9 posts
I write and occasionally make gamesINTJ, Male, 20, History and English Content is not for those with a weak constitution.Fear the Old Blood
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carrionknight · 7 months ago
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The sun shines and my soul is darkness.
–Anton Chekhov
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carrionknight · 7 months ago
Tocharian Mythological names and Terms
As the title suggests, here are some names and terms I found:
Ylaiñäkte, Ylaiñeṣṣe = Indra/Thor, Storm God
Ylaiñäktäññe = female Indra? Wife of Indra?
Śakyavarddhane = the tribal deity of the Śākyas (Scythians), Sun God Surya (Helios/Sol)
Kauṃ-Ñäkte = Sun god, Possibly Sol/Helios?
               Kauṃ = Day, Sky
               Ñäkte = God or generic deity
Indre = Indra
Upoṣathe = Uposatha (Buddhist holiday)
Kamartīke = ruler
Kāmñäkte = God of love
Jñānasthite = Tusita realm god
Ñäkte-Yok = God like
Ñäkteñña = Goddess
Tapatriś = thirty-three gods
Tilādevi = A class of gods (unclear)
nirmṇarati = A class of gods (unclear)
Pañäkte = Buddha
Pañcābhijñe = possessing of the five spiritual powers
Pūrvottare = Proper name of a God, otherwise unclear (Parvati?)
Pravare = Messenger of the Gods, Close friend of Indra
Prām-ñäkte - Brahma God
Prete = Malicious spirit
Brahasvati = proper name of a god, Brihaspati
Bra(h)m-ñäkte = Brahma
Mār (Mār-Ñäkte) God of death, the tempter and the adversary
Meñe = moon
Meñ-Ñäkte/ Ñäkteñña = Moon God/Goddess
Yāmor-ñäkte = Karma God
Riññäkte = City God
Viśvakarme = Proper name of a god (Vishvakarma)
Viṣṇu = Class of gods, Vishnu?
Vr̥kṣavāsike = proper name of a god, Vajrapani? Zeus equivalent?
Vaimānuke = proper name of a god, something regarding ‘Vimana’? possible also Vamana
Wekārsa = Native Tocharian deity of uncertain function or origin, looks like Wodanaz or Wotan to me from Germanic myth. Appears in the play The Supriyanāṭaka which is set in idia, possibly meaning the God replaces one of Indic myth.
Śuddhavās = a class of Gods, Śuddhāvāsa of Buddhism
Śuubhakr̥tsäṃ = a class of gods
Śrīñäkte= Goddess of fortune, Fortuna
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carrionknight · 7 months ago
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poet, philosopher, and failure.
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carrionknight · 7 months ago
A disclaimer for this page
To the Ai ‘creatives’
I own every original post on my page, I do not consent to having my page scraped and have turned these settings off. I put this on here before I publish any serious writing to ensure you see it and that it cannot be construed as a post hoc Defense for my works.
Ai is not art because it was not made by a human, in the very same way as a parrots ‘speech’ is just random garbled nonsense which may vaguely apply to a given situation. Ai art is theft, let me put it in simpler terms for you to understand:
A thief steals parts from 100 cars of the same make and model, he only took one piece from each car before putting them together on his own. If you agree that he is a thief, then you agree that AI is theft.
There is also no argument to be made that it doesn’t hurt the artist, by using AI instead of commissioning a work yourself, you have deprived an artist of money, and yourself of a far better art piece. Ai is to art what liveleak gore is to horror movies, cheap instant gratification with no craftsmanship and a complete lack of ethics.
Thank you for your time, I am no interested in hearing your counter arguments because there are none to be made. AI delenda est.
To Political Radicals
This blog is not for political radicals, you are not welcome here, end of story. Some of my stories or games may have philosophical or outright political themes, but they are there for discussion and debate, not ‘claiming’ the story for your side or to just say ‘this is anathema’ and complain about it.
This disclaimer will be pinned to my page and expanded over time.
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carrionknight · 7 months ago
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Sandro Botticelli
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carrionknight · 7 months ago
Forbidden knowledge that drives you insane should never be an instant thing. Instead it should be like hearing a new word for the first time and suddenly hearing it everywhere, for example, let’s say that a scholar discovers a reference to a cult in an old book and starts seeing it everywhere in modern society. He’s gonna start hollering about it to get people’s attention, but he’ll eventually be branded as a crazy person despite being right. Eventually, he’ll destroy himself and end up becoming what people treated him as.
Imagine how horrible it would be for a second, knowing the REAL truth of the world, only to be ostracized because you just sounded a little too desperate when you tried to warn people, only to see exactly what you said come true. That’s why people with forbidden knowledge lose it.
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carrionknight · 7 months ago
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𝔄𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔪𝔫 𝔦𝔰 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤. 🍁🍂🍃
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carrionknight · 7 months ago
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carrionknight · 7 months ago
‘As you rummage through the pockets of the bandit, you discover a small locket with a fine painting of what appears to be his family.’
This is a terrible way to try and make players feel bad, here’s how any standard class would react to these sorts of situations:
Thief: “there is no fucking way this guy could afford to get this made, this has to be stolen”
Warrior: “shouldn’t have shot at me with the his musket then, should ‘e”
Mage: “I do say it was rather erroneous of him to do this knowing he had family to care for”
Priest: “The wages of sin are death”
Holy warrior: “A tragedy to be sure, but a greater justice is served by their death”
Barbarian: “Shame those kids come from a weak bloodline”
Perhaps the only ones with a less than ambivalent reaction are that of the necromancer and bard. the bard because he can excitedly include ‘orphan maker’ in his next ballad, and the necromancer because he gains another pack mule.
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