her heart was a river
55 posts
she/her, minorsix of crows enthusiast
Last active 2 hours ago
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cassandra41924 · 4 days ago
yeah let's have eight gay hours instead
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cassandra41924 · 4 days ago
yeah pretty much skdfjkdsjfkjsdf
Now let me ask you a question :) If everything Darkling did is not "forgivable" from your moral perspective, why are theft/murder/crimes forgiven to Crows?
the most obvious answer is that the darkling is responsible for the murders of hundreds, if not thousands, while the crows are relatively small scale criminals and are working for the greater good.
my two main problems with the darkling are: 1. he's hundreds of years old, and alina was seventeen 2. though he claimed that he wanted a safer place for the grisha, he slaughtered practically all of the second army that didn't side with him. i have no respect for a man who betrays his own kind and his own beliefs.
and i am biased, towards the crows and against the darkling, because that's what leigh bardugo wants her readers to think. objectively, the crows are cast as the main characters, the protagonists, and the 'good' or good-adjacent characters. meanwhile the darkling is cast as a mass murderer.
of course that isn't to say that he's only an antagonist; he is, like many of the grishaverse characters, nuanced and complex. but still, i find it hard to support him in the least.
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cassandra41924 · 4 days ago
it's a ya book, for saints sake. the target audience is younger fans - and i'm not saying that adult readers can't enjoy the book - but we read the book for fun, not to analyse the deeper meanings or deep dive into characters. the whole point of reading a novel for fun is to follow the narrative. save the critical engagement for english lit.
Now let me ask you a question :) If everything Darkling did is not "forgivable" from your moral perspective, why are theft/murder/crimes forgiven to Crows?
the most obvious answer is that the darkling is responsible for the murders of hundreds, if not thousands, while the crows are relatively small scale criminals and are working for the greater good.
my two main problems with the darkling are: 1. he's hundreds of years old, and alina was seventeen 2. though he claimed that he wanted a safer place for the grisha, he slaughtered practically all of the second army that didn't side with him. i have no respect for a man who betrays his own kind and his own beliefs.
and i am biased, towards the crows and against the darkling, because that's what leigh bardugo wants her readers to think. objectively, the crows are cast as the main characters, the protagonists, and the 'good' or good-adjacent characters. meanwhile the darkling is cast as a mass murderer.
of course that isn't to say that he's only an antagonist; he is, like many of the grishaverse characters, nuanced and complex. but still, i find it hard to support him in the least.
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cassandra41924 · 5 days ago
Now let me ask you a question :) If everything Darkling did is not "forgivable" from your moral perspective, why are theft/murder/crimes forgiven to Crows?
the most obvious answer is that the darkling is responsible for the murders of hundreds, if not thousands, while the crows are relatively small scale criminals and are working for the greater good.
my two main problems with the darkling are: 1. he's hundreds of years old, and alina was seventeen 2. though he claimed that he wanted a safer place for the grisha, he slaughtered practically all of the second army that didn't side with him. i have no respect for a man who betrays his own kind and his own beliefs.
and i am biased, towards the crows and against the darkling, because that's what leigh bardugo wants her readers to think. objectively, the crows are cast as the main characters, the protagonists, and the 'good' or good-adjacent characters. meanwhile the darkling is cast as a mass murderer.
of course that isn't to say that he's only an antagonist; he is, like many of the grishaverse characters, nuanced and complex. but still, i find it hard to support him in the least.
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cassandra41924 · 5 days ago
i've never read hp and i don't plan to but all these jegulus shitposts are starting to change my mind
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cassandra41924 · 8 days ago
go ahead and ship malina if you want but just know that you're shipping a toxic and abusive relationship
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cassandra41924 · 23 days ago
gentle reminder that literally all the main characters of atla are sixteen years old tops
a a n g w a s t w e l v e
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cassandra41924 · 24 days ago
rewatching atla; why am i so similar to azula, i don't like this (but i love this, azula is my queen)
the fact that she burns the doll
when he was five and i was eight, my brother got a chess set and toy knife from our grandparents and i got a doll, i would've burned it too if i were allowed to
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cassandra41924 · 24 days ago
at school i've been so enthusiastic about reading six of crows and been bringing the book around with me all the time, to the point where someone told me it couldn't take that long to read one book -- i'd been taking it to school with me for months -- and i had to admit that it was really just my emotional support book
and my english teacher just pulled me aside and told me she'd bought a copy
and my friend had to grab my arm and remind me i was standing right by the staircase, so i didn't fall backwards down two flights of stairs in my sheer shock and delight
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cassandra41924 · 26 days ago
I firmly believe that if Kaz and Inej have a kid they will have a miniature war over their first word. They will both claim it’s a joke, nothing serious. But it is.
Inej wants something sweet, something normal, like ‘Mama’ or ‘Papa.’ She doesn’t care if the kid says Kaz’s name first. It’s better than the other option. The other option is Kaz’s. He is actively trying to get the child to say ‘Kruge.’
In the end, it is neither. It is ‘Wylan.’ Wylan has met the child once, maybe twice.
Kaz and Inej are flabbergasted.
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cassandra41924 · 30 days ago
rereading soc and pausing on the iconic line
"please, my darling inej, treasure of my heart, won't you do me the honour of acquiring me a new hat?"
no one ever seems to comment on how inej immediately replies "have a long trip down"
like is she planning to push him or what
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cassandra41924 · 1 month ago
can't help noticing, odysseus goes from "i'm just a man" in there are other ways, to "i'm not your man' in love in paradise
good job buddy
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cassandra41924 · 1 month ago
listening through ALL of epic the musical and stopping on "keep your friends close"
because i know that aeolus was meant to be depicted as a carefree wind god, and the song's cheery and all
but that is actually so sick and twisted like what the fuck
aeolus turns odysseus against his crew, and his crew against him, presses control z on all trust established over the years, and you know what, this is described as a game. a fucking game? this is ENTERTAINING for aeolus????????
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cassandra41924 · 1 month ago
the wonderful parallel between "i'm already a ghost. i died in the hold of a slaver ship" and "we died, both of us in our own way, but only one of us was reborn"
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cassandra41924 · 1 month ago
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i love my six of crows bookworm friends (she whacked me with a chair over text)
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cassandra41924 · 1 month ago
playing the shadow and bone rpg video game is so funny im dying
darkling pov: "you nod, your voice curt and dignified."
alina pov: "you summon an orb of majestic and glowing light."
nikolai pov: "you tighten your magnificent teal coat around your shoulders."
jesper pov: "you're either a smartass or respectful."
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cassandra41924 · 2 months ago
help does anyone know how to fix the display settings on tumblr? i accidentally switched to dark mode and idk how to return to the light side. lol ik this is ridiculous but im dying XDD i have ENTERED the FOLD edit: i overreacted and fixed the problem (TYSM @fujikoi!) but why go to the extra trouble of deleting the post lolllll
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