his elocution testimony to how far from home he has wandered and yet home is what he calls my arms
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
A few hours later, the two of them were wet and panting on the bed, not quite caring that they’d jumped from the shower to the massive bed they now shared together. Jamie had a big grin on his lips and an arm wrapped around the blonde that was pressed up against him. “Baby, holy shit… I didn’t know you could do that with your mouth,” he mused, turning to look over to the other. He chuckled softly and kissed Caspar’s forehead, then his lips softly. “I love you so fucking much,” he murmured. His free hand came over to push Caspar’s damp curls away from his face. “We’re gonna have to change these sheets and the bedspread before we sleep, and I’m gonna help you dry your hair, promise. But I just wanna lay here for a few minutes.” Jamie couldn’t wait for the rest of their lives to begin. Every day, he could see himself popping the question more vividly in his head, but it wasn’t the right time yet. He bit his lower lip, wondering what past him would say if he could rip a portal open to let him know that he and the boy in the elevator would be here like this.
“Tomorrow, we’re totally having strawberry pancakes and walking the dogs together. And when we get back, we’re gonna set up the best blanket fort in the living room. Like… biggest one ever. And never take it down,” he mused.
“My mouth is just a realm of hidden talents,” Caspar grinned, a post-orgasm, blissed-out look still plastered all over his face. “Didn’t think it was just good for being a pain in the ass and getting you into bed, did you?” His grin softened to a smile at the kiss pressed to his forehead, smile softening to a small pout when those lips were pressed to his own. Caspar’s hands grasped at Jamie’s arms and pulled them tight around him. “As long as you’re the one changing the sheets, we can lay here as long as you want.” He burrowed into Jamie further, speaking as though he was granting Jamie some kind of honour despite it possibly taking an army (or at least heavy bribery) to get Caspar to move anywhere right now. “You know what happened last time I tried that shit. M’too small. Get lost too easily.” Or swamped and tangled, at least. Single beds, he could do. Double beds were a whole other ballpark.
“Permanent living room blanket fort? See this is why I moved in with you,” Caspar murmured happily. He pressed a kiss to Jamie’s neck, and then another few, because one was never enough. “Imma marry you one day just for your blanket forts and strawberry pancakes.”
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boyfriends taking a picture of a boyfriend
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“You’re such a brat. You’re my brat, and I love you,” Jamie said, pulling Caspar closer and kissing his cheek. Jamie knew Caspar better than anyone else, he felt, and he was totally a little brat. Not even those beautiful, big baby blues could sway him to believe otherwise.
Jamie smiled and bit his lower lip when Caspar wrapped his legs around him and felt those curious hands running along his stomach. He intentionally flexed his stomach muscles so that Caspar felt abs there, but then relaxed and laughed softly, leaning in and kissing his neck softly. He knew exactly what he was doing, starting on the blonde’s neck as if he were slowly licking a melting ice cream cone.
He chuckled at Caspar’s suggestions of fucking him right out in the open, and he considered it. Their neighbors were never home anyway, as far as he could tell. A snort came from Jamie when Caspar revealed his semi erectile dysfunction once upon a time. He laughed and shook his head, pulling Caspar even closer until not even God himself could fit between them, as the saying goes. “The only thing I read is that you were gross, and I got to keep you,” he teased, playfully poking the other’s sides to get a few laughs from him. God, he was gorgeous, and that big, pretty smile made Jamie’s heart beat faster.
Then, Caspar pushed him back and slid off the counter, giving him an offer he could hardly refuse. Jamie’s eyes lit up and he laughed softly. “You’re so not a brat. Not even the brattiest person I’ve ever met my whole life. Brats? In THIS house? No WAY,” he said, his sarcasm definitely present as he grinned. “You’re the most charming man I’ve ever met. You know that?” His hands reached up to gently brush through the curly blonde locks he loved so much. “I love you. So, so, so much.”
Caspar wiggled closer. “Mm, you do get to keep me. You get to keep me even more if you keep kissing my neck.” He tilted his head in hopes of persuading him, but just ended up collapsing into Jamie in a fit of giggles when his sides were poked. Caspar was ridiculously ticklish. It was his biggest weakness, he reckoned, and one only Jamie was permitted to take advantage of. Caspar grabbed Jamie’s hands again and just placed them on his butt with that big smile Jamie loved so much. “Touch the butt. The butt isn’t ticklish.” He wrapped his arms loosely around Jamie’s shoulders and grinned.
