Chance parody blog[Pfp by kelcair][NOT AFFILIATED W/THE FORSAKEN DEVS]
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"Well where are the scissors, boss man? I've been doing my own hair ever since my momma taught me how to. I got the thick stuff, y'know? Gotta take real good care of it." "Might take me a second to figure out what to do with your hair but I'm pretty confident I can give you a clean cut! Make you look several years younger again, hehe."
"Heyyyyy! 37', my man!" -> Oh god. What does this kid want? - @casino-connoisseur
He lets out a mental groan. Though he liked Chance, right now he was somewhat exhausted. He just got up.
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"Heyyyyy! Ells!" -> Oh dear... The sentinel came limping up to the pizza delivery boy, trembling and bleeding from the arm. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Could I bother you for a slice of that pizza?" - @casino-connoisseur
Elliot looked at the man, his expression turned to one of worry very quickly.
"Of course." He said, kneeling down and looking in his backpack. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box in his bag. He handed it to Chance.
They lead Chance to a more secluded and hidden area, helping them sit down. Elliot was the type of guy to worry the moment anyone got injured at all. That's just who he was. He watched over the area to make sure no killers would head over here. He could lead them away if he needed to, and he would if he had to.
#chance ic#elliot interaction#coins and condiments / elliot and chance#curtain call#i love any and all interactions!!! short or long#if you do make him have a nightmare he should come crying to sheds /silly
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-> Chance smiles a little and reaches over, taking off the support's visor and sitting it aside before leaning forward, resting his arms on his knees with a hum. "Get some sleep, Ells. I'll be here when you wake up." -> He'd most likely be, yeah, but sometimes duty calls! He'll try to be there since Elliot is one of his friends.
"Heyyyyy! Ells!" -> Oh dear... The sentinel came limping up to the pizza delivery boy, trembling and bleeding from the arm. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Could I bother you for a slice of that pizza?" - @casino-connoisseur
Elliot looked at the man, his expression turned to one of worry very quickly.
"Of course." He said, kneeling down and looking in his backpack. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box in his bag. He handed it to Chance.
They lead Chance to a more secluded and hidden area, helping them sit down. Elliot was the type of guy to worry the moment anyone got injured at all. That's just who he was. He watched over the area to make sure no killers would head over here. He could lead them away if he needed to, and he would if he had to.
#chance ic#elliot interaction#coins and condiments / elliot and chance#THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE...#IF ONLY....
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"Honestly if I could get my hands on some scissors I could fix it up right now for ya." -> He shrugs a little and adjusts his fedora. "I style my own hair all of the time. Gotta keep it in check since mine's thicker and I got dreads."
"Heyyyyy! 37', my man!" -> Oh god. What does this kid want? - @casino-connoisseur
He lets out a mental groan. Though he liked Chance, right now he was somewhat exhausted. He just got up.
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-> The two eventually reached the mansion, the sentinel having to awkwardly open the door without dropping the poor pizza delivery boy. -> The sentinel huffed, carrying the other up the stairs and getting him into one of the rooms up there. He went over to the bed, getting Elliot settled before he sat down himself. "There we go..."
"Heyyyyy! Ells!" -> Oh dear... The sentinel came limping up to the pizza delivery boy, trembling and bleeding from the arm. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Could I bother you for a slice of that pizza?" - @casino-connoisseur
Elliot looked at the man, his expression turned to one of worry very quickly.
"Of course." He said, kneeling down and looking in his backpack. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box in his bag. He handed it to Chance.
They lead Chance to a more secluded and hidden area, helping them sit down. Elliot was the type of guy to worry the moment anyone got injured at all. That's just who he was. He watched over the area to make sure no killers would head over here. He could lead them away if he needed to, and he would if he had to.
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"Awesome!" -> The younger sentinel was kind of hoping for an instant answer, but he knew it wasn't polite to push people. His parents were shit, yeah, but they at least taught him some kind of manners. "I need to start thinking of some outfits I could dress you up in... I'm real big into fashion if you couldn't tell. Get you a fresh fit, maybe touch up that hair of yours."
"Heyyyyy! 37', my man!" -> Oh god. What does this kid want? - @casino-connoisseur
He lets out a mental groan. Though he liked Chance, right now he was somewhat exhausted. He just got up.
