caterpillar-soup-blues 3 months
what do you do when you desperately need something you don't deserve
and the only way to reach a stage where you deserve it is if you get it
asking for a friend
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caterpillar-soup-blues 3 months
Mindfulness is a core component of DBT. This set of skills is all about focusing on being present in the moment. Being stuck in your own thoughts can be very distressing. Mindfulness is a research-based strategy that gets you out of your head. It encourages you to become more aware of your surroundings and to live in the moment.
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caterpillar-soup-blues 3 months
Was planning on cutting my tongue off this weekend
kept delaying it because I couldn't do it
I'm catching up on all the studying I had to do these couple of days
maybe some other time
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caterpillar-soup-blues 3 months
the universal college experience, no matter your major, is learning how remarkably fucked everything is. except business majors theyre having a great time learning to do basic arithmetic and and staring at that one supply and demand graph where the line goes up
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caterpillar-soup-blues 4 months
yea I kinda forgot about the whole DBT thing. Doubt I can get it to work anyways
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caterpillar-soup-blues 4 months
Everything feels like it's on standstill
everytime I try to talk to people it just ends in misunderstanding and then frustration for both sides
Assuming so much shit and it's driving me insane
I don't want to wait till next week
tmrw Imma decide what to do
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caterpillar-soup-blues 4 months
All the things you said
Swimming circles in my head
Words repeating Beating
Like a pulse
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caterpillar-soup-blues 4 months
2 weeks
22 of march will be a friday
I'll see how I feel by then and how things are and then I'll decide if I need to take more drastic action
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caterpillar-soup-blues 4 months
turns out you have to think about other people too
you cant just tell them how you feel and expect them to do the right thing for them and for you
I am irrational
I don't do the right thing most of the time
but so are other people
I'm working on it
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caterpillar-soup-blues 4 months
I think I should set out some sort of list of deadlines
or maybe just plan out different things with specific dates
that might help a bit
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caterpillar-soup-blues 4 months
Starting this blog as a way to keep track of my mood and progress with mental issues.
Hopefully the structure of a tumblr blog will make it easier to commit to this than the notes app.
Quick introduction
My name is ##### but I'd like to go by BugSoup on here
I am a trans woman living in a country where that is a very dangerous thing to be
I suspect I'm Bipolar however I am unable to go to therapy or get that sort of professional help
I'm gonna try reading on things like DBT or similar and try to apply that to my own life
I might post random rants and throw my ideas here
maybe post some of art aswell
we'll see how things go
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