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The Opposite of Lost - Chapter Six
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female OC
Warnings: Loss of loved ones
a/n: YAY Sorry this took so long! I've been so excited to reveal the big secret in this chapter - I really hope you like it! Thanks for your support for anyone who has liked or read this so far :)))
Word count: 4.5k
Chapter Six
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ Joshua
“Wanna come over?”
“Like right now? To your house?” I questioned.
“Yeah I - My uncle’s gone for the week so I can finally have friends over.” She started sounding a little unsure of herself.
“Okay I’ll be right over then. Sounds good.” I kindly agreed, but scrunched my face up with a fist resting on my forehead at the thought of having to talk to her about my feelings so soon.
“Yay! I’ll see you soon.” Rosemary went back to being her spritely self, hanging up.
On the drive over, my mind was working overtime trying to conjure up some sort of plan. I decided that the only way I’d be able to do it was if it was early on, because my nerves were already getting the better of me and she’d surely notice something was off and ask and it wouldn’t go the way I wanted it to.
Reaching the door, my body was stiff as a board, back muscles tensing uncontrollably. But as the door opened and her polite smile and beautiful face greeted me, my worries shuffled to the side. Rosemary threw me in a whirlwind of peace and danger.
“Hi!” Even though we were making eye contact, my mind had been worlds away before she spoke and brought me out of the trance.
“Welcome to my humble abode Joshua Michael.” She giggled.
“Pleased to be here, Rosemary June.”
The house was pretty simple; a main living/dining area that sat next to the kitchen, two bedrooms, one on either side of the space. Everything was a different shade of cream, the walls, the curtains, the carpet. The main space lacked life; even the brown sofas were boring and plain. She walked me straight into her bedroom, and I was pleased to see that her touch had been made on the room. A plethora of band posters covered one of the walls, including a large brown one of ‘Bread’. There were upwards of fifteen plants scattered around, most sitting on the windowsill, and a few larger ones on the floor. There were trinkets and candles everywhere, each surface holding something on it along with a plant. She had her guitar on a stand in the corner, next to her double bed which was covered in a colorful crochet blanket and a vintage style quilt.
“Geez do I need a national parks permit to enter this place?” I joked, motioning to the room. Rosemary walked over and sat on one end of her bed, sitting in her usual one-leg-swinging-one-leg-folded posture, grinning up at me. She patted the space next to her and I comfortably sat like her, still taking in the room. Ok now is your chance. Do it while you still can. I thought. “Rosemary can I - I wanted to talk to you about something.” I looked into her eyes as I told her this before I quickly tore my eyes away from her, realizing that focusing on her beautiful face right now would only make it harder.
“Yes…” Rosemary replied, “What is it?”
“I –” My gaze swept over the pictures on her nightstand behind her. And just as I was about to start speaking again, my eye caught on one particular photo. It was a framed image of an older looking man and a young girl, who was clearly Rosemary only a few years ago. They were standing above a large valley that looked like it was in Colorado, or somewhere near. She looked slightly shorter, with braided hair, being side hugged by the man with graying blonde hair and a wide smile. He looked familiar. My brow furrowed. “The man in that photo… is he your grandfather?” I pointed.
I could see her stiffen and sit upright, sharply turning to see what photo I was talking about. “Yes.” She said carefully.
I continued in wonder; “He looks strikingly like John Denver. As in like if that wasn’t you next to him I’d have said that photo was of John Denver.” I went on, in fascinated disbelief.
Rosemary didn’t say a word. I finally looked at her to get an answer. She had pursed lips, eyes almost to the point of glistening; they were so wide. Her whole body expanded as she took a deep breath, eyes slowly locking on mine.
My face dropped.
“That’s because he is.” She whispered, sounding so unsure. She spared a glance at the guitar in the corner. I looked too. I was looking at John Denver’s fucking guitar. My mouth hung completely agape.
