James was ignoring his caffeine-less system as well as he was able to, keeping his eyes focused loosely on the professor, attempting to at least look attentive, even if he wasn’t able to pay attention with his usual level of determination. Despite his best attempts to stay focused on the lesson, James’s eyes kept sliding to the shut door, hoping to see Loreley appear any moment now. Seriously. How long would take to get through what had been left of the line when he left?
Fifteen minutes after the class had started, Loreley strutted though the door, two cups in hand. The professor barely paused long enough to give her an exasperated glare before choosing to ignore her as she wove through the students and sat down beside James. “I got you an americano extra cream,” she informed him, setting one of the cups on the desk close to him and sipping from her own. “Did I miss anything important?”
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She tried very, very hard not to smile at his back as he speed-walked away. The corner of her lips still curled up. It was just too cute.
The line scootched along slowly, a person at a time, until she was finally up to order. The barista took entirely too long to put together three drinks- Honestly, a triple shot espresso, a caramel latte double whip and an americano extra cream should take probably three minutes, tops, not nine- and when they were set on the counter, she downed the espresso in a few huge swallows. Then she was off through the halls, casual as could be, towards class. So, she would be about fifteen, twenty minutes late. It could have been worse.
James coughed noncommittally, feeling once again that if she devoted a bit more time to her classes and less to drinking that perhaps she would not find herself so at war with her professors, but…
“You– um–” He blinked at her, even leaning in and peering at her closely for a moment before deciding her offer was genuine and not a joke. That decided, he hurriedly scrabbled in the depths of his pockets, pulling out a surprisingly crumpled bill which he offered to her with hurried words, “Um, a– just a medium sized whatever. With cream.” And with that he had squeezed out of line and was doing his best to abide by the ‘no running in the hallways’ rule and still get to class on time, which resulted in him looking rather like a speed walking peacock, strutting out of sight with long strides.
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when ur muse is just so in love with another muse that it’s ridiculous
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Girls, romanticize yourselves. You are a queen. You are a warrior. You are an enchantress. You are a mermaid. You are a goddess. You are all of these things and more, you are the stuff of fairytales. 
Women, traumatize others. You are a dragon. You are a wolf. You are a bump in the night. You are the last thing they see in the darkness. You are all of these things and more, you are the heart of their fucking nightmares.
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Selfies because I'm loving my purple eyeliner.
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Today is pansexual/panromantic visibility day. For those of my followers who don't know what panromantic or pansexual mean, it boils down to attraction that is not controlled by someone's genitals or gender identity. I am a polyamorous panro-sexual, and I am proud. Even though people tend to get weird about it when I explain what it means, usually because of the clichéd "but how do I know you don't like me that way??", I am perfect just the way I am, and I will not let people who say that I can't love who I love ever bring me down. Happy Panro/sexual Visibility Day, Tumblr. :3
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I just saw a guy skateboarding across the street at a bank and he was wearing a white shirt and my first thought was “why is bro strider on a skateboard” I am homestuck trash
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Resource: Writing a Fighter
So you want to write a fighter–a “tough” character who is trained in the art of Martial Arts or is a pro-boxer. Or perhaps your character just tends to pick a lot of fights on the street. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to sound educated when describing a fight but also to pace yourself: just like writing a sex scene or creating good dialogue, writing violence and fights is a skill all in its own. Here are some resources I hope will help: 
Writing Tips:
Wiki How to Write a Fight Scene
5 Essential Tips for Writing Killer Fight Scenes
Creating Fight Scenes and Battles
A Master Post for Writing Fight Scenes
Here’s How To Write a Damn Good Fight Scene
How to Write Fight Scenes with Alan Baxter
Fantasy Faction’s Writing a Fight Scene
Five Ways to Write Intense Fight Scenes
Boxing 101
Follow the Fights: Everything You Need to Know About Boxing
Boxing Training: Things You Need To Know Before Getting Started
Are You Ready for Amateur Boxing?
How to Train for Boxing
How to Become a Boxer In 8 (Not So Easy) Steps
8 Characteristics That Make a  Great Boxer
10 Names in Boxing You’ll Need to Know
What is the Path to Becoming  Professional Boxer?
How to Become a Boxer
Everything You Need to Know About Boxing History
Why All Fighters Should Learn Boxing
Martial Arts:
When Am I Too Old To Start Learning Karate?
10 Reasons To Study and Train Martial Arts
17 Important Life Lessons Martial Arts Will Teach You
Ten Commandments of Running a Successful Martial Arts Business
How to Become a Martial Arts Instructor
So You Want My Job: Martial Artist
Success in the Martial Arts
All About Being a Martial Arts Instructor
The Martial Arts Master
11 Ways to Become a Better Martial Artist
What It Means To Be a Martial Artist
Which Martial Art is Right For You?
