of surgery are still quite scary. Therefore, we have put together these six important questions to ask before surgery. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 5 years
A Quick Introduction To Patellar Tracking Disorder & Its Treatment
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The patellar, or knee cap as it is most commonly known, is a crucial part of the knee joint. We rely on the knees to perform a wide variety of movements. However, if we have very active lives or play a lot of sport, then we put a lot of strain on the joint. This can sometimes lead to misalignment and imbalances, which can develop into problems such as patellar tracking disorder. This short guide will take a closer look at patellar tracking disorder and its treatment. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 5 years
A Patient鈥檚 Factsheet: What Are PRP Orthopedic Injections?
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Every year there are many fantastic new developments in medical science. These advances are changing the face of how certain conditions and diseases are being treated. One fascinating advance in medicine has been the use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections. But, what are PRP orthopedic injections and how can they assist? In this post, we will let you know about what they are and why many people are very happy about their usage in relieving and even eliminating the symptoms of musculoskeletal pain. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 5 years
Getting The Perfect Round: How To Prevent A Golf Injury
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As the days start to get warmer, you might be putting in overtime on the golf course.However, your swing can be severely disrupted if you don鈥檛 look after yourself. Golf injuries can have an impact on your round, but also on your daily routine if you end up pulling or straining any muscles or tendons. As with any sport, injuries are things that will occur at some stage. However, there are steps you can take to minimise the risks. In this latest post, we will give a short introduction to common injuries and how to prevent a golf injury. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 5 years
Patient鈥檚 Guide: All You Need To Know About Hip Arthritis
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Hip arthritis is a painful condition which normally affects people over 50 years of age.
Several types of arthritis can affect the hip joint, but they all leave the sufferer with similar symptoms which can have a major impact on their daily lives. Thankfully, help is at hand and there are many things to do to minimise the impact of this condition. In this post, we will take a quick look at what causes hip arthritis and what can be done to provide relief if you develop symptoms. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 5 years
A Patient鈥檚 Intro: What is Tennis Elbow?
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Tennis Elbow is a painful issue which can affect the elbow of anyone who does any activity that puts the joint under repeated stress. It is very prevalent, and contrary to its name, it doesn鈥檛 just affect tennis players. In fact, playing instruments like the violin can cause the symptoms of tennis elbow. Although the condition usually affects more people in their 40s and 50s, it can occur at any time especially if you don鈥檛 take adequate rest after exercising or practising. In this short article, we will take a closer look at what tennis elbow is and what to do if you start feeling pain. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 6 years
Four Tips To Help Manage Your Arthritis Care
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Living with arthritis presents many difficult and painful challenges on a daily basis. Simple and regular daily activities can be difficult because of the pain associated with all forms of arthritis. Luckily, these days there has been a huge amount of research and developments which have made pain more manageable for sufferers. There is a huge amount of information and techniques available. While the severity of the symptoms can be different from person to person, these tips will help manage your arthritis care. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 6 years
Four Common Spring Training Injuries Which Afflict Pitchers
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This time of the year is an exciting but stressful period for baseball players around the country. I Now, we are well into spring training; the pressure of securing a spot on your desired team will be high. As a result, you might be tempted to push yourself to the limits and ignore strains and pain, which is never a great idea. It always makes sense to pay attention to your body and rest if you notice any niggling pain or aches. Continuing to play through the pain will end up causing more damage and lead to a spell on the sidelines. In this latest post, we take a look at some common spring training injuries and what you can do to avoid them. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 6 years
Top 4 Most Common Winter Sports-Related Injuries
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The cold winter months are a great time to enjoy a range of sports and activities on the snow and ice. No matter whether you enjoy high adrenaline sports or winter hikes, you have to pay attention to potential hazards which can lead to some nasty injuries.Even though many of us know that there are lots of risks involved in skiing, sledding, and other winter sports, we usually let the excitement take over us and don鈥檛 show proper caution. As a result, every year thousands of people are hospitalized because of winter sports-related accidents. In this post, we will take a closer look at the top 4 most common winter sports-related injuries and how to avoid them. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 6 years
Keeping Healthy: 5 Tips To Make Bones Strong
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Strong bones form an integral part of our bodies and enable us to do a variety of tasks. However, as we age, our bones start to thin and degrade due to wear and tear. We have reached our peak bone mass by the age of 30, but that doesn鈥檛 always mean it has to be all downhill from then on. It is never too early to start practicing good habits which will help to make your bones stronger and minimise the effects of aging later on in life. Take a look at these 5 tips to make bones strong, and see if you can start making some positive alterations today. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 6 years
5 Post-Operative Surgery Tips
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If you're facing surgery in the near future, there can be a lot of facts you need to keep track of. All of this different information can cause just as much anxiety as the surgery itself. But it doesn't have a be a daunting thing. Here are five pieces of advice for after your operation that will put your mind at rest and give you the optimum chance for a quick recovery. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 6 years
Nine Steps Toward Better Spine Care
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The spine is a miraculous body part. The way it interconnects the whole body is truly a marvel. However, many people don't take proper care of their spine, which can lead to deteriorating health. With these 9 tips, you'll manage to keep your spine in great shape for many years to come. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 6 years
Five Priceless Tips To Prevent Ankle Injuries During Winter
When the snow comes in the winter, there are many winter activities we can do. 聽However, these activities can be very challenging and put a massive strain on your feet and ankles. Even just going about your regular activities can present many hazards.聽 Generally, common sense will help people to get through the winter without any severe injury. However, these tips to prevent ankle injuries during winter should give you some clear guidelines no matter how active you plan to be. Read more here... 聽
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ccoe-us 6 years
Avoiding Time On The Shelf: 5 Tips For Preventing Injury
Injuries of any type are things which all professional sports players want to avoid like the plague. However, they are part and parcel of the sporting life, and it is possible that you may suffer some type of injury during your playing career. No matter what sport you play, you will always be at risk because of the demands you place on your body. All kinds of injuries will involve a period on the shelf, regardless of whether it is a muscle strain or more serious injury like an ACL tear. Prevention is always the best form of cure for sporting injuries, and these 5 tips for preventing injury should be rigorously followed at all times. Read more here...聽
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ccoe-us 6 years
MaximiZing Optimal Performance: Use Of Vitamin D For Athletes
Many studies have found a strong correlation between Vitamin D and optimal muscle function. These same studies have, also, found that many athletes are deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for humans of all ages. However, for athletes, Vitamin D can help them perform at a much higher level while also reducing the risk of injuries. 聽But before you head to the beach for your Vitamin D fix, read on to learn about the use of Vitamin D for athletes. Read more here...
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ccoe-us 6 years
Keeping Strong And Healthy: Exercises For Bone Health
No matter how old you are, it is strongly recommended that you stay as active as possible. The more active you are, the stronger your bones and muscles will be, which will help to protect you in the event of any accidents or trips. Once we get past 35, our bone density naturally decreases, so it is vital we remain active. As we get older, we are at increased risk of bone injuries and conditions such as osteoporosis, so having a regular exercise routine can help to minimize the risk factors. There are many different exercises for bone health which can be easily introduced into your daily life, even if you 'don't have time!' Read more here...
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ccoe-us 6 years
Quick Facts On Bone Cancer
Bone Cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer which accounts for about 0.2% of all cancers in the United States.There are many different types of bone cancer, but they are usually divided into cancer which begins in the bones (primary) or cancer which spreads into the bones from another part of the body (secondary). The American Cancer Society recently estimated that there will be 3,450 new cases of bone cancer diagnosed in the USA in 2018. In this article, we will briefly highlight the different forms of bone cancer. Read more here... 聽
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