The Captain of Bilgewater
68 posts
Ask/RP blog for the new Captain of Bilgewater, Miss Fortune. Please read the rules!
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
((OOC: Due to long days at work, and long nights at the gym, my writing has gone out the window for a bit. I’ll get back here sooner or later I hope, bare with me friendos. I will be back, that’s a promise!))
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
“I pledge my ships to the true Captain.”
"AH yes, you. I do not know who you are but I'm sure I can make use of you."((thank you!!!!!))
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
A mage? Well, that certainly was cheating. “Before we leave you should probably realise that there is a distrust of mages around here. A floating body would indicate you’re a mage. I recommend you do it the old fashioned way and lift it with me, but, I mean... If you want to do it that way then be my guest.”
Fortune smiles, though the expression didn’t radiate any warmth. She didn’t really seem to be a woman that could be anything other than cold towards people. Not if you had walked into the bar as he had and seen what she had caused.
“So what’s your decision before we start travelling? We do have to go across the slaughter docks and at this time they’ll be rather busy.”
Meeting the Captian
Preston looked over the man that she pointed at, and sure enough, he seemed larger then he was. He didn’t really have a problem with that, as he approached the body, and waved his hands over the corpse. The body, along with the sheets suddenly began to glow a low blue aura, as they were slowly lifted off the ground. The amount of magic used wasn’t straining Preston too much, so he could get the body to its destination easily.
“I can handle that, and that seems like a fair deal. Well, I’ll follow you, since you know where to go.” He stated. He would walk back toward the entrance, with the body staying close to him.
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
Nehir only winced when blood splattered on her face from the guard being shot. She then found herself at the end of a warm barrel. Was she worth keeping alive? She just stared into Sarah’s eyes, fire gazing back into icy orbs, before she slowly stood up then said.
“Pulling that trigger would be a wast of powder.”
Nehir brought her hand up to point to a small welt on her forehead. “They already tried to execute me for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
The other guard just sighed then he nodded his head “We found this bilgerat wearing Gangplanks colors and she tried denying it. But she’s right about the failed execution.”
Nehir snarled at the guard and made him flinch before she huffed then looked to Sarah again. She just wanted to get out of the heavy irons and crush that lying bastards head. If it wasn’t for the anchor on her back she’d make a run for it. But the more she looked at Sarah then the ones she figured were her crew the more she felt at ease.
“I don’t know a thing about sailing but I’m a fast learner, don’t let my lack of an arm make you think I’m not capable. So if you can get these chains off me I’ll do anything short of bare handing a kraken for you.”
Fortune’s eyes narrow. Something wasn’t adding up here, if this person was wearing Gangplank’s colours then they wouldn’t have gotten very far. They certainly wouldn’t have ended up on this ship. 
 Fortune’s voice seems full of hate at this point, she doesn’t move the gun as she speaks, “I admire that. You show strength even despite your, well, I’d say condition but I’d bet without the chains you’d take on half of the guards.”
The Captain purses her lips, there’s a light smile on her face as she ponders what to do here.
“There are certain types of people I despise however, one of them is liars. Now one of you two is lying and I think I know who it is.” 
Her eyes move between Nehir and the guard now, “Take the chains off her, I want you to tell me what really happened. If you tell me the truth, you’ve got a spot on my crew. We could always use a strong dedicated sailor that’s for sure.”
Recruiting (Closed)
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
“A demon? Why, consider me flattered.”
The Captain was bored, she did make room for these formalities indeed but she was of Bilgewater-blood through and through. Fortune was a good diplomat sure, but she didn’t enjoy it. Fortune’s eyes carefully track Nami’s own, as she looks around the place. Scared? Looking for a way to defend herself?
It didn’t matter anyway, this place was a fortress. Sarah pulls the two pistols out of the holsters at her sides and slowly places them on the desk in front of her, a small smile on her face as her fingers slowly trace the patterns on the weapons before falling to her sides.
“Maybe I am all of them things. It is not often I have to employ formalities, as you can imagine in a city like this there is often no place for such a thing.”
Sarah looks towards Rafen and nods, her firstmate moving towards the door and leaving, the Captain taking that as her cue to sit down.
“You’re right, I do not need to know about your kind. That has no interest to me. I believe I can help you with your task, for, everyone has heard of your task. You’re searching for the Moonstone. I do not know where this is, before you get excited but there are many rumours around Bilgewater that may help point you in the right direction. I have, heard a few of them. In return for my knowledge, and for aid from the people of Bilgewater, I will need you to do me a favour too.”
Fortune grins now, this might be her chance to get one up on her enemies, to get her feet off the ground as the new Captain of Bilgewater. The new Queen.
The Queen stands up, moving around Nami till she’s standing behind her,
“I need you to go down to Gangplanks now sunk ship, and there is an item I require from the wreck.”
Sarah moves closer to Nami now, her voice lowering till it’s almost a whisper,
“Remember, the rumours you’ve heard, they’re true. Do not try anything rash.”
A Fortunate Meeting (Closed)
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
((OOC: So, sorry I’ve not been active, motivation has been lacking but I’m getting back here slowly honest...
On another note however, where did 120 followers come from? What the heck?))
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
((OOC: I know I’ve been away, I know I owe posts, but here. Have this while you wait for my return. It’s beautiful.))
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
((OOC: Sorry I ain’t posted much guys, been away this week, will get back to it soon my fellow Bilgerats.))
