castagna · 2 years
A little about me…
Name — Misu
Age — 21
Languages spoken — English, Italian, French
Pronouns — They/them
Time zone — EDT
Other interests unrelated to rp — jerma985, old Nickelodeon/retro cartoons, the paranormal, cooking, stardew valley, Tetris… it’s nice to share common interests other than rp with my rp partners/friends!!
I’m an artist!! So expect art from me throughout our rp <3
What about me and RP?
- I’m semi lit to lit; This means I can write anywhere from 100 words to entire PAGES for one reply. This all depends on what’s going on in the story as well as what your replies are like!! I generally prefer to stay within the 250-350 word range for my replies.
- I write strictly in 3rd person!!!
- I’ve been at it since I’m 10-12 yrs old (which is definitely questionable but oh well) meaning that I have somewhere between 9-11 years experience, and I’ve been a descriptive, long term roleplayer the majority of that time.
- I don’t do cishet pairings, and prefer mxm/t4t/etc.
- Super flexible when it comes to plots and whatnot!!! Also like to incorporate NSFW when it’s warranted, it has to fit into the story and feel natural for the evolution of our character’s story and the story in general. I’m cool with certain common kinks (bondage for ex.), but for the most part I’m very vanilla, just a disclaimer.
- I only rp on discord!!!!
What I’m looking for…
- I want someone who’s active, this means replies AT LEAST once a day. Cannot stress or emphasize this enough. I’m completely cool with there being busier periods, but I will not settle for an rp where I have to wait for one reply within the span of 2 days for the entirety of the rp. I prefer 2-3 replies per day at least, ESPECIALLY when we’re in a part of the story that requires us to reply somewhat quickly. For ex.. action pact parts are so much more fun when we’re firing replies until the climax is over VS replying slowly and the heat of the story not being felt due to the slowness.
- No one below the age of 21 with experience in literate/long term roleplay.
- Good communication!! I’m not perfect. If I’m doing something you don’t like, please talk to me!! I want both of us to have fun, and I’ll do the same for you.
- Someone willing to play a character who either switches or doms. I do prefer partners who prefer to play dom characters, but I really enjoy switch as well. Just no strict subs.
- Capable of undertaking more mature content (aka a of certain degree gore, abuse, mental health problems, etc). The reason for this is because everyone likes to have angst in their stories, but for me that means including real world problems to make the angst palpable/realer.
- Most importantly; a friend!! Someone willing to chat, share memes, music, crack jokes about our characters… All that!!
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I think that includes everything I’m looking for!! Shoot me a dm if you’re interested and we’ll exchange discords. Ciao ciao 💜
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