A wiggle of his eyebrows came when Jamie sprouted out all those lines of sarcasm. Caspar didn’t care if he meant it or not. He’d still said it and, in all honesty, any excuse to suck Jamie off was one Caspar would take quite happily. Some might say that Caspar wasn’t so much of a slut anymore, but he knew that wasn’t true. He was just a slut for Jamie and Jamie alone now, and fuck if that wasn’t hundreds of times better than anything he’d done in the past. “If you were really living up to your memeish ways, I would’ve just gotten a ‘Brats? In this house? It’s more likely than you think.’ A real missed opportunity there.” Caspar leaned up on his toes and kissed Jamie’s nose. “I love you, too. More than anything. Now c’mon. You need to stop stinking like guys changing rooms in high school and I need a dick in my mouth stat.”
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Jamie laughed softly at Caspar’s request. “Only if you walk around naked, too,” he teased, chuckling when his stomach was poked. He loved the way Caspar fit into his arms so perfectly, and he wasn’t keen on letting go just yet. He nodded at Caspar’s ideas of pranking his brother. “If Juliette is in on the prank, we can’t even get in trouble, so she can totally be our ace up the sleeve,” he mused, pressing a soft kiss on Caspar’s cheek.
Then he kissed the other in earnest, and that little moan was everything. Jamie pulled back slightly, not wanting to get too hot and heavy with how sweaty he’d been earlier, fearing maybe he smelled or something. But Caspar didn’t want to let go, and Jamie only pulled back enough to speak up for a moment. “Cas, you’re a brat. Like… if I wasn’t at peace with that by now, I don’t think you could call me your soulmate,” he teased, chuckling quietly.
Hearing Caspar say he couldn’t wait to marry Jamie made his heart flutter in his chest. He could imagine the two of them at red carpet events, or making headlines in magazines. Misters Blythe-Jones… or Blythe if Caspar wanted to drop the Jones. He knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that this was the person he was destined– and wanted– to be with for the rest of his life. He just wanted to make sure the timing was right.
“I’m gonna make you so many fuckin’ pancakes, you’re gonna be seein’ ‘em in your sleep, baby.” he mused. Jamie then wrapped his arms around Caspar and pulled him up off the ground, turning him and sitting him on the counter. His hands roamed the other’s sides, sliding down his back to grab his little butt, then rested on his hips. “I love you so much. And if you think I ain’t also gonna fuck you on every available surface of this house, you’re dead wrong,” he teased, laughing quietly and peppering kisses on Caspar’s neck. “But first, I wanna shower, cause I’m pretty sure I smell like a pack mule.”
“Hey! I’m not a brat!” Caspar protested, pouting up at Jamie with those big, blue eyes. “I’m like the sweetest, most agreeable guy on this planet. Never in my whole entire life have I ever acted even the slightest bit bratty. I’m reasonable like a hundred and ten per cent of the time.” He nodded solemnly. You’d almost think he actually believed what he was saying, if not for the twinkle in his eyes. “You are my soulmate, though. Even if you very mistakenly believe that I’m a brat. Maybe you’re the brat and you’re just projecting.” Caspar shrugged. He did his very best not to grin.
“Pancakes ain’t the worst thing I could be dreamin’ about,” Caspar murmured. He clung onto Jamie as he was lifted up onto the counter, legs wrapping around his waist to draw him closer. A warm shiver ran down Caspar’s spine. Jamie’s hands on his body were intoxicating. He slipped his hands under his boyfriend’s shirt and let them explore the familiar expanse of skin and muscle, fingers running over an impressive number of abs considering Jamie had eaten exactly nine and a half jam doughnuts the night before.
Caspar had always thought that he’d get bored of having only one person to fuck for the rest of his life. That had been before he met Jamie.
“Why limit yourself to surfaces? Fuck me over the balcony. And in the garden. We don’t need to be friends with our neighbours anyway,” Caspar murmured, tilting his neck in response to the kisses being pressed there. “You smell like shit. I don’t really care. Pretty sure at one point I couldn’t get it up for anyone who didn’t smell like they’d been sweating their way through fourteen different bars that evening. Read into that what you will.”
He slid down from the counter and pushed Jamie back a few steps. Caspar’s hand reached to gently brush the hair at the nape of Jamie’s neck, lips all pink and pouty as he peered up at Jamie through his long lashes. “I’ll suck you off in the shower if you say I’m not a brat.”
