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Lolo (she/her). Anti-capitalism. BIPOC lives matter. Trans rights. Against shipping minors with adults.I think we all should be nicer to ourselves.Fan/Art Blog: into-a-nighttime-sky
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
somehow instead of saying "as a treat", I've started using the phrase "for morale", as if my body is a ship and its crew, and I (the captain) have to keep us in high spirits, lest we suffer a mutiny in the coming days.
and so I will eat this small block of fancy cheese, for morale. I will take a break and drink some tea, for morale. I will pick up that weird bug, for morale.
I'm not sure if it helps, but it does entertain me
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
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do not separate themā€¦..
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
Okay Iā€™m currently furious that migraines are often so blindly easy to treat and I had to find this out myself at the age of 26 when Iā€™ve been to a neurologist since I was 11 lol so Iā€™m about to teach you two neat and fast little tricks to deal with pain!
The first is the sternocleidomastoid muscle, or the SCM muscle.
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This big red section is responsible for pain around the eye, cheekbone, and jaw, as well as some temple pain. Literally all you have to do is angle your head down a little, angle it away from the side that hurts, and then you can gently pinch and rub that muscle. I find it best to start at the bottom and travel upwards. The relief is so immediate! You can increase pressure as you feel comfortable doing so.
Here is a short and easy video showing this in action
The second is a fast and easy stretch that soothes your vagus nerve, which is the nerve responsible for calming you down. The vagus nerve, for those unfamiliar, is stimulated by deep breathing such as yawning, sighing, singing, or taking a deep breath to calm your anger in a tense situation.
You can stretch this out by sitting up as straight as possible (this does not have to be perfect to work) and interlacing your fingers. Put your hands on the back of your head with your thumbs going down the sides of your neck and, while keeping your face forward, look all the way to one side with just your eyes. Hold that until you feel the urge to breathe deeply or yawn, or until you can tell thereā€™s a change. Then do the same thing on the other side. When you put your arms down, you should clearly be able to turn your head farther in both directions. If the first session doesnā€™t get rid of your migraine, rest and repeat as many times as necessary. I even get a little fancy with it and roll my eyes up and down along the outer edge sometimes to stretch as much as I can.
If you need a visual hereā€™s a good video on it. I know some of the language they use seems questionable but this is real and simple science and should not be discarded because itā€™s been adopted by the trendy wellness crowd!
I seriously cannot believe I didnā€™t hear a word of this from any doctor in my life. Additionally, if you get frequent recurring migraines, you may want to see a dietician. Migraines can be caused by foods containing histamines, lectin, etc. and can also be caused by high blood pressure in specific situations such as exercise, stress, and even sex.
If any of this information helps you Iā€™d love to hear it btw! Itā€™s so so fast and easy to do. Good luck!
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
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Au where everything is the same except the baratie is a mcdonalds
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
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Robert Melee,
Multi Disco Sectionalism
Stella Substitution, 2010
Beer bottle caps, plaster, enamel paint on wood, 73x51 in.
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
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Forgot my town's library has these masterpieces
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
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Karl Benjamin
#17, 1970
56 3/4x56 3/4 inches, oil on canvas
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
ah shit they're gaining on us. we gotta jettison some weight. throw all those stolen boomerangs out we don't need em
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
if youā€™ve never played a pokĆ©mon game youā€™re missing out on the insane things npcs will say to you unprompted. like youā€™ll be walking down a path and a total stranger will see you and immediately run up to you and trap you in place and say something like ā€˜the divorce is getting rough but me and my pokĆ©mon are getting tough!ā€™ and then start a battle and after you beat their single rat theyā€™ll be like ā€˜i wasnā€™t worthy of herā€¦ā€™ or something
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
I talk frequently about how ignorant most Global North citizens are about the immigration policies of their own and other countries. When my husband and I (Global North citizens of different countries) got married, we had conversation after conversation with people who assumed that by producing our marriage certificate we could simply become residents of each otherā€™s countriesā€” and that we could not be refused residence in each otherā€™s countries, as separating a husband and wife could surely not be allowed.Ā 
More interestingly, a lot of people seem to refuse knowledge about immigration, perhaps because it canā€™t be integrated into some deep and important picture of the world that they have. My parents canā€™t make themselves believe that my British husband would get in trouble if he overstayed his visaĀ ā€œjust a couple of daysā€ in the US, or that I (an American) would ever get deported from the UK, no matter what the circumstances. This is not only because they believe that British and American citizens, as Global North citizens, are specially exempt from the systems that areĀ ā€œmeantā€ to regulate other kinds of people,Ā but also because fundamentally they believe that government and its processes are rational and just. They mustĀ believe that government and its processes are rational and just, because otherwise their whole picture of the worldā€” the means by which they understand itā€” would collapse.
