castgil · 4 years
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castgil · 4 years
her liegeborn​       *  
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           the usually talkative master was now quiet, letting herself follow the caster’s moves.  she wasn’t sure how she got here, being shown such affection by someone she held so highly.  gil had always been one she admired, someone she strived to be like … and now he was kissing her.  her hand holds onto his own as if it’s the only thing keeping her stable.  ( and with how lightheaded she felt, it might as well be. ) her mouth parts for him with no resistance, a small gasp coming from her. 
            her anxieties were far behind her at this point, her mind racing too fast to focus on one thing.  it was almost embarrassing how easily she let herself melt into his touch, let her want build and build.  as best as she could, she leans into him. every break to breathe left her panting, her breath quickening more and more, eventually muttering his name under her breath. 
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It wasn’t often that these feelings began to BURN like a vibrant flame , feeling the smaller woman press so numbly into his taller form gave the blonde a very PRIDEFUL emotion . Fingers wrap around her own to provide a very firm grip not wanting the sunny red-head to fall faint from their intimate affections. Lips tug into a wolfish grin , hearing that heart of hers rapidly beat within chest via pulse from hand along wrist.   
Her breath was growing quicker & quicker , even to the point  the caster heard such an audible beauty ; Ritsuka uttering his name in such a WANTING / NEEDY fashion . Eyes close firmly , that one hand that intertwined with her own begins to slowly untangle & explore downwards only to grab plush thigh thrusting slim bodice against wall so that she wouldnt genuinely faint - after all he had worries she just might . 
passion is given with every movement , soft tiers sealing against his masters own in a almost permanent way - any time she attempted to leave for breath , those lips of hers catch her own. Pointed canines playfully nibble on her lower tier , giving a small tug before officially allowing them to get some air between their kissing session . . . .   even if he didn’t know it & LIKED seeing her so dazed . 
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castgil · 4 years
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             it takes a moment for her to realize what was happening.  it felt like her brain was short-circuiting, her face burning bright red as she was trying to process just what was going on.  god, she could hear her own heart beating out of her chest!  every lingering moment, she eased more into it, eyes closing and leaning more and more forward until he finally parted from her. 
                “ i - i – ”  was the room spinning or was that just her?  “ w-w-wait i– ”
               taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. … well, that was supposed to help, but it really didn’t at all!  instead, she shakes her head, overcome with a newfound confidence as she carefully reaches up and places her hands on his cheeks.  getting on her tiptoes, she places a kiss on his lips, a little needier than his.  as fast as her confidence came, it abruptly left as she parted from him. 
                   “ w-was that okay? ”
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in which a index finger comes towards his own lips in a pleased manner , letting out a very kingly ponder only to feel soft tiers shoved onto his own . vivid  crimson red  eyes flash open as slit pupils immediately focus down on the red headed woman that appeared to be ablaze by his own brash actions . Gilgamesh realized he may have been too forward but they have been on a date , he has held her in his arms --- surely this was fine . 
Eyes eventually close , a hand coming to hold the womans cheek as gold claw caresses underneath eye lovingly .  it felt good to feel the neediness within her movements , the heated emotions between them that the caster had felt for so long . hearing the soft voice emit afterwards , the tininess of it all , the stuttering caused a FLAME to be set .  Gently does the caster push the master back against to wall , tiers press firmly into her own as free hand comes to intertwine with the summoners own. 
just how far could he take it to leave her completely dazed ? spongy tongue gently pushes itself past the others lips , wanting to get a taste of the one he had been devoting a good portion of his time & life too.  
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castgil · 4 years
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            “ i - i guess?  but like i’m too scared to do anything – ”  ritsuka. you idiot. 
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        theres a strangely apathetic look in his eyes for a moment , how she admitted to being too scared to do anything - of course she is , the caster suspected as much & it was validated . The caster would lean down , gold tipped gauntlet holding the womans chin before placing a single soft kiss  ‘pon those sweet cherry tipped ones.   it was lingering for several prolonged seconds before letting go of chin , allowing her to do as she pleased . 
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castgil · 4 years
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           wah–! “ o-okay! i believe it… you caught me– ”
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      “   I know its not easy to be convinced  by words ,  perhaps actions will have to do ? “ 
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castgil · 4 years
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         “ n-no … of course not– ” kinda. 
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                           GENTLY bops her in the head .  “  Im no fool , I can sense your DOUBT .  “ 
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castgil · 4 years
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     then can’t you, in theory, change the stigma against horoscopes and make them real and accurate? 
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                        “    I could but why would I do that  ?   Enough of your silly horoscopes  plebeian !  “  
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castgil · 4 years
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       “Ah, you think I’m funny? Well, king Gilgamesh, I’m honoured.”
