catwentnugget · 3 years
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Happy Halloween y’all
If you can draw hands, fingers and all, I envy you with a passion.
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catwentnugget · 3 years
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“In the silence, I sit alone on my throne and wait eagerly for all the satisfaction and triumph to hit me. I wait, and I wait, and wait. But it doesn’t come.” - Rose Society, Marie Lu
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catwentnugget · 3 years
What Did You Do?
Final part! I hope you guys like it! You guys can request from both MCU and MLB ideas for fanfics to write. No 100% that I make it a fanfiction but it’ll always be an idea.
“Originally, I’m here on- a trip with some friends,” Ladybug lied, “And I was at the museum in my civilian identity when Techno-Pirate came crashing through the ceiling so I quickly got out and changed to fight. What Chat Noir was doing this whole time here, I’m not honestly sure.”
“My father took me on a trip here for the week and I went sight-seeing for the afternoon when the akuma hit down, leading me to be there as well.” The blonde added.
“Alright, now who is this ‘Techno-Pirate,’?” Steve asked.
“An akuma. A person who had negative feelings to a certain extent that HawkMoth could sense and would send a dark akuma to them, enhancing them with powers and super abilities.” Ladybug explained.
“What is HawkMoth doing in New York?” Natasha questioned.
“He possibly is looking for new powers to defeat us,” Ladybug replied.
“How has he not? You two look like freshmen in highschool.” Tony snorts, to which Steve elbows him lightly. 
“Luck.” Ladybug replied smoothly.
“So you basically run on the power of luck and hope? Jeez, a true miracle that Paris still stands.” Tony shoots back.
“I have the power of luck that ensures victory each time, Mr. Stark. It may work differently here for you but-” Ladybug starts.
“Now you hold on Miss Little Bug. I don’t care what powers you’ve been given to act as hero, but you overuse them on every occasion. Literally.” Tony stands, walking to her.
“You don’t actually know what you’re doing, you’re putting civilian lives at risk with your tomfoolery and hope that your Lucky magic can just whisk it all away after you’re done. It doesn’t surprise me that you wouldn’t understand standing face to face with someone who lost a loved one after a fight and be told it was your fault, now have you?” Tony continues.
“What if the luck does run out one day? And your friend just happens to have completely destroyed a person? Like Peter, what if you couldn’t bring him back? He got lucky because he has super abilities that exceed a normal human. What if you hit a regular civilian and die right before you? Just hope that things get fixed?” Tony presses.
“But that’s never happened before and it will never happen.” Ladybug responds.
“And how are you so sure about that? You two got into a little squabble and completely flipped out. What if that happens again?”
“It won’t, we’ll make sure of it.”
“That’s running on a very thin line, Little Bug.” 
“This is getting out of hand and off the point. Stark, lay off. Ladybug, while I extremely dislike having to agree with Tony, he makes a point. Luck and hope only gets you so far. So what will you do if things go wrong?” Steve asks.
“I-I’m not sure.” Ladybug says finally, looking down.
“Well, it’s something you and your partner should discuss on a later date then. But as of the present moment, do we know if HawkMoth will send Techno-Pirate in again?” Natasha asked.
“I have no way of telling. I can’t even say this is the last time you see Techno-Pirate until I leave New York,” Ladybug responds, “But I’ll be here to retrieve whatever HawkMoth stole.
“Well, from the databases from the museum, excluding the sword of Marquis de Lafayette that was taken during the little squabble, an eagle talon necklace was also taken.” Tony says, throwing a giant blue hologram up.
“A Miraculous,” Chat murmurs.
“Are there more than just the ones in your possession?” Natasha asked.
“There probably is. There’s probably multiple across the globe with their own Miraculous. Some might be a historical piece or have always been in the hands of Guardians.” Ladybug replies.
“Alright, what do we do then?” Steve asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Just wait for an attack and hope for the best.” Ladybug shrugs, checking her yo-yo.
“In this case, all we can do is hope for the best.” Steve nods.
“If you guys don’t have to head back yet, you guys can rest here. On the possibility you do have to go, I hope you the best and truly hope you check over your choices in how you work.” Tony says finally, swiping the hologram away and walking off with a wave.
“You coming Pete?” He called out.
