cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Andrew + Emma S | F2F
“So... We should probably talk about you and Rob.” He says as approaching Emma and then sitting down near her.
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Andrew + Emma W |F2F
“Emma! Congratulations, I heard the wonderful news. You’re going to make a beautiful bride. Eddie will be over the moon when he hears you’re getting married.” A wide smile as he spoke to Emma who he considered a mutual friend, knowing her through Eddie.
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Andrew + Jeff | F2F
“This is a hell of a treat for your birthday. These animals are beautiful, dude. Happy birthday, how does it feel being older?” Andrew asks with a cheeky grin as he spoke to the older male.
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
How fucking rude of them. I’ll get you a towel, give me a moment.
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             What the hell? 
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Andrew had an amused look on his face as Santiago makes the remark, nodding his head in firm agreement. He lets the other finish speaking and then spoke as the question was posed. “He really did, this is a brilliant idea. What better idea than bringing animals to us. I love animals and this has been a great day so far. I feel like people will forget about the nominations for a brief moment.” 
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‘Y’know.             I never would’ve put a donkey and an emu together like this, but something about these two? Just makes sense,’ Santiago pondered out loud, hand gently scratching behind Jack’s ear. ‘I always knew true love could conquer all.’ Words were spoken in amusement, though there was some truth in the sentiment. His inner hopeless romantic couldn’t help admire the notion that two animals so different, had such a close bond. Taking a step back, gaze turned to the contestant beside him. ‘Jeffrey certainly knew what he was doing with this invitation, didn’t he? This is the happiest I’ve seen the house since those nominations.’ It wasn’t a bad birthday surprise either. Something about turning 42 on a farm full of baby goats somehow softened the blow of ageing another year without his children around to celebrate. 
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Andrew just listened until the good news came and claps his hands together. “That’s fantastic. Congratulations you lucky bastard!” Andrew came over and pats Jon on the shoulder.
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“I am the luckiest son of a bitch in the world, “ Jon held up his glass with a beaming smile, it was true, Emma had said yes. She’d fucking said yes and he was so fucking happy. “I’m getting fucking married!”
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
“Are you sure Rob would be so willing to go back? He didn’t seem so thrilled, Kris. It’s good news the new book will be out! I will be giving it a read.”
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“So, Stephenie is finally releasing the Midnight Sun book in August. Crazy fucking times. It’s a good book. Me and Rob will totally be up for doing a Midnight Sun film from Edward’s perspective playing 17 year olds as people who are in their 30′s. Right Rob?”
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
“You never can escape. It’ll haunt you forever.”
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“Just as I think I’m escaping Twilight… DAMN YOU STEPHENIE MEYER.”
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Andrew could smell the various dishes from miles that had intrigued him and he followed the scents. As he comes into the kitchen and is greeted by Zayn, a smile. “Hey, man.” A moment later eyes flicking around to look at all the dishes. “You’re right, is it a special occasion today? I’ll join you if that is alright? I wouldn’t want to impose.”
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A range of scents wafted around the second floor as Zayn shifted back and forth, from kitchen to dining area. Iftah wasn’t the same as it used to be when he was a kid. Back then, he’d been surrounded by family. The moment that sun set, they were all together, ready to share their second meal before fasting began all over again. It was a time to share and reflect. A time to celebrate faith.            But now? Now, Zee spent most Iftahs alone, par from Brad and Perrie. They might not share faith, but they at least kept him company. Still. He did what he can. His upbringing was one he would always cherish and honour. Placing the last dish down, the singer glanced up at approaching footsteps. ‘Hey,’ he greeted. ‘Sorry. I’ve taken up most’uh the table.’ It was better to cook too much, rather than too little, especially during Ramadan. ‘You can just shove some plates over if y’ need space. Can even join me if you’re hungry. There’s plenty to go around.’
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
“Happy birthday, I could sacrifice my body. I’d never deny a wish to someone on their birthday.”
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“It’s my birthday! And I just wanted to let you know I will take human sacifise or nail clippings for presents.”
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
“I’d say it’s a bit of both at the moment. I’m certainly not planning on fighting you, man. Good seeing you again, Tim. How have you been?” Andrew gave the familiar face a smile.
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“Is this a house or a boxing ring that I just stepped into? If anyone is thinking of fighting me, don’t. Not because I’m so badass and strong that I’ll knock you out, but because a gust of wind could blow me over on the wrong day, so you wouldn’t get much bragging rights out of it.” @cbbhqstarters​
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Andrew watched and listens as the woman plays the tune on piano. The mood was sombre and he comes over once she is finished playing. A hand placing onto her shoulder and he looks at her as speaking up. “Are you okay?” He says simply with a light smile.
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Danna quickly realized that her plan wasn’t going how she had imagined it would, thanks to the number of votes she had received. Instead of starting fights with those who’d nominated her, she went straight to her safe haven. As soon as she started playing the keys on the piano, she was instantly relaxed, even though this wasn’t something she usually shared. “I think of the days when this city was mine, I remember the praise ‘Ay, te adoro, te quiero.’ The neighborhood waved, and said, ‘Danna, be brave and you’re gonna be fine!’ And maybe it’s me, but it all seems like lifetimes ago,”  Danna looked up to stop the tears from coming down as she sang. “Straighten the spine, smile for the neighbors. Everything’s fine, everything’s cool. The standard reply: ‘Lots of tests, lots of papers.’ Smile, wave goodbye, and pray to the sky, oh, god…And what will my parents say?”
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
“Time flies when you’re having fun, Dianna! Happy birthday, almost catching up to me.”
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“Goodness me thirty four, when on earth did that happen?”
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
It always is hard saying goodbye. I can show you the kitchen and cellar if you would like?
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when i signed up for this show, i didn’t think it would be that hard to say goodbye to my darla. this is worse than any heartbreak i’ve ever experienced. i’m in desperate need of some wine. or chocolate. or both. so, where do i find some?
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Andrew + Zoe | F2F
“Hey, Catwomen. Would you want to hang out and get to know eachother better?” Andrew says with a smile appearing, he wanted to get to know mutual friends he and Rob shared. 
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Emma Stone and Robert Pattinson slept together. What will Andrew Garfield think when he finds out his best mate slept with his ex? Bros before hoes right?
Edward Cullen doesn’t agree, it seems. 
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cbbhqandrew · 4 years
Do you think Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield will ever get back together?
I think she had a better shot before she slept with his pal.
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