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"Of course, of course! I wouldn't force anything on you if you really didn't wanna do it, my man. I ain't that kinda guy. I'm a gentleman after all, hehe." -> Yeah... A "gentleman", at least this kid is considerate of the other's feelings and is willing to wait. "My offer's gonna be on the table for as long as we're in here and more. So if you decide to take it up, you know where to find me!"
"Heyyyyy! 37', my man!" -> Oh god. What does this kid want? - @casino-connoisseur
He lets out a mental groan. Though he liked Chance, right now he was somewhat exhausted. He just got up.
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"I understand the hesitation, my man. Trust me, I do. But we both know bodyguard work doesn't get TOO messy. 'Sides, I wouldn't be shocked if people were intimidated by you just by your stare!" "Aaaaand... Like I said, I could pay to get all of your friends and family out of the hellhole you used to live in! No more war and a lot more safety. Free of charge." "Could probably get you a new fit too.... Snazz you up!"
"Heyyyyy! 37', my man!" -> Oh god. What does this kid want? - @casino-connoisseur
He lets out a mental groan. Though he liked Chance, right now he was somewhat exhausted. He just got up.
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"Completely!" -> Once Elliot was safely secured onto his back, he hooked his arms under the support's legs and got up slowly, making sure he didn't somehow lose his balance before continuing forward. "'Sides, wouldn't have offered if I thought I couldn't do it. Who am I to embarrass myself?" -> He does it a lot actually.
"Heyyyyy! Ells!" -> Oh dear... The sentinel came limping up to the pizza delivery boy, trembling and bleeding from the arm. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Could I bother you for a slice of that pizza?" - @casino-connoisseur
Elliot looked at the man, his expression turned to one of worry very quickly.
"Of course." He said, kneeling down and looking in his backpack. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box in his bag. He handed it to Chance.
They lead Chance to a more secluded and hidden area, helping them sit down. Elliot was the type of guy to worry the moment anyone got injured at all. That's just who he was. He watched over the area to make sure no killers would head over here. He could lead them away if he needed to, and he would if he had to.
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"For me and the family, duh!" -> He looks at the soldier over his glasses, those golden eyes of his briefly appearing behind they're shielded once more. "Me and my family are real rich people, real famous in some big ol' circles and whatnot... And we could use a bodyguard like yourself, '37. With a punch like yours I think we'll have everyone too intimidated!"
"Heyyyyy! 37', my man!" -> Oh god. What does this kid want? - @casino-connoisseur
He lets out a mental groan. Though he liked Chance, right now he was somewhat exhausted. He just got up.
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-> Chance hums as he notices the other slower down, the sentinel coming to a stop and dropping down onto one knee, jerking his thumb towards his back. "C'mon. Piggyback ride for our fearless little healer! Allow me to be your noble steed!" -> He joked. He was just trying to be helpful while also being about as corny as someone like Builderman. "I'm pretty strong... So you won't weigh too much on me."
"Heyyyyy! Ells!" -> Oh dear... The sentinel came limping up to the pizza delivery boy, trembling and bleeding from the arm. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Could I bother you for a slice of that pizza?" - @casino-connoisseur
Elliot looked at the man, his expression turned to one of worry very quickly.
"Of course." He said, kneeling down and looking in his backpack. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box in his bag. He handed it to Chance.
They lead Chance to a more secluded and hidden area, helping them sit down. Elliot was the type of guy to worry the moment anyone got injured at all. That's just who he was. He watched over the area to make sure no killers would head over here. He could lead them away if he needed to, and he would if he had to.
#chance ic#elliot interaction#coins and condiments / elliot and chance#nah you're all good!!!#i was playing it earlier
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"Sooooo..." -> He grins and flips his little coin again. Heads, big score. "I know you're some big and strong soldier, real powerhouse! And while I've never been in a war myself, and I hope I never have to be, if you wanna put that strength to use in the future..." "I'm offering to hire you as a bodyguard! I got plenty of money so I could move you, your family and some of your buddies outta that battlefield you live in!" "Free of charge, all paid by yours truly right here."
"Heyyyyy! 37', my man!" -> Oh god. What does this kid want? - @casino-connoisseur
He lets out a mental groan. Though he liked Chance, right now he was somewhat exhausted. He just got up.
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-> The gambler flipped his little coin with one hand, using his other to do a little joke finger gun towards the soldier. "'37. I wanna talk to you about somethin' if you're willing to listen." -> He comes over and tosses an arm around the soldier's shoulders, starting to yammer on without waiting for an answer. "I wanna make you an offer I know you won't be able to refuse. Something that'll happen once we get out of this hellhole."
