cashoshea-blog · 8 months
Super Bowl Ad
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My favorite commercial from the Super Bowl is the Bud Light Commercial with the “Bud Light Genie”. I believe this commercial works perfect in the digital world because it’s has so much going on. Bud Light could cut up the commercial and post multiple Tik Toks without reusing footage from the commercial. It has a lot of elements that work really well on social media. The commercial has wacky things like a dinosaur, and recognizable names like Post Malone and Peyton Manning. Now that all social media platforms are trying to compete with Tik Tok with short form content this commercial can be posted and work on all of them. Bud Light can post shortened versions of the commercial and the full length on just about every platform. Bud Light has been trying to recover from a very controversial year in 2023 and I think this commercial did well in appealing to all demographics for the most part. They have multiple things in the commercial that work with different audiences which is another reason why I believe that cutting up the commercial and posting different clips on different platforms is a good idea. They had outlandish and wacky things go on in the commercial, like the dinosaur at a house party like I mentioned before, that could be good for going viral online. I thought the commercial was funny and stupid (in a good way) and was a kind of good way to appease consumers who were mad at them last year, while still not alienating the consumers who weren’t offended by their actions. It was also smart that Bud Light had a section at the Super Bowl where they had celebrities sitting there including people in the commercial like Post Malone and The Bud Light Genie who seems to be a new mascot of sorts.
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cashoshea-blog · 8 months
Benefit of Being an SME in Digital Media
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Being a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in digital media can always be beneficial to a company or brand. Subject Matter Experts are exactly what they sound like. Their job is to be able to take in a lot of information about a specific subject and give a succinct explanation to their colleagues so they can better understand the topic and implement the information given into their projects. The information that they research and use to inform can greatly impact your online presence, engagement, and brand recognition. An SME can also be able to help when issues occur within your work environment, offering helpful solutions to problems through research. Another beneficial aspect of having an SME is predicting those issues before they even happen. Having someone who can assess your company and the potential problems that could arise with fleshed out solutions is a major advantage to have in this fast paced, ever changing business. A company can utilize Subject Matter Experts in terms of training new employees as well. Who better to train a new hire than someone whose job it is to be as knowledgeable as possible when it comes to your company? Of course, an SME can’t just be knowledgeable about a certain subject. SME’s have to be exceptional at communicating, collaborating, active listening, as well as be able to effectively manage a project. They also have to be well versed in the market that your company is in as whole. They need to know what and how your competitors are doing in your market, whether right or wrong, to be able to find ways to bring your company ahead of them. I believe it’s crucial to have an SME if you have a brand if you have any desire to be successful and have a lasting effect in your market.
Consulting, V. F. (2023, May 4). The significance of subject matter expertise in digital transformation: A Lesson from Warren Buffett. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/significance-subject-matter-expertise-digital-transformation/
Tabeling, J. (2022, December 1). What it takes to be a subject matter expert in search marketing. Search Engine Land. https://searchengineland.com/search-marketing-subject-matter-expert-389883
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cashoshea-blog · 9 months
Why's SEO Important?
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SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The importance of search engine optimization is that it helps get more eyes on your company online from people who are interested or at least somewhat interested in what you offer. With the help of SEO’s, you can get your website ranked higher than others when certain key words are typed by someone on a search engine like Google or Yahoo. The reason why SEOs are so important in digital marketing is because it’s a way to compete with the wide range of competition online. For example, if what you sell are shoes and someone looks up “grey women’s shoes” on google, there will probably be at least a few million results that show up for them. So, when using SEO in the marketing mix, you look up words and phrases that are commonly used on search engines in relation to your product or brand. Once you’ve done the research and find what words, phrases, and structure works best to get more visibility to your website, you then apply it. It’s very integral to get your website a higher website rank on a search engine not just because of the large amount of competition online, but also because of how people usually shop and interact with websites online. Customers online, your target audience, aren’t usually patient when shopping online and won’t look down far to find you, that’s why you need to make sure you find them. Most online users only click on the first few results due to convenience and not wanting to have to do their own research. So, getting your website higher up on results pages on search engines greatly improves your chances at getting your target audience to click on your website rather than clicking on one of your competitors websites.
Vont-Admin. (2021, June 21). What is search engine optimization (SEO)? and why is it important?. VONT. https://www.vontweb.com/blog/what-is-search-engine-optimization-seo/#:~:text=Search%20engine%20optimization%20(SEO)%20is,creates%20a%20larger%20target%20audience.
