carylsoulmates · 3 years
It is truly irksome when contenders against Caryl state things like:
"Yeah, Carol may have flirted with Daryl, but he NEVER reciprocated it. Because he wasn't interested in her." Some I think have even gone so far as to say that Daryl was grossed out by it.
So I want to ask:
Where are/were the signs which suggest Daryl's disinterest or that he was disgusted by Carol's advances?
I am not an expert on relationships or body language, but this post is inspired by people who I firmly believe are even more inept at this than I am. So, once again, here we go!
1. Whenever someone is disinterested or uncomfortable with the advances of another, they either verbally say so or do someTHING to create some distance. So I ask: when has Daryl, knowing Carol's flirtatious behavior, ever tried to get her to take a hint by staying away from her? Last time I checked, she is the first person he looks for and asks about. In many of the earlier seasons (1-5) you can find Daryl standing right next to Carol or in the same frame -very near her. No one is forcing Daryl to be near Carol. Not Rick and certainly not Carol. It's called attraction. I would never be around someone if I did not appreciate their flirting with me. I would help us both out by staying away from them. Daryl does the exact opposite. So....so much for that argument.
2. This is an important point and it's one I believe Carylers and non-Carylers, alike, can appreciate. It should be noted, as I pointed out in my earlier posts that Daryl Dixon is not a "young" man. He was not "young" when we were first introduced to him. He was at least mid-thirties. At this point, he is now around fifty or late forties. Why am I bringing that up? Because it should be distinguished that younger men and older men flirt differently. Whereas younger men tend to compliment a woman's physical appearance, older men look beyond that. I will now endeavor to point out some of the ways in which older men flirt. They will be mixed in with other signs of flirting and interest that belong to both age groups, though.
3. The need to feel "needed". Like a superhero. Men are biologically hardwired to want to be the hero to a woman. If the woman makes him feel needed/essential and like he is solving an otherwise insurmountable problem for her, he will be very attracted to that woman. If you'll notice Daryl keeping an extra eye out for Carol and Sophia, put yourself in his shoes. Redneck hick with no one else in the world in a group of people who probably make him feel uneducated and unsophisticated. It will cause him to act like every bit of the image people paint him out to be. But in Carol and Sophia, he saw a real golden opportunity to prove to himself that deep down, he was dependable and loyal and sensitive and caring. His saw his family as broken and Carol's family as broken. Two halves make a whole. In all the seasons after that, you will notice Daryl still has a need to feel needed. He will never be rid of that, since most men have this innately. It comes out as being a provider and protector, which is healthy. The hero complex he has, however, could be a mutation of that trait, and one he has to overcome before the spinoff (hopefully), but please note these two are not the same. The fact that it is proven over and over that Carol is central to Daryl feeling needed in a healthy way is proof of his attraction to her. By the way, even if a man is unaware that he's doing it, if he comes to you/likes you because you make him feel needed, he's flirting.
4. He gives compliments. I want to point out that this is a science fiction/horror genre. Not romantic, slice of life drama comedy. So the expectation of many occurrences of flirting or such like should be kept low. The show is about survival with romance sprinkled throughout. Not the other way around. So antiCarylers need not look for numerous instances of the things I am about to say. The writers have played it this way for a reason and it is has been most effective. Now, compliments from a younger man can differ from that of a older man's. An older man is more likely to compliment on things beyond the appearance. Such as your skills, your mindset, your personality, things like that. Some people think that if Daryl liked Carol, he should have said something morbid like Merle's "sugar tits" or be straightforward like Negan with his gaggle of "wives" and say "I wanna screw your brains out." This is Daryl. Emotionally stunted, abused, insecure, and unsure Daryl. He has not had much or any experience feeling real, pure, true attraction. So look for compliments that are more coated and indirect. For example, when he complimented Carol on her cooking/baking in seasons 4 and 6 or in season 2, when he complimented Carol on making Dale's RV look like a home. Or when he told Morgan about what Carol would do to the Saviors if she were there, he was essentially praising her skills and leadership. People are not quick to notice it. But when a guy does that, he is flirting. And he interested and attracted to you.
