cat-for-lofe · 16 hours
the funniest thing about joshneku in twewy to me is how joshua went "oh fuck, he's getting better — i need to go make him worse so my elaborate suicide plan goes well", but fucking failed entirely. in fact, he failed SO spectacularly, that instead of making neku get worse, neku made HIM get BETTER.
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cat-for-lofe · 16 hours
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couples' t-shirts. or something
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cat-for-lofe · 16 hours
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cat-for-lofe · 16 hours
joshneku doodles from my sketchbook!!
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+ closeups!!
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cat-for-lofe · 4 days
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Decided to draw some shetpost at twt where post Neo Twewy hehe
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cat-for-lofe · 7 days
Elation March 7th?
I feel like I should’ve noticed this sooner but I didn’t. So I’m posting it now. March has connections to follow up attacks.
it was just a part of her kit when we got her but having a different version of her that followe different path makes me think she might have a connection to follow-up attacks, because follow-up attacks are associated with the elation and know anything about her I can’t help but feel like she might have a connection to the elation.
We have associated her with the remembrance and the beauty so I suppose associating her with another parth doesn’t really give us any answers but it’s a weird connection.
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cat-for-lofe · 19 days
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cat-for-lofe · 23 days
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cat-for-lofe · 28 days
Giyuu being like “why won’t Tanjiro leave me alone” “why does he keep bringing me food” “I’m mad at you why won’t you go” only to be like “I’m going to carry ohagi in my sleeve for when I see Shinazugawa next time so that he’ll like me and we can bond” makes him a massive yet hilarious hypocrite
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cat-for-lofe · 1 month
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snow white and 7 aranaras (lol)
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cat-for-lofe · 1 month
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have a
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cat-for-lofe · 1 month
He has a weird amount of connections with duality so I guess it’s not that surprising but even still how can he be one of the most understanding people while simultaneously being a d!ck
scaramouche is so freaking hilarious to me cause like. look at him. he's a short man with so much rage. he's famously very pretty when he's not snarling at you. he wears an ostentatious hat that can be seen from a mile away. he was 'set free' by his mom/creator for having a heart then proceeded to spend the next five centuries looking for one. he was adopted by a bunch of swordsmiths when found in the wild. he knows how to make a sword as he was taught by the best professional swordsmoths of his country. he knows how to take care of babies and small children, even if they're sick. he also knows how to make a nation collapse on itself and gained a whole moniker out of it. those qualities somehow exist simultaneously. he killed the entirety of raiden gokuden but spared the descendant of the man he thought had betrayed him because even then he held love in his heart for him. he literally endured dottore's mad experiments for probably centuries. he's been to the abyss. he figured out that Teyvat's sky is fake. he straight up reached into the tree of life and erased himself so that he could reverse the fate of those he had wronged. not even vengeance. that wasn't even priority, no he wanted to save the ones he loved. when that didn't work he accepted his memories and decided to work on atonement and vengeance. at the same time. he enrolled in the akademiya – the highest educational facility in Teyvat – by getting into an argument with a bunch of researchers because he has to have the last word. he woke up in a fantasy world and scoffed at the prophecy handed to him. he saved the replica of one of Gold's most dangerous creations by saying 'you need head pats, friends and therapy'. he then proceeded to give the head pats, friendship and therapy to his baby-sized dragon friend. he wakes up everyday and chooses violence, then somehow managed to be kind anyway.
he's so funny. I love him so much.
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cat-for-lofe · 1 month
I know bedtime story happened months ago but this thought just came to mind so u have to deal with it
For me one of the main points of the quest was that even if you don’t remember something it still holds importance and I’m connecting it to event quest because we learn things in those quests but the Traveler never mentions them (except for that one bit with Scara that felt more like Scara remembering us than anything else, it was big vague enough that the traveller could’ve just interpreted it as them having entail on them) at the end of bedtime story we get an item that the traveler nor us as the player know where it came from and that reminds me a lot of the different items we get for playing event quests
Really have a point to this other than the traveler potentially not remembering things already being preestablished by the fact that thing don’t make mention of events in the main story
Someone smarter than me could make this into a thing, but I am not that person
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cat-for-lofe · 2 months
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This was a small moment but I liked the scene when Amethio tells Soulblades to dodge Yonoir's Shadow Ball, and Soulblades cuts Shadow Ball in two with his sword to repel the attack rather than actually dodging it like Amethio asked him to.