“Yeah! It was great meeting you guys, bye!” He waves at the Parisian heroes before scurrying down to his mentor’s lab.
Natasha and Steve gave a polite nod before they both turn to leave.
Marinette sat outside on top of the hotel roof, staring off into the late night. After returning to the hotel that her class was staying at, she decided to turn in early for the night and once Alya, Chloe, and Sabrina had fallen asleep she snuck out to the top.
She hated to admit it, but Tony Stark made a fair argument. She was too upset to realize it. What if the day comes and she can’t just ‘Lucky Charm’ the damage away. With a sigh, she leans forward, her chin being lifted by her hands. 
“It’s late kiddo, whatcha doing?” A voice popped up from behind with a thud of a landing.
Marinette yelped and jumped up, spinning around to see the IronMan suit open up and Tony Stark appear from inside.
“Mr. Stark?” She questioned.
“Yep,” he responded, popping the ‘p’.
“I’m sorry, is there something you need?” Marinette asked.
“Don’t play dumb, magic works on people but not on A.I.s and other technological devices. Both Peter and I were able to know who you and your partner are.” Tony responds smoothly, leaning against a rail.
“What are you going to do? Expose me for a fraud of a hero then?” She inquired.
“Expose you? What? No, of course not. I’m not at Cap’s moral levels but I’m not that bad.” He scoffs.
“I find that hard to believe.” 
“Take it as you will.”
“Then why are you here?”
“To talk. We didn’t exactly end this fight and argument on a happy note. Guilt and regret are also quite corrosive,” he shrugged. 
“There’s nothing to talk about. You were right and I see that now since my anger and frustration had died off,” Marinette scoffed, looking back out.
“As much as I love being told I’m right. I’m sorta in the wrong.” Tony sighed.
“You? Tony Stark? Wrong? Never heard of such.” Marinette mocked.
“Yeah, yeah, hilarious now shut up so I can apologize.” 
“Continue then.”
“I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that, and I’m sorry. What you did was pretty terrible, you and your partner. I cannot honestly say much since Cap and I get into constant squabbles on a daily basis, but nothing that puts our fight over the safety of the people.”
“And you had nearly killed off Peter, who’s one of the only people I have left. And I can’t lose that.” Tony says softly.
“I’m really sorry about that, I never intended for Peter to be hurt.”
“I know you didn’t. I don’t support your choice in actions for Paris’ safety with your magic but I know you aren’t a bad person looking out for themselves.” 
Tony stood quietly for a moment before chuckling to himself, causing the bluenette to cock her head in confusion.
“A little while before Peter joined the Avengers, he was a lone fighter. He did small things and stopped small crimes like a simple burglar at a drugstore or walking old ladies across the road for churros. And one day he decided to go and try to fight off a bigger guy, some dude was selling illegal weapons on like an alien level of danger.” Tony explains.
“And I told him to hand it over to the police because I didn’t really think it was all that serious, but he thought otherwise. He went after him the first time, and I had to fish the kid out of the lake.” He snorts.
“And the second time, it was on a ship. The guy split the ship in half and Peter tried to pull it together with his webs, and as strong as he’s made them, it’s not going to be able to hold all that weight. But he still tried. He told me he was at school too so I didn’t come in until a little later, and I was pretty pissed. I dragged him out after settling the problem and basically gave him a lecture to which he now calls the ‘father lecture’.” He continues.
“I said in these exact words, ‘What if somebody died tonight? Different story right? ‘Cuz that’s on you. And if you died, I feel like that’s on me. I don’t need that on my conscience.’ It has never left. I don’t feel like I’m in the wrong, but I took a piece of him that night when I took back the suit I made for him and told him that he couldn’t be Spider-Man anymore.” He says finally, going quiet.
“Yet, he ran out and fought the guy. And won, saving a lot of possible further damage and theft from my company. About a month or so after, I invited him to join the team, and he did.” He finishes, turning around with his arms folded over his chest.
“So basically, you remind me a lot about him. And I really hope you do great for Paris and yourself. It’s good you’ve solved the issue with your partner. I’ve seen the footage, you guys make a good team.” 
“Thanks.” Marinette says finally.
The two stay quiet for a little longer before Tony sighed and turned to go to his suit.
