casjason · 4 years
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Arabian Nights. Dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini. 1974
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casjason · 4 years
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casjason · 4 years
Apps for mental health
STOPP * Use this app  if you want to start to stop the vicious cycles of depression and anxiety, and other negative and repetitive behaviours. 
eQuoo A choose-your-own-adventure game that increases your emotional fitness and teaches you new psychological skills, helping you level up in real life.
Calm Harm Calm Harm provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. Get started by setting your password so that it’s completely private. You can personalise it if you wish, by choosing the background colour theme and deciding on whether you would like some company using a variety of friendly characters.
Alarmy - the world’s most annoying alarm * With Alarmy you can wake up to five different missions. Different snooze options help you wake up slowly and gradually. No more oversleep, wake up easily, and be refreshed with various alarm ringtones and stylish clocks. Made by heavy sleepers for heavy sleepers.
Habitica * Treat your life like a game to stay motivated and organized! Habitica makes it simple to have fun while accomplishing goals. An RPG style app that helps you get into good habits, break bad ones and accomplish tasks to gain XP.
Stay Focused - App Block & Website Block A Self Control, Productivity and App Usage tracker app.
Smiling Mind Smiling Mind is a unique web and app-based program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to people’s lives.
Apps with * by the name have been tried by me, others I have found recommended by various sources. These should all come free, but you can check specific details in the app store of your choice. Please note the links are for Google Play users, but I believe these are all available also on the App store!
If you can recommend any app you found particularly helpful for yourself, please feel free to do so in a reblog. :)
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casjason · 4 years
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casjason · 4 years
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The Mandalorian X-Files AU in which Din is a stressed FBI agent who investigates paranormal phenomena and ends up bringing home his work (mysterious alien baby) 
If you’re interested in this concept, there’s a fic based on it on AO3! The author asked for my permission months ago and they are still updating it! It’s beautifully written and you can read it here :)
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casjason · 4 years
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Baby Yoda's guide against Corona✨
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casjason · 4 years
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Glow From The Depth  By Salar Kheradpejouh
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casjason · 4 years
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casjason · 4 years
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casjason · 4 years
daydream: night seeping through the trees, orange blossom winds, white nightgown and long hair, standing on the bank of a dark silky river, holding a sleepy baby against my chest, softly humming Fairuz in the moonlight, jasmine flowers falling into the river
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casjason · 4 years
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Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones (1981/1984)
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casjason · 4 years
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Little womp rat
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casjason · 4 years
Who are you tumblr crushes. I need some more quality Pedro pascal blogs to follow on here and I need guidance !
Ok so. I love and adore all you crazy bitches on this hell site. Most of my fave blogs I love cause of the fic so o hope you’re into that kind of thing lol. Seriously just go and traverse the pedro pascal tag and you’ll find some real gems lol. A few blogs that I find myself reblogging and or checking constantly however are:
@rzrcrst writes BOMB ASS fic. She’s one of a handful who write for his movie Prospect and friend, her Ezra is PERFECTION.
@stevieharrrr is another writer, she does a Mando fic and Woman, a Javi fic that honestly owns my entire ass. And she’s just hilarious
@themandadlorianbod will satisfy all your dad bod Pedro needs. And she always manages to find like deep dive insta pics of him, idk how she does it lol
@pascalisthepunkest maintains the definitive masterlists of fic for Pedro and his characters, you’d be doing yourself a disservice to not check her out
@pajamasecrets has some kick ass gif sets and also ships javi/steve, a ship very close to my heart lol
@spacegayofficial writes fic, she’s got a Mando/OC one that’s amazing that you can also find on ao3. And write Cara fic for me whenever I request it which just makes her tops in my book cause my girl Cara needs some more love lol
@zeldasayer writes so really fucking HOT fic and imagines and hcs. Read her Whiskey and Gin series and pretty much anything to do with Maxwell Lord. But make sure to have the fire department on standby
@astrolo-galaxy also writes amazing fic. Esp make sure to check out her Sir Is for the Bedroom series. (And she just wrote a Max Phillips fic oh my GOD)
Fuck there are so many more, @pedrothirst @bonkybaaarnes @takemepedropascal @thewaythisis @nolivingthingdroid @cptnbvcks @no-droids and TONS of others. For real, just browse the tags and see who pops up, you really won’t be disappointed by following any of these blogs.
