Cassidy Investigations
126 posts
Welcome to Cassidy Investigations where no case is too small nor too big for us to handle. Your case will be expertly handled by the sibling team of Nate and Cora Cassidy. If you have a case for us, please leave a message in the ask box and one of us will get back to you. {Independent OC roleplay with multiple muses. More information on mun and muses in the links} Tracking: #cassidyinvestigations, #natecassidy, #coracassidy Magic Anon: none and not currently accepting.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Dear true believers,
Wow, it has been a long time since I posted any here or on my other blogs. I would list everything that's happened that led to the extended absence but frankly it all boils down to life getting in the way. It seems that for the time being, life will continue to get in the way but I wanted to let you know that I'm still very much alive and very much planning on making a return to the indie rp world.
However as I am planning on joining NaNoWriMo in November, I am thinking that restarting five indie rp blogs at once only to go on hiatus again just over a month later seems a little pointless; especially seeing as all of the muses I have indie blogs for have disappeared on me.
For the time being, the hiatus will continue. I'm sorry. I miss the fun I had with these blogs but I have to prioritise my life so I can make the most of each hectic and crazy day! The hiatus won't be forever, nothing will be deleted and eventually Bruce, Pepper, Jan, Sif and the Cassidy siblings will be back to grace your dashboards again.
Koi x
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Her whimpers were enough of a sign for Nate that Sharlene was close to her climax too. Gradually he let himself ease into letting his release go and get the better of him. He managed to keep his thrusts steady but his body began to betray him, shuddering and shivering as his muscles began to spasm. He managed to call out her name as he came, his hips thrusting hard into her.
All he could see was stars for a long moment. His breath was ragged and uneven. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead on her shoulder as he tried to regain control of his body. He hadn't realised just how much he needed this, how much he needed someone like her, until he was now experiencing the afterglow. Once again he found himself hoping that he would see her again after this night was done.
open | A little fun?
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Her hips lifting to meet his was all the encouragement he needed in order to speed up his thrusts. The momentum in his movements built up slowly, gradually until he reached a steady rhythm. He made various moans and groans with the effort of his thrusts. Inside of him, he could feel muscles tightening, preparing themselves for his inevitable release. He held on though. He didn't want to let go yet, not until he was sure she was close too.
He forced his eyes open, if only so he could watch her and make sure she was enjoying this as much as he was. With the momentum of the thrusts, he was finding it difficult to centre his kisses solely on her lips. He kissed her wherever his lips happened to land: her lips, her cheeks, her chin, her neck. Each kiss was different: passionate, tender, affectionate, lustful.
open | A little fun?
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Nate nodded and turned towards the counter, giving the waitress a big, friendly smile. He ordered two large lattes, paid for them and when they were ready, passed one of the cups to Piper. "Do you wanna sit down or maybe go for a walk?"
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Cassidy Investigations || Closed
I didnt even knew there were so many sorts of coffee. "Erm, doesnt matter, I’m good with anything. Just- the cheapest one, I guess. I’ve already made enough trouble."
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
"That goes both ways, you know."
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"Manners and consideration? Both of those things are yours, baby. All you gotta do is earn them."
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
|| Cora & Karter
Cora pushed herself to run faster, her feet pounding into the ground in a steady rhythm. What was the point of training if you didn't push yourself? She had her earphones in, hardcore music blaring loudly, but she was still aware that she wasn't alone. Whoever was here with her in the park, if they wanted to talk to her, they were going to have to keep up with her.
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Cora caught Jayce's wink and much to her dismay, she blushed because of it. She could usually handle a guy winking at her and usually she would flirt back or shoot the guy down depending on her mood. With Jayce, it was different. He managed to catch her off-guard with one simple gesture and make her act like a silly girl. 
Fortunately they had a job to do and Cora managed to pull herself together enough to focus on that, rather than Jayce's charm. She was supposed to be a professional investigator so she had better start acting more like one.
"Right so, yeah, back-up. I would say that we don't need back-up to follow us in. I mean the cult are only concentrating on small-fry demons for now so if we manage to take them down now, they won't cause us any more trouble and we won't have to worry about getting more agents out in the field." Cora left out the part where she didn't want any more SHIELD involvement. This was her case. If more agents were involved, she would lose it to SHIELD and they would get the glory of defeating the cult. This case belonged to her and Cassidy Investigations.