5. He teases you. So I wanted to make this it's own little point, since it is a bit different from sheer complimenting. When a guy teases you in a good way, he is flirting with you. It can come off as mocking something the woman likes, if she says something or wears something. For example, when Daryl told Carol "you look ridiculous" in season 5, he was flirting. When he rhetorically asked Carol in season 9 if Ezekiel "snores fancy too", he was flirting. When Daryl says to Carol in season 7 "We gonna eat or do I gotta be a king or somethin' to get food around here?" Yes, he was flirting with Carol again. When he tells Carol in season 10 "Don't wanna play with you anymore if you keep cheating" he's flirting with her. Carol and Daryl's general going-back-and-forth banter is teasing and flirtatious. Notice how it doesn't come off as awkward like it did in Find Me with Leah. Daryl has a nice rhythm that works for him with Carol. Please note, that Daryl can play both sides (older and younger) since he is emotionally inexperienced in some areas. That is to say, just because he is older, he can still tease and joke back which he only really does with Carol.
6. When he gives you space. When younger men tend to give a woman space, it usually spells disinterest/waning interest. But older men give the woman they really like space. Why? Because they appreciate their time and the time of the woman they like. If you notice, Daryl tends to give Carol space, even if he would prefer/wants her close. It's because he respects her. In season 7 at the cabin, he wanted Carol to come back with him, but understood her space (this includes her headspace) was more important to Daryl than his own desires. Or when he stayed away for the duration of Carol's longterm relationship with Ezekiel. When an older guy checks in with you from time to time, he likes you and that's another aspect of giving the woman he is attracted to some space. Canonically, Daryl and Carol's screen time with each other does not add up to a whole lot, but it shows that they do catch up with each other and part from each other out of respect. This is a sign of attraction because neither one of them want to spoil a special thing.
7. He gives mixed signals. Because of Daryl's reticent nature, mixed signals he is prone to do. You will notice that he did this with Carol in the earlier seasons heavily. But he still subtly does this, now. Things like: being mean/harsh with you, then feeling bad and wanting to make it up to you with sensitive or soft gestures; pulling away from you, but wanting to be around you; making eye contact and then looking away. Wanting to be your friend, but pretending not to care about your friendship. Receiving a flirty comment but not really making one back. Being mad at you but wanting to make sure you're good. Mixed signals are these. Daryl Dixon is famous for this. It is one of the reasons his character is so appealing on paper and when acted out. Now, why does he do this? Some reasons include the following: he wants Carol's attention/validation, he is inexperienced at expressing his feelings, he's timid, he's afraid of rejection (which is one of Daryl's fears), he's insecure or nervous, or he can be flirting (some guys flirt by sending mixed signals. And I don't think some men can help that they do.) Daryl has does this with Carol, mainly in seasons 2, 3 and 10 and 11A so far. The mixed signals is one proof of attraction.
8. He doesn't mention other women, specifically. This is another sign of major attraction. If he was constantly bringing up his past relationship (Leah) or another woman (Connie), this would be a sure sign that he has feelings for them. But he never brings them up on his own. Carol has been the one to prompt him that we've seen regarding the two women, (Leah in 10x06 and 10x18 and Connie in 10x06, 10x09, and 10x18). Daryl never brings them up. And on the occasions in which Carol did bring them up, notice how Daryl either becomes upset/exasperated/frustrated or already is? All of those times, it was about the overarching relationship of Carol to Daryl. Can you imagine how frustrating it is not being a good communicator and dealing with someone you like who is misunderstanding your signals? Yup, that is Daryl and Carol. I remember an animated movie from 1991 called Only Yesterday that featured a man who was slightly younger than the main female protagonist. He had feelings for her but she never noticed it. When she sadly recounted her memories of a boy in her fifth grade class not wanting to shake her hand, the man answered and said "he didn't shake your hand because he liked you and didn't want to say goodbye." When the female protagonist argued it, he said "it's like the old saying goes: girls are blind to the love of boys." When she said "do you really believe that?" He, exasperated, responds: "sure, it's obvious. And it has always been so." Daryl is having the same dilemma with Carol as the male protagonist was having with the female protagonist of that movie. And both women were bogged down by their own low opinions of themselves that they couldn't see how the other person thought they were perfect. This creates frustration. Bringing up another woman? Why? When the woman they care about is right before them?
