capricesofchance · 6 years
Send "🖍" and I will draw a random OC of mine
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capricesofchance · 6 years
send me a word! || learn all about my muse's physical features!
[hair]: length, colour, texture, whether it grows quickly or slowly, how manageable it is, whether it requires lots of styling, do they leave stray hairs everywhere, is it present on their face, is it present on the rest of their body, etc.
[eyes]: not just the colour, but the shape, the length of their eyelashes, whether they're alert or usually half-closed, large or small, sunken into the face, ringed by bags, etc.
[mouth]: are their lips always drawn thin or are they plump and kissable, what's their "default expression"/resting face, do they have all their own teeth, do they use their teeth to smile, etc.
[face]: what is the shape of their face, do they have pronounced cheekbones or a strong jaw, what's the size and shape of their nose, what's the size and shape of their ears, do they stick out, are they pointed, etc.
[skin]: obviously colour, but also if they're inclined to run hot or cold, do they have any blemishes or unusual markings, are they inclined to blush, are they freckled, do they tan, what does their skin feel like, etc.
[build]: are they skinny and petite or do they resemble a body builder, are they tall or short or average height, are they lean and wiry, are they overweight, are all of their features proportionate, etc.
[chest]: (potentially nsfw) what size are their breasts if they have them, nipple colour and shape and size, do they have visible muscle definition/abs, etc.
[groin]: (potentially nsfw) any information pertaining to genitals - length, girth, shape, colour, "unusual features", also includes the rear and its general appearance, etc.
[hands]: are they large or small, do they have pianist's fingers or short stubby ones, do they tend to get sweaty or are they always dry, is the skin rough or delicate, are the nails painted or chewed or sharp, etc.
[legs]: are they solidly built, short and stubby, or long and graceful, do they have knobbly knees or rounded knees, what's their gait, etc.
[feet]: do they have a habit of going up on their tiptoes, what's their usualy stance, do they tend to shift their weight to a preferred side, etc.
[other]: any other obscure feature or tiny detail that the asker is interested in, could include fantastical elements such as a tail, wings, horns, must be stated by asker, etc.
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capricesofchance · 6 years
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capricesofchance · 6 years
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“ VERY CLOSE, MR. DENT,  but I think you got me a little turned around. ”  Rising from his seat, Norman stuck out his hand and felt it disappear like a flushed guppy into something roughly the size and shape of a catcher’s mitt.  Glancing down, he discovered it was a handshake.  “ Norman Jayden.  I’m here to help you catch your killers, sir. ”
He had a feeling he wouldn’t be glancing down again for some time.
Nearly seven feet tall and built like a double-wide refrigerator, Gotham’s much-lauded D.A. looked more like something he’d expect to see barreling down the twenty yard line than signing papers at an oak-wood desk.  Strong as an ox and prominently featured, with a winning air of latent athleticism and a working man’s jocular major-league charm, Norman figured him at well over two-hundred pounds  –  and every ounce of him, larger than life.  His poor little desk seemed to cower.  His broad PR-ready smile was chiseled dauntlessly above a monumental jaw, and the impressive girth of his shoulders put Norman squarely in mind of a marble fireplace.
Photographers must have loved him.  Harvey Dent’s was a face for the front page.
When his hand was released from its grip, he stood by his chair with laced fingers, attentively upright.  Privately, he agreed with the D.A.’s prognosis  –  the Gotham problem had either been mismanaged, delayed, or downright neglected for far too long.  And over the course of his career, Norman had learned first hand the unavoidable aggravation of occasional bureaucratic oversight.  No institution was spotless; no machine without its flaws.  Still, he felt a brief defensive stab.
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“ None taken. ”   He reminded himself he’d prefer an adamant straight-shooter to a complacent yes-man, and that like all men and women, D.A.’s ran the gambit from combative to obsequious.  He tried to think of it as candidly refreshing to be shaken firmly by the hand and told, with a bright eyed smile, that it took him long enough.  At least it cut out the small talk.  Norman hated small-talk.  “ Guess we’ll just have to make up for lost time.  It’s my duty and my privilege, sir, to lend a hand.  Gotham’s an admirable city, and I’d like to help you give it a proper cleanin’.  I’m prepared to help in any way I can. ”
This, albeit somewhat rehearsed, was not untrue.  Despite his own reticence, there was a quality about Harvey  –  an energy, a kinesis, a drive  –  that spoke to him of fortitude and strength, and reminded him of certain oldschool ethics.  Tireless, active, take-charge.  A man unafraid to take devil by the horns and wrestle him back to his homeland  –  without fear of falling in after him.
Gotham could use a man like that.
Norman held out hope.