This is all fairly simple and obvious. What is not so simple and obvious is the way that their privileged ignorance, the hothouse resilience of their fantasy world, is part of a mechanism through which the ā€œwork of knowingā€ in our society is outsourced to the underprivileged. (The privileged do not have to knowĀ in a way that disrupts their fantasy, because not-knowing has no consequences for them.) This is an interesting dynamic, because many postcolonial theorists (Sara Ahmed, Dipesh Chakrabarty, etc) have explored how the Global South is typically portrayed as that-which-is-known-by-the-Global-North, and therefore as not capable of knowing. So what does it mean that the tools of regulation remain in the hands of the Global North, but that the knowledgeĀ of regulation is a burden borne by the Global South? There is an element here of knowing as knowing-your-place, for sureā€” learning to be interpellated as the illegal and the undesirable. The knowing that is happening also constitutes the production of the illusiveĀ ā€œjust and rationalā€ world that sustains the Global North. Iā€™m interested in the way that the dehumanization of the Global South therefore serves to sustain the rational and just Human and humaneness of the Global North. Thereā€™s an abjectification that is necessaryĀ for thisā€” as anyone who has experienced universal healthcare knows, more just and equitable care/distribution of resources often means that more privileged people get less-nice things than they have been led to expect, so if they want to continue to enjoy the same standard of living allowed them by unjust and non-equitable care, they must rationalize this somehow. And how does one rationalize having been, by chance, born in the right geographic area? One canā€™t. One must, instead, believe that this is not how privilege is allotted, which required not-knowingĀ that this is how privilege is allotted.Ā 
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
if I had a wrestling persona they would be part demon part pharmacist and their name would be DVS (like CVS but pronounced Devious) and their catchphrase would be Welcome To The Harmacy
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
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Stolen. Not from slavery. Not from sharecropping. From benefits paid for in blood
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
the real challenge of adulthood that no one tells you about in advance is how many goddamn pieces of paper you have to keep up with that are never important until they are suddenly VERY important
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
every year or so tik tok starts debating who the ā€œreal mean girlā€ was in mean girls and iā€™m just so baffled by the lack of media comprehension. the point is that they are ALL MEAN GIRLS. Yes! Janis was a mean girl. But so was Regina. All of the girls were mean girls!!! Thatā€™s what the gym scene is about, every girl gong up on stage and admitting something horrible theyā€™ve done to another person.
Itā€™s why Cadyā€™s character had to be home schooled and not just transferring from a different school. It had to show you that everyone is capable of being a ā€œmean girlā€ because high school is kill or be killed. Itā€™s so easy to hurt others in the name of protecting yourself. Even girls who were kind and wanted to be kind succumbed to being a ā€œmean girlā€ in order to make it through the day.
Mean Girls isnā€™t about right vs wrong. Itā€™s about hierarchies in high school, itā€™s about the performance of femininity, itā€™s about toxic femininity, itā€™s about expectations and the desire to be accepted.
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casual-beret Ā· 21 days ago
it's really weird having a first dog be blind and then getting a second who can how was I supposed to be prepared for this.
this creature can perceive when I put the treats up on the high shelf. or when I hide stuff behind my back. I can't fool her!! she's always watching me and she shouldn't have this much knowledge!!!
I walk around at night and I shine my flash light directly into her eyes and I'll just be standing there staring at her weird blue orbs for like 5 seconds until I realize it's probably extremely annoying to her, because she has eyes!! I'll turn on the light in the room and she gruffs and grumbles like ?? oh right!! light wakes you up!! the fuck??
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