Special Delivery!
3 posts
Hey, the name's Autumn! Holding down the cargo at Pony Express. Among other things.[Mouthwashing OC blog, 18+ only]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cargoholderautumn · 3 days ago
How are you doing today?
“Oh, yknow, same old same old. Did the usual inventory checks, filed some maintenance checks so Swansea can take a look at them later, Daisuke’s been keeping him busy. Oh! I was also helping Anya with keeping track of our medical equipment earlier too. Jim and Curls are usually in the cockpit, but usually Curls is the one who lets me in cargo in the morning—“ There’s a sudden pause for a minute upon realizing they’re about to go on a tangent, clearing their throat before resuming. “So uh, overall I’m pretty good. Hope your day’s going well too.”
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cargoholderautumn · 3 days ago
'Lo Autumn, have you seen my fidget spinner anywhere? I dropped it somewhere in the last hour or so (I think?) and I can't find it and it's driving me bonkers. Currently upending my quarters. It's bright green, btw.
-Cheers, Rhys
Autumn whipped their head to follow Rhys’ voice, their face softened upon seeing him. “Oh, hey Rhys!” They greet him with a smile.
They look up in thought, his question lingers as they try to remember anything that looked similar to what he just described. If their hands weren’t occupied with a box right now they’d put one up to their chin. “Hmm…a fidget spinner? With a color like that you’d think it’d be easy to spot. Can’t say I’ve seen one around here.” Their brows furrow as they fail to recall and shift back to Rhys with a concerned gaze, now trying to think of possible spots the fidget spinner could be stuck in. “You sure you checked everywhere? I hope it didn’t slip in between the pipes or the vent. Not sure any of us would be able to find it if it ended up there…”
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cargoholderautumn · 3 days ago
Hey hey! 🍓
Been noticing a lot of my coworkers on here, figured I could give it a go.
The name's Autumn, nice to meet you! I work at Pony Express on the Tulpar, I handle the cargo. It's kinda boring, not being able to look inside them, but it's what puts food on my table. Doesn't mean I don't do anything else though! You'll find me anywhere I can keep my hands busy.
Send questions, do whatever. Hope we can get along smoothly!
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RP info under the cut!
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Basic info:
Autumn Hodgens, they/them, mid 30's
They used to study for art in university before joining Pony Express. Coming from a lower middle class family, they've been told their entire life that pursuing art was a waste of time, money, and was unrealistic but went anyway. Soon enough they got ridiculously burnt out and left university with thousands in loans. Picked up many, many jobs in their life to pay off their loans and soon enough joined Pony Express thanks to Curly. They say they're just putting their dream on hold but in reality they've almost given up.
Fairly outgoing, has autism. Recovering from people pleaser tendencies 💔 Had a lot of heartbreak in the past and experience with terrible friends. Will tease, but can get flustered pretty easily.
Has some self-soothing tendencies, they have an extra ponytail holder on their wrist and a choker pendant that they fidget with. Has some knowledge in sewing, they embroidered the pattern on their jumpsuit themselves. Knows their fair share of video games as well.
Curly: Friends prior to joining Pony Express, used to go to high school with him and Jimmy. They lost contact for a while until Curly found them at one of their jobs. Nowadays they're pretty tight knit again, possibly mutually pining for each other. Autumn strives to be a listening ear for him, he is also their artistic muse.
Jimmy: Complicated. They dated at one point in high school, rebounded once but then split for good. Autumn doesn't really know how to feel about him, but now they're kinda stuck dealing with him every day. Will still tease him though, unless Jimmy is actually angry.
Anya: They get along pretty well, they usually talk to Anya the most during the work day. Loves seeing her little doodles and photos on the bulletin board, and can understand Anya's struggles with school. Confides in her pretty often, she notices things that not even Autumn could pick up on.
Swansea: Pretty standard coworker relationship, before Daisuke it was them who bugged him in Utility. They try to give a helping hand but it tends to annoy him more than anything. They admittedly do a more decent job in understanding what Swansea wants than Daisuke.
Daisuke: Surprisingly common interests, got along almost instantly. Has shown him a few tips on drawing during his short time on the Tulpar. They definitely have goofed off before
// OOC stuff + rules
18+ only please <3 this blog might get suggestive/NSFW
i will typically reply in semi-lit or lit responses
i don't have any specific boundaries, BUT if something is making me uncomfortable i will let you know
i will only RP in asks/reblogs, replies will always be OOC
OCs and canon characters are more than welcome to interact!! OC x OC and OC x canon is highly encouraged, i'm pretty open to anything
this is set before the crash, so post crash related stuff won't be relevant here
pls don't hesitate to tag me if you want me to reply! i'm very shy abt rping but i will do my best to respond asap <3
character tag - #cargo talk
NSFW tag - #hidden cargo
OOC tag - #out of bounds
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