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casjason · 4 years
Masterlist Javier Peña 
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Warnings/mentions: Alcohol 🥃 Blood 💉 Drugs 💊 Violence 🔪
Keys: Angst 😢 Fluff 💕 Smut 🔥 Smuttish 🍑 Keyless 🔑
Full of Love and Lies 01😢🥃 02😢🔪🔥 03🥃🔪💕
Hidden Memories and Secrets 01🔑
In Your Head 01🥃 02🥃💕 03😢🥃 04🥃🔥💕 05🔥 06🥃🔥 07🥃😢 08🥃😢 09😢 10😢💕
It’s Too Hot in this Five Star Hell Hole 01🔥
Mistakes Like This 01🥃 🔥 02🥃😢 03😢🥃
One of Us Is Gonna Lose 01🥃 02🥃
Similar but Worlds Apart 01🥃 1½🔑 
Woman 01🥃 🔪 02🍑 03🥃 04🔪 05🥃 06🔪💉🥃😢 07💉🔥 08🥃
Dating Javier 💕
Javier and his pregnant s/o 💕
Noisy Neighbors 🍑
NSFW Alphabet 🔥
A Little Something 💕
A Missed Opportunity 😢💕 02💕
A Mistake 🥃😢💕
After you cancel a date with Javier, he finds you right in the centre of a crime scene he’s working, and he’s terrified 💉 😢💕
Aguardiente 🥃 🔥
All He Had 🥃
An Honest Mistake 🥃 🔥 02💕
Back to the Start 💕
Bath 🔥
Because I Could Not Stop 😢 🔥 💕
Being DEA and finding out that your boyfriend, Quica, is in the Medellin cartel 😢
Being Steve’s sister and dating Javi 💕
Bookshelves 🍑
Breakfast at Work 🔑
Broken Washing Machine 🔥
Caring Touches 💉💕
Coming Home 🥃💕
Compañera 🔪 💉 🥃 😢💕
Covered 🍑
Cuts and Bruises 🔪 💉 🥃😢
Dance With Me 💕
Do Not Spray Into Eyes 💉 🔥 💕
Down Here It’s Always Me and You 💕
Drabble #1 💕
Drabble #2 🔑
Drabble #3 🔪
Feeling Safe in Danger 🔥
Forbidden Pleasures  🥃💊💕
Gif imagine 🔥🔪💕
Happy New Year 🥃💕
Hard Times 😢💕
Hidden Emotions 😢💕
Horrible Kisser 🥃😢💕
Husband 🔪 💉 💕
Husky 🍑
I Know 🔥 😢
I Know Heaven’s a Thing 🥃 🔥
I Miss You 😢💕
Interrupted 💕 🍑
Javi comforting you when the sicario you’re after gets away 💉💕
Javier hates the idea of you getting hurt, so when it happens, he can’t even comprehend it 🔪😢💕
Javier is protective over his wife 🥃💕
Javier Peña gets the rest he deserves 💕
Javier Peña x Reader 💕
Javier Peña x Reader 🥃💕
Javier proposes to you 💕
Javier shows up for a booty call but his conquest is sick 😢 💕
Let Me Take Care of You 💉🔥
Let’s Go Camping 🥃🔥
Liar 😢
Little Tease 🔪💕
Marked 🔥
Maybe 🥃💉💕
Meet Me in the Afterglow 😢🔥
Morning in Colombia 💕🔥
My Girl 🥃😢🔥💕
Night of Surprises 🔥💕
No More Secrets 🔪💉😢💕
One Shot - One Kill 🔪💉💕
Only I Can Touch You 🥃 🔥
Our Man in Medellín 🥃😢💕
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps 😢💕 
Pillow Talk 🔑
Promises 😢💕
Radio and Buffet 🔥
Revelation 💉 🔪 🔥
Rough Day 🥃 🔥 
Rough Goings 🔥
Rough Night 🔥💕
Safe to Fall 😢 🥃 🔥
Secrets 😢💕
Sick reader 😢💕
Silly Old Man 💕 😢
Sleep 💕
Smell of Happiness 🔥😢💕
Soy el fuego 🥃 🔥
Spending Christmas with Javi 🥃😢💕
Steve and Javier talking about you, a cute new DEA agent 💕
Take Care 🔥💕
Taken 💉 🔪 💕 😢
Talk to Me 🥃 🔥
The Date with Juan 😢🔪🔥
The Human Mind Is the Final Frontier 😢💕
The Morning After 💕
Things Change 😢💕
Up The Hill 🔑  
What Yields the Need 🔪 🥃 😢 🔥
What If? 💉 🥃 💊 😢💕
Whispers from a Chamber 😢💕
Worth the Fight 🥃 🔥
You’re in a secret relationship with Javi, but it’s hard for him not to become jealous of the bond you have with your partner 🥃 😢💕 02💕
You’re injured on a job with Feistl, and Javi isn’t happy 🔪 💉
You’re jealous about Javier attempting to hide Elisa, his informant 😢💕
You’ve recently been assigned partners 🔑
You and Javi are secretly dating, but a pregnancy complicates things 😢💕
You Never Stop Loving Somebody 💕
Young Heart 🥃💕
Do you like it when I touch you like that? | Behave. | Good girl. 🔥
Don’t be an asshole. Asshole. 🔑
Get behind me now. 🔪 💉
Have you been naughty? 💕
How did you get tangled in all these fairy lights? 💕
How did you get that black eye? 💕
I can take care of myself just fine. | You need sleep. 🥃💕
I can’t believe you did all this for me. 🥃💕
I don’t care what you say, The Nightmare Before Christmas works for Christmas and Halloween. 🥃💕
I don’t need a hero, I need a husband. 😢💕
I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re beautiful. 💕
