cariies · 25 days
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A rush of ice cold wind erupted from the sigil, swirling to mix with water before it was scattered in all directions. Atop the sigil now stood Kuraokami, the gentleness he usually carried was gone. There was no laughter in his gaze, no smiles on his lips. The air around him carried the weight and authority of a demon of his rank. An angered dragon god of old, one that was now in view of one that wronged him. "Well done, Sir Shiro.. I can sense you damaged him greatly, although the fool is unaware." His voice boomed, his tail lashing out behind him. There was an odor that caused his nose to crinkle, to make him sneer out of disgust. "This man.. He has devoured pieces of demons."
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"You've got to be kidding me.. You made a contract with Kuraokami?" This was bad. Tomoya was not aware of how badly damaged he really was from Shiro's barrage but he knew a pissed off dragon when he saw one. Before he could start backing away, Kuraokami was already upon him. His clawed hand was around the madman's throat and his free one reached down to rip off an arm before throwing him aside. It was hard enough he went through the side of the abandoned building nearby.
"GET UP, COWARD! I will do much more than just rip one piece off of you! Shiro, you hurt him more than you realize! Do you have larger weapons?" Kuraokami asked, starting to make his way towards the opening he made. "We can't allow this worm to slink away now!"
He was getting nowhere with this - or perhaps this was leading somewhere and he just couldn't see it yet. Most likely it was the former rather than the latter, though Shiro wasn't willing to admit defeat either. Everything and everyone dies, even cockroaches. It's just a matter of using the right tools.
Rather than respond to the banter, the Paladin drops low to the ground to make a summoning sigil on the street with a piece of chalk he fetches from his pocket. Then, once completed, he bites into his thumb hard enough to draw blood and smears it across the sigil.
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"Kuraokami!" He calls out in prayer, as the beginning of his summoning chant, and to the open air - should the dragon god just happen to be that nearby. "I call on you to lend me your strength and give me your aid. I've found the bastard. Come collect your pound of flesh."
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cariies · 26 days
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Being riddled by bullets so did make Tomoya fall to the ground.. Just to sit up, looking annoyed. "Aw man.. And this was my favorite uniform. It's going to take forever to patch it up." Slowly he got to his feet and dusted himself off. "You sure are angry about something.. I should be mad after you ruined my lab! It's going to be a pain to make a new one."
Yes, he's quite familiar, and he's opting to respond with not words but more bullets. The rest of the clip, to be precise, which he alternates between firing off into Tomoya's head and chest.
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cariies · 26 days
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Tomoya stumbled back as the bullet hit its mark but he did not fall. Instead a twisted, wide grin came to his face. "That actually hurt.. Do you have any idea how long it takes an eye to come back? Oh wait.. Yes you do~."
Oh hey--
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Have a bullet fired off at your head.
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cariies · 26 days
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"Such high praise from a former Paladin~. To think he has such impressive things to say about me!"
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cariies · 28 days
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"I did collect your blood fair and square. It was your own fault for lowering your guard.. And really? Me lose body parts? Which one would you like?" A strange question to ask. Tomoya held up a hand, a twisted grin coming to his face. "How about a finger~?" He brought out a pistol and held up his free hand. With a pull of the trigger, his index finger was blown off and he didn't flinch. Before Rin's very eyes would he see the digit regrow and look like nothing had happened. "Anyway.. I do as I please."
🌀 "Gh- because I don't trust you with it! And what kind of plans?! What's-"
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Father Fujimoto found this guys lab? And burned it down? Rin could only begin to wonder what kind of horrors must have been there.
"You stay the hell away from Nix!! Go near her again and you'll be the one losing body parts!" 🐈‍⬛
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cariies · 28 days
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"Now why would you want it back? It's not like you need to put it back inside your veins.. Besides, I have plans for it~. You can thank your other father Shiro for that." A look of annoyance came to Tomoya's face as he continued to speak. "He burned down one of my labs. The eye I just acquired was in there too! So.. Now I have to get a replacement."
🌀 "Your existence is what!"
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"Gimme my blood back freak!!!" 🐈‍⬛
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cariies · 28 days
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"My my.. What has you so upset hm~?"
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🌀 "Y O U........" 🐈‍⬛
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cariies · 28 days
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"Someone sounds a little angry~."
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cariies · 28 days
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