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
((OOC: sorry everyone it's my work weekend which is my busiest time. I'll be back and posting tomorrow night. In the meantime shoot me plot ideas and starters? ;) )
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
Send me ⚠ for warning descriptions of my muse
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
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The Art of League of Legends Artbook Volume One - Miss Fortune 
 Buy Here
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
This was the type of behaviour the Captain disliked.
No, this was the type of behaviour the Captain despised.
There’s a light clicking sound as Fortune levels the revolver, aiming it straight at Nehir’s forehead. Her face shows nothing, Sarah did not believe in wearing her emotions on her sleeve, especially not in front of her crew. Emotion was weakness as far as she was concerned, and right now any weakness shown in Bilgewater had to be eradicated.
Fortune leans down so that she’s forwards on her haunches. Her face still shows no expression as she holds the revolver between the two of them, now face to face with the person who seemed to have started the fight. Her eyes gaze of the face of the wall woman, before looking at the small supposed ‘guard’ that had been smashed into the ground.
With a slight sigh Fortune raises her gun, before shooting the Guard, killing the man instantly.
“Now, I know that he had tendencies to be violent, he beat people for the fun of it. He wasn’t a nice man. I’m not some judge, jury and executioner. Yet, why should I let you live? Doing so would be weakness would it not?”
Fortune’s tone is nothing but icy. She had no care for this, but the so called ‘prisoner’ had at least shown strength. Contrary to all their beliefs this wasn’t a prison camp, they weren’t being forced to work. Fortune had chosen all of the people who had been caught for ‘petty’ crimes, chosen to give them the option to redeem themselves.
They weren’t evil, but they would definitely be useful.
Recruiting (Closed)
“Get out before I force you.”
Anger is evident on Sarah’s face as the Bilgerat leaves her quarters on the ship. She’d been looking all day for new crewmates she could potentially trust to work on her ships, apparently she had lines upon lines of people outside waiting for the job and yet, nothing.
Sighing she carries on writing in the small book on her desk, making plans. There were names written down for the various ships under her control, and next to each one was lists of crew-members operating on each of them. She needed more people, and needed them quickly. Rafen was outside judging people before they even came in to see the Captain and yet there was still too many.
“Send in the next one Rafen!”
Slowly Fortune finishes writing in the book and closes it before dropping the quill into the small pot of ink. With a sigh she leans back and places her feet upon the table. This was going to be a long day, it would take a lot of work, but she was going to get there in the end.
Just like she always did. The door ahead of her opens and she waits expectantly for the next person to enter…
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
“well…your man fixed his nose faster than I expected.” The voice came as his eye disappeared and re-appeared on the other side of the ally in the shadows. “A little birdie tells me that your man, the old king of Bilgewater…is still alive….you know…come to think of it, it wasn’t a bird at all really was it but more of a slaver who I beat the crap out of.” the eye disappeared again and a sound could be heard behind the captain. on top of some boxes sat the Yordle biting into an apple. He didn’t look like a traditional Teemo or Ziggs, this one looks like he had been through hell 3 times over and he had a brand on his shoulder to prove it.
“Yes, I’ve heard rumours he’s still alive. What of it? He’s got no following left, the whole city saw his weakness, he saw to that himself. Is there any reason for you stalking me or are you just here to play games?”
The Captain slowly turns as the Yordle seems to appear behind him. Sure he was scarred but, most Reavers and pirates in Bilgewater were like that here. Rafen runs up to stand besides her, his weapon still raised as she frowns.
“I don’t have time for this, anything you have to say spit it out or stop following me.”
@theadventuroustwins It had been weeks since the captain's men had taken out the Slavers who had been mysteriously bound and beaten within an inch of their lives. When asked who had done that they would only say one word. "Yordle" and then start laughing out of insanity. This yordle had become a shadow in bilgewater, a shadow who had taken some interest in the red headed captain and he began following her around, yet to be detected.
@theadventuroustwins“Rafen?”The Captain’s first mate nods, it indeed seemed like it was true. It had taken a while but Sarah had slowly started to become aware of a figure following her throughout Bilgewater. One did not get to be the Queen of the city by not realising when people were indeed following her. Yet she knew from experience that to confront whoever it is or let them catch on means that they might disappear.So in turn, Rafen had tailed them. Yordle’s couldn’t stay hidden forever in a city like Bilgewater, not when they stuck out like sore thumbs. It was by using her crew that she had found out as much as she could about this stalker, and this is why she had led them through an alley just past the slaughter docks. Pausing after moving halfway through the alley she smiles lightly, oh she liked when her plans came to fruition. Her two signature pistols by her sides, fully loaded and ready if worse came to worse,
“You may as well come out. I know you’re there.”
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
*hugs Misfortune*
“Hey, what are you doing, get your arms from around me! oh, fine!” -hugs back-((OOC: Erm, hi?!))
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
I pledge my ships to the true 'Captain'.
“Of course you do, maybe I’ll be able to make use of one with your talents, maybe. Killers are easy to come by these days after all.”
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
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Hoist the Colours - Hans Zimmer
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captainofbilgewater-blog · 8 years ago
miss fortune: is a bounty hunter with a great backstory who will shoot you in the ass with her huge guns. took the ego of a powerful pirate guy and slammed it into the depths of the sea. needs no one to accomplish her goals. generally a very strong woman and a cool gal
y'all: hey let’s focus in her boobs
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