cas-evans · 7 years
He nodded and grinned. “Again?” Rae turned back to Mallory, who smiled. “Maybe later, Rae. Let’s go get settled though, you need to have a rest.”
“Gotta listen to your mommy,” Cas said with a smile, ruffling the boy’s hair. “How about we open up the picnic basket and eat?”
The Evans Family
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cas-evans · 7 years
She asked the pegasus to go down. He touched down and whinied.
“Mama!,” cried Cosette happily. Cas walked over to where Rae and Mallory got off the pegasus. “Had fun there, cub?,” he asked Rae.
The Evans Family
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cas-evans · 7 years
Rae screamed in delight as the pegasus flew slowly, the wind gently messing with his hair. “Mommy. More!” She hung onto the boy, letting the horse go a little faster.
“Wave to your mom and brother!” Caspian smiled up at the two and brought Cosette up onto his shoulder. “HI MOMMY AND RAE!,” cried the little girl, waving enthusiastically.
The Evans Family
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cas-evans · 7 years
“Right?” Caspian had been letting his daughter look around at the Demeter cabin, fascinated by all she saw, when he heard the other speak. “It feels like it hasn’t changed at all.”
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“Weird to be back,” Clover remakred and leaned against the wall of the Demeter cabin. He wasn’t sure why he came to this little reunion, especially because he spent most of his time here wither on his quest or fading into the background.
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cas-evans · 7 years
Mallory reluctantly helped her son up onto the pegasus, then got on herself. She spoke to the horse gently. “Just a slow ride. Nothing too fancy.” He nodded and took off. Cosette reached at them. “Wanna fly.”
“Not you, young lady,” Cas said with a small smile. “Not unless we can attach a string to your foot and carry around like a balloon.” He poked at her stomach playfully and she giggled hysterically. “No, daddy!”
The Evans Family
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cas-evans · 7 years
She sighed. “Rae, Phry wants you to stay with her. And she can’t ride the pegasi with you.” Mallory glanced at their daughter, who was starting to drift away again. “Oh gods!”
Cas fast walked over since she was close enough and scooped his daughter in his arms with a dramatic sigh. She giggled at that. “Cosette, what did your mother tell you about doing that?” The little girl smiled mischievously at her dad. Rae kept insisting. ‘I want to go up!’
The Evans Family
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cas-evans · 7 years
The Evans Family
> @malloryejensen
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“I don’t think Phrygia is gonna let Rae out of her sight,” Cas told his wife, watching as their adopted son looked up at the pegasi and tried to reach for them. “She’s never liked the pegasi...” Cas’ wolf companion stayed at the little boy’s side attentively. “Dad up! I want to go to up!,” the little boy complained, looking back at his father. 
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cas-evans · 7 years
The cat hissed when he came closer. Mallory sighed. “What’s she saying?” She asked him, knowing he could usually talk to animals.
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Cas flinched at the cat and then frowned. He looked at Mallory and then warily at her parents, wondering how much they knew. “U-Umm...” He figured they knew. He turned to Mallory again. “... Lots of cursing.”
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Meeting the Parents
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cas-evans · 7 years
They both smiled at him. “Just use our first names. It’s easier for everyone. Anyway, please, come inside.” Daniel walked up the path and to the door. As he opened it, a brown and white cat ran out, butting its head against Mallory’s legs. She set her bag down on the ground and picked up the cat. “Abby! Hi! How’s my baby?” She turned to Cas. “This is the kitten that they got right before I came to camp.”  Henry sighed. “Yes, and she only likes you, Mallory. It’s shocking.”
“O-Okay,” Cas said, returning a smile to the men and feeling a little bit more confident since they were so nice. When the cat ran out, he was surprised but happy. Houses with animals were his favorite houses and he remembered having a cat as a toddler. Hi, he tried to voice to the cat, smiling at it and walking over to Mallory.
Meeting the Parents
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cas-evans · 7 years
The two men pulled away from her and looked at Caspian. “And you’re the boy that she won’t stop talking about. Caspian? I’m Henry,” the blonde said. “And this is my husband, Daniel.” Mallory blushed. “Dad…please don’t.” She watched them both shake his hand.
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Caspian blinks and tries to gather his words so he doesn’t stammer nervously. He smiles, very anxious to make a good impression. He walks over a bit. “H-Hi. Yeah, I’m Cas... Nice to meet you Mr. and Mr. Jensen.”
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Meeting the Parents
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cas-evans · 7 years
“They are lawyers.” She nodded and started up a concrete path. A man with dark hair came out from a back door, then called inside. “Henry! Miss Fish is here!” He came down and pulled Mallory into a hug. “Happy birthday, guppy.” As he hugged her, another man came outside. He was blonde, and hugged her as well. “Mallory, oh my…you’re 16. You can’t be, we just got you home a few days ago.”
Cas watched a few feet away, looking a bit nervous but also smiling at how happy and loving Mallory’s family seemed.
Meeting the Parents
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cas-evans · 7 years
She smiled. “I missed you too.” Mallory guided the pegasus to the updraft. “His name is Elliot. The Iris kids give all of them whimsical names, but he really likes Elliot.”
5 hours later…
The pegasus touched down in the sand of a backyard of a large-ish house. Mallory got down and took her bag off of the pegasus. “C’mon.”
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Cas hopped off behind her and patted the pegasus gratefully before looking around. “Is... is this your house?”
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Meeting the Parents
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cas-evans · 7 years
She turned her head and smiled, then turned back and nudged the pegasus out of the stables. “Let’s go.” Mallory patted his neck and he took off.
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Cas felt light-hearted and happy as the set flight. Mallory had the same oceany smell and she was warm and really there with her at that moment. “... I know I said happy birthday on the phone but... happy birthday, Mals.” He smiled. “I missed you.”
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Meeting the Parents
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cas-evans · 7 years
“Yes! Of course I want you to come.” Mallory laughed, then got on the pegasus. “C’mon.”
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Cas smiled, a little nervous but more excited to go somewhere with Mallory. He kept telling himself if they raised such an amazing girl, they couldn’t be too bad or scary. He hopped on the pegasus behind Mallory and hung on. “Okay- ready!”
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Meeting the Parents
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cas-evans · 7 years
She looked down, smiling awkwardly. “Yeah, Caleb from Zeus had a big birthday party. We didn’t know that the punched was spiked. Myka and I got pretty bad.” Mallory shrugged. “But I’m fine. Now, if you wanna come, we gotta go now. Washington state is a far fly.”
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“S-So you’re serious? You really want me to come?”
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Meeting the Parents
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cas-evans · 7 years
📱, 💾 , 📢, 🔔 (For Mallory)
(📱) Your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: Mallory 👑🐬(💾) Your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone:
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(📢) Your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: These pleasing twinkling sounds that remind Caspian of magic.(🔔) My muse’s last text to your muse. I have a birthday present for you 
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cas-evans · 7 years
“We’ve been together about 9 months, Cas.” She raised her brows at him. “And I’m nervous too.” Mal reached her hand up into his hair. “But I missed so much. You’re lucky I had a hangover yesterday or I’d be home already.” Then she kissed him. Mallory missed him more than she could say. Iris Messages weren’t the same.
Cas smiled nervously at her until the mention of a hangover. He blinked, eyes gone wide. His shock was interrupted by the kiss, which made him forget everything for a second. “W-Wait so... what? A hangover? Are you okay? What happened? Are you sure you’re alright for a trip? I’ll go anywhere with you but are you feeling okay?” He had no idea how hangovers worked.
Meeting the Parents
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