“You’re not saying what I think you’re saying right?” I ran my shaking fingers across my mouth. “You’re only joking. Stop fucking with me.”
“No, I am telling you the truth Joshua.” She leaned forward a bit and tilted her head in order to get me to look at her. “I wouldn’t lie to you about this.” She said kindly.
“Sorry I just–” I collected my thoughts. She blew out a huge breath, the tension releasing from her form as she bit back a smile. I guessed it was because she had finally told someone this secret she had been holding for so long. Everything started making sense. From the first time we were alone on the trails, and she got really quiet when I hummed ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’, to playing ‘The Music is You’ and making her cry. “Oh my god in the garage that day I am so sorry. I wish I hadn’t upset you like that.” I gushed.
“Joshua–” She spoke over my insistent rambling.
“And Jake going on about your guitar, that must have been so hard I just, I’m so sorry I truly had no idea–”
“Joshua. It’s okay. Let me speak, please. Let me explain.” I stopped, despite the rapid thumping of blood I could feel through my whole body. “If I wanted to tell you earlier I would. And I was actually going to tell you today, but you figured it out faster than I expected.” She grinned. “This secret is serious though. No-one knows. I need to keep it quiet for my own safety, that’s the way it is for me right now.” She explained. “And, all of those times you mentioned, they didn’t hurt me: instead they meant the world to me. I mean, in you, I could finally see my Grandfather again.”
She reached over and grabbed my hand. We shared a long moment of silence as we both processed everything, and when it was time, I looked back up at her, grinning so hard. Rosemary was the coolest and she was John fucking Denver’s granddaughter.
“Thankyou for telling me.” I squeezed her hand in mine. “So he’s the one you grew up with on the farm? The one who taught you guitar?”
“Wanna give me the family rundown? Because I’m a little confused at why you’re in Frankenmuth right now if I’m being honest with you.”
“Okay well my Mom was Pa’s only child, and she had me quite young with a bit of a douche guy who up and left pretty quickly. So my dad was out of the picture from the get go, and he passed away soon after anyway. I think it was some sort of substance abuse. I never wanted to ask. Then Mom died when I was only a few years old in a car crash, and I was left in my grandparents' care. Then when they both passed, I was sent here, my only living relative - my dad’s brother Tom.” I listened intently. After this section she checked on me to make sure I was keeping up. “So here’s the thing. Tom has no idea who Pa was, because Mom and Dad weren’t together long. I can’t tell him because there is a lot of money in my name that he could potentially try to take from me. Pa and my grandmother left basically everything to me, but until I’m eighteen I can’t access it. And so Pa made sure that in the case of them passing before I was old enough, I could choose to hide my identity. So here I am, fake last name, in a random town with a relative I didn’t know existed, and who didn’t know I existed.”
“Woah woah woah. Fake last name?”
“I just told you about my generational wealth and that’s what you want to ask me about?” She rolled her eyes. “Well Mom was an only child, so naturally with my absent father she gave me her name. And I don’t think it’s the most inconspicuous thing to walk around as Rosemary June Denver, do you?” I laughed with her.
She spent a while talking about her life freely, showing me pictures of her little family at the farm, and her guitar up close, pointing out the ‘made for John Denver’ leather plaque inside the body. She absolutely glowed as she told me about him teaching her guitar, and how the very quilt we were sitting on was made for her by her grandmother. It filled my heart to hear that she had been loved in such an expanse. Just the way she deserved. Just the way she showed love to me and my family.
On the thought of love, I started to wonder how on earth I was going to confess anything to her now knowing this. If I thought I had even a sliver of chances then, what was I going to have now, knowing how special she truly is? She’s Rosemary Denver for christ sakes; way above my pay grade. She would no doubt leave as soon as she could, away from this stupid little town and little me. I would never be good enough for her, even if she wasn’t the only living relative of my hero. I realized at that moment that she was too special for me all along, she definitely had no interest in me, and I was completely delusional to think otherwise.
