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How I feel writing a resume...
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In the end, nothing is really sustainable...
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Street Style Platform - Fashion Inspiration
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Made these so my daughter can play “spaceships” with daddy!
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This generation is so intelligent. They care about racism, feminism, ableism, and that’s such a positive mentality, but they need to leave room for forgiveness. Nobody is perfect and people are educating themselves at different paces. So be mindful.
Halsey for CR Fashion book (via wnq-music)
Better than always being right, is being magnanimous. You can’t reach perfection by always doing the right thing, and never being wrong. But you can be perfect if you learn to forgive and be forgiven
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Pokemon GO is going to save the world!

One of the best Pokemon Go stories so far.
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Petition to have Tumblr actually do something about porn blog bots following users.
• It’s annoying. • It gives an imperfect metric for how many followers you have. (I would estimate about 25% of my “followers” are porn blogs run by bots). • It makes pulling up your activity page iffy even if you use Tumblr strictly for SFW content. • It’s problematic for individuals who have struggled with sex and/or pornography addictions, especially since many of the blog names are not obviously porn names, causing you to preview the blog. • It exposes minors to illegal and harmful content.
And to many some of us: • Porn (not the human beings in the porn) is disgusting. • (Some of us, but not all) also find porn degrading to human beings, especially women (simply because women are more often the central attraction in porn, not because they are women and therefore somehow magically more affected by sex than men.) • It makes Tumblr a less classy, less reputable place.
Please share this if you agree this is a serious problem.
Edit: Whoa. I posted this less than two days ago (July 25th 2016) and already it’s by far my most popular post (4,300 notes). It’s awesome seeing this kind of response, and I’m happy I decided to make this even though it seemed silly at the time. I was writing it as a way to vent more than really thinking anything would come of it, but I couldn’t be more pleased.To the people saying thank you because they thought they were alone in being really annoyed and/or disgusted by the porn-bots: Thank you! I didn’t know so many people agreed on this issue. I thought I was in the quiet, silent minority. Now I’m rethinking that. It goes to show we’re more alike than we think.To everyone reblogging and tagging @staff : Thank you! I didn’t realize that was an option. How great would it be if something actually came of this?Of course, we could choose to go on other websites. But I’m guessing I’m not alone in my confusion as to why it’s easy to avoid porn on Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, DeviantArt, etc. etc. but close to impossible on Tumblr. I can’t imagine it’s beyond their capabilities to deal with this issue.Lastly, people have added a couple more reasons this is a problem. It’s a problem for:
• People who are repulsed by sexually explicit images • People who don’t mind “normal” sexual images but who can’t get the (often violent) hardcore gifs out of their minds after seeing them with an accidental preview. • People who are religious and disavow pornography. Obviously it’s not a sin if the contact with pornography is accidental, but it still causes negative guilt-like feelings, especially when they catch themselves linger over the images, even for curiosity’s sake. I’m sure there are even more. Edit #2: Some people have brought up their concerns about what I mean by “especially women” and if I mean to target sex workers as part of the problem. These are great questions! I address them here.
Edit #3: Even though I specifically said only some of us find hard-core porn disgusting, some people have brought up their concerns with what I mean by that as well. I can understand why you would feel that way, and really my beef about the porn-bots doesn’t need that to be effective, but in case you are curious. I discuss that here. If you are then further curious to see what kind of guy would have such strong opinions about porn, you can read this. I’m happy to talk about it with you, but please note this is not an open invitation to attack my beliefs. :)
Edit #4: One more quick edit before going to sleep for the night. I realize my plea for getting rid of the porn bots also touches on much more complicated issues that people have strong feelings about. Porn-use in general, sex workers, misogyny, philosophy, religion. It’s good to talk and even debate, try to understand each other better, but I also feel like this should be a more focussed thing. Let’s just deal with the one thing we agree with: the porn bots suck eggs and they need to go. By reblogging this, you are NOT saying you agree with whatever other beliefs I may hold. This is only about the porn bots. I should have been tighter on my original composition, focusing only on the porn bots. (Man, that’s a weird sentence.) I’m really sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings today in our discussions. That’s not the kind of person I am, but short bursts of text are not the best medium for convey complex feelings and emotions. Goodnight.
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Yeah, I hope one day there are that many Poke-Stops near my house...
Hopefully one day
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I just saw this on Facebook (Via Matthew Vlossak).
I just saw it and cried...
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Huh. I guess I should chill
After catching them all