And then I realized it's because Amethio was right behind and if Soulblades had actually dodged the attack, the Shadow Ball would have potentially landed close to Amethio and he could have been caught up in the impact of the attack. So Soulblades decided to stay where he was and deflected the attack. He is still fulfilling commands in other ways, but he seems to have his own ideas in mind too.
This reminds me of HZ002 when Soulblades immediately jumped in front of Amethio to protect him from the impact of Nyahoja's Leafage. It's kind of similar now, he is staying in front of Amethio to make sure Amethio isn't getting caught up attacks.
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cat-for-lofe · 2 months
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Thinking about how the Explorers contrast the Rising Volt Tacklers in several ways. Namely, they are both groups with one the protagonists and the other the antagonists, but the Rising Volt Tacklers are a group of friends who have known each other for years (at least the adults are veterans) and are all good at a particular task. They have no insecurities or desire to be more than what they are, know who they are and what they're good at, and trust each other and their skills. Their talents and skills complement each other well to the point where they work together, trust each other, and the teamwork between them is so good that they make a very effective unit. This supportiveness extends to their care for Liko, Roy, and Dot, who they treat as their children and give them a loving and nurturing environment to allow them to grow into the people they're supposed to become. Meanwhile the Explorers are a more dysfunctional group where they're all only really together on a professional level, and the admins all have some clear desire to be recognized and validated for their talents but see each other as threats and don't have an environment where anyone truly supports or cares about each other, and they're all more focused on trying to one up each other rather than work together. They don't have a good environment to help them either, as Hamber and Gibeon are both very detached from everyone on an emotional level, Hamber clearly picks favorites with Amethio being his "favorite", and Gibeon outright states the group all exist purely to serve him.
And then you have certain admins having close relationships with certain characters on the RVT. Coral and Sidian are developing a close rivalry with Liko and Roy specifically, with Coral and Liko in particular having a relationship slowly becoming more personal between them. Spinel and Dot have an indirect relationship of animosity between them as Spinel has repeatedly gotten in Dot's way when it comes to technology and info gathering. Amethio and Friede also have a long standing direct rivalry between them. Chalce is an enigma since she's done the least so far and has no direct relationship with anyone on the Rising Volt Tacklers so far, though as time goes on we may see that with someone, though I'm not sure who yet: notably she's strongly implied to be an intellectual and a researcher.
Within those relationships, each Explorers admin really comes off as a foil and contrast to the character on the Rising Volt Tacklers who they are setting up to have the closest relationship with.
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Liko and Coral contrast each other because Liko is very kind and selfless to an extreme, always prioritizing other peoples' feelings over her own and caring more about other peoples' happiness, while Coral is very selfish and prioritizes what she wants over all else, even disobeying orders from Hamber in order to do whatever she pleases and gets very angry when things don't go her way. They've started interacting one on one more often and Liko tries to console her and try to make things better for her, and Coral tends to lose it anyway, but because of this contrast there's definitely a one-of-a-kind relationship between them forming.
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Roy and Sidian don't really have that much of a contrast between each other beyond their personalities, which is a basic contrast since Roy is very energetic and upbeat while Sidian is more stoic and serious. But it does also contrast their duo relationships with Liko and Coral. Especially since as duos their relationships are evidently close but different. Liko and Roy are often on the same wavelength and get along extremely well while Coral and Sidian clearly do care about each other but butt heads a lot and outwardly can't stand each other. Liko and Roy show their friendship and mutual care for each other in a very healthy way, they acknowledge they care about each other and appreciate each other. Meanwhile Coral and Sidian likely do value each other deep down but seem to be unable to show it in a positive and constructive way, on both sides since Sidian is somewhat overprotective of Coral in an overbearing way that she finds annoying.
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Then you have Dot and Spinel who are both relatively reclusive and stay in a closed-up space by themselves most of the time and are very tech-savvy and web-savvy and use that to their advantage. Both are very good at gathering intel and info about things but while Dot very liberally shares the information she gathers to the rest of her teammates, to their benefit, Spinel keeps himself privy to information he considers valuable without sharing it to his fellow Explorers, keeping it solely for himself, which is evidently going to be to their detriment long term. Spinel so far has been rather dirty playing and refuses to show his face or get involved in the action himself, letting others do the work for him, while Dot has been trying to get out of her shell and put herself out there. So far their similarities have led them to butt heads in a way where they've never met face to face, but Spinel has used his skills to interfere with Dot's work and get in her way through interference and misdirection, and Dot has some personal hostility towards him as a result.