“What were you going to tell me earlier Josh?” She said. My heart dropped for the millionth time today.
“Oh it was nothing.” I responded to her lighthearted question.
“You did seem pretty serious about it earlier… What was it? Please?”
“Rosemary, don't worry about it. It was silly, irrelevant.” I didn’t want to process this heartbreak right now. I just wanted to have a good time with Rosemary. Why couldn’t she move on?
“No, Josh, tell me. I’m not gonna think you’re silly. Whatever it is.” She pestered, grabbing my bicep softly.
“Please I… Uh.” I pulled away from her. Rosemary’s touch was all consuming, and it was something I shouldn’t let myself have - it would only make it harder to lose her. But as I moved back, I saw her face plummet, dropping deep into hurt and confusion. “Wait no sorry I … God why is this so hard?” I stumbled on my words, trying to find a way out.
“What’s so hard? Why can’t you just tell me Joshua? I just told you my whole fucking life story. I told you things that are not even safe to tell you. Things that are so hard for me. And you can’t tell me some thing that’s been on your mind?” Her eyes started to well up, trying desperately to hold onto my stare which constantly darted.
“I’m sorry I just can’t find the words… to uh… the words–”
“The words to what, Josh? Spit it out.”
I huffed a breath. “The words to tell you I think I’m falling in love with you.” Her eyes blew wide with confusion. FUCK why did I say that. No no no what do I do…
“What– I thought… What about Florence?”
“Oh cut the shit Rosemary you know I don’t like her.” I snapped in my emotional state. “Shit sorry I didn’t mean to say it like that. Fuck. I really like you Rosemary. Like really really like. As in I probably could call it love. That's what I was going to tell you, but I backed out because now I know you’re John Denver’s fucking descendant and you’re way too cool and amazing and special for me and it made me realise I could never deserve you and I–” I rambled on and on, before finally taking a breath. I looked up to see tears fully forming on the rims of Rosemary’s eyes.
“Josh,” She started, her voice low. “What if I think I’m falling in love with you too?” My heart jumped. But just as I was about to respond she started again, rambling exactly the same way I did, carefully masking her hurt with kindness. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Pa, it’s just no one knows and it’s really important for my safety and I also didn’t want you to see me any differently… but if that means you can’t love me then that’s okay I guess I mean–”
I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers, silencing her. She loved me back. That’s all I heard. I just hoped I would be enough in that moment. After a moment she kissed me back, reaching up to my jaw to hold me to her, neither of us willing to let the other go.
When we finally pulled apart, it was because our smiles grew too wide to hold a pout, unable to kiss. I looked right in her eyes, enjoying the way I could see each muscle tense into a squint from her grin. She grabbed my hands, letting her forehead fall forwards onto mine.
“Sorry for not telling you any of this earlier.” She whispered.
“I forgive you. Except for the whole ‘I love you back’ thing. I wish I could’ve known that sooner, it would have made this a whole lot easier.” I chuckled.
“Yeah well I don’t think I’m entirely to blame for that one buddy.” She tilted her head to touch her nose to mine.
I pushed my body weight forward to crash us both onto the bed together. “I’m sorry, Buddy? Who am I, your child?” I said, as we tossed about in a play fight.
“What would you like me to call you then Joshua?” She attempted to grab my wrists as I started tickling her.
“How about… your boyfriend.” We stilled. Her eyes lit up, and mine also did, seeing how happy it made her. She nodded. “And you’re my girlfriend.”
Next came two months of pure bliss. Rosemary was safe, Rosemary was happy, Rosemary was my girlfriend. We continued our weekly hikes on Sundays, meeting up around midday, and going off to somewhere new each time. We picked flowers for each other on every walk, and when it was too cool for them to keep growing, we just started giving each other cool sticks and sprigs of greenery. Despite the colder weather, we pushed on, bundling up on ridges and boulders late into the freezing night so we could watch the stars and talk until our eyes drooped. Then we’d hike back to our cars, sleepy and happy, dragging each other hand in hand. And in the morning, when our friends made fun of our dark eye bags and poor attention, we’d just look at each other and laugh.