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Despite Caspar getting snippy with the movers and with Jamie earlier, despite his four meltdowns, despite him accidentally dropping a box on Jamie’s foot, or any other fifty billion reasons anybody could come up with, Jamie was in absolute love with the blonde walking back into their new house. The dogs scurried off to find their own little areas, sniffing around every which way. Three dogs, two boyfriends, one home. It was perfect.
Jamie’s smile broadened when he saw the strawberry ice cream, then wrapped his arms around him tightly. There was nobody in the world more perfect for him than this brat who loved the same things he did, who moved with him like two reeds in the wind, bending and twisting every which way, but never breaking. Separate, they were strong. But together, they were invincible.
“Clothes are in the bedroom somewhere, but honestly I don’t fuckin’ mind walkin’ around commando,” he mused, laughing softly and kissing Caspar’s cheek. “Next April Fools we can give it a try, but he’s wised up to a lot of shit– that and his birthday’s on April 4th and he usually takes off with whoever the hell he’s dating. But like… we could definitely give it a shot,” he said, mischief in his eyes, too.
Jamie’s hands came up to gently cup Caspar’s face, tilting it up. He leaned in to kiss him softly, then a little deeper. After a moment, he pulled back and pushed a few curls from Caspar’s face. “I love you so much. Thank you for doin’ this with me. I know it’s scary, but we’re gonna have a lot of fun. Promise.”
Even with the purchase of subjectively the nicest house in California, Jamie’s arms were still Caspar’s favourite place to be. He leaned all of his weight against Jamie and shut his eyes. It had been a long day - probably a whole lot longer for Jamie - and Caspar was just about ready to fall asleep. Whoever said younger people have more energy was full of shit.
“Can you just walk around naked for the next week please?” Caspar murmured. “You got all ripped for that movie and that was hot but now you’re marginally less ripped and it’s even hotter and I kinda just wanna stare at you forever, y’know?” He reached down and gave Jamie’s stomach a gentle poke.
“Maybe we should just throw a housewarmin’ party but then prank the living shit outta Ben instead,” Caspar suggested. He was forever looking for ways to piss Ben off. It was one of the many joys of life that Caspar liked to indulge in as frequently as possible. “Let’s just maybe skip the bricks. Have you seen The Parent Trap? I’d kill to see Ben covered in chocolate sauce and feathers.” Various thoughts and schemes filled Caspar’s pretty little head and he grinned against Jamie’s shoulder.
Then, Jamie kissed him, and a whimper came from the back of Caspar’s throat. He tangled his fingers in his boyfriend’s shirt and pressed into him. Jamie tried to pull away, but Caspar chased him and pressed another few warm kisses with his soft, strawberry lips. He whined in protest when he finally had to pull back, but Jamie’s words quickly softened him.
“Love you too,” Caspar murmured. He pushed his forehead against Jamie’s and fiddled with the fabric of his shirt. “Sorry for bein’ difficult today. All this is kinda a lot, and you know how I am with like- well pretty much anything.” Caspar snorted. “But it’s fuckin’ awesome, too.” He pressed a kiss to Jamie’s forehead and smiled. “I can’t wait to marry you and raise kids here and prank Ben to hell and back and all that jazz. Maybe you’ll get to do one of those 73 questions with.. Vogue videos here as well. And cook me pancakes.” Caspar took a step back and pecked Jamie’s lips. “We’re gonna have way too much fun.”
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Jamie was EXHAUSTED. That was the kindest way to put it. Moving had been hard work, but it was incredibly worth it. Tonight was the first night he and Caspar would be spending in a home they owned together. Sure, they weren’t married, and they weren’t engaged just yet, but it was certainly looming in Jamie’s mind.
There were still boxes everywhere, and Ben had ordered pizza and chicken wings for them since he got tied up at some event and couldn’t come help them move. That, and he paid for a company of movers to help. Despite that, the actor had to run around after the dogs, Caspar, and the movers who needed to be told every five minutes what boxes went where. The unpacking process would start tomorrow, but they had more than enough time. Jamie looked up to see Caspar coming in with Tide, Merry, and Pippin, and smiled at the other. He could definitely get used to seeing him coming home like this every night.
“Hey, baby. Welcome home,” he said, smiling softly and leaning against the counter.
