Catfisher Sims
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CC Lists for all of my builds
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catfishersims · 6 years ago
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A MCM styled bungalow for lovers of autumn toned maximalism.
Build includes CC, both structural and decorative. The complete list is organized below, in order of importance. For best results, MoveObjects on.
Essential CC:
Mutske Bari Construction Set:
Mutske Chesham Construction Set:
Mutske Pilton Construction Set:
Peacemaker Colourful Hexagon Tiles:
Peacemaker Subway Tiles:
Peacemaker Vaulted Ranch Windows Set:
Peacemaker Wood Slat Siding:
SaudadeSims Interior and Exterior Doors :
Furnishings CC:
Allisas Luxurious Bedding Peacemaker Recolour:
Bluehopper Peacemaker Recolours:
Dreamteamsims Curvy Cooker:
IDBD Lambert et Fils Laurent 09 Ceiling light– Blog Removed :(
Industrisims Record Player Buffet:
IgnorantBliss Minimal Corner Shelf:
SoloriyaIroning Board (Laundry Set):
Kiwisims Stump Coffee Table:
Mio Sims Pyszny16 Back to Retro Coffeetable:
NaturalSimmster Japanese Handpainted Dresser:
OM TicTac FirePit:
Peacemaker Bayside Bedroom Set:
Peacemaker Futura Living Collection:
Peacemaker Grove Furniture Collection:
Peacemaker Hamptons Retreat Collection:
Peacemaker Hamptons Getaway Collection:
Peacemaker Hamptons Hideaway Collection:
Peacemaker Kinston Dining Collection:
Peacemaker Lennox Kitchen and Dining Collection:
Peacemaker Mid-Century Abode Collection:
Peacemaker Mid-Century Eclectic Collection:
Peacemaker Mina Kitchen Modern Farmhouse Sink:
Peacemaker Myra Living Collection:
Peacemaker Oasis Chic Dining Bedarra Chair:
Peacemaker Serenity Bathroom Collection:
Peacemaker Trenton Living Collection:
Peacemaker Bowling Night Expanded Addon:
Plumbobteasociety MidMod Sofa:
Plumbobteasociety Raised Beds:
Theplumbobarchitect Absolutely Crate Bookcase:
Veranka Geneva Kitchen Counter:
Decorative CC - Rugs:
ArwenKaboom Lina Livingroom Rug:
Theplumbobarchitect Twice the Rug:
Decorative CC - Art:
BustedPixels Deco Tilted Frame (Conversion Set 1):
Dreamteamsims Kalico Bird Prints (1000 Follower Giveaway):
Dreamteamsims Mari Indigo Art (Misc Clutter and Art):
Dreamteamsims Mari Leaning Art (Misc Clutter and Art):
Dreamteamsims and Simwoowsucks Plant Art (Mesh inc. in Misc Clutter and Art):
Javabeandreams Honeybee Embroidery:
Peacemaker Atwood Dining Hanging Plate:
Plumbobteasociety Framed Marine Prints (Cottage Garden Pack):
SaudadeSims Portland Living:
Sjane4prez Mod Abstracts:
LittleCakes Tastefully Tacky Paintings:
Decorative CC - Clutter:
BustedPixels Music Arsenal (Conversion Set 1):
Chisimi Altara Books:
Dreamteamsims Stack of Magazines (1000 Follower Giveaway):
Dreamteamsims Kalico Sculptural Sphere (1000 Follower Giveaway):
Dreamteamsims NMS Jack Cushion:
Dreamteamsims Mari Mango Books 01 (Misc Clutter and Art):
Dreamteamsims Mari Mango Cookbooks (Misc Clutter and Art):
Kardofe Sewing Room Set:
Soloriya Home Office Box with Accessories:
Soloriya Laundry Towels :
Joliebean Rack with Logs :
Peacemaker Shaker Kitchen Collection:
Plumbobteasociety Wood Pile (Part of the Cottage Garden Pack) :
Renorasims Bathroom Drain (Fine Designs Bathroom Set):
Soloriya Atomic Two Vases:
Ung999 DiningCedar Books:
Decorative CC - Plants:
BustedPixels Mega Fern (Conversion Set 1):
ChillisSims Meridea MERGED:
ET Antiquarian Geese:
GTW Decoplant Megafern:
GTW Decoplant Terracotta:
Soloriya Plant A (North Star Set):
Soloriya Plant B (North Star Set):
Soloriya Plant C (North Star Set):
Linacheria 9k Follower Gift Plants:
Linacherie Garden Shed Spider Lily:
Linacherie Potteryclass Conversions:
Linacherie Simply Styling Garden:
Omorfi-Mera Indoor Hanging Fern:
Peacemaker Atwood Living Fern:
Sofia Sims Plant Recolours:
Theplumbobarchitect Legged Planter:
Theplumbobarchitect Lots of Leaves Plant:
Veranka Suza Plant 02 and 04:
Veranka Retro Planter A:
Decorative CC – Misc Junk:
LeoSims Toiletry Bag:
LeoSims Classic Pumps:
Mutske Aria DVD player:
Mutske Smallest Pot A:
Plumbobteasociety Misc Clutter (Cottage Garden Pack):
Soloriya Laundry Cleaning Set:
Soloriya Laundry Old Iron:
Soloriya Home Goods Bricks:
Soloriya Home Goods Four Paints:
Soloriya Spools:
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