She explained to me that she had gotten her job at the diner so that she could buy herself things that she didn’t want to bother her uncle about. But her birthday was coming up, and she had saved up plenty of money to last her until then, so she quit. After that we had even more time together, more often than not choosing to stay warm in my house.
My family loved her, especially my Mom. Although I couldn’t explain Rosemary’s situation just yet, Mom now knew she only lived with her uncle, so she was always happy to let Rosemary hang around. Rosemary wooed her too, bringing plants that she had propagated for us regularly, though I selfishly took most of them to my room, so that I could take care of them and think of her.
On the first saturday of November, Jake had booked the band a show in a well established bar a few towns over, and naturally, I asked Rosemary to join us. She excitedly told me she would gladly drive down, and that Jita could come up with her too. It was the start of something big for us, being seen somewhere other than our small town, and by new people. We all had our doubts on whether the audience would like it, since we’d been rocking with a regular crowd in Frankenmuth for some time. But, we took our chances.
It felt strange unpacking our gear in this new location, where we didn’t know the owners or any of the staff. We did our best to look a bit professional and not like the highschoolers we were, keeping Sammy in line as much as possible. It was reasonably big, definitely larger than our venue at home. Dim yellow overhead lighting lit the space from the short ceilings, and the walls were painted different dark maroons and greens. There were dirty, clattering wood tables and chairs squished into the floor, and two of the walls were lined with booth seating.
“Jita’s still coming, right?” Jake nervously asked me as we worked together to plug in our amps and long leads.
“Yes, I already told you. She’s coming with Rosemary right now. They should be here soon, actually.” Jake had still yet to make a move on Jita, even though it was plainly obvious to everyone else what was going on. Around Jita, Jake dropped the cool guy attitude for awkwardness and was continually more gentlemanly to her than anyone he’d ever met, and I caught Rosemary having to kick Jita multiple times at the lunch table for ogling too long at my twin. But somehow, my shy little brother still grappled with having to confess anything to her.
About half an hour went by, and the little corner stage looked ready to go, so we stepped aside to get ready for the show. Rosemary finally came through the door then, dragging Jita along behind her.
“Ardy! Jita! Look who finally decided to show up!” ‘Ardy’ was a name I’d started calling her recently, after realizing her initials ‘R.D’ had a nice ring to them. It was special, being able to secretly call her by her real name. I think she liked that too. And thankfully no-one really questioned it.
“You’re one to talk, you’re always late mister!” Rosemary poked me in the chest before I enveloped her into a hug. “And you haven’t even started the show.” We swayed a bit, and I reveled in the contact to ease my anxiety.
“I know, I’m just kidding.” I huffed out, turning to peck the top of her head. She was dressed nice, hair half-up half-down yet still lovely and wild. Thin braids were mixed into her natural brown curls. She had put on a bit of makeup, and was wearing her lovely blue jean bell bottoms along with a tight white shirt and an old brown leather bomber jacket. The jacket, I’d learned, was her grandfathers, along with much of her wardrobe. It explained the many oversized jackets and button ups she tended to wear. I found that Rosemary was a beautifully sentimental person, and it made me glad to see her be comforted by these items.
Eventually, the bar filled up, and my parents and Danny’s had found a table alongside Rosemary and Jita. I could see them happily chatting away as we did our final checks before we played.
*❀。• ₊°。Rosemary
It was a big day. I was so excited, and gladly shared it with both sets of parents and Jita where we sat in the audience. I could tell Josh was nervous. They were talking in a circle, planning out their performance or whatever they needed to do, but he kept glancing out at the full room of people. Each time, I made eye contact with him, and he smiled. I hoped I was helping.
Deep inside, I knew it would be all okay. The audience was going to love them, I just knew it. Today was going to be the start of something really good for the boys, no matter how unsure they were about it.