“That was a nice chat. Don’t be stupid, you’re going to do great kid.” Tony says with a smile, waving before stepping into his suit and blasting off.
Marinette watched the genius fly off with a small smile on her face. She will do better. For herself, for Chat, for Paris, for everyone.
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catwentnugget · 3 years
What Did You Do?
Here’s the second part!
IronMan landed on the building. A large repulsor slowly builds out on both his hands, lighting up and shooting the akuma. Techno-Pirate went flying back, nearly tumbling off the building’s roof.
The genius then proceeded to run to Peter’s side, flipping his faceplate off and Peter’s.
“Friday, stats.” He demanded frantically.
“Mr- Mr. Stark?” Peter murmured, his eyes fluttering open and close.
“I’m right here kid, right here. Don’t worry.” Tony responded, running a hand gently through the younger boy’s head.
“His conditions are dropping, Boss. Not only did whatever destructive force ram through the suit, but it hit him right below the rib cage, bruising major organs and causing a few parts to deteriorate.” F.R.I.D.A.Y responds finally.
“What the hell did you do?” Tony snapped his head over to Ladybug, his eyes burning with anger yet there was an ebbing side of pain, worry, and fear. 
“Mr. Stark? I don’t feel so good,” Peter slurs. 
The world around the teen was slowly fading away. He could hear his mentor’s angered voice but outside of that, everything went fuzzy and blurred together. The pain was slowly getting worse and worse.
“Hang on kid, hang on.” Tony responded softly, his whole demeanor changing from tense to a more relaxed form. Yet his heart rate stays elevated.
Captain America, dropped down from the QuinJet above, Natasha followed right afterwards. The red-head’s eyes widened a bit when she saw the kid. She looked over and saw the spotted heroine stand a foot or so behind Stark and the feline costumed hero further back, his head clutched in his hands. 
Natasha walked over to the blonde boy and kneeled by his side. Chat Noir rocked back and forth, his face hidden in his arms as he murmured words to himself.
“Hey kid,” Natasha said softly, jerking the boy from his spot.
“It’s alright, don’t panic.”
Chat shook his head and looked around frantically to find his partner. He finally calmed down when he saw Ladybug arguing with Tony Stark. 
“Is she your partner?” The red-head asked, nodding over to the spotted heroine.
Chat hesitates at first before giving a single nod.
“Alright, what’s your names?”
“Chat Noir and she’s Ladybug.”
“Can we know your actual names, or is it against what you guys do in Paris?”
“Ladybug says we can’t, to protect us from HawkMoth.”
“And who’s HawkMoth?”
“He’s some guy who wants our miraculous for his own thing.”
“Do you think he’s here?”
“Well, that guy that IronMan shot was an akuma, so it would only be logical if he was or is here too.”
“Alright, do you guys think you can spare a moment to come with us to the Avengers Tower? We need a debrief and then we can send you home.”
Chat hesitates, glancing over to his partner. He was already deep under water now, and feared a wrong choice would cause him more pain. Natasha seemed to notice his hesitance.
“How about I go ask her, alright?” She suggested, to which he nodded instantly.
“Hey Cap, can you watch the kid?” She asked, nodding to the feline hero who stayed curled in a small ball. The super soldier glanced over and his eyes softened before nodding, heading over.
~ Ladybug’s Side of That Little Bit ~
“Peter, stay with me, alright?” Tony says softly, trying to control the growing fear.
“What are you even doing here? Paris is on the opposite side of the globe.” He asks, turning to the bluenette.
“It wasn’t supposed to go like this, we aren’t even here on hero business either!”
“Well look at what happened,” Stark scoffed.
“I can fix this,” Ladybug responds, holding up the bicycle pump.
“Kid, that’s a bicycle pump. It ain’t going to do shit. Unless it’s a magical object-”
“That’s exactly what it is.”
“Miraculous Ladybug!” She called, tossing the pump into the air.
A swarm of ladybugs flew through New York, into the museum and around any damaged buildings and left over debris, cleaning up the city. Finally, it went to Peter, the broken armor repaired itself and him with it.
“Vitals are holding steady Boss.” F.R.I.D.A.Y announces finally.
“Thank God,” Tony whispered.