If you had told Caspar four years ago that he would be moving into a house at twenty-two, he would’ve laughed in your face. Hysterically. As would anyone who knew him. And then he would’ve downed three shots of vodka and tried to fuck you.
Times had changed a bit since then.
Still, Caspar had expected to feel overwhelmed by it all. He remembered moving into his first apartment in New York, and how simultaneously suffocating and good it had felt. Moving to California hadn’t been much different. But for a boy used to travelling the world with nothing but a backpack, moving into a house was a big deal. And it had been overwhelming, a little suffocating at times.
But God was it worth it.
The house really appealed to the spoilt brat in him. The one that had been raised on Armani shirts and swimming pools and first-class aeroplane rides. It was minutes from the beach, gorgeous inside and out, and fucking expensive.
Most importantly, though - no matter how excited he got over the sea view - was the fact that it was his and Jamie’s. That was what made it worth it. He was never going to have to fall asleep alone again. And although weren’t married yet, his name was on all the paperwork, and that was just as big a commitment to Caspar as a ring on his finger. It was reassurance that Jamie wasn’t going anywhere.
And it had a damn nice balcony as well.
Moving day had been as exciting as it had been stressful. Caspar had had about four mental breakdowns before lunch, one on the grounds that he wasn’t ready to move in with Jamie yet (which he’d gotten over pretty quickly after being reminded just how good Jamie’s breakfast pancakes were), the rest because something had been lost or packed wrong. But by the time they’d started moving boxes in, Caspar had gotten in the swing of it, and he was being marginally more helpful than the toddler he could have been readily compared to that morning.
It was a good thing Jamie loved him. Caspar did wonder just how long it would be before his boyfriend started to regret this, but he had been warned.
Once the movers were gone, and dinner had been demolished, Caspar set out to find them some strawberry icecream under the guise of taking the dogs out for a walk. It did seem to be something of a tradition for them - eating strawberry ice cream after moving - but Caspar reckoned that was largely down to the fact that they ate strawberry ice cream after everything.
He walked back into the house with a bag in hand and shut the front door behind him. The puppies ran crazy around the house and Caspar smiled, walking through to the kitchen with Tide in tow. It was a damn nice kitchen, he had to admit.
Not quite as nice as the man standing in it, however.
“Welcome home. That one ain’t gonna get old for a while,” Caspar grinned. He set the ice cream down on the counter and wandered over to Jamie. “Do you remember which box has our clothes in? Or are we just gonna be walkin’ around naked for the next week? Cause y’know.. that would be real unfortunate.” Caspar dropped a kiss to Jamie’s shoulder and looked up at him with a mischevious glint in his eye. “Also, I was thinkin’ about it, and wee should definitely full out home-alone this place for April Fools Day and invite Ben over. That would be wicked.”
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~ Frankenstein.
{ @jamie-blythe }
“Frankenstein was the monster, everybody knows that. It’s like English lit 101.”
“Baby. Frankenstein was the doctor.”
Jamie’s keys landed on the kitchen counter with a quiet chink. Caspar grabbed a handful of strawberries and popped one in Jamie’s mouth, following it up with a kiss.
“Then why is it called Frankenstein? They wouldn’t name the whole book after the doctor when he isn’t even important.”
Jamie laughed.
“I can’t argue with that logic.”
“Can’t argue with someone who’s right,” Caspar grinned all wide and happy. He waited for Jamie to sit down on the couch and then flopped down on top of him. “What’s it like dating someone who’s never wrong?”
Jamie hummed, “I wouldn’t know, would I?” He poked Caspar’s sides, tickling him and laughing as he squirmed around on his lap.
“Google it then!” Caspar squealed. Jamie’s hands were pushed away and held tight, a kiss pressed to his fingers. “Google it and then you’ll see that I’m right like always. Frankenstein was the monster!”
Jamie rustled around in his pocket and grabbed his phone.
“You ready to realise what a genius your boyfriend is?”
Amusement tainted Jamie’s responding hum. He tapped around on his phone and then held the screen up so Caspar could see the answer.
“See!” Caspar grinned, all excited until he actually read the words on the screen.
He pouted and pushed Jamie’s phone onto the couch.
“What does your phone know anyway.”
With a laugh, Jamie flipped them over so Caspar was laying back on the couch. He hovered over him and leaned down to cover his pink cheeks in kisses.
“I love you, even if you’re not always right.”
Caspar pouted.