Reggiesays:, Deansays:, B., Bocksays:, E., Rachelsays:, Barbarasays:, Fambrinisays:, J., C.says:, P., Robertosays:, Satellsays:, M., Sanjaysays:, Gabricssays:, A., Justinsays:, Sarrasays:, Hanssays:, Pitchfordsays:, S., Smyliesays:, M., Sotelosays:, R., Ismailsays:, Z., Breseésays:, K., … Rahulsays: (2024, January 19). How to create an effective SEO strategy in 2024. Backlinko. https://backlinko.com/seo-strategy
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cashoshea-blog · 9 months
Importance of Strategy in Digital Media
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In digital media, strategy is immensely crucial in all aspects. Having a digital media strategy helps you prevent any hiccups in sharing your company or product to people who are or might be interested. With a strategy you can better understand what channel will be best to send your messages through so the people that you want to see the messages can get the information in a way that fits their needs and wants best. Before starting your campaign, you want to know what your goals are and what exactly you want to gain from it. A strategy is also extremely helpful for improving on weak spots in your marketing plan and to know what things to avoid moving forward with your marketing. Another part of digital media that a strategy can help with is your audience. Even if you know your target audience and have personas for your clients, it’s still important to look further into how these people usually spend their time online so you can send your messages out in the most effective way. People interact with digital media differently depending on the channel they’re using. It’s important to know the online habits of your target audience so you don’t accidentally send your message through the wrong channel. For example, if most of your target audience listens to Spotify when they’re in their car, don’t pay for a radio advertisement because you’ll probably just lose money and not reach most of the people you were trying to send the message to. You also want to know how to successfully get your message through to the audience so they can buy your product or at least look further into it. Strategies can help you be able to do just that by figuring out what your audience’s motivations and goals are, what they’re interests are so you can show them why your product is for them.
 The importance of a digital marketing strategy in today’s world. Sacred Heart University. https://www.sacredheart.edu/academics/colleges--schools/college-of-business--technology/departments--schools/marketing/digital-marketing-blog/the-importance-of-a-digital-marketing-strategy-in-todays-world/
Understanding media strategy and why it matters. Penquin Blog. (n.d.). https://blog.penquin.co.za/blog/understanding-media-strategy-and-why-it-matters#:~:text=A%20media%20strategy%20will%20be,campaign%20that%20reaches%20your%20goals.
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cashoshea-blog · 9 months
Target Personas
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A target persona is fake profile that shares information about a person that is a representation of a certain target audience group for your brand or company. A target persona is extremely important in terms of digital advertising for a company because it shows them the type of people that are interesting in buying their products or already customers. These personas can make it clearer to advertisers about what they should include in their ads to entice people to engage with the ads and the company’s social media accounts or their website. Company’s also usually have a wide range of different people that sum up their audience, which is where target personas really become useful to advertisers. They make it easier for advertisers to decide which way to market the product depending on the group of people within their audience that they’re aiming it towards. Without these target personas, company’s risk losing customers or potential customers by not appealing to their specific needs and interests. This marketing tool is becoming increasingly more important to companies with how people are spending more time online than ever, especially when it comes to shopping. You need to have engagement with your audience in order to gain their trust and show that your product or service is what they’re looking for, even if they weren’t looking for it. It’s also important that you don’t make too many target personas since their purpose is to narrow down who your audience is and how to market to them that would be appealing to that certain group within your audience. Research is the most crucial part of a target persona. If you don’t do the proper research to find out who your audience is and what their interests are, it’ll be hard to accurately market to them in a way that turns them into actually customers.
https://blog.thecenterforsalesstrategy.com/what-is-a-target-persona-and-why-do-i-need-one. (n.d.).
Nuttall, C. (2023, July 20). How to define a target persona: A step-by-step guide. GWI. https://blog.gwi.com/product/target-persona/
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cashoshea-blog · 9 months
Digital Media
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I don’t know a whole lot about digital media which is a main reason that I’m so excited about being in this class. I know that digital media is content or entertainment broadcasted digitally through mediums like television, podcasts, social media, etc. There’s also new digital media that keeps being created and innovated, TikTok has only been around for a relatively short amount of time and is already one of the top digital media platforms that we consume. I know about the different types of digital media as in earned, owned, and paid media as well. Where earned media is a more organic marketing mostly through word of mouth. Owned media is a company sharing media through their own channels, like a website or social media account that they own themselves. Paid media is where a company pays someone else to share their messages or products to as many people as possible, in hopes to get new customers who may have been unaware of the company before. I have quite a few questions as well about digital media that I’m hoping to learn about this semester. How much more effective is digital media compared to tradition media and why? Is it just because we can reach more people digitally? How much more can digital media grow? Will there be more and more digital media channels created, making the older channels outdated and less useful? Or will the channels become more connected to one another kind of like Mark Zuckerberg purchasing Instagram and creating the Meta umbrella company? Is there a fear for the owners of these digital media channels and companies that a new kind of media will be made with all of the rapid growth in technology and become more popular similarly to what happened to traditional media when digital media became more prominent? And if so, are companies trying to prepare in case of a new shift?
Guerra, M. T. A. (2023, November 1). What is Digital Media? all you need to know about this booming industry. Maryville University Online. https://online.maryville.edu/blog/what-is-digital-media/
What is Digital Media? - learn.org. (n.d.). https://learn.org/articles/What_is_Digital_Media.html
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