Peter’s eyes fluttered open as he sat up, looking around for a moment with a confused stare. His eyes finally returned to Tony and a startled jolt went through him before a slightly cheeky grin appeared on his face.
“Hey Mr. Stark-” Peter began.
“Don’t ‘Hey Mr. Stark’ me, kid. What were you thinking?” Tony interrupts him, throwing his arms around the teen.
“I wasn’t, and I’m sorry.” Peter says softly, accepting the embrace.
“See? All fixed.” Ladybug says finally, throwing her hands out.
“Yeah, this time. Do you see how terrible that could’ve come?” Tony snaps, standing up and pointing at Ladybug.
“But it didn’t!” She protested.
“This time. What if you couldn’t fix it? What if he had died, huh?”
“Because I know damn well that his aunt won’t be happy with her only family left now dead. His friends wouldn’t be pleased to find him dead. At the hands of amateur heroes, you both are like 15, and you think you can fix it like some Fairy GodMother?”
“Stark, now isn’t-”
“No, not now Nat. Get the Jet set for the Tower, we have a shit ton of paperwork to get through on this and we need to understand what’s happening with these two animal dressed kids.” 
Natasha looked over to Captain America who nodded, helping Chat up to his feet and escorted him to the jet.
“Now if you don’t mind Ladybug, you would very much be surrounded in all of America. So it would be better for you to come peacefully and after sorting out this giant dump, you can scatter.” Stark said finally, turning his attention to Peter, nodding him to the Jet.
The ride was quick and silent. When they finally landed at the Tower, Natasha took the two Parisian heroes inside to Stark’s large penthouse, leaving them there with the warning of F.R.I.D.A.Y watching over their every move.
“I’ll be right back, we need to check over Peter to make sure there isn’t some lingering effect from your magic and to check for your akuma.” Natasha said finally, walking back to the elevator.
Chat slumped against the back of the couch, huddling up into a ball again while Ladybug paced back and forth with an agitated expression.
“I’m sorry Ladybug,” Chat whispered finally, halting her and her pacing.
The bluenette opened her mouth to say something but when she saw his pained and fearful face, she stopped. The bluenette walked over to him and kneeled down in front, placing her hands over his.
“I didn’t mean to snap at you Chat. While I’m upset you didn’t tell me about leaving, I shouldn’t have said things like that. It was very rash of me and I’m sorry.” She said softly.
“No- no, it’s my fault. I was afraid you’d be disappointed if I couldn’t do the one thing you asked. And Plagg kind of pushed me to go along with it as well. And by the time I was on a plane here, I started to realize how screwed I’d get.” Chat responded, his eyes lifted to see her face.
“I still shouldn’t have snapped.” Ladybug said finally.
Chat knew better than to argue so he simply nodded, hiding his face in his arms again. The elevator opened up with Tony, Steve, Peter, and Nat walking in. All of them were wearing casual clothing, or as casual as some could get -- Steve’s old man clothes, Nat’s black jumpsuit, the only normal ones are Tony and Peter.
“Alright, we need to go over what the hell is happening and get this sorted out so we can ship you two back to Paris as fast as possible, hoping this never comes to happen again,” Tony said finally, folding his hands over his chest.
“Do you still have to wear your suits?” Peter asked, cocking his head.
“Yeah, well we don’t know each other’s identities and it’s safer for us both and all of Paris for this.” Ladybug responds as her earrings rang.
“But there’s an unfortunate time limit, so if there’s a room for us to go recharge real quick that would be nice.” She added, pointing to the earrings.
“Right, there’s two rooms down the hall to your left, if you need something ask F.R.I.D.A.Y to get it delivered to you and meet us back here in ten minutes.” Tony replied, nodding his head to the hall.
“Thank you Mr. Stark.” Ladybug says curtly, still annoyed with the genius.
Chat Noir gave an awkward nod and walked quickly after his partner. 
The two split down their sides of the hall and destransformed. They fed their kwamis and made idle talk with them while they rested for a moment before transforming back and going out to talk with the Avengers.
Tony was sitting on the couch with a StarkPad in his hands and an earbud in his left ear. Peter sat by on the couch, eating chips while on his phone. Natasha and Steve were idly chatting away on the loveseat to the right of the long couch.
“Alright, so what happened?” Tony asked, not looking up from his tablet.