“I am always right.”
Jamie sighed and trailed his hands down to Caspar’s sides.
His squeals could be heard two apartments over.
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We smiled so bright the sun went down Rose above the maddening crowd We lit the streets with the sweetest glow We held the globe and made it turn Wandered through the universe The men of science observed through telescopes
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“I don’t need to go to bed. I’m not tired,” Caspar said, stifling a yawn. A sweater-covered hand pressed against his lips, smooth legs crossed beneath him on the couch. His eyelids drooped shut and it was all Jamie could do to not point out how outrageous that lie was. The boy was practically falling asleep as they spoke.
Caspar sat up straighter and watched the TV, occasionally stealing glances to ensure Jamie was seeing how very awake he was. The man shook his head with a smile. He was sure the nightmares of the last few nights had something to do with his boyfriend’s sudden desire to stay awake - but Caspar still needed to sleep. He would just have to get creative.
Jamie sidled up to the couch and sat down, arm casually wrapping around Caspar’s shoulder. He let his cheek rest on top of the boy’s curls.
“But I’ll be so lonely without you.”
Caspar looked up curiously, leaning into Jamie as the man squeezed his shoulders. There was a glint in Jamie’s eyes and Caspar squinted at him.
“Are you trying to guilt me into healthy sleeping patterns?”
Jamie chuckled quietly and shrugged. “Is it working?”
Caspar sighed with a roll of his eyes. “Yes.” He grabbed Jamie’s hand and padded through to the bedroom with a pout. “I better get some real good hugs to make up for this.”
Jamie grinned. “Your wish is my command.”
#jamie & caspar#have a dumb drabble to make up for me having no muse & not replying for two weeks lmfao
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date a dork who tickles you while kissing you
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Liam Hemsworth
#the dork#yeah except if jamie ever grew his beard out like that caspar would be tying him down and shaving it off lmfao
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“You’re complicated in the best way. I’d be bored if you weren’t,” Jamie teased, taking Caspar’s hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’ve been together for a while, but this is only the beginning. Just wait til i start sproutin’ grays and havin’ my midlife crisis,” he joked with a soft laugh. “I ain’t ever gettin’ sick of you, strawberry boy. I hope you know that. I’m here to stay. And see, there’s your problem. You think there’s an end to what you are. That ain’t true. There’s never not gonna be somethin’ to figure out with you. Or me. We’re gonna be changing as time goes on. Life’s gonna throw all kinds of shit at us, you know? Bein’ away, bein’ out of work, havin’ too much work… But I need you to know that you’re always in my heart and in my mind, babe. I really love you,” he said, glancing down at the blonde.
Jamie smiled at the strawberries analogy, loving the way Caspar seemed to ramble. He could feel the other’s insecurities rearing up, but Jamie was there to put them back down. “I think you’re amazing, too. And I don’t think you’ll ever need to worry about having shrivelled, moldy strawberries at the bottom of the bag. You’re too cute and sexy and fun and caring and feisty to ever let your strawberries mold,” he teased, kissing Caspar’s curls again.
"See this ring?” he asked, turning his hand so they could see his promise ring. “Means I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. And one day I’m gonna ask you formally. It’s gonna be perfect. Just gotta wait a while. But I’m gonna do it. I’m yours forever, babe. Plus, I mean, I can’t exactly get a refund on a tattoo…” he joked, laughing softly and squeezing Caspar gently. “I love you so much, baby. Here. Back home. Wherever we are.”
“You’re not even thirty, shush,” Caspar raised a hand to cover Jamie’s mouth. He pulled a face in mock horror, as if with his track record he could possibly deny being as attracted to men in their late forties as he was twenty-year-olds. Laughter bubbled from his lips and Caspar squeezed Jamie’s cheeks playfully before dropping his hand.
“Oh jeez. My bullshit is neverending, is that what you’re tellin’ me right now? And here I was thinkin’ we’d come to the end of it one day,” Caspar sighed painfully, hand over his heart, playing up the dramatics to hide the insecurity leaking all over their conversation. “I feel like I know basically everythin’ ‘bout you, Is that naive? You grew up on a ranch with a shitty dad and an awesome mum and you played baseball and punched people who mocked you for bein’ gay. You’re a nerd and a model and an actor and you have terrible taste in guys, food is the most important thing in your life, and you wanna travel the world probably ‘cause you grew up feeling trapped and only escaped the state you were born in like a couple of years ago, and also ‘cause the world is fucking pretty. You’re too sweet to be a fuckboy but you’ll fuck with people who hurt the people you love. You might change as we grow older, but you’re always gonna be Jamie. You ain’t ever gonna be the biggest mystery in the world.” Caspar fiddled with Jamie’s fingers, not sure why he was rambling or fixating on that comment of all things. His boyfriend wasn’t stopping him from rambling, though, so Caspar wasn’t going to stop of his own accord.