I kissed him. | It’s almost midnight. 🥃
I told you you were going to get sick if you stayed in the snow all day. 💕
I’m going to keep you safe. 💉 😢💕
I’m pregnant. | I don’t need a hero, I need a husband. 💕
I’m your husband. It’s my job. 💕
If mistletoe appears in my one-meter vicinity, I’ll burn it. 🥃
If you even think about touching her, I’ll kill you. 🥃💕
If you throw that snowball, you’re declaring war. 💕
Is that mistletoe? | If I hear one more Mariah Carey song, I will riot. 🔑
Is that my shirt? | Make me. 🔥💕
Is this our closet? Or your closet? | Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping? 💕
Is this what you do every Christmas? | I’m not letting you barricade yourself in your room again for Christmas. 💕
It was a nightmare, it’s alright. You’re safe now. 💕
Just talk to me. | If we get caught I’m blaming you. 🔥
Pfft, I’m not jealous. 💕
Please never stop smiling. 💕
So, I didn’t actually get you anything. 🍑
Take. It. Off. | Come over here and make me. 💕
Wanna get shit-faced instead? | And now the power’s out. 🥃
Where is everyone? Am I too early? 💕
Who were you with? | Please, talk to me! 🥃 😢 💕
Why did we have to have kids? 💕
You didn’t think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you? 🥃💕
You’ll back off if you know what’s good for you. 🥃
You’re still mad? 🥃
You’re the only one I want to wake up next to. | You’re cute when you’re angry. 💕
You’ve been drinking tonight haven’t you? | Come cuddle. 🥃💕
If your stuff isn’t here it’s not because I don’t think it’s not good or whatever, it’s because I’m only human and I might’ve missed it! If you’re so kind to send me your stuff to be added to any masterlist you’ll have a special place in my heart, like for real! I know what I’m asking is a lot but I really do want to include everyone!!!!
REMEMBER to show the writers some love: reply to their posts! help them by sharing their works: reblog their posts! these are ways to say ‘thank you for being an amazing human by sharing your stuff with the world’ 💕
If you want me to add (or take out) your work/s send me a message, ask (I won’t answer it publicly if you don’t want to) or something 😋
If I missed warnings/mentions/keys or you think that they’re wrong, tell me 😊
Pedro Catfish Ezra Jack Mando Marcus Max Oberyn
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casjason · 4 years
i miss my boi sith!obi
a/n: oops here’s another part of bone-picked teeth!
You’ve been worrying.
It’s not necessarily in your nature to worry – though, given the circumstances, you suppose you can find reason enough to allow the slip in your usual icy confidence. 
Fortem, earlier that day, had passed along word of warning. The idiot had been brazen enough to waltz into the Senate to speak to you on the matter. Though you laud his conceit towards his own abilities to remain unseen and unheard, you can’t help but admit that his appearance earlier, and the news he brought, had pricked a spiral of nasty hypotheticals. 
You huff, pushing manicured fingers along your brow. 
The data-pad in your lap has long since been forgotten in exchange for worry over who had blabbed – certainly not her personal guards, no. They’d not been present for the arrangement. However, maybe someone made an assumption regarding the Sith Lord’s company. Surely the lot of them had connects back home on Corellia… 
Or, maybe it was Fortem himself… playing some sort of game –
There’s a sound outside. A crash from the patio.
Speak of the devil.
Keep reading
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casjason · 4 years
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obi-wan kenobi + favourite quotes/moments
Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!
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casjason · 4 years
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