Cat Food Site
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
What Does It Mean to Foster a Cat?
By Jane Harrell
What does fostering a cat involve?
When you foster, you agree to take a homeless cat into your home and give him or her love, care and attention, either for a predetermined period of time or until the cat is adopted.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Tips for Letting Go When Your Foster Cat Is Adopted
The following was originally published on the Catfoodsite Blog.
By Jane Harrell
One of the questions I’m most frequently asked as a cat foster parent is, “How do you let go?” Similarly, a lot of people tell me they don’t foster cats because “I could never give them back.”
That’s why I’m sharing my top five tips for letting go at the end of a foster period. While they’re not exactly foolproof (we just decided to adopt our last foster cat, Wes), these tips have helped me let go of well over 20 foster cats and dogs and place them in loving, happy homes – that aren’t my own.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Thinking of Adopting a Cat?
You’ve made a wise choice: A cat is a lovable, charming pet that offers endless fun and entertainment. But cats may only be lovable and charming if you treat them the way they should end up being treated, the way you yourself would want to be treated.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Ten Reasons Senior Cats Rule
As mom to three “older” cats, I consider senior-cat adoption a cause near and dear to my heart.
If you have a friend who’s thinking of adopting — or if you’re considering adding a new cat family member yourself — read and share this list:
10 Reasons Senior Cats Rule
When senior cats are adopted, they seem to understand that they’ve been rescued, and are all the more thankful for it.
A senior cat’s personality has already developed, so you’ll know if he or she is a good fit for your family.
You can teach an old cat new tricks (I do every day with my own cats!): Senior cats have the attention span and impulse control that makes them easier to train than their youthful counterparts.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Preventing Lost Cats
Keep Your Cat from Becoming Lost
Summer parties lead to lots of open doors that could tempt a kitty to wander. Keep your cat safe by following the tips below!
1.Update your microchip information!
If your cat doesn’t already have a microchip, make an appointment with your veterinarian or call your local shelter about microchip clinics.
Hopefully you’ll never need it, but you don’t want your cat potentially lost without one.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Kitten Socialization and Development
A cat’s personality is largely formulated in the first eight weeks of life. Leaving health issues to the veterinarian, here’s what you can do to help your foster kittens be all that they could be behaviorally.
Your first important task is to provide proper nutrition. Since a mother cat can lose weight while nursing, allow her to bulk up before giving birth. Some foster homes switch their pregnant foster cats back to kitten food to get those extra calories per mouthful. Studies have shown that a malnourished cat is more irritable with her kittens and provides less mothering.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month. What Can I Do?
June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month and, with kitten season upon us, there are more cats in need than ever. Check out our articles for great information on adopting a cat, a cat adoption checklist and more!
But what if you can’t adopt? Here are some easy ways you can still help:
Donate your Facebook status. Just paste this message into the “What’s on your mind?” box at the top of your page: “June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month. Save a life: Adopt a cat!
Tweet, retweet and repeat the following (or your own brilliant message): “June is Adopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month. Save a life: Adopt a cat!
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
I’m Adopting a Cat. Now What?
Before You Bring Your Cat Home:
Cats are territorial, and coming into a new home leaves them feeling really uneasy. There’s all that unexplored space, and who knows what may lurk there. Do him a favor and provide a small area to call his own for the first few days or weeks. A bathroom or laundry room works well. You won’t want firemen in the house, jackhammering the concrete floor to extract your cat. You’ll want to spend time with your cat, so make sure there’s a comfortable place for you to sit as well.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Must-Do Tips for Finding a Lost Cat
Q: How can I tell if a cat is lost or if it’s someone’s pet that they let outside? -Brent B.
A: Boy, it’s hard to tell just by looking at a cat whether it belongs to someone or not. We work cases all of the time where a beloved cat that has a xenophobic (fearful, catatonic, feral-like) temperament, looks and acts like a feral cat, but is actually a family member who happens to be shy.
So, scanning for a microchip, putting up a neon “found cat” sign, checking the shelter for lost cat reports, and checking Craig’s List ads are ways to see if it is a lost cat.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
How to Choose the Best Cat Name for Your New Cat
So you have a new cat, but you want to find a name that suits her to the nines. You’ve come to the right place! Cat names can convey a cat’s personality, behavior, or appearance – and sometimes even your own.
Whether you’re looking for a popular, wacky, nerdy, silly, inventive, or international name, our collection of the best cat names around is sure to get your creative juices flowing.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
How to Be the Best Cat Foster Parent
Provided by Catfoodsite
Becoming a foster parent to homeless cats can be a very rewarding experience. Foster care for cats basically requires patience, a compassionate nature, a flexible lifestyle, and some experience with and knowledge of cat behavior. Below are some general tips that may ease your transition into foster life with cats of various ages:
Fostering Adult Cats:
Don’t give a new foster cat the run of your house right away. Start out by confining him to a bathroom or spare bedroom to start. Should you have cats of your own, keep them separated until the health of your new charge can be verified.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
How Much Does a Cat or Kitten Cost?
Whiskery kisses are worth their weight in gold, but how much do cats cost when you really get down to the purr-ticulars? The price of a cat or kitten runs a range depending on cat breed, age and even your lifestyle, but the basics come in around a minimum of $405 for the first year, and about $340 for each year after.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Help Get Shelter Cats Adopted Faster
By Jane Harrell
June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month – and what better way to celebrate than to help adoptable cats find homes? One easy way to help is photographing these pets for your local shelter or rescue group. A great photo on Catfoodsite can literally be a lifesaver for a shelter cat.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Cat Fur Colors
Cats come in such a beautiful array of colors and patterns! And, each specific breed sports its own unique combinations as well. It’s nearly impossible to define every color-pattern-breed combination but there are some common colours and patterns that appear frequently in purebred and mixed breed cats alike.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Cat Adoption Checklist
Congratulations on adopting a cat! You are embarking on a wonderful and rewarding relationship. Because adopting a new cat has a lot of change for both cat and cat parent, we’ve compiled a checklist to help make the transition as smooth as possible.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Best Cat & Cute Kitten Names
Are you looking for just the right name for your new cat? We’ve got all the inspiration you have to pick a positively awesome cat name.
So you have a new cat, but you want to find a name that suits her to the nines. You’ve come to the right place! Cat names can convey a cat’s personality, behavior, or appearance – and sometimes even your own.
Whether you’re looking for a popular, wacky, nerdy, silly, inventive, or international name, our collection of the best cat names and best kitten names around is sure to get your creative juices flowing.
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catfoodsite · 3 years ago
Are Cats Dangerous?
Cats have an ominous reputation; one that is sadly undeserved. If you listen to old stories, you may be shocked to hear these friendly little creatures are supposedly responsible for crimes like “stealing a baby’s breath.” (See more about common cat myths.)
But Drew Weigner, DVM, a board-certified feline specialist and hospital director of The Cat Doctor clinic in greater Atlanta takes issue with the old wives’ tales. “A vaccinated, well-cared for, vetted, indoor cat is generally not a dangerous pet,” he says.
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