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And the longest standing dichotomy and relationship so far is between Friede and Amethio, who are active rivals. The dichotomy is that Friede is a very strong Trainer, a natural leader, and wise Professor, and he's good at what he does. He doesn't demand respect from anyone, but naturally commands it by his presence and skill and is revered by his peers, including the three kids who look up to him and respect him. Meanwhile, Amethio struggles with self-esteem and a desire for respect. He clearly wants respect from others for his strength: that seems to be the one thing he really wants, to be valued and recognized as a strong Trainer. Yet he struggles to get that from his peers, as his fellow admins don't like him or want to work with him and have absolutely no respect for him. It's implied they do recognize his strength as a Trainer but are jealous of him and feel threatened by his presence in the group. All he has is his two grunt subordinates Zirc and Onia who are devoted to him, but that doesn't seem to be enough to relieve him of his own insecurity over the lack of respect he gets from the rest of his peers. It especially comes to a head when Friede actively toys with him and eventually, Amethio learns Friede could've effortlessly beaten him from the start but chose to play around and never took him seriously.
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The only one who is currently an enigma so far is Chalce, aka Agate. She's the biggest enigma of the group so far since she's had so little screen time and has done very little in the midst of action, and she has had no personal interactions with anyone on the Rising Volt Tacklers so far. From what little we can piece together; she seems to be the intellectual of the organization and a scientist or researcher, since she was in a lab with Spinel who the latter disclosed some information to, and she disguises herself as a teacher at Naranja Academy right now. So far Chalce hasn't really had a personal relationship with anyone on the Rising Volt Tacklers, but I do think at some point as we see more of her she will. It will be interesting who she becomes ironically close with among the RVT and how she will contrast them, given how little we've seen of her character so far.
Anyway my long neurodivergent ramble aside, just some thoughts on the interesting foils the two groups share, especially now that we've seen more of the Explorers' admins and more of their characters, and how they foil certain other characters who they're starting to become oddly close with.
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cat-for-lofe · 2 months
Liko and Roy being able to lovingly roast Friede is fun, but I also feel like it shows that they don't blindly idolize him? They admire him for sure, but their perception of him is pretty grounded in a way. They know the person beneath, they are close to him, and they know he is not infallible (he told them about his past and his first meeting with Cap, after all). They are not admiring from a distance, but their admiration for him is rooted in reality (and he's shown them time and time again why he is worth looking up to).
I also feel like this moment shows that Liko, Roy and Dot all focus on different sides of Friede when it comes to their admiration for him, or what they try to emulate? They all know he is a professor, but out of the three, I think Dot is the one who focuses the most on this aspect. She is the one who read his thesis (which was brought up in HZ041), and she still keeps up with his research and respects his work. She even refers to him as "Professor Friede" in this episode, and she knows that his distribution map has been presented at a conference and that it has proper sources. And afterwards, she almost sets a challenge for herself, which is to find any Pokemon that aren't on Friede's map. She wants to be able to do something Friede couldn't do as a researcher, discover something he doesn't know, and find new things herself.
Meanwhile, Roy mostly focuses on the "battler" aspect of Friede. Just like how Hogator looks up to Lizardon, Roy looks up to Friede and wants to be strong and cool like him (he even imitates his Terastal pose, which speaks to how Roy pays close attention to Friede during battles and can't help but mimic him). As for Liko, I feel like she mostly focuses on how Friede is as a person and a trainer? She wrote her report in HZ035 about Friede and Cap because that's who she thinks about when she is asked about an "ideal bond" (and she had no illusions about their bond since she saw them fight among each other and be stubborn, so she got to see both the good and bad). And her report sums up what stands out to her when it comes to Friede. She talked about how she grows a little stronger when he is around, and how his presence gives courage to those around him. And that part of Friede is precisely what she wants to emulate (and she probably wants her and Nyarote to be like Friede and Cap, as trainer and Pokemon). They all see Friede as someone reliable and reassuring, but they focus on different aspects of him in their own journeys.
(And it's kind of interesting how in the antagonist side, Amethio was also exposed to these three aspects of Friede at different points and somehow influenced by them.. The "battler" aspect, because his style began to change after meeting Friede, and because he imitates him too when he uses Terastal. The "person" aspect, because he actually took into account Friede's comment about not being riled up by words in HZ025, and didn't respond to the Explorers who were making some comments towards him in their meeting in HZ027. So he tried to follow Friede's words, and stopped snapping back when he could. As for the "professor" aspect, he didn't see it as much, but I think the closest to it would be Amethio asking what move Rayquaza used in HZ045, and Friede immediately providing him with an answer. Not knowing something, and learning through someone who actually knows.)
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cat-for-lofe · 2 months
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That one friend who never takes their own advice 🤡
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