He cut to the chase.  “ I’ve reviewed the files forwarded by your office.  I also understand that in the brief time since our last communication, a few additional incidents have occurred.  The way I see it, Mr. Dent, the most immediate challenge facing your office is, frankly, a matter of bulk.  The sheer amount of cases set on your desk each day.  As I said before, Gotham’s an impressive city, but it seems to have attracted more than just your average workin’ class American.  So many new cases, so many new crimes  –  your detectives don’t always have time to cross-reference and confer with other officials.  They got enough on their plates, as is.  But that makes it harder to connect the dots. ”
Pacing, he glimpsed the periphery of a framed photograph  –  Harvey, cum laude.  “ That’s where I come in, Mr. Dent.  I believe I can help you connect the dots.  If we can identify similar patterns in multiple cases, open and closed, we can narrow down your search-radius and help streamline the investigative process; maybe give your officers a cheat-sheet of red-flags to look out for; cull the herd.  It’s possible that even much of Gotham’s ‘ random crime ’ is in some way interconnected.
“ I’d like to help you bust it apart. ”
“Ah, my mistake.” A quiet chuckle bubbled from deep in his chest at Norman’s answer, his greeting smile notching into something more wry. “It’s nice to have you, Mr. Jayden.”
That infectious drive of his had him already forgetting the chair he had been aiming for ( he liked to try and sit in meetings, if just for the sake of the necks of whomever he was speaking to. ) and wandering inch-by-inch, closer to the tack board, as he listened.
Without even looking at the agent, Harvey was distinctly aware of his presence--despite being, in many aspects, average and nondescript, ( really, he was the secret poster boy of the FBI; the real face behind the glorified, all-American justice the media often affixed to the organization. ) Norman had a certain affect to him that made him stick out like a sore thumb. Harvey was reminded of a ghost; anachronistic like an old photograph, all gray and white and black and clear-cut professionalism, out of his environment among the animated, vibrant crowds that differed from the white-collar world of D.C.
“It’s nice to finally hear someone besides Jim say that.” He had taken up an idle lean against the board, though his attention hadn’t strayed from his guest for a second. His inflection had traveled from ardor to a taut, edged emphasis, airy with some breathless, mirthless near-laugh, and momentarily Norman got a peek at the strain Gotham put on someone in Harvey’s position. 
As quick as it came it was gone, the crack smoothed over, and his eyes moved back to the other, focused and intent. He flashed another smile. Even with the rehearsed air of Norman’s little speech, there was genuine feeling in the generic words-- Harvey already appreciated the agent’s disposition immensely. Lord forbid he have to deal with another toothless spaniel, complete with a silk collar and all the loud, useless barking to match.
Gotham could do without another man like that.
Harvey dragged his heavy frame into a straighter stance, arms moving habitually to cross over each other. “I’ve been thinking of something like a ’ cheat-sheet ‘ for a while, now. There’s things I’ve started to try and put together; connections I know exist.. but I just don’t have the time. The ‘Big Three’ like to keep me busy.” He glanced back at the overlapping trails of string, crisscrossing over faces and news cut-outs and case files, all pinned up haphazardly into a collage of dry legalities and frustrating loopholes. A distinct disdain entered into his words-- it was a harsh thing, not feeling like it belonged in a voice such as his. “..I’m sure the files you received already got you familiarized with them.”
The faces of Sal Maroni, Rupert Thorne, and Carmine Falcone stuck out on the board like capital cities on a map. From them radiated lines of string like the sun radiated light. Harvey’s face tightened as he looked at them; the mere pictures were enough to make him angry, to have his countenance twist and show off the creases around his brows and his mouth that belied stress, rather than age.
“Those three run this city. And Jim and I just... can’t touch’em. They’ve got us chasing so many trails at the same time.. It’s runnin’ us ragged.” Finally he tore his gaze away, eyes moving to Norman instead. His expression softened-- fortunately. God have mercy on anybody that invoked that glare upon them. “But now you’re here, I know we can tip the scales. We can finally push the offense, instead of just trying to keep up.”
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capricesofchance · 6 years
Seven Dimensions of Whumpness: OC Asks
1. Do they have any sort of physical condition or mark that impacts their daily life? (chronic disease, deep scar, disability)
2. What is their pain tolerance? Do they close their eyes and block it out, or go into a full blown panic?
3. How long do they typically take to recover from illness or injury compared to average?
4. What are the most telltale signs that they’re sick or injured?
5. What is their response to their friends or loved ones in pain?
6. How easily do they cry? Is it different alone vs in public?
7. Is there any emotion they find difficult to control (anger, sorrow, anxiety)?
8. Is there a place, name, object, etc. that holds painful memories for them?
9. In a dire situation, are they fight, flight or freeze?
10. How stable do they consider themselves? How stable are they really?
11. Within their group, where do they fall during emergencies? The leader, the support, the cause of the emergency, etc.?
