castinstars-blog · 7 years
         “Those are herbs to stop bleeding ... you have to chew on them and press them into the open wound.” He was pleased with how busy he had been in the most recent few weeks. Requests for potions or herbs from the simplest of arrays to anything more in-depth needs: sleep aids, burn aids, something to make someone a bit more loose-lipped ( not that he approved of that, but he couldn’t police how his products were being used ). When the bell over the door chimed again he offered up a glance, “Good afternoon. Do you need help finding anything?”
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castinstars-blog · 7 years
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castinstars-blog · 7 years
( banditblackwall )
Her eyes first followed his hand, then toward the lingering debris thickening the air dissipating up until the vast black seas above them bore no evidence of the destruction. Even if they weren’t alone, what good were twinkling lights out of reach and never affected by the world below. Perhaps that was their peace, but the thought was a hopeful sentiment of a Kingdom bathed in foolish optimism, and a poor sentiment at that. “What a distant comfort for a very near terror, and for the foolish few,” she murmured, turning back to him and taking a few closer in his direction while maintaining her distance.
It was a test as teetering on her feet while she spoke, shifting her weight from one side to the other without apparent intent to shift into his view. So concealed, so careful, what did Remi care for the lingering scent of despair and death when the being before her seemed overly concerned about his seeing his face. “I’m passing through. The trails are peaceful at night, and no doubt with all this, they’ll be flocked with those trying to escape or seeking medicines. No doubt many will want to come this way so soon.” Though it was odd for anyone to be traveling alone, no matter what guiding light the moon offered. “Did you really come out here, yourself, just to see the stars,” she asked, the small curl inciting her lips as she drew closer.
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         “I came out here, myself, for a break from the chaos of the evening.” He was aware of her motions, coming closer steadily with whatever intention was behind her actions. If Carric could make himself somehow smaller to disappear entirely from the scene he might, though it wasn’t out of fear so much as a mistrust of her person. Though he wasn’t sure why --- he believed innately in the good of others, but his years in the Realm had taught him that didn’t mean they were worth trusting. The Star Child blinked at her, expression otherwise empty, before returning his attention to the sky.
“There’s nothing wrong with stargazing, at any rate. Not enough people do it. All too busy burying their noses in other people’s business.” Which was how he heard most of the news of the Realm ... the courtesans within Manon had a habit of talking about their clients when receiving whatever medical attention they needed.
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castinstars-blog · 7 years
The Best Is Yet To Come Metal Gear Solid (PS1, 1998)
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castinstars-blog · 7 years
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castinstars-blog · 7 years
         By the time the moon rose high in the sky he had emptied three bowls of pinked water, refilled them with a steaming replacement and diligently tended to the ill Albion noble. The worst of it seemed to have been quelled with a concoction of herbs ( which still left a rather bitter taste at the back of his tongue ) that fought off the excursion of blood from her mouth. Now she could sleep, at least. Blood colored his fingers, splotched against the wrists of his tunic, and a few spatters painted his cheeks, but Carric was far too used to this. It was the breath of fresh air that calmed him, a small moment of time to allow the noble some rest ... as well as himself a break from the consistent tending. He enjoyed the moonlight, the smear of stars high above, and needed only the cover of the balcony to hide the faint glow of his flesh. “Do I have to head back in?” Without looking to his company he spoke, eyes out toward the field below the noble’s property. Of course he enjoyed his job, but he needed more than just a second of solace.
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castinstars-blog · 7 years
( houseatreides )
“I won’t be much time, only passing through,” he commented, looking about the premises from his hover just past the threshold, slightly lowered in a slouch. “Linseed, plant and oil. I’m finding it harder to come by. And…” Rowan trailed off as his eyes lowered to folded hands. His lips pursed together as to trap his tongue from revealing too much, despite his need to ask. “Anything you would recommend as a blood thinner, perhaps even a relaxant with the same effect.”
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         Fingers gently arranged the oils in his bag, depositing what was in one hand in some order only Carric understood. With the named requests he turned for one of his cabinets, unlatching it to begin searching through the rows of bottles. “Is it fine if it’s been dried? Some prefer it fresh, but it spoils quicker.” Two bottles collected between his fingers, one for the plant and another for the oil, the latter a smaller bottle. Carric deposited them onto the counter and shifted yet again ... but this time thought was obviously on his face. “I’d be very careful with anything to thin the blood. Even a drop too much can result in excess bleeding.” A long moment passed of searching and when Carric came back to the counter he set the two bottled apart from the requested linseed. “This one is to thin the blood. One drop. One will do it, on the tongue. The dropper is glass, be careful. They tend to be fragile. And this ... they can be taken at the same time but the flavor is quite pungent. I’d recommend something sweet to counteract it, else it will leave an unpleasant, cotton-like bitterness inside of your cheeks. It takes about half an hour to kick in, don’t take any more than two drops until at least an hour has passed before you decide it wasn’t enough. You don’t want to paralyze a part of you.”
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castinstars-blog · 7 years
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“There’s much to fear. Dark and dangerous times, my grace
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castinstars-blog · 7 years
Would you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
         “I … what is ice cream?”
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castinstars-blog · 7 years
Which do you listen to more: your heart or your brain?
         “I’d love to tell you that it’s a relatively even exchange, but I tend to follow my mind more. With the exception of once.”
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castinstars-blog · 8 years
         “Actually, I’m going to be locking up for about a week. I’ve been summoned to Albion to give some of my expertise to an ill noble. Was there something you needed before I left? I can fetch some herbs or what have you before I do make to leave...”
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castinstars-blog · 8 years
Do you ever want to get married?
         “I don’t think that’s in my stars, little one.”
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castinstars-blog · 8 years
If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
         “Either that I’m thinking or I have nothing to say.”
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castinstars-blog · 8 years
Favorite constellation?
         “The Hunter, of course.”
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castinstars-blog · 8 years
favorite thing about being on earth?
         “Having people to talk to.”
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castinstars-blog · 8 years
do you have any regrets?
         “I can safely say that no, I do not.”
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castinstars-blog · 8 years
are you afraid of anything?
         “Of course. Any living, feeling thing is afraid. I’m personally afraid of a permanent death.”
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