"You could warn some of the others if you want but I think we're more than capable of handling this on our own," Cora gave Jayce a confident smile as she left the server room. She stood by his desk as he locked the door. She glanced at the box on his desk, curious as to what could be inside. "The sooner we get out of here, the sooner the cult will be defeated and the sooner we could go get a drink."
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
"Pleased to meet you Piper," Nate said with a smile. They soon reached the coffee shop and Nate held open the door for Piper to walk through first. He followed her in and walked up to the counter to order the drinks. "What drink do you want?"
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Cassidy Investigations || Closed
"Piper." She followed him quickly, not feeling as suspicious as she should have felt. Nate seemed nice. 
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
"An annoying person who doesn't have any manners or consideration for other people's hard work."
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"Someone like me? Enlighten me. What am I like?” 
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Nate responded as Sharlene pulled him closer, trying to kiss him as he filled her up. He returned her kisses, trying not to think too much about how wonderful this all felt. Something more than just lust could happen between them, Nate could tell that much. Or at least he hoped for that much. But only time would tell if they would get the chance to explore the potential between them, or if their lives would tear them apart. Hunters were never good at maintaining relationships, no matter how hard they tried.
Nate forced himself to forget about all of that and focus instead on her, right now. His lips pressed against hers as he started to roll his hips slowly, thrusting himself in and out of her warmth. He moaned as the sensation made his eyes roll back in pure pleasure.
open | A little fun?
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Nate nodded and turned back to walk towards the coffee shop, glancing at the girl to make sure she was following. "I'm Nate by the way. What's your name?"
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Cassidy Investigations || Closed
"Well, I cant really say no to that, can I, eh?" Piper smirked slightly, shrugging. "Okay, lets go."
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Cora finished her slice of pizza and wiped her hands on her trouser leg. She looked over her Deadpool file again, wondering which points were right and which were wrong. Wade had a point: where better to get information than from the source himself. "If you tell me what I've got wrong, I promise SHIELD won't know. I get the impression that there's no love lost between you and them."
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
"No way. I worked too hard for this case for someone like you to come in at the last minute and take it from me. I've done you a favour and told you of another case that will be all yours if you take it. Play nice and get the fuck out of here."
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"Cops never get close enough. Unlike you, I’m too fast." She raised an eyebrow, her arms folded over her chest. "You were here first? Isn’t that the mentality of a little kid? Why don’t you go off to the Bronx, sweetheart, and I’ll stay right here."
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
"OK, you got me there. Not all orders make sense but I would say 9 times out of 10, listen and follow your orders. It makes life a lot easier, trust me."
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"I’m a bit more careful then I was before." She gave him a nod,"Thanks for the advice, but if the tell me to jump off a cliff then I’m not listening."
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Nate lifted his hips off of the bed in order to pull down his jeans and briefs while Sharlene hunted for a condom. He kicked the clothing off of him, letting it all land somewhere on the floor, out of sight. He grinned at her when she returned, condom in hand. "Thanks," he said, his voice still gruff with lust for her. He opened the packet and rolled the condom onto his shaft but he was soon distracted by her lips on his again. Now the protection was safely in place, he cupped her face with his hands, pressing urgent and hungry kisses to her lips.
Nate rolled himself over so that he was above Sharlene as she laid on her back on the bed. He positioned himself in between her legs, propping himself up with one arm as his other hand teased her clit again. "You ready?" He asked in a tense whisper. He stopped teasing her with his hand, instead taking a hold of his shaft and stroking the tip of it just over her entrance a few times before guiding himself inside of her. He moaned out loudly as her warmth enveloped him.
open | A little fun?
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
"Alright, how about this: I just happen to buy an extra coffee and you just happen to be around when I do. You can then drink it if you want, or leave it."
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Cassidy Investigations || Closed
"I could use company, thats right." Piper shifted slightly, chewing on her lip awkwardly. "Um, but I dont feel comfortable letting you buy me a coffee since I’m the one who just spilled yours all over the ground."
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cassidyinvestigations-blog · 11 years ago
Damnit. I have to go and be sociable with people I don't want to be sociable with. *clings to laptop*
I'll be back tomorrow. All replies so far have been saved to drafts.
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