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Callot Soeurs black silk crepe evening dress with bands of Oriental patterned gold lamé, c.1924. Label: "Made in France/Callot Soeurs/Paris/Nouvelle marque Déposé."
Sometimes the most simple design is also the most elegant. Same with ourselves- keep things simple. Don't become bogged down; don't try to do too much or be too much to others. Plan just for today. If it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done. Look at the example of this dress- relaxed, easy to sew, easy to wear; with the style kept simple. It speaks volumes as to an approach for how we should live.
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by zeewipark
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"An hour spent reading is one stolen from paradise."
–Thomas Wharton
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go slowly.  mixed media collage.  anca gray.  2012. 
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I have admired this work from afar for many years now. Appropriately, it still retains its value and appeal.
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“the beloved”  mixed media painting on canvas  24"x20"  anca gray 2014
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Anca Gray
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anca gray
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Participate by stepping back and allow the scene to unfurl before you. (I often need to step back from my own chaos- that which is present physically and that which is present mentally. Learning to let go, step back or put a project off for a later time is an important lesson for me.)
“Partake fully of the juice of the moment, but do not linger. Don’t get caught by the ‘I’ story. Just watch what is unfolding, without picking anything up and claiming it as yours. This moment is insanely holy when you are out of the way.”
— From Conversations with Plato (via motherofhermes)
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Art. Seen in nature. Unformed by human hand. Is there something greater than mere humans?
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fern fossil
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The ordinary. The everyday. The tranquility.
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Collage RAT 2015
W. Strempler
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Essentials for living day by day.
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michaela mara art
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Free People
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