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           “    that is not what it means .  “  
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castgil · 4 years
originlist replied to your post:                casually begins to read his tome ,...
got any good jokes in there
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“  yeah , right here :  you  “ 
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castgil · 4 years
stanslaus replied to your post:                casually begins to read his tome ,...
he’s…. horoscope reading….!
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castgil · 4 years
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               casually begins to read his tome , may or may not have some interesting predictions of the year . . . but thats no ones business but his own ! 
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castgil · 4 years
  marsarrim         a certain little boy is now absolutely pouting at his father because of how long he had been absent. "you missed storytelling night !"
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slightly muscular arms remained wrapped around chest , oh no , hes dear little son had been ABSOLUTELY fuming at him !  story night ?  ah , he had forgotten all about story night . It wasn’t like he had any stories to tell anyways ! Caster Gilgamesh had quite  a lot of stories but most of everyone knew all of them by now .... right ?   “  It seems that I did , I apologize for missing storytelling night . “ In which he would place a hand upon the youngers shoulder and begin to usher him along .
“ and what did i miss when it  came to story telling night ? Tell me everything . “ 
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castgil · 4 years
Your alive!!!!
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                                        “    It hasn’t been that long has it ? “ 
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castgil · 4 years
jumps on jumps on jumps on ! !! !
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         “ ! “   he would be more than happy to have the young one jump upon his back , in fact hed help her up  &  ensure shes on night & tight .  “  if it isn’t the sweetest princess in the land .  “   coos the caster , his vocals oddly filled with saccharine whilst beginning to walk around whilst carrying the fluffy dressed girl .   “ have you been up to trouble ? or have you been good whilst I’ve been away ? “  
Its odd but at the moment he had someone so dear to him in his arms , a lot of his problems appeared to melt away as the king focuses on the caster.
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castgil · 4 years
originlist‌     *            LANCER
Sure he was. Of course he’s working – but now he’s working in Hektor’s sphere of awareness, which means that Hektor’s got to do something about that. “Oh, please. You’re always working, that’s why it’s up to me to remind you to take a break every once in a while. It’s for your health!” He swings his arm around Gilgamesh’s shoulder. Too bad, sir, grumpy or not he’s getting a side hug and Hektor will drag him away from working.
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“I’d sure hope we’re somethin’ along those lines. I do like seeing you around. There we go, that’s how you greet someone! You’re learning quickly.”
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        It was in the matter of seconds that the caster was close to teleporting away only to find a arm wrapped around shoulder  & soon  dragged into a strange type of side hug .  The casters complexion appeared displeased as he cant understand how to TRULY understand all of this happening to him right now . Ah , right -- he was in lancers field of view which means ........ well , exactly what happened . 
“  are you a jester now , a clown ? are you trying to be funny . “  comes the king with a high-mighty attitude , letting out a heavy puff of exhaustion the moment he found hektors humor bubbling .   “  I do not need another court jester , we already have merlin . “ 
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castgil · 4 years
originlist‌       *       LANCER
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Gilgamesh seems exasperated as ever, though that doesn’t put a damper on Hektor or his easygoing grin. “Oyaaa, you’re not even going to give me a hello back? How cold, my heart’s breaking, Gil. Here I was, worried you’d disappeared or overworked yourself again, and this is what I get when you return… where’s the friendship, eh?” Hektor laughs amiably. Come on now, Gilgamesh! Hektor can’t let him get away with playing grumpy and unsociable upon his triumphant (?) return.
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        “   I was working , Im busy , surely you know this Hektor. “   Gilgamesh says in a neutral tone , though , as he continues to keep it up a small facade leaves the mage -- shoulders relaxing , the king keeps arms crossed however as he approaches . “  Friendship ? Is that what we are  ;  Friends .. “  Gilgamesh is simply trying to rile up hektor for reasons unknown besides simply wanting to be a bit of a annoyance .   “  Fine , fine .  Hello hektor .  “ 
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castgil · 4 years
liegeborn‌        *         MASTER.
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             “ right, right!! ” 
                        practically skipping, she makes her way to the computer lab.  this might be one of the best presents she ever got… or at least that’s how she saw it right now. booting up the computer, she takes a seat in front of it. 
               “ you know, you should play with me one day!! i can make a server and set up one of the other computers… ”
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Gilgamesh observes as she begins to skip along , a small bop in each step however he does not mind -  it was rather  cute seeing her so undeniably excited despite it just being a mere computer game.  Quietly placing hands upon her shoulders the king observes the technology with slight interest .  “ Play ? I suppose I can ... test out this ‘ minecraft ‘ .  “  Even if the thought of it seemed slightly BORING to the king it doesn’t mean it wont change.
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