Chat looked at Ladybug who gave a tired sigh.
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catwentnugget · 3 years
What Did You Do?
I actually wrote it. Was it good? Probably not. Did I want to write this? Yes, yes I did.
His first thought was Marinette. Two out of the four pillar columns are about to collapse, possibly burying himself and his classmate.
“You’re supposed to be in Paris kid,” Plagg hisses.
“I know, but we’ll be buried alive if we sit here any longer! Who knows if help will arrive on time,” he responds.
Plagg sighs yet he nods his head reluctantly.
“Plagg, claws out!” He whispered, transforming quickly. The column hanging over him collapses as he dodges the debris, making a run for the opposite side.
Ladybug sprinted out from the other side, her eyes widened in confusion and turned into faint annoyance.
“What are you-” She yelled, making Chat flinch back slightly.
Right then, a spider dressed person goes flying through the room, landing on the display case behind. His suit was of metal with the color palette of red, black, and gold.
“That’s Spider-Man!” Chat Noir exclaims, aweing at the American hero. Spider-Man turns to them and cocks his head, his eyes squinting slightly before widening again.
“You guys are Paris’ heroes aren’t you!” He responds back.
Ladybug made an attempt to roll her eyes at the two’s fanboying but it went unfinished when Techno-Pirate came storming in with a booming voice.
“Shit, that’s danger staring us in the face, come on!” He calls out, giving himself a jump before throwing a hand out with a web.
Chat Noir looked back to his partner who still had a very annoyed look on her face before deciding to join the battle in the main room.
Ladybug ran at the akuma, hitting him left and right with her yo-yo yet nothing damaged him. “What do you guys usually do with- things like this? K.A.R.E.N, what even is this?” Spider-Man calls out, dodging lasers as he climbs on ornate pillars and on the ceilings.
“I’m not sure Peter, it seems to be working off of some form of magic,” the A.I. responds back, “Would you like me to call Mr. Stark?”
“Mr.- Mr. Stark? No- no, if he asks, tell him it’s a small disturbance. I can take it!” He responds, shooting webs around the metal-like tentacles of the akuma, attaching them to whatever stable surfaces he can find to hold him down.
“Peter, I don’t believe-” K.A.R.E.N. begins in a warning voice, “It’s fine! Plus, we got those two to help out. This is probably in their kind of skill set!” He protests, waving his arms at the bug and cat heroes.
“We can trust them! They work well as a team!”
“Yep! So well that we don’t even need to tell our partners, right Chat?” Ladybug snaps, dodging a laser.
Chat pauses in an attack to frown, his ears slightly lowering. “I didn’t mean to anger you Ladybug,” he responds quietly.
“Well, damn, could’ve missed that, yeah?” She snorts, annoyed.
“Working well, Peter?” K.A.R.E.N deadpanned.
“Well, partners have their little squabbles. I mean- look at Mr. Stark and Captain America!” He protests.
If the A.I. could sigh in frustration, she would. But she’d know when to call her creator if the issue got out of hand.
“‘Just go and rest easy, yeah? Leave Paris with me!” Ladybug yells out in a mocking way, landing a hit on the back of Techno-Pirate’s head before flipping off.
“I didn’t know I was going to leave! It was a last minute decision, that’s all!” Chat protests, splitting his staff into two to deflect hits, turning his attention to the bluenette.
At a terrible time, a marble ball comes shooting out of a metal cannon, attached to the tentacle, ramming itself into Chat’s back, forcing him forward to land on Ladybug. They both fell over with a groan but Ladybug quickly recovered with a scowl.
Spider-Man gives a soft gasp at the interaction before quickly turning to duck.
“Do you realize that because of you the city is now left unprotected?” She yells, receiving an upset frown from her partner.
Techno-Pirate grabs the sword from the display and makes a run out the door, attempting his escape.
“He’s getting away Peter!” K.A.R.E.N reminds him.
“Right, I’m going, I’m going,” he says with a sigh, sprinting out there. The Parisian heroes get on their feet and sprint afterwards.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?” She angrily asks, tilting her head back slightly.
“I-I was afraid you’d be angry at me,” Chat murmurs under his breath.
Spider-Man shoots a web from his wrist and pulls himself up over the skyscraper, Ladybug following suit with a similar tactic but with a yo-yo, and Chat vaulting over with his staff.