tag yourself as a pokemon go team
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Anyone know how a pokemon’s level influences its evolution’s level? Like is it “cheaper” (in stardust and/or candy) to power up a pokemon, then evolve it, or to evolve it then power it up?
Pokemon Go Guide + Hints
Looking for ways help improve the way you play, save some battery, and perhaps some hints? Well look no further:
Click the Pokeball on the middle of the screen, settings, and make sure “Battery Saver” is on, it will darken your screen when you put it down, but it will vibrate if a pokemon shows up (you have to turn this on every time you start the game
“Transfer” is a method where you remove an extra Pokemon and recieve a candy for it
If you do not choose a starter you can get Pikachu as your starter
Go ahead and copy your e-mail/username to help quicken the process for when the servers go down
Joining a team: at level 5, head to the nearest gym and you will be prompted to join a team. Be warned your decision is permanent, so choose wisely!
Though it may be cool, turning off AR for battles helps tremendously as 1. It saves battery and 2. The pokemon becomes easier to catch as it doesn’t move around
When catching a Pokemon: Green = easy catch, Yellow = moderately hard catch, Orange = hard catch
If an orange catch shows up, i would highly recommend (if you have them and want to assure capture) to use a Razz Berry as they work wonders for catching Pokemon
Even worse, some high level Pokemon seem to alter your Pokeball throws by curving or wacking them away on top of having a hard catch rate. By holding and spinning your pokeball to charge a curveball shot, and then throwing the Pokeball into the smallest sized circle you will get an “excellent” message, netting you max XP from the catch!
Nearby Pokemon: The feet below the Pokemon indicate how far they are. Click on the nearby Pokemon page, if the Pokemon you are searching for goes to the front of the list, you are headed in the right direction; if not head another direction. Also if the footprints reduce by one, that is a good sign. If not, try a different direction (fair warning the system is pretty wonky spent 30 minutes trying to find a kingler and it never took me in the right direction)
Gyms: There are no such things as unbeatable gyms, if a Pokemon gets stuck with 1 hp, go ahead and restart your game. If you enter the battle and after the words GO appear it takes you back to the menu, restart the game. Remember to hold down to use your second stronger move.
If a Pokemon needs 50 candy to evolve you should need to catch 13 of that Pokemon (each catch gives 3 and you get 1 when you remove it) 3 x 13 + 12 (you’ll keep one to evolve) = 51, You will need 16 if the Pokemon has two evolutions (one for 12 and one for 50) 3 x 16 + 15 = 63
Pokestops can be visited again after 5 minutes, however it will sometimes tell you to come again later if you visit too often
If you own any gyms, make sure to click shop and on the top right corner there will be a shield icon. Click that for a few shop coins and stardust every 21 hours as your Defender Bonus!
If you have friends, if 1 of them uses a Lure Module at a Pokestop, everyone near by will be able to benefit for the entire time! You will know if a Lure Module is used as the Pokestop will have cherry blossoms around it!
Eggs: To hatch an egg an incubator must be equipped on it and then you must travel a distance of either 2, 5, or 10 km depending on the egg (it’ll tell you how far you’ve got left) Eggs can be found at pokestops-each trainer has an infinute-use incubator that may be used as many times as you wish, but you can also gain temporary incubators such as the 3 time incubator through leveling, which will disappear after the designated number of hatches
Eeveelutions: Jolteon comes from Eevee with Body Slam, Vaporeon from Eevee with Swift, and Flareon from Eevee with Dig! (This is a theory that has been proven false, it appear the evolutions are random!)
Unlocks: Unlock Razz Berry at level 8, Super Potion at Level 10, Great Balls at Level 12, Hyper Potions at Level 15, Ultras Balls at Level 20
You will reach a point where you can no longer catch all Pokemon or else you’ll run out of Pokeballs, make sure to run from Pokemon you do not wish to catch (you’ll reach that point quickly with Rattata). However, you will get 1,000 XP every time you evolve a new Pokemon and 500 xp for one you already evolved so it can be a great way to level up!
Alternatively, save up your evolution’s and use a Lucky Egg to earn 2x the experience for evolving, catching Pokemon, taking over gyms, and visiting Pokestops!
Best of luck to you out there trainers!
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Anybody got stats on how the Eeveelutions work?
Pokemon GO PSA
Fire types can be found at gas stations and during sunny days
Water types at lakes and other bodies of water as well as while it’s raining
Electric types are found near transforming stations and during thunderstorms
Ghost types can be found at night
Grass, bug, and normal types can be found in parks and other green landscapes
Normal types can also be found in urban areas
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When it’s not your house but there’s a Sandshrew in there

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Pokemon GO PSA
Check the curfews of your local parks and such because Officer Jenny will find you…and by Jenny I mean the police. Speaking from experience. So launch day is going great.
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Tell me you didn’t just read that in her voice
So i was browsing on Twitter and…
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Early this morning (about 4:30) I saw Magmar was nearby and went and tracked it down. I figured I should continue collecting Pokemon I got some new friends (including Growlithe and Pinsir) and captured enough eevees for another evolution: Vaporeon!
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Beginning Our Pokemon Journey
Le Wife: We need to go catch our first Pokemon, RIGHT NOW!!
Me: But we're in our Pajamas!
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