9. Touch. Men are better at showing their attraction to the woman they like through touch rather than verbal communication. This is a plus, because most men who do this are showing that woman they are invested in them. They would not regularly touch a woman they're aren't drawn to. Daryl shines in this area, since the number one woman he touches is Carol. Hugs (long and short) always communicate his needs, longings, desires, etc. Holding of the hand. My favorite is in season 5, when Daryl and Carol are in the van. As he is about to tip the van over, Carol reaches out and covers his hand with hers in order to be closer to him. Daryl responds by touching her hand with his thumb. It is adorable. If he gives a massage, this is a surefire way to know he is flirting/is attracted to you. Daryl has only ever given a massage to Carol. Wiping tears, caressing the head/hair, nuzzling, slight smiles, lingering eye contact (whether or not she is looking at him) are all documented signs of flirting and attraction.
10. Talking about the future. If a man speaks about the future and you're in it, it is a sign of attraction and that he cares about you. Daryl does this with Carol and only Carol. That conversation about running away together has been brought up quite a few times. He uses the "we" pronoun with them. Juxtapose to when he spoke to Leah, he tends to you "I" instead of "us". This creates distance, because he doesn't feel the same about her and/or doesn't trust her. That has never been the case with Carol.
11. Older men will flirt/show they really like you when they are willing to try something that you like, even if it is unusual for them. For example, when Daryl dismissed the idea of going out on a boat for long periods of time. Then after their fight in 10x21 Carol finds a book on being out at sea on Daryl's coffee table. And we can infer that he didn't just get that book. That means during all of season 10 when Carol and Daryl's relationship was on shaky ground, Daryl STILL acquired that book. Even when he was angry with her, he still had that book. He is willing to try new things, as long as he gets to be with her and that is flirtation/attraction. (Note: please do not confuse this with Connie and the ASL book. Do not conflate necessity with personal desire. Connie and Kelly were becoming integral parts of their community. Being able to communicate with them is smart. Strategic. It's like having to learn another language because of the clientele you deal/the market demands it with vs. wanting to do it because the other person is special in a different way to you. That's the Connie vs. Carol situation and those two books). Extra side note: Anyone else ever notice the ASL book is seen in Daryl's back pocket (meaning it's in the open) vs. The Golden Age of Piracy book is in his room (a private space, not in the open)? Well, I would strongly suggest that shows us his relationship with Connie is open and not hidden but his relationship with Carol is hidden in the most intimate spaces like his bedroom. So...I call that attraction.
12. Always taking your side. When a man really likes you, he takes your side. Notice how whenever Carol seemingly does something reckless, wrong or disconcerting, Daryl never openly disagrees with Carol. He never judges her decisions in front of other people and in fact, as in the case with Rick, Richard, and Maggie, defends Carol. But in private, he calls her out. People, that is a major "I am attracted to you and want to be with you" flag.
13. Lastly, he tells his family or people in his circle about you. He does not do this with Leah. Rather, he tells about Carol to other people and asks about her status to other people. Remember, when Daryl asked Hershel about Carol? I do. He singularly points her out. Because he is attracted to her. And everyone else knows it, too. Even Henry picked up on it, for goodness sake. When Daryl asked Ezekiel "you gonna ask about Carol?" Or when Kelly told Carol how everyone in town has heard about her from the "old days". By process of elimination, the only one around from the old days besides Carol is Daryl. I don't hear him keeping Leah or Connie's name on his lips. Because Carol is in a whole distinct category.
So, in conclusion, I would just like to reaffirm that Daryl is not "grossed out" or disinterested in Carol's earlier advances. He also shows clear signs of a man falling in love with his best friend, which is another conversation I think. But jealously is one of them, which Daryl has and taking interest in something of hers in an unusual manner. I understand if others don't ship Caryl. But don't cross a line and make Daryl's character out to be something it isn't. He is not a static character. He has progressed since season 1. In many areas, he's wiser and more mature. In other areas, he still needs help. This is how character progression is supposed to go. You should not think characters remain the same in every aspect since our first introduction to them. For example, when Daryl opened up/confided in Carol about possibly never seeing his brother alive again, that is not the same Daryl "opening up" to Connie about Merle in season 10 after he has had years to come to terms with the loss of his brother. And the showrunners we have had on this show, though bumpy at times, have managed to create the greatest ship on television in my opinion. Greatest ships are slow burns. Not boy likes girl in episode 1. Boy flirts with girl in episode 3. Boy sleeps with girl in episode 5. Those ships are almost never memorable. And flatline quickly.
