caramelopamda-blog · 6 years
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Week 6 - Post card design.
This postcard design is based on the theme of  4 different holydays of the year, as this days have become a significant part of our lives and we can often relate specific colors to each one  : Easter, Halloween, New Year, Christmas.,Halloween and Christmas are the holydays I have chosen because i thought that they carry a group of color in it which will be an advantage for the postcard design ; Green for christmas, Orange for Halloween, Purple for for Easter and yellows and its complementary for new year. These colors are mostly  tertiary  of the primary colours on the colour wheel except for Green, and by that i have decided to use the analogous colour group to emphasize the feeling of each holiday in to the design.     In addition, various of Gestalt Principles are applied in the design. First of all ,“Proximity” and “Figure and Ground” are applied on all of the postcard designs as it is essential. Other than that , I have used color that I considered very characteristic of each day.
Using some references I could apply for each for example for halloween, the characteristics oranges yellows and a dark gray. I use the letter “H” at the background to try to get the effect of figure and background, and grey as my neutral color to make the oranges bright.
As I also tried to do in my New year postcard, in which using the complementary color of the orange, I could bring the colors trying to imitate the effects of the fireworks on the dark sky of an new year.
Easter and Christmas are more simple, as Easter is mostly a composition with analogue colors, and Christmas is has the complementary green and red, but also the analogues (green).
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caramelopamda-blog · 6 years
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Week 5 - Analyse and Interpretation of the relation between the Gestalt law with Escher’s illustrations.
In this analyse between Escher’s work and the Gestalt law, I chose this three illustrations.
Day and Night,  This artwork, in my opinion make use of two of the Gestalt laws of Flight and proximity,first the flight law is notices by your eyes follow the birds flying on the sky, afterwards the figure and background you can notice in the transformation with the shape of the birds.
The second one it is called “Drawing Hands” made 1948 with the dimensions of 332 mm x 282 mm. In this  piece we see the principle of continuation because your eyes go from one hand to the other following the angle and the flow it has and also we can see similarity in the way that both hands look exact the same.
The third illustration it is called “ Metamorphose ” . In this third art piece we see the use of the principle of figure and ground as well as figure and back ground in the part with the birds and ambiguous where the cubes are placed, in the part that some objects in the draw are incomplete and the silhouette of this objects are not enclosed,can be considered as closure in this art.
All in all, Escher works are always making use of one or more  principles of Gestalt in each one of his peaces of art.
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caramelopamda-blog · 6 years
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Week 6 - Geometric Abstract forms
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caramelopamda-blog · 6 years
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caramelopamda-blog · 6 years
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caramelopamda-blog · 6 years
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caramelopamda-blog · 6 years
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“Las locuras del empi” Is one of the fonts I dislike, because of its lac of flattened and (from my point of view) organization. The fact that the vertex of the letters do not finish at the same high makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. despite the font has consistency I think the font can only work for tittles or book covers because of the amount of details it has. 
“Better together script” is a font I did not like, one of the reasons is because of the thickens of its stroke, that makes it a bit hard to read. 
As the previous font, the inconsistency on the way the vertex end is a strong point when talking about what I do not like.  
The aperture in the letters is also small and kind of gets lost, so it does not really help when trying to read it. This font could be used to make more notorious a small phrase in a book or a poem, but I would not recommend it. 
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caramelopamda-blog · 6 years
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I chose “Edition” As one of the fonts I like because its elegance and consistency that the aperture in the letters give it to it.
The serifs it has are also part of the reason why I like this font, the detail in them and the way they flow with the structure of the font helps to the elegance.
This font called “edition” could be perfect for the cover of a fashion magazine.
The we have “Mayan”, Which is the other font I like, I chose this one because despite the peculiar shape of its serif, that chances, and it is not just one shape, still looks uniform and it also makes it look interesting and kind of nostalgic for me, because I can relate this to some of the shapes in the Mayan hieroglyphics.
Te font is consistent   with flattened vertex and despite the different serifs, it is easy to read. This font could be easily used for a story book for kids. 
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