“My insane levels of sexiness are well known for keeping strawberry mould at bay,” Caspar nodded solemnly, “there was an entire paper published about it once. True story.” He sniggered and leaned into Jamie’s touch.
“Fuck, I should put mine back on,” Caspar muttered. He tugged the necklace from his neck and pulled his ring from the chain. That was where it usually lived in the name of not losing it to the ocean; only appearing on his finger when he was out drinking - to ensure everybody knew he was taken - and often when he was spending long expanses of time with Jamie. Caspar slid it back onto his finger and hummed happily. His eyes flickered over to the matching ring on Jamie’s finger.
“You know when you propose, I’m gonna say yes, right? Even if you proposed tomorrow. It’s way too soon, but I’d still say yes,” Caspar said quietly. He remembered all too clearly the last time Jamie had tried to ask him something that serious, and the biting cold of the December snow had been the least of the awful feelings that had come with that rejection. Caspar hoped Jamie knew that he wouldn’t do that to him again. “I wanna spend the rest of my life with you so bad. Just don’t want you to go and change your mind.” He traced the letters on Jamie’s wrist and chuckled. “I guess this is a pretty good insurance policy, huh?” Caspar leaned up and pressed his lips to Jamie’s, kissing him slowly and sweetly until they were both out of breath. His eyes flickered open and he smiled. “I love you too, dork. Let’s go find some ice cream ‘fore I either start gettin’ emotional or try and fuck you right here. They do the best strawberry ice cream just ‘round the corner.”
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Cause you make the darkness less dark You make the edges less sharp You make the winter feel warmer You make my weakness less weak You make the bottom less deep You make the waiting feel shorter You make my crazy feel normal, every time You are the who, love is the what and this is the why
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Jamie sat alongside Caspar and ate happily. Their food hit just the right spot, and a sense of peace fell over them as they ate and watched passersby going about their lives. He felt Caspar’s head on his shoulder and finished his own food shortly after. A strong arm came up and around Caspar’s shoulder, holding him a little closer. He kissed Caspar’s temple just before the question came that took Jamie by surprise. He listened to it carefully, catching every word and nuance of it before responding.
His arm gently squeezed Caspar’s shoulder, rubbing the side of his arm gently. “No.” A little smirk played on his lips, waiting just two seconds before continuing– just enough time before Caspar had a chance to speak up. “I love you much, much more than I ever did at the beginning, when everything was new and exciting, and I was still figuring you out,” he said, turning his bluegreen gaze towards his beautiful boyfriend.
“You see, when I first met you, I didn’t know everything there was about you. Let’s be perfectly clear here, I still don’t, but I know more about you today than I ever did then. We’re both still relatively young, and time will continue to change us, but I know what kind of man you are, and you’re shapin’ up to be, and I fall in love with you harder every day. You’re a little impatient and bratty, and you hog all the blankets and steal all my sweaters… but you’re the kindest, sweetest person I’ve ever met in my fuckin’ life. You’re cute as hell, and despite what you may think, you’re talented as fuck. You are a piece of the ocean made flesh, babe,” he said smiling. He leaned over to press a gentle kiss to the side of Caspar’s temple, nose brushing against those soft blonde curls. “Back when we first met, you were a fun adventure. Now, you’re still that, but you’re also home. And I can’t imagine livin’ my life without you in it, strawberry boy. And for the record, I still ain’t got you all figured out,” he teased with a soft chuckle. “Does that satisfy your question? I should ask you the same thing.”
Caspar’s eyes stayed shut, head resting on Jamie’s shoulder. He let his boyfriend’s words sink in and soothe any anxieties and insecurities he may have had, chewing nervously on his bottom lip. It wasn’t often Caspar expressed signs of insecurity, nor often he felt insecure, but he couldn’t help but worry after everything that had happened in the past months.