12. Do they have someone they trust during their own time of need, or do they prefer to handle it alone?
13. Is there a character who often finds themselves worried about your OC?
14. What kind of image would they like to portray to their group? How does the group really see them, good and bad?
15. Is there an antagonist or someone who would like to see/make your OC suffer?
16. Do they have any regrets in their life?
17. What is something they dislike about either themselves or the world?
18. Is there a situation that might make it impossible for them to relax?
19. Are they honest to themselves, or do they ignore feeling hurt or sad?
20. Do they like to be alone with themselves often or surrounded by friends?
21. Does the weather in your setting ever affect their health?
22. Is their community unsafe for them in any way (violence, pollution, etc.)?
23. How do they feel about hospital environments?
24. In what season do they typically get sick?
25. How easily do they catch any bug going around?
26. Are there any risks for illness or injury specific to their job?
27. Have they overworked themselves into sickness or collapse before?
28. How sympathetic is their boss when they have to take a day off? Is this a source of comfort or stress for them?
29. When they do come into work sick, do they strive to remain professional or let everyone know how miserable they are?
30. Who do they go to with their problems at work, if anyone?
31. What’s one skill or aspect of themselves that they feel self-conscious of?
32. Do they push themselves too hard/give up when minor things get difficult?
33. Have they worried before about never meeting anyone’s expectations, or always having to meet them?
34. Do they have an interest skill they excel at but are embarrassed of?
35. How do they respond to being criticized for their shortcomings?
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capricesofchance · 6 years
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      feel free to change pronouns / wording !
warning for bad language.
“ you have to hide. ”
“ you have to get the fuck out of this terrible place. ”
“ guard your life, son, you have a calling. ”
“ you have to help me ! ”
“ you can’t make me. ”
“ don’t hurt me anymore. ”
“ who’s there ? ”
“ i want to share something with you. ”
“ just another ghost. ”
“ i didn’t want to have to do this to you. ”
“ you can’t leave. ”
“ accept the gospel and all doors will open before you. ”
“ get the fuck away from me ! ”
“ don’t you dare look at me. ”
“ i would like to kill him. ”
“ you look like you’ve seen a ghost. ”
“ what the fuck is the matter with you ? ”
“ what, you like to watch ? ”
“ just shut up and let me think for a minute. ”
“ i’d like you to stay quiet. ”
“ i detect sarcasm. ”
“ i need to tell you a secret. ”
“ i’m gonna need some help getting clean. ”
“ if you showed a caveman our technology, he would think it was magic. and if you showed modern man magic, he would think it was technology. ”
“ we have faith in all the wrong things. ”
“ you don’t have to be scared of me. ”
“ you must be exhausted. ”
“ heavier than you look. a little cardio wouldn’t kill you. ”
“ nose to the grindstone, i like that. ”
“ people get scared, they’re as like to turn to god as anything else. ”
“ don’t pass out on me. ”
“ you can’t control it. ”
“ if there’s one thing i cannot goddamn stand, it’s quitter. ”
“ i don’t make the rules. ”
“ you fucking sick motherfucker ! ”
“ you think i’m scared of anything ? ”
“ nobody cares about a few forgotten lunatics. ”
“ you are no longer in any danger. ”
“ mind over body. ”
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capricesofchance · 6 years
harvey is always home for Christmas Eve and Christmas. he doesn't care what he has to do, that shit'll be done in record time so he can have some quality holiday time with his wife. holiday killer? move over bitch, it's Christmas.
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capricesofchance · 6 years
↖️Hidden Achievement: Armored Heart
🏆Wear your Tragedies as Armor, not Shackles
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capricesofchance · 6 years
↖️Achievement: Rising Wings
🏆This Muse fights for Change and the betterment of their kind
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capricesofchance · 6 years
↖️Achievement: WALL OF LEAD
🏆My Super Power? It’s called a GUN!
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capricesofchance · 6 years
↖️Hidden Achievement: Nuclear “Arms”
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capricesofchance · 6 years
↖️Achievement: The Wandering Hero
🏆This Muse would stop and help someone who was in danger or trouble, whether they were asked or not
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capricesofchance · 6 years
↖️Achievement: Blue Sentinels
🏆This Muse fights for Law, Order, and Justice
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capricesofchance · 6 years
↖️Achievement: Mound Makers
🏆This Muse fights for Crime, Destruction and Chaos
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capricesofchance · 6 years
↖️Achievement: Heart of Glass
🏆This Muse experienced heartbreak in their life
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capricesofchance · 6 years
↖️Hidden Achievement: Screeching Thunder
🏆A horrible Fate came crashing down upon your head…How did you ever survive?
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capricesofchance · 6 years
sorry about my huge cool muscles everyone. apologies for my large powerful form
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