How Long Does it Take to Become a Martial Arts Master
What Does a Black Belt Really Mean?
What Does a Judo Black Belt Really Mean?
Street Fighting:
How to Street Fight Like an Expert
How to Win a Street Fight
How to Strive and Thrive in a Street Fight
6 Painful Things No One Tells You About Fighting
The Reality of a Street Fight
6 Reasons You Will Lose a Street Fight
How to Win a Street Fight (Video)
How to Survive a Street Fight
Please note that these guides are for writing; please do not go out and engage in a street fight just because you read this resource post. I promise, I am not that good at providing advice.
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I keep getting followers, half of whom are not rpers at all and almost all of them are not pirate rpers but I still feel happy
you guys are cute and wonderful and I hope my lack of action does not come as a massive fucking disappointment to you. lots of love <3
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She gasped dramatically, clutching a hand to her chest. “You accuse me of- of attempted plagiarism? Blasphemy! How dare you! Why, I’m going to write you a strongly worded letter!” She started giggling halfway through, but she managed to shake her fist at him in the end. “I mean, I won’t say no if you’re Offering, but I’m... reasonably sure I’ve got this.”
*pointing arrow for Coming Towards*(we interacted once right?)
                                           S a y  M y  N a m e
                                 ( previous interactions only, please! )                                              →  - Coming towards
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     James jogged a few steps towards his fellow student was      walking, catching up to her easily, falling into step beside      her. His books were tucked under his arm and he spared      a glance at hers, confirming what he had previously thought.
             “You’ve got Economics next, right?”
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Describe my muse in the absolute worst way possible.
( bonus points if it’s still shockingly accurate. )
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avacadoatlaw’s 36 HOUR MINI GIVEAWAY
Wait, what are you giving away?
-A set of two (2) Avengers Assemble tote bags, featuring Black Widow and Hawkeye
-probably I will throw in some Avengers sticker sheets and stuff too because I’m nice like that
Sweet, I want it. Tell me how.
-you must be following me
-reblog this post (one entry per person) before 18:00 EST on May 14th
-have your ask open in case you win
-be 18+ or have parental permission to give me your mailing address
But what if I don’t live in the United States?
-it’s all good, these are light enough I can swing international postage. maybe send me a postcard when you get them though because that’d be cool
I will pick a winner via random number generator right after 6pm Thursday and send you an ask - I want to mail these on Friday so you’ll have until noon EST Friday to respond.
And yeah this giveaway is not affiliated with or sponsored by tumblr and I’m not making money on it blah blah blah legal stuff
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If I get ten “accents” I’ll record myself saying all this!
Your name and username.
Where you’re from.
Pronounce the following words: aunt, roof, route, theater, iron, salmon, caramel, fire, water, New Orleans, Pecan, both, again, probably, Alabama, lawyer, coupon, mayonnaise, pajamas, caught, naturally, aluminum, GIF, Tumblr, Crackerjack, doorknob, envelope, GPOY.
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
Choose a book and read a passage from it.
Do you think you have an accent?
Would you rather be a wizard or a vampire?
Do you know anyone on Tumblr in real life?
End audio post by saying any THREE words you want.
136K notes · View notes
​reblog this if your muse is female, and you’re comfortable shipping her with other female characters.
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Send me "What happened?!" to find out what state your muse found mine in.
Use a Random Number Generator to find out!
Bruised and beaten up
Passed out somewhere
Extremely happy about something
In the ER
Suddenly only 5 inches tall
Running away from someone or something
Bouncing off the walls hyperactive
In their underwear on your muse’s doorstep
Bought way too much stuff at a store
Completely lost
Very late to a meeting
Extremely frustrated with a pair of chopsticks
Showing up after disappearing for a week
With a stray or injured animal
Mun’s choice!
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When I Sailed the Northern Seas
The sun was hot, and the deck was lightly speckled with misty seawater. The crew hauled back and forth over the wood, managing ropes and cargo and canvas and each other. A pale ginger sat in what little shade was offered below the main mast, delegated to mending ropes once again. They had only left the docks the morning before, and already she was sick of this damned crew. She’d been plenty excited when the captain accepted her for the crew, and over the moon when he’d added that she wouldn’t be stuck as a shipmaid- no, she wouldn’t get stuck washing sweaty garments and trying to cook with half-rotted food. Instead, she just got the cabin boy jobs. Because obviously that was so much better.
Feh. Men.
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Send me 'Huh?' and my muse will talk to yours in another language.
submitted by theflawedclone.
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