“I am kinda complicated, huh?” Caspar gave a quiet hum and patted around until he found Jamie’s hand to hold. “It feels like we’ve been together for ages sometimes. I don’t want you to get bored of me, I guess. Or sick of me. I’ve told you basically everythin’ about me, and things I haven’t told you I know you figured out on your own; what if you get bored once there ain’t anythin’ more to figure out and you realise you could be with someone way more interesting?” He huffed at the thought, opening his eyes but not looking up at Jamie. The amount of insecurity leaking into his voice made him cringe and scrunch his nose up. “Fuck, I sound ridiculous. It just worries me, especially ‘cause we’ve been apart for months and you’ve now gotta put up with all my family shit and you kis- I mean, whatever, I just don’t want you to get sick of it all or feel trapped with me or anything.”
“But I mean- yeah, I still love you as much as I used to,” Caspar said, absently cracking Jamie’s fingers while he stared out at the horizon. “Just in a different way, I guess. I loved you back in New York because you made me feel safe. You were from a whole different world than what I was used to and I fell in love with exchanging alcoholism and emotionally unstable friends with going grocery shopping and sleeping in blanket forts instead. You were stable and safe and sweet and I got so addicted to living in your world that I never went back.” Caspar barely noticed how much he was rambling, nerves bubbling in the pit of his stomach. “It’s different now. I don’t love you ‘cause you make me feel safe, I love you ‘cause of the way you smile when you get play of the game on overwatch, and how you treat my sister, and how patient you are when you’re teaching me how to cook spaghetti and I manage to mess it up. You just keep gettin’ better the more time I get to spend with you. It’s like eatin’ a bigass bag of strawberries and always thinkin’ you’re getting near the end but always findin’ more bigger and sweeter strawberries to eat.” Caspar let his eyes flick up to see Jamie’s expression for just a second. “You’re amazin’, and I just don’t want you to end up findin’ there’s only gross, shrivelled, mouldy strawberries left at the bottom of the bag and throwing it away, y’know?”
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Jamie laughed. Caspar was absolutely right. Their common interest in his ass did bring them together, but it was their love for one another that kept them together like white on rice. Although they weren’t married yet, Jamie wouldn’t dream of a life without Caspar in it. It’s a question that often popped into his mind, but the timing had to be right. Despite the issues they separately had to work on, he knew that they were things they could go through together. Every day that passed, Jamie thought about it more and more. He wanted his small strawberry boy in his arms, in his heart, and in his bed and nobody else.
The stalls flew by them as they walked, and Jamie’s eye fell on trinkets and all sorts of hand crafted items that made him want to return to bring some home later, but they had plenty of time to shop. Right now, he was starving, and there was no way he was letting go of Caspar’s hand.
He laughed when Caspar mentioned fucking way too many people, and he didn’t really dwell on the fact. What’s past is past, and Jamie was well aware that Caspar was his now and he was Caspar’s. He could smell the grilled meat scents wafting through the air, and his mouth was already watering. “I’m gettin’ same exact thing you’re gettin’, cause that sounds delicious,” he said, nodding happily.
Caspar poked Jamie’s stomach. “It is delicious. Gotta keep the monster happy.” A grin settled on his lips, words referring to how often Jamie’s stomach could be heard growling. They waited in line until they ordered, and while their food was cooking, Caspar took the time to chat with the elderly man behind the counter. Later, he would explain that he had been friends with the man’s daughter once upon a time, but for the time being Caspar simply translated the more humorous comments the man made.
Their food was presented to them in two white boxes and Caspar paid, handing the larger of the two boxes to Jamie. He knew his boyfriend well enough to order him a double portion, keeping in mind the smaller sizes of fast food there. Caspar led Jamie down to the beach and found a small ledge of wall for them to sit upon. He set his box on his knees and swung his legs.
Quiet settled over them while they ate, the occasional comment about the food and passersby exchanged between them. Caspar set his head on Jamie’s shoulder once he had finished and watched the waves creeping up the sand.
“Do you still love me as much as you used to?” Caspar eventually asked, breaking the quiet that had settled. The question seemed to have come from nowhere - even Caspar hadn’t been planning on asking, but the question slipped from his lips regardless. “I know you love me, don’t get me wrong. It just feels like everything’s been so complicated lately. Our lives have changed so much since New York, and I feel like a totally different person sometimes.” He let his eyes fall shut and shrugged. “Do you still love me as much as you did when I was new and exciting and you were still figurin’ me out?”
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