“Well, as you can see, I am angry!” She shouts back.
“Very well working, aren’t they,” K.A.R.E.N responds with a robotic snort, “Would you like me to call for back-up?”
“Back-up? I don’t need it, no worries. I got you, the other two!”
“I’m going to ask Mr. Stark to give me the ability to sigh in disappointment at you, Peter.” She deadpanned.
“I feel hurt by this K.A.R.E.N,” he replies with a laugh.
The three of them land on top of a slightly lower skyscraper, about half the size of many others and probably four times lower than the Stark Tower itself in the background.
“Surrender Techno-Pirate, there’s nowhere to go.” Spider-Man says with an attempted try at being scary. Ladybug and Chat land on two opposite sides, one on Spider-Man’s left and the other on the right.
“Why bother running, when I can get a bigger prize,” the akuma gives a wicked grin, staring at Spider-Man, “when I can kill Tony Stark’s most beloved pupil?”
“Cataclysm,” Chat calls out, receiving a black ball of pure destruction in his hand.
“Lucky Charm!” Ladybug called out, receiving a bicycle pump.
“A bicycle pump? What are you going to do with that?” Her partner asked.
The spotted-heroine scowls at him, tossing the pump from one hand to the other.
“I may have an idea, but you won’t like it,” she replies angrily.
Lasers start firing again, Ladybug jumps in front of Spider-Man to protect him from it while Chat is dodging them for his own skin on the opposite side.
His dodges and hits were lagging behind a bit, the thoughts and immense feelings felt as if they were a running speed train, ramming into his gut. He wanted to fix this, to make her less disappointed. He already lost his mom, and his father is off with constant annoyance and disappointment at him. He can’t lose her too.
“M’Lady, I didn’t tell you because I was afraid of losing your trust!” He calls out.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Well, I can’t trust you anymore now can I?” She snaps.
“Yo- wait, I think that’s a bit-” Spider-Man attempted to intervene, it was slowly getting out of hand.
“I’m contacting Mr. Stark, I’m sorry Peter.” K.A.R.E.N says finally, sensing nothing good was to turn out if no back-up showed. Spider-Man sighs, but nods reluctantly.
Chat Noir loses his grip on the staff, dropping it as his jaw dropped as well. His eyes widened as his heart broke. He broke it, he broke them. Techno-Pirate chuckles under his breath, reaching a tentacle out to grab the feline hero’s arm and throwing him across.
Ladybug, in her fit of anger, didn’t see this ahead and froze, standing completely still with a barely audible gasp escaping her mouth.
“Ga-ahh!” Chat yelped, wobbling over at her.
Spider-Man, in a last effort, threw himself out in the open and pushed the bluenette away, getting a Cataclysm right in the stomach. The impact sent him a few feet back.
“PETER!” K.A.R.E.N yelled out.
The center part of his suit turned slightly black and turned brown, rusted and torn away. Peter saw stars in his vision, which he felt like wasn’t a really good thing. He always felt an immense amount of pain growing in his stomach, it wasn’t all that joyous in the moment. There was probably going to be a bruise there later, or maybe even something worse.
Ladybug gasps, dropping the pump as her hands flew to her mouth.
Chat Noir was completely speechless, his heart couldn’t take more. He’d first screwed up with Ladybug and then severely injured a person. He slowly backed away, fumbling over his own feet before landing on the ground, hands wrapped over his head as his breathing got heavier but weaker.
“PETER!” A voice yelled, panicked.
THIS IS ONLY PART 1!! I’ll post the rest once I actually finish it, which should be within this week.
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catwentnugget · 3 years
“And if you died, I feel like that’s on me. And I don’t want that on my conscience.”
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How does one draw a Tony Stark? Like- this is my like fifth try and this is the best I’ve got. TvT
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catwentnugget · 3 years
Loki: At least they treat me like I'm somebody!
Tony: Yeah but would they love you if you were nobody?
Tony: I DID!
Loki: *eyes widened*
Tony: I did...
*looks away, wrapping his arms around himself, squeezing eyes shut*
...I do.
