cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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bitten. y’all should send some asks/bug Widow while I nap so I have things to answer when I get back! 
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
Slaps her bum with a growl and pervy smile. :^)
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     Irritation writes its way across her face almost     immediately-- of all the uncouth and unprofessional     things this woman could do... Brows furrow and     while Widow consciously dials back her strength     she lands a hard punch smack dab to the Brits      nose.                  “Do not ever touch me like that.”
   A pause.
                        “Without my permission.”
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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                                    Fly like an Egyptian !
                                               Fareeha Amari / art cred.
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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                                41 people microwaved
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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this ask meme is based on the blog gravesuggestion.  i’ve divided it up into two categories  ( light  &  dark )  based on the themes.  some of these can be somewhat triggering seeing that the darker ones deal with a lot of death mentions.  please be cautious before continuing on!!
‘  at night i dream of you.  ’ ‘  don’t give up yet.  you still have time to fix things.  ’ ‘  falling in love with someone else is not a personal attack.  ’ ‘  i am still so weak when it comes to you.  ’ ‘  i can’t believe i let myself let you down.  ’ ‘  i don’t care where we go when we die,  as long as i’m with you.  ’ ‘  i dream of saying to you all the words i held inside until it was too late.  ’ ‘  i feel so warm  &  safe when you talk to me.  maybe i could love you if you’d let me.  ’ ‘  i finally let the right people in  &  i have never felt so loved.  ’ ‘  i like the way your nails paint red stripes along my spine days after you’re gone.  ’ ‘  i lived in your permafrost for twenty years  &  then you looked at me  &  i felt the warmth of spring.  ’ ‘  i once wished you’d leave me alone,  but i take it back.  ’ ‘  i want to be able to love someone else,  but you stretch your arms  &  spread your legs inside my heart so that there is no room for anyone or anything else.  ’ ‘  i want to believe that we got it right this time.  ’ ‘  i wonder how much longer i can cling to your light before it expires completely.  ’ ‘  i would travel across the world to be by your side,  because as long as you are with me,  anywhere is a perfect place to me.  ’ ‘  it took me awhile to realize it myself,  but you are not what other people say you are.  ’ ‘  it’s not that i really need you,  but life would be pretty boring without you around.  there’s no one i would rather be with.  ’ ‘  i’d like to stay like this for awhile.  ’ ‘  life  &  death don’t have to be so boring,  let’s make both an adventure.  ’ ‘  life imitates art,  they say.  i didn’t believe it until i started to notice the way your eyelashes look so much like tiny ink stroke.  ’ ‘  live your life so that when you die,  souls will come for miles just to hear your historic tales.  ’ ‘  make your exes jealous  &  your past self proud.  ’ ‘  maybe you’re what i needed to find in order to move on.  ’ ‘  never get caught falling harder.  they’ll never let you back up.  ’ ‘  please don’t go.  ’ ‘  some days it’s easier to just stop fighting it  &  succumb.  ’ ‘  sometimes,  you’ll find it hard to keep going,  but you always will.  ’ ‘  the desire i feel for you is that same itching,  insidious hunger that an addict has for their addiction.  ’ ‘  the worst thing about you is that you weren’t all bad.  ’ ‘  there is absolutely nothing  &  no one who can stop me.  ’ ‘  there is no route of losing you that is without pain.  ’ ‘  there’s still room for adventure  &  there is no one i’d rather have by my side.  ’ ‘  things didn’t turn out the way i planned,  but i’m alright with that.  ’ ‘  we could be really incredible together,  you know?  ’ ‘  you are beautiful  &  vibrant  &  confident.  you are light  &  laughter incarnate  &  every fiber of your being screams freedom  &  joy.  when i am with you,  i am truly happy.  ’ ‘  you are starlight incarnate,  from the grand way you sway your hips to the wide mysterious way you think.  blessed are any to be loved by you.  ’ ‘  you are too afraid of the future to let go of a past that was never kind to you.  ’ ‘  you call me yours  &  i have no idea what that even means to you.  ’ ‘  you remind me of bubblegum  &  sweets;  soft  &  pink  &  warm.  you are strong in the gentlest way.  you are so stubbornly kind.  i wish i could be like that.  ’ ‘  you still visit me while i sleep sometimes.  your fingers trace my spine  &  i listen to you breathe.  please stop haunting me.  ’ ‘  ‘morbid curiosity’ is a wonderful way to describe how i feel about you.  ’