“How’s it going with you Miss Rosemary?” Karen kindly turned to me.
“Well thank you, Karen! Did Josh give you that little English Ivy? I told him to give it to you this time since he already put one in his room.”
“Yes darling! I put it above the cabinets in the kitchen. Josh was so upset that he couldn’t keep it to himself. He kept mumbling about how it wasn’t fair, and that you were his girlfriend.” She said cheekily. I laughed with her at the thought of him moping about. “I’ve been meaning to get Josh to ask, what are your plans for Christmas?”
I hadn’t thought about Christmas yet. I needed to get through my birthday first, find a house, move out, think about my identity. And, it was going to be my first Christmas without Pa. My grandmother had passed a year or so prior, and that changed things, but this year I would face it alone. But… maybe not?
“I’m… not sure yet.” Was all I could answer. I gave her an absent minded smile.
She reached out to hold my hand on the table. “Well, we’d love to have you around for the day, or dinner, anytime you’d like, if you want to my dear, no pressure.” My heart swelled.
“Thank you, truly. I wouldn’t want to intrude-”
“Upbupbup!” She interrupted. “None of that. You are always welcome in our house. I’m sure everyone would love to have you, especially Josh’s grandparents. They keep asking to see you after everything wonderful Josh has said. So I think the more the merrier!” Karen gladly spoke, doing good convincing.
“I’ll be sure to let you know.”
When the band finally got set up in their spots, there was no loud cheer, no pausing of conversations to give them any moment of acknowledgement. And although that could have been disheartening, it might have been for the best - they were nervous after all, and didn’t really want all eyes on them just yet.
But, when Jake played the intro to Safari Song, all heads started turning. For the entirety of the set the room was alive. The cheers got louder and louder after each song, and I watched the parents next to me each grow a strong glint of pride in their eyes. Our little table all danced in our seats, laughing and singing along to Highway Tune, the song they finished with.
As the last cheer wore off, Josh screamed a final “Thankyou!” into the mic before they left the stage. As they walked towards our table, I saw Jake get stopped by someone I assumed to be the manager or owner of the bar, taking him over to the corner to talk. I hugged Josh tight and whispered praises into his ear when he finally reached us. We all got swept up in congratulating the boys, but stole glances over towards Jake talking to the man. Poor jake was struggling to contain himself, clearly worn out yet high on adrenaline from the performance, but also focused on taking in every word the guy said to him.
“Looks like good news boys.” Kelly nodded to Jake who now wore a shit eating grin while being patted hard on the shoulder by the older man before walking towards us.
“He wants us back.” Jake said in shocked elation. “He wants us to come back the week after next.” We erupted in joy altogether.
We sat and enjoyed our lousy bar snacks and drinks while squished onto the one happy table, and every now and then a stranger would walk past and congratulate the boys on their set. It was getting late, and we had a drive ahead of us, so we all worked together to pack up the equipment into the van. Jita was stuck by Jake's side the whole time, happy to help him with his gear even though she didn’t really know what to do.
“Hey I think Jita’s going to come in the van with us, is it okay if you drive Josh home?” Jake asked me.
“No worries at all.” I winked.
We were about half the way home before we even got off the topic of the show.
“So it is my birthday on Sunday next week.”
“Oh really I had no idea! I haven’t asked you about this at all. Like ever.” Josh teased sarcastically.
“SHH I have a point! I had a look online… and I found somewhere to live. And they do same day settlement.” Josh’s face fell a bit. “I have to move out of my uncle’s place, Josh. And for obvious reasons I’m going to do it as soon as possible. If all goes to plan, I just need your help to move my stuff in. Is that okay?”
“Where are you going?” Josh asked, looking like a sad puppy.
“Nowhere far! Still in Frankenmuth. Josh… I’m not leaving. I want to stay here, with you.” I said carefully.
“Oh good.” He put a hand to his heart. “You had me worried there.” He laughed.