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catwentnugget · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic
- Don’t Say It -
Summary: Chat Noir finally snaps with Ladybug. (Inspired by Season 4) ⚠️WARNING: Swearing, Slight Spoilers ⚠️
On WattPad at InsomniaCatwent Miraculous Angst {One-Shots}
“Pound-“ the bluenette halts her first bump as she sees Chat Noir extend his baton, preparing to jump away.
“Yeah, yeah, I have to go.” He murmurs, not bothering to make eye contact with his partner.
“Chaton, are you alright?”
The feline hero glares at her, making a scoffing sound before jumping off and running across the buildings.
Ladybug frowned, confused by his harsh and cold attitude. ‘He must be busy or stressed with his life,’ she thought finally, ‘I have to meet up with Alya for patrol anyways.
The bluenette swung her yo-yo a few times, gaining the momentum to throw it further, reaching the park, where they had planned to meet. Alya stood there with her flute in hand, her costume in a light shade of purple, her way of calling it her new disguise.
“Alright, we ready?” Ladybug asked.
The two jumped off, beginning their run through the city for the evening, unaware of the feline hero who sat on one of the rooftops, watching them run.
You know you’re irreplaceable.
A tear slips out of his eye, just to be wiped immediately. Letting out a shaky breath, he slumped against the chimney, leaning his head back. A strained laugh rises from his mouth before turning into soft sniffles.
“I guess I am replaceable, huh?” He murmurs to himself.
Night started settling in and Chat Noir was still sitting on that rooftop, lacking the energy to move. Right then, a giant explosion goes off, making him jump to his feet.
Scanning the area, he finds the akuma decked out in all black. A long sash goes across her left shoulder, armed with small bombs, crossing to her right hip. Her blonde hair is in a long whiplike braid. A black mask covers her face.
Right then, his baton lit up with a message. Frowning he opens it to see an incoming call from Ladybug.
He hesitantly picks up and sees Ladybug’s face flash on the screen as she runs across rooftops, her yo-yo shaking as she speeds up.
“Chat Noir! Are you seeing this? Get over to the Eiffel Tower as soon as possible.” Ladybug says.
“Why don’t you get your new partner over, I bet they’ll be more help.”
“Wh- What-“ Ladybug questioned only to be cut off as she dodged a flying bomber with a yelp.
“What are you talking about Chaton?”
“Don’t ‘Chaton’ me,” the feline responds harshly.
“Can we talk about this after?”
“Whatever, I’m coming.” He mutters, hanging up abruptly before his partner could get another word in.
‘I can’t put Paris in danger because of a little jealousy,’ he thought, vaulting himself over with his baton.
He lands at the base of the Eiffel Tower where there was a flipped over bus, fearful cries and calls for help came from it, making him run faster to them.
Lucky the bus flippped so the door was right side up, he climbed on top and used his baton to pull it open.
“Come on, it’s okay, lemme help you,” he calmingly, putting his baton to the side as he helps a mother pull her baby out.
One by one he got them to safety before returning his attention to the akuma who was chasing Ladybug across rooftops, the akuma’s hands were glowing blue as grenades appeared from thin air.
He flings himself up towards the akuma, raising his baton, he smacked her out of the skies. The akuma scowled and started throwing things at him, only for it to be deflected away.
He scans over the akuma, searching for the object, his eyes landing on the small pack she wore on her belt. It illuminated a dark glow, the aura of fear, anger, and other negative thoughts came surging from it.
Chat’s attention turns from the akuma for a second, his stomach dropped as he saw that one hero Ladybug was with earlier. Using this to her advantage, the akuma threw a grenade at him, exploding on impact.
With a groan, he fell back, slamming into the flipped bus. The pain slowly dissipated to a dull ache due to the suit’s power to absorb hits.
“Chat!” Ladybug screamed, dropping down next to him, her hands frantically checking for anything broken.
“I’m fine,” he coughs, pushing her away to which she frowns but nodded quietly, pulling herself up to continue the fight with the other hero.
Chat pulls himself up, leaning against the bus for a moment to catch his breath, wincing. Looking over, he sees Ladybug struggling to find the akumatized object, the bag securely tucked on her waist.
His heart nearly jumped out of his chest when he saw his partner get thrown across the place, crumpled on the ground from a grenade. “LADYBUG!” The other hero shrieked, running towards her with her flute out for defense.