‘  a thousand empty bottles  &  fist fights will never return to us what we lost that day.  ’ ‘  everyone else has moved on,  but i am still here.  ’ ‘  everything about you screams danger.  ’ ‘  everything is worthless to you  &  you,  in turn,  became worthless.  ’ ‘  for once in my life i want to be surrounded by people that i don’t feel like i need to impress.  ’ ‘  freedom is really hard to get used to.  ’ ‘  how could you do this to me?  how fucking could you?  ’ ‘  i am becoming everything we always dreamed of  &  i am leaving you behind.  ’ ‘  i buried you so well that you might as well have died.  ’ ‘  i can rest easy knowing that the person i love is dead  &  not the monster you became.  ’ ‘  i can’t look at you.  not now,  not ever.  ’ ‘  i don’t ask how you’ve been.  what’s the point?  you’d lie anyways.  ’ ‘  i dream of hearing the words i so desperately needed to lay your memory to rest.  ’ ‘  i haunted this house first.  there is no room for you here.  ’ ‘  i have a right to be upset.  i loved them too, you know.  ’ ‘  i just want it to end.  i want it to all go away.  i want to go away.  ’ ‘  i may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing,  but a snake hiding in the skin of a mouse is far more dangerous.  ’ ‘  i saw your face today  &  didn’t feel anything.  i am free.  ’ ‘  i tried to save you,  but you didn’t want to be saved.  you just wanted someone to suffer with you.  ’ ‘  it’s almost as if you were never here.  ’ ‘  it’s unhealthy to do these things,  you tell me.  you say it’s time to stop smoking,  time to stop gambling,  &  dammit,  i f you don’t stop drinking it’ll kill you.  i sure hope you’re right,  darling.  ’ ‘  i’m always pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to kill you in my mind  ’ ‘  i’m not really scared to die.  i’m more afraid that no one will miss me when i’m gone.  ’ ‘  i’m not the person you left behind anymore.  there’s no one here to miss.  ’ ‘  i’ve been dead far longer than i’ve been alive.  ’ ‘  i’ve eaten nothing but flower petals  &  ivy for weeks because i want to be beautiful inside like you.  ’ ‘  i’ve never been completely satisfied.  i most likely will still be unsatisfied long after my death.  ’ ‘  no motive other than pleasure,  my dear.  ’ ‘  one day i’ll go or you will.  either way,  it will be as if i’m losing a piece of myself.  ’ ‘  our dreams  &  promises decay along with you.  ’ ‘  the leaves change,  but nothing else does.  ’ ‘  the only difference between avoiding  &  leaving is that now i’m not waiting up for you.  ’ ‘  there is no such thing as a person who is required to love you.  ’ ‘  there’s only so much that can be done to repair old damage.  ’ ‘  things aren’t going as i hoped.  maybe if i die,  i can start over again?  better luck next time.  ’ ‘  this is not something to be proud of.  this is a tragedy.  ’ ‘  trying to get rid of me?  oh honey,  you’ll have to try much harder than that.  ’ ‘  trying to get under my skin?  you’re nothing more than a pesky itch.  ’ ‘  unlike you,  i can’t hide my identity when it becomes an inconvenience or a danger.  ’ ‘  weeping is for gods  &  martyrs,  we cannot afford such luxuries.  ’ ‘  would you even miss me?  ’ ‘  you are not important enough to earn an eternal place in my heart.  ’ ‘  you complain nonstop about being unloved  &  alone,  i can’t imagine what you’d be like if that were actually true.  ’ ‘  you don’t know what it’s like.  ’ ‘  you made this so fucking easy for me.  ’ ‘  you should see me as a threat.  i will tear down everything you know until there is nothing left of you.  i am a walking threat.  ’ ‘  you think i’m already gone,  but i’m still fighting.  ’ ‘  you think i’m dead,  but i’m just dying.  ’ ‘  you were never an addiction,  you were a fucking disease.  ’ ‘  you wouldn’t dare cross me.  i am god  &  you are the soil beneath my feet.  ’ ‘  your existence takes up so much more space in mine that we might as well be one entity.  ’ ‘  your fingers are so cold  &  bruised,  but you’re still slamming your fists again the barricade as if it makes a difference.  ’ ‘  your hair is tied in a noose  &  your fingernails are razor blades,  your lips are poison  &  i will gratefully kiss them.  ’ ‘  your hatred has a body count  &  we will not forget.  ’ ‘  your loss,  not mine.  ’ ‘  you’re a sick fuck.  you know that?  ’ ‘  you’re not gentle with me  &  i would never ask you to be.  ’ ‘  you’ve trapped yourself so thoroughly in your own mind that it’s not even a rut anymore,  it’s a pit.   ’
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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bitten. How to fluster Widowmaker in two easy steps: 1) Treat her like a human being and not an object to be used by other people. 2) Compliment her modifications/react positively to them despite them making her look inhuman. You will deal with a very confused & flustered Widow but she unfortunately does not deal with either of the above well and will likely run, or punch u depending on who u are.