“I – Uh, I want to talk to Jake and your family about my situation before it all happens though. It’s going to be a little hard to explain how an eighteen year old can afford a cabin working at a diner.” We both giggled. I had become closer to Jake than anyone in the family other than Josh, simply because the twins tended to be together a lot. It was becoming harder and harder for Josh and I to avoid accidentally mentioning Pa infront of Jake, and I felt like I owed it to him to tell him first.
“Whatever you want. I’m sure it will all be okay. Wanna tell them early this week so they have a little while to mull it over before everything happens?” Josh worked through the plan in his mind. “Jake’s going to need some time to process it, I’m sure. I also imagine he can keep it in for half a week. Mom, I’m not so sure – we might have to save that for like Friday night.”
“Sounds good, I trust your judgment on this.” I said.
“So a cabin, huh?”
“More of like a house mostly made of wood. I’m romanticizing.”
“Sounds like you.” He poked.
“Your Mom said something about Christmas tonight too, I don’t know what your thoughts were on it. Should I come?”
“Wait she invited you to ours? Damn I was going to do that! Of course, I really want you to be there. If it gets too much I can help you out though, okay? Please will you come?”
“I’ll come over in the afternoon, then. How does that sound.”
“Sounds like my whole family will be drunk already. What a blast. But anytime, really.”

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The Opposite of Lost - Chapter Five
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female OC
a/n: Be ready for a sneaky short pov from Jake :) Please share your thoughts and critique!
Warnings: Slow-burn, fluff, loss of family/loved ones.
Word Count: 2.5k
Chapter Five
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ Joshua
I peeked over the edge of my book, watching as Rosemary’s eyes subtly darted between each tiny leaf on the small twig she twisted in her fingers. A small smile played on her beautiful lips, and I wondered what it was from. She sat on her butt and feet, knees up in the air where her elbows could rest. With our jumpers discarded, we soaked in the warm sun, I was looking at her smooth, tanned back where her tiny tee had ridden up—
“Josh!” Jake’s barking whipped me out of my headspace.
“I asked you if you’re cool to hang out with the gang on Saturday afternoon. Rosemary said she has the shift off.” I sobered into the moment, looking around at the lunch table.
“Oh yeah for sure.”
“Can Rosemary bring her guitar? I want to hear you play more.” Jita said as she turned to the girl and grasped her shoulder. Everyone looked at her excitedly.
“If you guys want… but I’m no Jake Kiszka!” Rosemary blushed.
We were all sitting in Lilah’s living room, and with her parents away for the weekend, we had the night to ourselves to be as loud as we wanted. Thus, we took up as much space as we pleased, sitting in a bit of a smoke circle. The girls took to the couches early on, so Jake, Zach and I were situated on the floor. We’d long finished our pizza takeout, and we’d been contentedly sitting in conversation for the last hour or so.
“I need to stretch my legs. Anyone want to go for a walk?” Zach groaned from his uncomfortable seat on the floor below Lilah. As he stood, he grabbed Lilah’s hand and leant back on his heels to pull her up.
As much as we tried to form a big line walking through the center of the neighboring streets, as they got windier we walked two by two, naturally walking with Zach and Lilah in the front, Jita and Rosemary in the middle and Jake and I at the end.
I noticed Jake kicking a little stone along in front of him as we walked, and I could feel his clouded, slightly upset and angry emotion wafting into me. “What are you all upset about?” I whispered.
“Don’t act like you don’t feel it too – this twin telepathy thing goes both ways and you are seriously exuding some angsty feelings. You want to walk with Rosemary.” His words made it really click into place for me. He was right – I really did want to walk with Rosemary.
“Not as much as you want to walk next to Jita ya swoon!” I hushed and pushed him a bit.
“I’ve been spending this whole walk trying to figure out how I can smoothly change partners.” Just as he angrily mumbled that, Rosemary knelt down to tie her shoelace, while the others continued on without her. “Rosemary you sweet angel from heaven above.” Jake quickly exclaimed in my ear before hastily walking in tow with Jita, leaving me and Rosemary alone again.