Lastly, remember that Daryl is different from Negan, Rick, Shane, Glenn, Ezekiel, Abraham, Gabriel, Aaron, Jesus, Mercer, the Governor and other major male characters from the show. To my knowledge, he is the only middle-aged, abuse-survivor, who has experienced child neglect, abandonment and lack of a healthy social support system from early on. This has serious implications on how he views himself, communicates his feelings and how he regards intimacy. His only other match in this area? Carol.
By the way, all of the things I mentioned in this post you can look up on Google.
So just because you don't ship Caryl, that's no excuse for not following the chosen narrative for these characters. Daryl is not only attracted to Carol but as far back a season 2 (and nonverbally in season 1) Daryl has been flirting with Carol.
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
11A Reimagined
I know, I know. The story isn’t over yet. There is still a lot that’s going to carry over into 11B, and I am happy to see it all unfold the way AK intends, don’t get me wrong. I definitely don’t assume to know more than she does. Think of this as a proposal for a fanfiction I’ll never write. A major “what if.” So, with that said, what if

1. Maggie had no connection to the Reapers. With food sources dwindling in Alexandria, TF could have easily just decided to venture into new territory and stumble upon the Reapers amidst their search. There’d still be a fight on the road, only one more evenly matched to serve as the catalyst for Pope’s wrath. Everyone would still get separated. Daryl would still get captured by Leah. Maybe that sounds too convenient, but IMO, Maggie’s personal investment in the Reapers never amounted to anything anyway (at least not up to this point). The real story was between her and Negan, and it would’ve felt SO much more natural if neither character had any reason to go on the mission. If they could just remain in Alexandria instead, we could see Maggie trying to navigate being a leader again to a community she left behind years ago while at the same time struggling to co-exist with Negan, who would be struggling to claim his “rightful” place in Alexandria with her around. We could see him interacting with Hershel, which could maybe, just maybe, trigger some semblance of regret for leaving the poor kid fatherless (I said maybe). Maggie, who had a much stronger connection to Hilltop, could be the one to revisit its ruins instead of Carol. Which brings me to my next “what if
2.Carol and Daryl led the food mission. Father Gabriel, Magna, Kelly, and Lydia would go with them (to be explained below). Caryl’s conversation in Find Me about Carol sticking around to deal with her issues would probably need to be re-shaded slightly, or it could happen on this trip. Either way, this alt storyline helps to directly and thoroughly address the new tension between Carol and Daryl instead of, you know, setting it aside for 8 episodes straight? Imagine them bickering in the subway tunnels while those around them take notice. They’d ultimately be struggling to get on the same page again, Carol fearing Daryl will never trust her again and Daryl worrying she’s only going to put herself in more danger or try to run away. Only after running into the Reapers and getting separated, the threat of losing each other looming very large, would they finally gain some perspective.  
3. Pope marked Carol as the enemy, and became obsessed with hunting her down after the surviving Reapers described her to him. Not to say Maggie isn’t important to Daryl, but it could be argued that the stakes for him would be significantly higher if Carol was the one he had to go to great lengths to protect. 
4. Father Gabriel was tortured. Imagine he was the one who got captured instead of Frost who, sorry to be presumptuous, no one had a strong emotional attachment to, not even Daryl. He wouldn’t have to die necessarily, but it would just give Father G the opportunity to engage in a heavy theological debate with Pope which I think a lot of us really craved. Meanwhile, what if

5. Carol, Magna, Kelly, and Lydia found each other in the woods again after being individually hunted, preserving the awesome girl power we saw in 11x03. Magna would definitely be the one to insist they cut their losses and head back to Alexandria, but Carol would refuse to leave Daryl behind. Just because he said he wouldn’t go after her anymore if she disappeared doesn’t mean she won’t go after him. Then along the way, what if

6. Carol and co bumped into Connie and Virgil because why the fuck not? Connie and Kelly would get their beautiful reunion. Carol would get some peace of mind. The group would have two more people to help them fight the Reapers, whose whereabouts they’d learn someway, somehow. Maybe Dog escapes the Meridian and guides them. Maybe Carol comes across Daryl’s crossbow and has to rely on the tracking skills she supposedly picked up from him over the years. Maybe we see a variation of the scene in 11x06 where they all hide under the floorboards while the Reapers search the house. Daryl could discover his friends’ hiding spot and help them get out of there. Maybe somewhere in that coded conversation with Leah and Carver, Daryl is able to relay to Carol not to worry about him and to save herself. But who does he think he’s kidding?
