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cbuttonduo · 3 days ago
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Silly :)
YAYYY!!! IT’S MY LITTLE GUY!!!!! He’s so cute oh my gosh ❤️ i love his hair and the freckles muah muah muah
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cbuttonduo · 3 days ago
the subway is an angel and they've plastered ads all over her
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cbuttonduo · 4 days ago
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cbuttonduo · 5 days ago
music note dividers
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requested by anon - you can find more here and here
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cbuttonduo · 5 days ago
watching children successfully and compassionately self-mediate conflict and wondering if it's possible to pinpoint where exactly it all goes wrong for us
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cbuttonduo · 5 days ago
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cbuttonduo · 5 days ago
the world is incredible. there are girls in this world, and there are also dogs. you can put melted cheese on any type of potato.  sometimes flowers grow even when nobody is there to water them. right now on this same planet where we live there are people who are in love with each other kissing each other on the nose. emotions and colours are both things that exist. everything is so great
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cbuttonduo · 5 days ago
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cbuttonduo · 5 days ago
the title of the last song you listened to is the epitaph on your tombstone
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cbuttonduo · 5 days ago
hyperfixation so strong you ask your band director to borrow a trumpet and she says YES
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cbuttonduo · 6 days ago
saw a saxophone player the other day that looked JUST LIKE TESSITURA WILBUR i was scared he had escaped
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cbuttonduo · 6 days ago
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cbuttonduo · 6 days ago
Loving your au so much brynn when I get out of artblock i will draw tessitura wilbur trust
EEE YAY YAY YAY!!! that’s so excitingogh i love heim…and i love your art so yay!! don’t feel pressured though, of course ❤️
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cbuttonduo · 6 days ago
tessitura wilbur would have like 5 sashes filled up with honor band metals . make that boy jingle when he walks theough the auditorium
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cbuttonduo · 6 days ago
brynn PLEASE tell me about your marching band/dci au!!!
might struggle to put this into words here but were just gonna have to go with it! so its basically two different story lines that merge together in the middle, focusing on ccrime because. What else.
also i apologize because it’s not. very fleshed out. but i came up with this 3 days agoooo soooo. its nothing special, it’s just a little love letter for my fav fandom and my fav hobby!
This is gonna be long i’m so sorry eeekkk!!! Don’t feel pressured to read /gen
(ive mostly been calling the au tessitura, which is the term for a singer or instruments most comfortable range)
Tommy’s story really starts around 6th grade. His best friend is Tobias Derscore, or Tubbo! They’re those neighbours that become really close cause of their proximity and then wreak havoc on the whole neighborhood. Plus, Tubbo basically lives at Tommy’s house, so the bond is pretty tight. (also, biological family sbi is not real here just to clarify. his parents are just some random people.)
Tommy is a kid who has always looked forward to playing trumpet. When he gets to middle school, and can finally join the band, he is unbelievably excited to become the best trumpet player his school has EVER seen. Tubbo hears a lot about it
And so, when you give a determined kid a trumpet, he’ll play. Tommy is not a prodigy by any means. The natural talent is lacking, and he gets frustrated easily for years. But he’s determined, and that’s the very thing that catches the eye of anyone who he plays for.
Honestly, despite being the best in his class and gaining a lot of opportunities over time (private lessons, honor bands, etc.) Tommy really struggles to actually enjoy music. It’s mainly a proving himself thing. That’s Tommy’s real journey - not becoming a star - just eventually learning that music can make him happy.
Freshman year, when Tommy can finally march, he LIVES for it. He loves the camps, he loves the music, he loves playing classic stand tunes and mocking the opposing team at games, he loves the small breaks between sets where he can goof off with his section, and he especially loves the marching. Tommy loves marching band.
But, things happen, and Tommy drops out of highschool at the end of sophomore year. No more marching band. It really messes with him. He hated school, but sometimes Tommy wondered if it would be worth it to go just for the band.
Therefore, when his dear friend Tobias sees Tommy’s suffering, he comes up with an idea. On one fateful day, Tubbo brings up a drum corps that is (luckily) nearby. (Tommy snaps back about “obviously i knew that tubbo mimimimimi” and to which tubbo says “then why aren’t you practicing for an audition?” And thats all it takes to get Tommy set on it.)
Shoot i’m rambling so bad its okay its okay its okayyyyyy
Of course, Tommy is super excited for the idea of being in a drum corps. (It’s marching band, but competitive, challenging and would fill his now empty schedule really quickly. Everything Tommy wanted!) But, after auditions, when he gets accepted its very. Nerve wracking.
He jumped straight into World Class, and having no Open Class experience he has no clue what to expect from his peer’s abilities. Attending his first practice helps with his anxieties a little bit, but it’s still insanely intimidating.
As time goes on, he gets obsessed with it, but is also always riding on an anxiety high at practice. Tommy wants to be the best all the time, and being put in a place where he’s not, makes him always on edge. Especially since he’s never been behind anyone before the drum corps.
He meets with Tubbo at their favorite diner after Every. Single. Practice. One day his best friend brings in this GUY. Extremely offensive to Tommy. His name is Ranbus, which he thinks sounds like a cat’s name. He does not like Ranbus. This GUY.
(Tubbo met Ranboo in the E.R. after he broke his arm. Ranboo was having an allergic reaction.)
Tommy’s assumption is that Tubbo was trying to replace him since he was busier with music than he used to be. Their friendship got pretty messy for a while, mainly because of Tommy’s refusal to communicate properly.
The gap that was left after he and Tubbo stopped meeting left Tommy more stressed out. So, when Tommy finally gets to speak to the drum major of [blank] drum corps, he desperately wants to be friends with him. Tommy idolizes Wilbur the same way he used to idolize his first director, because Wilbur was passionate just like Tommy.