Chat Noir made a half second choice, pulling a small knife from the baton and throwing it at the akuma’s bag with scary exact aim. The knife’s weight dragged down the bag, causing a rip. The akuma’s face goes pale as she falls onto her knees with a pained wail.
Ladybug pulls herself up with the help of the other hero. The blonde grabbed a red bag with black dots, a Ladybug Lucky Charm, and threw it over the akuma to trap it.
“Here,” he says stiffly.
“Thanks, Chat.”
He nods quietly, his eyes not bothering to look at her. “Are you alright?” He says finally. No matter what negative feeling he felt in his heart, he couldn’t bear to see her hurt.
“Yes I’m alright, I’ll be better when I throw the Miraculous Charm and fix the place.”
Ladybug steadied herself before throwing her yo-yo out, purifying the akuma from the bag before throwing the bag up as well.
“I’ll talk to you later,” Ladybug turns to the other hero. The purple fox dressed hero nods before running off.
“Chat,” she says, finally taking his hand into hers, “we need to talk.”
“Yeah no shit Ladybug.” He scoffed, taking his hand out of hers.
“What’s up with you? You’re being so mean and cold!” Ladybug argues, finally fed up.
“What’s wrong with me?” He laughs coldly, glaring at her.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with you!”
“My issues I have with you!”
“I haven’t done anything-“
“Don’t you dare say that.”
“Don’t you dare say that.”
“Well I didn’t do anything!”
“You told me you can’t tell anyone about our identities. Yet I found out that both Rena Rouge and Carapace’s identities have been revealed to each other.”
“I- how did you-“
“That’s irrelevant, but I found out that apparently, everyone outside of me can do their own thing, hell you brought in Chloe. Out of all the people, you brought her in.”
“No you can’t sweet talk your way out of this either, no more ‘Chaton I trust you’ or ‘You’re irreplaceable’ because apparently you can’t trust me even if I’ve been with you since the beginning. That apparently I am irreplaceable after all.”
The tears began to spring from his eyes, only for him to turn away, wiping them off before returning his attention to her.
“So don’t tell me another little speech about how much you care or how much you think about me. Not if you’re going to just lie and then leave me.”
“Chat you’re being selfish!”
“I’m being selfish? Go on, I want to understand why! Because I’ve been keeping you safe and now am hurt when I am no longer the one you count on anymore? That I’ve been replaced in a single second?”
“That’s not what I meant,” she whispered.
“Well that’s what you said.”
“Do you want my miraculous back now too? Find yourself a new Chat Noir? Hell maybe an even better one.”
“No! Don’t leave!”
“Why the hell not?”
“Because- because I need you!”
“Do you now? Can’t you get one of your new trusted partners to comfort you now?” He gestured in the way the fox hero left.
Chat Noir pulled out the baton, extending it into the air before his hand was grabbed by Ladybug’s. Tears streaming down her face.
“Chat please, I just needed someone-“
“You call me selfish when you pull this bullshit.” The blonde laughed dryly.
“I’m struggling Chat!”
“You think I don’t either? What? Because I smile and make jokes? You don’t know anything about my life and you think I’m living the dream?”
“Chat stop!”
“No, what about your life that is so stressful that you couldn’t even bother to confide in me?”
“Being the- the Guardian and being Ladybug and doing all of this!” She screamed, stretching her arm out there.
“You don’t think I’m doing all this too?”
“Yeah maybe Fu gave you the title but we’re in this together. At least we were in this together.” Chat pulled his arm away.
“Do you want the miraculous back? Tell me now or I'm going home.” He stated firmly.
“No, you can’t be replaced and-“.
“Don’t say that.” Chat cuts her off, tears beginning to build again. “Don’t you ever fucking say that.”
He takes a deep breath, taking in the silence.
“Don’t say it if you don’t mean it. Reject me all you want Ladybug, and I’ll be fine. It’s the truth at least. Don’t lie to me, please.” He whispers, practically begging to her.
He glanced at her once more, vaulting off into the night and then back home, leaving Ladybug to fall to her knees in tears.
Like it? There’s more on my AO3! The link is back at the top! Have a great day! <3
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catwentnugget · 3 years
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catwentnugget · 3 years
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catwentnugget · 3 years
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