7. Carol eventually got captured too. Cue the discovery of the knife. Cue Daryl’s cover being blown in a clever, thrilling way. Cue Leah’s white hot anger. Cue Pope: “Told you he couldn’t be trusted.” Pope, Leah, and lets throw in Carver for the fun of it would then proceed to torture the fuck out of our two idiots in love. It would be extremely emotional for Daryl and Carol. 
8. Lydia taught the others to lead a herd onto the Meridian, giving my third favorite character the agency she deserves. That’s way more believable than Negan teaching everyone if you ask me. Anyway, similar chaos would ensue. Leah would still kill Pope for sending her brothers out there as bait, and she’d become the leader of the Reapers. The group would save Daryl and Carol and okay fine Father G too, but they’d get trapped inside the gate. Cue dumb cliffhanger where Leah’s about to blow them all the fuck up, her eyes boring into Carol’s. To be continued.  
Obviously, I did not take the time to flesh out the details or work out any potential kinks. This idea has just been bothering me for a while and I needed to get it out of my system. Thanks for listening. 
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
Yoooo the handsđŸ˜©đŸ›
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
Oh pls I need this đŸ„ș🙏
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
Agh I need this toođŸ˜©
ooh I just thought of something!!! I wanted to share! So Carol and Leah meet, fighting ensues. Leah gets injured. Because she thinks Leah is important to Daryl and she is on this journey of trying to fix things to close the gap between her and Daryl, Carol tries to help Leah. She takes that as an opening and injures Carol. Carol is stunned by her pain. As Leah tries to deliver what looks like the finishing blow, DOG appears and jumps in front of Carol to protect her from Leah, biting Leah on the arm so hard she drops her weapon. And when Leah is shocked, giving Dog commands like "Down" "Come" "Heel" and... Dog does None of it! He just stands in front of Carol, bravely defying his master, growling at her! Weakly Carol rubs Dog's back, thanking him and saying "Good boy, good boy."
Just me? Probably. But I feel Dog turning on his master would be a big "Oooooooo!" Moment for the audience! :P Leah would be irredeemable at that point if even the most loyal of God's creation turns on her!
Aww, I'd love to see Dog defending Carol or Daryl even.
One thing I keep imagining is Daryl immediately blowing his cover the second he sees Carol in danger. All bets are off, and Leah reacts to it, fuming. And then to pour salt on the wound, the discovery of the knife happens. Oooh. I need it.
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
I’m not sure whose blog I first read the theory that Carol may find Daryl’s crossbow that he threw at the reaper and that’s how she finds out he’s with the reapers/ in trouble.
But like where else have we had a scene of Carol coming across Daryls crossbow while he’s captured & in trouble?? That’s right. Terminus
We better have one hell of a parallel of the terminus reunion. Carol with Daryls crossbow on her back. Daryl sprinting towards her like his life depends on it
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
Remember what Norman said recently:
Norman: All the little things that we do matter. If you're paying attention, you get them.
So it could be more than just a dream.
Carols dream about Daryl
I’ve been thinking about this scene a lot, about carols dream.
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I just need to say that the song in this scene is perfect! It really fits the two!
Ok, so Carol’s dreaming about a life with Daryl, that she’s married to him and she has her son Henry.
The thing that I thinks is really interesting is that she’s wearing a wedding ring! By that it means they’re married!
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âŹ†ïž This is the ring she had when she was married to Ezekiel.
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You can see the ring on her finger, and it’s not the same. I actually thinks that’s pretty interesting. I know it’s just a dream, but come on!
I want to hear your take on this!đŸ„°
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
Q: Was Daryl disappointed that Carol didn’t volunteer to go on the Meridian mission, or am I reading into that?
A: Oh no, there’s something to that. There’s definitely something to that. All the little things that we do matter. If you’re paying attention, you get them. Yeah, you’re exactly right. There’s a little something there. There’s definitely still some tension between Daryl and Carol.
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
"Shh, it's okay. I'm here."
"I'm not leaving you, [name]."
"You're not alone, I promise."
"You didn't do anything wrong. There's nothing to apologize for."
"C'mere, let me hold you-"
"Sure, we can snuggle if it will make you feel better."
"Here, hold my hand."
"This is gonna hurt like a bitch, but I have to stitch up that wound."
"Show me where it hurts."
"I know you're hurt, [name]."
"Let me take care of it, alright? You need to rest."
"I'm here to take care of you, [name]."
