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POV: You're Bella and you sat next to Edward in biology class
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Misty path
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Foggy ponderosas
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Edward Cullen, Olde Worlde Gentleman & romance extroardinaire, really thought to himself, "i'll take my new girlfriend of 1 (one) day to a secluded field in the woods to meet my vampire family & have her sit in the rain & watch us play a sport she hates. surely a good time will be had by all"
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watching dbz for the first time and i’m in the buu saga and vegeta not being on my screen is disgusting shocking and i can’t deal
bring back my angry saiyan NOW.
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just thinking abt how new moon started on bella’s birthday and bella was a vampire by her next birthday…. that’s one crazy-ass year
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New moon
october, november, december, january
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Dear Alice, you've dissappeared, like everything else...
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bella's cactus is actually foreshadowing that she was about to meet the biggest prick on earth
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A few of us were leaving. You could take their place.
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i think everyone needs to adopt "i didnt say it was good, i said i liked it" into their vocabulary right now. it did me wonders
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life tip: you can listen to a song on loop
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bitch got a body like an hourglass
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jacob when edward tries to tune him out of his mind reading
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was wondering whether twilight vampires can fart then realized that if they could smeyer would probably say their farts smell like flowers or something
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fellow twilight bloggers I have a question. do you give your url to people you know irl or do you hide it with all of your being
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i keep thinking about changing my tumblr name but i am shackled by the nostalgia
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Oops my Rosella hand slipped
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