He dreamed of learning from him, so he falls into the cycle of trying to impress Wilbur. (yikes!) Wilbur is genuinely so oblivious. But he does think the loud, obnoxious kid is funny. So they become friends! (Wilbur is also very much clinging to the friendship because Tommy is someone who he cannot associate with college. Which is something I’ll get into later!)
Okay. Wilbur. Who is Wilbur.
Wilbur Soot is one of twins, his older brother (by 10 minutes) being Techno (nickname given to him because of being a theatre tech kid.)
Wilbur never necessarily wanted to be a musician. But when his best friend, Eret, left theatre to play tenor sax, he felt so completely betrayed he just had to follow him.
But Wilbur fell in LOVE with band. Playing the trumpet made him so much happier than any other hobby he ever had.
I mean, he practiced non stop. Trumpet becqme a part of him. He would play his horn for hours after school, coming home at 3:00 to stay in the basement blowing until 8:00. Techno began to not even notice when he was playing, but when he wasn’t.
Just like Tommy, that passion brought Wilbur to honor bands, competitions, and anything else that could judge his skills. Unlike Tommy, he was never trying to prove his worth to others, but to himself. (#insecurity. #thinkabouttheelection.)
^ Techno and his twin’s relationship is. Very strained. Because he just doesn’t understand music and that’s really all Wilbur is anymore. They’re very close but just. awkward.
One day at an audition, Wilbur sees a flute girl wearing an ABBA shirt in the warm up room. He compliments her, and they immediately pop off together. Niki and Wilbur talk for their entire warm up period, securing a new friendship but absolutely FAILING that audition 😭
^They’rw besties. I love them so much in this au. They play duets together and share earbuds and write letters despite texting everyday and they go to coffee bars and they do mock auditions for each other and they go thrifting and niki makes him taste test whatever she bakes and wilbur cleans her room while they’re hanging out cause it s mess and they test each other on music theory and they live 2 hours from each other but are always trying to hang outthey’re so GOOD. THEYRE BESTIES. I LOVE T!RAINDUO. They’re actually abbaduo in this au but. You get the picture. I could talk about them for hours. AH
Okay. So. Wilbur is our beloved drum major in this story. He starts his majoring experience in junior year of Highschool :)
Wilbur is the most drum major ever. He even wins PEACOCKS once. PEACOCKS. Tommy is so jealous when he meets him. I would be too in fairness
Anywayyyyy. So, Wilbur’s reasons for joining a drum corps aren’t as obvious as Tommy’s, he just. Thinks it’d be fun. I mean eventually he becomes bored with his highschool’s marching band’d music, something Niki experiences too, and they decide to do it together.
Obviously Niki can’t march flute in a drum corp so she does guard. She meets Puffy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also. Wilbur hates college. Very important part of the overall storyline and when I say hate I mean like nearing the end of the story he is severly depressed.
It’s mainly because, deep down he knows he wants to study music. He wants to be a professional conductor one day. But his whole life Wilbur has been the fed the idea that musicians can’t be successful mimimi. So he’s studying for a stupid degree that he doesn’t want and severely struggles to keep up. (which, sure isn’t the worst thing I guess, but he’s already insecure as hell and it really messes him up. especially those few months when he’s on tour for dci and. uhm. he gets. very stressed out and cuts a lot of people off and he. he. tessitura has a very, very sad ending.)
After he meets Tommy, most of the story is just antics that they get into at practice and competition. There’s also a lot of sweet like passing down knowledge moments where Wilbur teaches Tommy how to conduct and play different techniques its sooo. GAH. He also gives Tommy his d trumpet when he gets a new one.
PLUS they do end up winning DCI preliminaries which has a really sweet celebration scene between the whole band. BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT!!!!! And the sad ending follows after that ahem. It reminds me of when everyone is celebrating on nov 16th while Wilbur is literally facing the button.
Some other stuff worth mentioning !!!!
Foolish is the trumpet section leader
Jack Manifold is a trombone player
Niki HATES Tommy. Not really sure why yet but I just think it’d be funny
Wilbur, Eret and Niki have facetime calls all the time and it’s really the only time Wilbur isn’t playing his trumpet
Wilbur’s suicide note was written on the back of their show music
Techno drives Wilbur to all of his practices because he’s scared of driving 😭 (LET ME PROJECT OKAY LET ME PROJECT.)
Their uniforms are inspired by the l’manburg ones :3 RED PLUMES!!!! Because I ❤️ red plumes!!!!! But white bibbers. Unfortunately. I HATEEE white bibbers.
T!Ranboo has triangle shaped eyebrows. He also plays bass clarinet in concert band but marches flute
T!Tubbo is a french horn player that marches Tuba (LOW BRASS REPRESENT 💪)
T!Tommy loves Bruce Springsteen
And here’s playlists of Niki qnd Wilbur’s music tastes :3 (i think its funny that the cover‘s turned out to be each other‘s favorite colors, red and blue hehe)
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cbuttonduo · 6 days ago
man. man. thinking about t!wilbur who runs through his scales and etudes every night before going to bed. t!techno gets so used to the muffled sounds that he can’t sleep when wilbur is out of the house.
thinking about like. t!wilbur stays up all night playing so techno has to set an alarm to go and get him in bed. sometimes he’ll find him slumped over facing the wall with a taped up poster of some trumpeter he doesn’t recognize. he might even polish his silver trumpet for him. im. twins……….
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cbuttonduo · 6 days ago
dang. dang. i think around half a year after tessitura wilbur kills himself niki is digging around her parents attic and finds TONS of disposable cameras. they’re all from like high school and some from the beginning of college. and when she gets them printed out and finds collections of candids of her dead best friend i mean. i mean.
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