caterina0115 · 8 years
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After three long months, I’ve finally finished this semester of school.
This was probably the hardest semester of my life with a lot of personal drama, going through moving, surgery, and so much more..
But it all finally payed off in the end and I now have several long months of time to rest and go back to drawing on here too!
2016 was really hard for a lot of us.. But part of me knows it’s all clear skies from this point forward.
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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Normal Fetal Growth…
#embryology #gynecology #pediatrics #anatomy #physiology #usmle #usmlestep1 #usmlestep2 #doctor #doctordconline #nhs #nurse #nursing #hospital #patient @doctordconline #mbbs #md
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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March 14: Wilfred Owen analysis and a huge mug of coffee☕️
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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12.4.16  ♡  16/100 days of productivity
Spreads for the month of November. Went back to bullet journaling because I missed it so much <3 My relatives from New Jersey came over and I hung out with them the whole weekend so I’m only starting my homework now woops. Also it’s snowing right now and I hate driving in snow ugh.
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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Different types of Brain stroke, ischemic and hemorrhage…
#brain #stroke #hemorrhage #neurology #neuroscience #neurosurgery #usmle #usmlestep1 #usmlestep2 #surgery #doctor #doctordconline #nhs #nurse #nursing #hospital #patient #mbbs #md #medicine @doctordconline
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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• Lache und die Welt lacht mit dir, weine und du weinst allein.
• Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.
• Sorridi, e il mondo sorriderà con te. Piangi, e piangerai da solo.
• Улыбнись и весь мир улыбнётся вместе с тобой, заплачь и ты будешь плакать в одиночестве.
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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I’m so scared about my biology exam on Monday. There’s a lot I have to know but I hope it will be fine because I worked a lot the past week. Wish me luck! 🤔
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caterina0115 · 8 years
You’re gonna miss me when i’m gone.
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caterina0115 · 8 years
Ich warte hier auf dich bis du endlich zurück bist Aus Wochen werden Monate und es vergehen Jahre Ich weiß noch wann ich dich das letzte Mal gesehen habe
(via ellayyah)
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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11.9.15 | Outside again today, going through oscillators. Hopefully I remember all the calculations. Cant believe how different the weather is from yesterday!❄️🏂📔
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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caterina0115 · 8 years
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All my life is studying.
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