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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bitten. I FINALLY FOUND A GOOD VOICE CLAIM THANKS TO MI GF @amongheroes Here are a few examples of my own hc for Widow’s voice:  x       x        x
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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bitten. Any Anas or Pharahs who wanna.. plot some shit that’ll wreck peoples’ hearts should hmu bc I would love some angry Amaris and no-regrets-widow duking it out.
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are.
Site being used (x)
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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bitten. Happy Sinday, friendly reminder Widow is a bisexual babe but she’s a freak in the sheets so there’s that.
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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                                     ONE SHOT, ONE KILL.
                                               canon divergent widowmaker.     art credit
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
unflappable characters whose steely demeanors completely collapse when your head’s between their legs (◡‿◡✿)
articulate & concise characters with mellow, level voices reduced to shaky, incomprehensible moans when you fuck them (◕‿◕✿)
collected characters completely losing grip of their self-control through sex (ノ♡ヮ♡)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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                                                 D&D Day 1
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
Character building time. Fill my inbox with questions about my muse!
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
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 The android perks at the sound of her name, smile curling her lips at the source. She’s treated to a crimson flash, inhuman teeth eternally startling and fascinating her. The things Talon had done to Amélie Lacroix… it was simply heartbreaking. Yet the goddess knows better than to stare ( with sad, affectionate eyes ) and turns emerald down to the toes of her shiny heels. The question gives her wandering mind a goal and, with a curt nod to the other, begins her search. Medical records for every agent race behind her eyes, nails tap, tap, tapping against her arm as she searches. Ah, Widowmaker…. “It has been exactly six months and twelve days since your last session, your longest period without visiting the good doctor.” With a flash of pain in her optics, Aphrodite does not offer to schedule an appointment.
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       “I...” her brows furrow, and her mind wanders to that fateful        night in King’s Row. Sure she’d carried her mission out to         Talon, Mondatta died in the back of a Limo and tensions between        humans and omnics were never higher than they were now.        The Widow may be a deadly weapon but social ties were not        her forte, she does not understand them logically and any        semblance must be cut before it gets out of hand.
       “Agent Tracer was present in King’s Row. I could have killed        her, but why didn’t I?” She’s not so stupid to surmise that it        may have been simply because Agent Tracer was not her        intended target. “She was laying on the ground and she        had been thoroughly incapacitated. I could have killed her.”
She pauses.
                  “Do I need to go back and be reconditioned?”
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
Does Widowmaker do any specific routines waking up? Going to bed? Throughout the day? What about habits, good or bad?
Development Questions | Accepting
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   So Widow lives in Talon assigned barracks-- she is a weapon and not a person and they keep her on premises at all times to reinforce that idea. That said she is a human being genetically and while she does not require as much sleep as a normal person she does need it. Her evening routine generally is to change out of uniform into a secondary ‘off-duty’ uniform, keep her hair tied up in a pony tail, brush her teeth, etc and go to sleep. Waking up is again a very simple, sterile routine of grabbing her clean uniform, showering, changing, brushing out her hair and then tying it back up. There’s nothing fancy to it and it’s very reflective of how she views herself and how Talon looks at her.
   Her day consists usually of missions, sometimes she will be deployed on distance trips to various locations and therefore given a secure hotel room or something along those lines to stay in. In which case Widow does enjoy brief moments of exploring the cities she visits via the rooftops. She doesn’t dare walk among the people after all the physical modification she’s been through, given how most of the world feels about omnics. 
   As for habits, she works out regularly. She keeps her body in top physical condition and ensures like clockwork she’s eaten, kept her body hydrated, and done all she needs to do. She’s a weapon to be kept in pristine condition. 
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cauchcmar-blog · 8 years
I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (via cremisiusaclassii)
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