"There's no shame in crying. I promise."
"Let me take care of things for once, alright?"
"Don't worry, it'll get better soon."
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
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❀âžčDaryl Dixon & Carol Peletier Parallels ❀âžč
9.07 “Stradivarius” / 11.04 “Rendition”
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
Hey carylers, I'm curious, who do y'all ship on Lost or GOT?
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
If Carol and Daryl don't fuck in Season 11, I will riot.
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
Possible spoiler warning for 11x3 //
Is Carol going to think Daryl is dead when Maggie, Negan, and possibly Gabe all return? Like Daryl is missing, presumed dead by these people. How are we not talking about this. Are we finally going to get an angsty scene where we get to see Carols reaction to her being told Daryl has gone missing and probably hurt, if not dead? I’m equally terrified and excited for this.
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
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Too freakin’ adorable 
 look at him đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ„°
#Norman #sexyaf #adorable #lovehim #handporn #justgorgeous #perfect #sexiestmanalive
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
This Instagram is amazing, I love the content!
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I just found this picture very telling! Welcometonissa on Instagram!
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
ok, I know by now everyone on the caryl fandom probably watched 11x01 and analyzed the shit out of it because that's what we do 🌟 and we are very good at it
I'm pretty late to the party but I really want to give my two cents as well, mainly because I've seen a few negatives reactions to the episode
soooooo one thing I've learned reading @my-mt-heart blog, our TV genius, is that everything that makes the cut is probably pretty important to the story being told, and that includes costume choices, and background music, and lighting, etc etc..right?
well, I think we all agree that MMB is a beautiful sexy goddess but that's not how Carol was portrayed to be until season 10 when our ZA queen got a glow-up (a new pretty wig, more visible make up, new clothes that fit her body nicely, etc)
that happened because now Carol is not only a main character, but a lead character, with a "possible" romantic connection to the another lead character, Daryl endgame
we can also call it post-divorce glow up if we want ha
so yeah TPTB wants us, the audience, to see Carol as a beautiful woman on purpose so she can fit on the roles above
but 11x01 took it to another level, and you can call me delusional and say that I'm looking at these tidbits of scenes with my caryl googles, but
LOOK AT HER (beautiful gif by @carolsdixxon )
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ma'am who gave you permission to look like this? damn
guys, just look at this shot of Carol - how she is positioned, her posture, the way the natural light hits her face, and the fact that her hair is flowing with a little breeze
where is this fucking breeze coming from? I watched this scene a few times and no one else's hair is doing this
did they put a little fan next to MMB's face just to get this effect on the shot?
and here you say lola you crazy, it's not that deep, TWD doesn't do this kind of stuff, they're lazy as fuck
but the same thing happened at the beginning of the episode, see
(beautiful gif edit by @dixonscarol)
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and, again, where is this particular breeze coming?
well, I don't know where the breeze is from, but it made me think
both scenes our beautiful Carol is being observed by no one else than her soulmate, Daryl Dixon
I may be reaching probably am but the timing of both scenes makes me think that Carol looks this ethereal and pretty because we are seeing her through Daryl's eyes and perception
and we know he doesn't know how to approach her right now because of their fight and unresolved feelings, but when she looks like this, it's damn hard no to reach for her, isn't it, Daryl?
and, of course, when we see Daryl by Carol's perspective....
who are you giving this angry and hot 'let's fuck' stare, Mr Dixon?
(another beautiful gif edit by @dixonscarol)
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and when Carol doesn't agree with Maggie's suicide mission, he's worried/disapointed/puppy eyes/she's so pretty don't know what to do so I'm leaving, all at the same time
(@dixonscarol giving us all the feelings)
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so yeah, maybe it's my caryl colored googles and the outstanding beauty of MMB clouding my judgment but AGAIN no one else looks that hot on the rest of the episode
I think these shots were done with the very intent of portraying Carol as pretty as ever, private breeze and all, just to show us how he sees her and what he will be missing while playing spy with the Reapers
and the whole reference of taking of their armors by Princess, God bless her and her little shipper heart, when we just saw on Diverged that Daryl has a comic book named Man of Armor with a super power couple on the cover because I may die with the foreshadowing
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carylsoulmates · 3 years
Are we gonna talk about how the lyrics of “Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men” is LITERALLY narrating Caryls S9-10 story or what??
Listen to it and come back here and try and tell me I’m wrong (spoiler alert, I’m not.)
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