Sick, infested mutt
57 posts
From the cracks between moldy wallpaper//18+//mdni blog
Last active 60 minutes ago
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
bro no i swear im not a masochist i just fucked up my parry timing. i just fucked up my parry timing is all. hit me again im ready this time
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
all porn online is basal and revolting so ive started jerking it to the smell of isopropyl alcohol
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
"derivative and masturbatory"...? Hell yeah i love maths and jacking it
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
ohh i get it.. i'm perverted and unwell and depraved
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
im not a cuck myself but i like observing their culture from the outside, like say, from a chair in the corner
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
gas pumps are sexual in the way that gasoline smells so good and the nozzles are inherently phallic yet society says you cant do anything about that
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
i’ve fucked guys i should’ve shot in the head
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
puppy play but halfway thru i suddenly start barking and run off into the woods faster than u can keep up with. u quickly lose sight of me. u call out my name and whistle to no response. u walk slowly in hopes of hearing where i may be but its dead quite. my barking stopped some distance away. it was getting dark when i ran off but now its pitch black. against ur better judgment u leave in hopes that ill come back of my own accord. 3 days later uve given up hope. ur printing out lost dog posters when u hear scratching at the door. u open it to see me. u lunge forward and hug me so excited i came back. immediately upon being back u feel like somethings off. i look and sound just like me. but i walk around the house like i hadnt been there. i refuse to eat anything even treats. and when u look at me u get the sinking feeling these are different eyes staring back at u. almost as if theyre seeing more than usual. u initially write it off as just being due to stress of being in the woods alone for a few days. but one day in the middle of the night u hear a scratching. u think its me but im asleep on the floor by ur bed. u walk out into the hallway. u follow the noise to the front door. under the sound of scratching is whining. my whining. u swing open the door to a barrage of licks and headbutts. the joy u get from seeing me immediately sinks into a gutteral fear as u realize the dog that came back. the dog uve spent a week sleeping next to. was not me. but some kind of imitation. i start snarling. then whimpering. u dont need to turn around to know what was standing behind u. u pick me up and run as fast as u can. stomping footsteps way too close behind u. and then. nothing. u turn around just in time to see the thing that was once imitating ur dog lurch into the woods. it lets out one final bark in my voice. then disappears into the trees. and then we like. have sex or something
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
nobody ever thinks of me and jerks off because i have a rotten soul
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
blow your brains out. get your brains blown out. smoke a million cigarettes. live your life and your world and kill everyone in it
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caramelized-dog · 7 days ago
ohh i get it.. i'm perverted and unwell and depraved
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caramelized-dog · 14 days ago
I’m really not doing good right now might throw up and turn myself inside out later
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caramelized-dog · 1 month ago
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obligatory animal crossing au for the psychological horror game 👍🙂👍 i'm calling it... "Mouthcrossing." (everyone boos)
They live on Tulpar Island which is overseen by Pony Express instead of Nook Inc. The crew's job is to develop the island—led by Curly, the Resident Representative. Things are pretty chill until a stranger arrives, claiming to be the true Resident Representative, and begins terrorizing the island. It's up to the Tulpar crew to defeat this menace and save the island from destruction.
curly: chose lion because it would fit his ✨golden locks✨ and also i was thinking about the phrase "cowardly lion." because y'know. reasons. he's the main guy in charge of planning and development.
anya: went with the ostrich villager type, but she's technically a black heron (the cool bird that does the umbrella shape with its wings). some may say i should've made her a horse, but i say neigh! i didn't want to make her a horse because 1) polle already takes that place and 2) jimmy's psych eval comment. anyway she's still the crew's nurse in this au.
swansea: yup he's a bear. look i know he literally has swan in his name but he SCREAMS bear. in multiple ways if you catch my drift nudge nudge wink wink. he's a grumpy ol' bear. 💛 he does a lot of DIY crafting stuff on the island.
daisuke: honestly he was the most difficult for me to decide on, but i eventually just went with dog. pomeranian specifically since that's what i made him in my dog au. the other option i was thinking about was bird, but i felt it would be too similar to anya. in this au, daisuke is still swansea's intern, but this time studying crafting.
jimmy: a player whose game glitched due to him messing with the file too much, leading to him not being able to modify it anymore. is now being a salty loser about his game being "ruined" despite it being his own fault and is taking it out on tulpar island's residents. don't worry, he gets his ass kicked.
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caramelized-dog · 1 month ago
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they should invent a corporate negligence that doesn't whisper things to you
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caramelized-dog · 1 month ago
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I love him so much
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caramelized-dog · 1 month ago
I really like the Curly and Jimmy relationship comics, like how you mentioned you wanted to do more of their casual friendship. And dude, thank you.
NGL this might just be me but I really enjoy it when ppl don’t draw Jimmy so “obviously” cruel to Curly, mostly bc if Jimmy was that “outwardly evil” it kind of feels like ppl think that Curly willingly surrounds himself with horrible people. Like, uhhh, no? It sorta feels like victim blaming to assume Curly knew exactly what Jim was capable of, to completely devoid their friendship of the “fun, casual moments” that make it hard to assume the worst of a friend— make it hard to leave. But that’s all, thank you again.
Thank you for enjoying :)
Yes. Toxic friendships are complicated and especially long-lasting ones. Jimmy and Curly are especially important to me as friends and I wanna explore their dynamic so badly. THEY'RE SO INTRIGUING!!!!
Jimmy is not a scheming manipulator who is horrible just because he's cartoonishly evil. Friendships provide connection with people, and his and Curly's friendship is important to him too, but it's Jimmy aka the guy who can't perceive other people outside of their relation to himself and empathize. Jimmy can care and be a normal guy to hang out with, but he has limits and certain conditions that keep him form being insufferable. Jimmy constantly wants validation and control, that once he feels himself be threatened, he will always prioritize his need to lash out on others with zero self-awareness. Also he can't regulate his emotions at all, like at all. Jimmy is a guy who will put himself in the center of the world and above everyone else, and as long as he doesn't feel his position and person compromised, he will be a manageable and even comforting normal friend. Jimmy is a toxic friend just because of who he is, not because he is consciously wanting to make Curly's life worse because he's a manipulative conniving dictator.
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caramelized-dog · 2 months ago
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