catboy-sephiroth · 25 days
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kissies today... tomorrow? who knows......
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catboy-sephiroth · 29 days
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A demon and an angel caught in a rendezvous?!
My contribution to this year's SephZack/ZackSeph week (day 4 - angel & demon)!
I've been meaning to do more high fashion X FF7 concepts (and if i'm lucky, I'll have enough ideas to make a smol zine!)
I started this piece about a week ago and it's been blood, sweat, and tears... I'm not cut out to do intricate lineart my hand almost broke. I will definitely be thinking twice about incorporating armour into fashion concepts in the future...
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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Aaand the final Sephzack Week day - Free Day! Major thanks to the organizer for setting things up! After such a fun week, I wanted to end on something sweet 🥰
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
ZackSephWeek Day 8 - Free Day!!!
I present to you: a deleted scene from Pastya Bedtime!!
“Ooh! How about this one, pal."
With a sunny smile illuminating his face, Zack pointed to yet another image on the page—the thirteenth one, if they were keeping track—and that smile continued to shine blindingly bright as he glanced up at him in search of approval.
Approval that, frankly, was not found, given that an exhausted headshake was his response.
"Zack..." he started tiredly, but the amusement was more than portrayed through the smirk budding on his lips. "For the thirteenth time: I don't mind which pasta you cook. If you think the Alfredo looks appetizing, then cook it."
“Ah, but is the Alfredo with broccoli what you really want?"
Sephiroth ran a hand over his face.
"Okie doke!" Zack said in understanding, turning back to his recently purchased copy of Penne For Your Thoughts: The Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Pasta Dish and flipping the page. "Alfredo is no-go."
"Did I not just agree to it?"
"Nope! You said if I found it appetizing."
"And it's YOUR birthday, Seph! I wanna make what you want."
"And if what I want is whatever you choose?"
"Then you better believe we're gonna be here all night, bud."
Sephiroth couldn't help but give way a small chuckle, shaking his head at his friend's sheer display of obstinance and resilience. Some things truly never changed, never could falter.
"C'mon, bud!” Zack pressed, blue eyes continuing to roam over the option. “Don't worry about me! You know I'll eat anything under the sun!”
"Yes... that I frighteningly do know.”
"Good! Then just tell me what kinda pasta you want, pal. Just tell me and I'll make it."
Silence reigned for a moment, and Sephiroth continued to smirk. “And how am I supposed to choose when you purchased an entire cookbook?"
"Simple! Just tell me what your favorite is."
Sephiroth shook his head again.
"Oh c'mon, pal, just tell me your favorite! I can do it! Really. I went out to the store and literally picked up every ingredient in the book. Like… every one. I think the store clerk thought I was a loon.”
Sephiroth shook his head harder. "...I'm afraid that was unnecessary."
"What? No it wasn't!!!” Zack protested. "You said you loved pasta, so I wanted to make sure you had your favorite—“
"—…and, yknow… Wait. Pardon?"
"Plain," Sephiroth repeated, an almost resigned dip in his tone as he folded his arms. "Plain spaghetti with salt."
Zack blinked—blinked about three times, for that matter, maybe five—and it was clear that he suddenly felt quite sheepish standing beside an open cookbook of elaborate, sophisticated pasta platters when all he needed was a store-bought box of noodles and some sodium chloride.
"...You mean, that’s your favorite? Plain ol' spaghetti with table salt?"
Sephiroth’s expression said it all; a sincere, unmistakable honestly shimmering in those silver-skimmed emerald eyes.
Annnnd Zack thought maybe it wasn’t so bad to take the reins after all.
“Okay! New plan!” Zack laughed, shutting the (now) completely useless cookbook with purposeful puntuctation. “Howww about we do try of my old favorites. Sound good to you, pal? Just, y’know, so we don’t waste the ingredients!”
…Okay, maybe that was just the Angeal inside of him talking.
Regardless of the reason, Sephiroth’s response was one of piqued curiosity, the slight movement of his silver brow lifting alongside the shame in those jade irises.
“…Oh?” he hummed, most intrigued. “And what would that be?”
Grinning, Zack had already began making his way over to the freezer, flinging over the hefty metal door in search of the most homey (and potentially smelly) item in his arsenal.
“How about I make an old Gongagan favorite? Piscine Pasta!”
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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SephZackWeek2024| day 8: free day Zack and Sephiroth give you their hearts! 💕 to everyone who loves Zack, Sephiroth, their ship or just friendship~ 🤗💜🤍
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
SephZackWeek Day 7 - Comfort!!!!
Summary: “Let’s make a promise… okay?”
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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Sephzack Week day 7 - Comfort!
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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Sephzack Week day 6 - AU! Decided on vampire/hunter for this one 🦇
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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Day 5 & 6! (Emo/Goth & Alternate Universe) Just two silly teens listening to music together and enjoying their lives NOT in war. Really happy with this one.
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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Sephzack week day 5 - Goth/Emo! I went with more goth styles for both boys lol
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
ZackSephWeek Day 5 - Emo/Goth!!!
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No questions plz! <33 Brain has no answer
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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ZS Week day 4: Angel/Demon
some lil scribbly time :] making angels and demons out of characters is tons of fun. even when they're already that lol
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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Originally posted on Twitter.
My entry for Day 4 of @sephzackweek: Angel/Demon.
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
SephZackWeek Day 4 - Angel/Demon!!!
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I’ma silly goose
(Let’s just pretend Zack knows about Seph’s wing in CC or something LOL)
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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Sephzack week day 4 - Angel/Demon! Zack's armor is based on the Shinra logo (since the Company is a bit more demonic than he is himself lol) and for Seph I just wanted to draw lots of eyes 👁️
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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ZS Week day 3: Weapon Swap. A lil one for today ^^
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catboy-sephiroth · 1 month
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SephZackWeek2024| day 3: Weapon Swap! ⚔️🔄
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