"Heyyyyy! 37', my man!" -> Oh god. What does this kid want? - @casino-connoisseur
He lets out a mental groan. Though he liked Chance, right now he was somewhat exhausted. He just got up.
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"Just doin' my job, Ells. I know I'm the most uh.... Reliable of us sentinels but! That won't stop me from trying!" -> He flips his little coin with a smirk, his golden snaggle tooth on full display as the pair walked back to the mansion. "I honestly don't know how you keep up with all of us, Ells."
"Heyyyyy! Ells!" -> Oh dear... The sentinel came limping up to the pizza delivery boy, trembling and bleeding from the arm. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Could I bother you for a slice of that pizza?" - @casino-connoisseur
Elliot looked at the man, his expression turned to one of worry very quickly.
"Of course." He said, kneeling down and looking in his backpack. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box in his bag. He handed it to Chance.
They lead Chance to a more secluded and hidden area, helping them sit down. Elliot was the type of guy to worry the moment anyone got injured at all. That's just who he was. He watched over the area to make sure no killers would head over here. He could lead them away if he needed to, and he would if he had to.
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"Lady Luck normally shines on me, Ells! But uh... She's also a fickle mistress, y'know? Sometimes she likes me, sometimes she doesn't! Haha..." -> He rubs the back of his neck and smiles awkwardly. Chance always had this "cool guy" exterior that made a lot of the other survivors either not wanna super interact with him or made them feel like he took all of this as a joke. "I do appreciate when she decides to shine on me and help me make sure I can protect the rest of you guys. I'm a sentinel after all, Ells! If I can't do my job then what kinda man am I?"
"Heyyyyy! Ells!" -> Oh dear... The sentinel came limping up to the pizza delivery boy, trembling and bleeding from the arm. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Could I bother you for a slice of that pizza?" - @casino-connoisseur
Elliot looked at the man, his expression turned to one of worry very quickly.
"Of course." He said, kneeling down and looking in his backpack. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box in his bag. He handed it to Chance.
They lead Chance to a more secluded and hidden area, helping them sit down. Elliot was the type of guy to worry the moment anyone got injured at all. That's just who he was. He watched over the area to make sure no killers would head over here. He could lead them away if he needed to, and he would if he had to.
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"Don't worry your pretty little head off, Ells. If somethin' comes our way I can just-" -> Ah. Right. Gun's busted right now. "If anything comes our way I'll make sure to meat shield you!" -> That's not any better, Chance. But there's an A for effort!
"Heyyyyy! Ells!" -> Oh dear... The sentinel came limping up to the pizza delivery boy, trembling and bleeding from the arm. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Could I bother you for a slice of that pizza?" - @casino-connoisseur
Elliot looked at the man, his expression turned to one of worry very quickly.
"Of course." He said, kneeling down and looking in his backpack. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box in his bag. He handed it to Chance.
They lead Chance to a more secluded and hidden area, helping them sit down. Elliot was the type of guy to worry the moment anyone got injured at all. That's just who he was. He watched over the area to make sure no killers would head over here. He could lead them away if he needed to, and he would if he had to.
#chance ic#elliot interaction#coins and condiments / elliot and chance#only do it if you wanna!!!!#i just kinda like it bc it's fun and it's a little extra organization
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"Honestly glad I ran into you... Not only did lady luck shine upon me, she shined upon you too! Because why wouldn't anyone wanna be around someone like me?" -> He smirked; a joke laced within his tone. He was trying to lighten up the mood a little. This loser boy...
"Heyyyyy! Ells!" -> Oh dear... The sentinel came limping up to the pizza delivery boy, trembling and bleeding from the arm. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Could I bother you for a slice of that pizza?" - @casino-connoisseur
Elliot looked at the man, his expression turned to one of worry very quickly.
"Of course." He said, kneeling down and looking in his backpack. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the pizza box in his bag. He handed it to Chance.
They lead Chance to a more secluded and hidden area, helping them sit down. Elliot was the type of guy to worry the moment anyone got injured at all. That's just who he was. He watched over the area to make sure no killers would head over here. He could lead them away if he needed to, and he would if he had to.
#chance ic#elliot interaction#coins and condiments / elliot and chance#what's funny is like#when i first got into the parody scene i didn't do the whole thread tag thing#i got inspired by my friend to do and like#you don't NEED to go back and re-tag stuff#i think if i did that i would lose my mind
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