I stood and waited as she quickly retied her shoe. “Thanks for waiting back, Joshua Michael.”
“Anytime Rosemary June.” I replied. I stuck my hand out for her to hold as she got up, but was shocked by the feeling of her stone cold fingers against my palm. “My god you’re freezing! Why didn’t you say anything?” I started taking off my coat.
“I’m really okay!” She laughed as I placed the coat over her. “Thankyou.”
“I know what will really warm you up.”
“What?” She pulled her arms into the coat.
“Race me back to the house?” She pondered for a second.
“Well what about the rest of them?” She pointed at the group now at the other end of the street.
I turned to look their way. “They’ll be back event—” I heard the scuffing of boots and whipped around to see her take off in the opposite direction, back the way we came. “Oh no you don’t!”
Her giggles turned into hysterical laughter and a little bit of screaming as adrenaline took over and I chased her. The energetic, happy Rosemary I knew was showing today, coming out of her shell as we discarded the others. I couldn’t help but notice the way that even though she was much less shy with our group as a whole these days, she was still more of herself with me than ever. I tried not to think about that too much. She didn’t like me that much.
As hard as we tried, we could only run so fast with all the laughing. She was able to just stay ahead of me, cutting the corners into people’s yards and nearly hitting a couple of mailboxes on the way. That was until the final stretch, where she turned back to me in victory as I used every last bit of my energy to run into her, enveloping her in a big hug and lifting her off the ground to spin.
I wished I could take a photo of her face in that moment, lit by the streetlamp a couple houses down, smile wide as a soft exhausted laugh pulled from her lips, and her eyes large and round, staring at me so close. I put her down, still holding her sides, and as we both stopped laughing we realized how close our faces had become, each taking in the details of one another’s face. I caught myself looking at her reddened lips from the cold, wanting nothing more than to kiss them in that moment.
“We should go inside. It’s getting colder still.” I said; I forced myself out of it. I couldn’t kiss her. She didn’t want me like that. Despite this, my body refused to cooperate and I was still stuck holding her close to me. “And one of us isn’t wearing a coat.” I joked, trying anything to diffuse this tension.
“Uhh… Yeah. Let’s go.” She stepped away from me, and I finally let my hands drop from her waist.
“You brought your guitar right?” I followed her up the driveway past the cars, looking into Rosemary’s bronco.
“Yes I did.”
“Wanna play for me?”
“I don’t know Joshua, what would I play?”
“I don’t know – anything! Whatever you want.” She didn’t seem very convinced. “Come on, it’s only me! I’ve sung for you so many times! It’s only fair.”
I sat down next to her on the couch as she started playing ‘Landslide’ by Fleetwood Mac. She had one leg hanging off the side as the other folded to rest her guitar upon, facing towards me in a way so that the guitar fit between us. I mirrored her arrangement, only I donned a tilted head and entranced, lopsided smile. I noticed her slightly humming along and couldn’t help but join in with the lyrics. She smiled as I started and peeked up at me, smirking in a glad sort of way, rather than in smugness. We both seemed to blush. She looked back down to the guitar. I sang very softly, unlike how I ever sing with the band. We both swayed ever so slightly as she perfectly plucked out the solo before I joined in again.
Rosemary’s eyes rested shut, slightly fluttering as if she had no control over them; her brows similarly furrowing as she absentmindedly played the song. She darted her tongue out to wet her pretty lips and added a subtle hummed harmony in the last few lines.
As she finished, we both snapped out of the trance, Rosemary quickly turning back to being nervous and unsure. She opened her eyes but kept her gaze locked on the details of the guitar, tracing her eyes around the glistening mother of pearl inlays that hemmed the entire guitar body.
“You are extraordinary Rosemary. I’ve never heard a song played like that.” I said. She looked up, doe eyed.
“I’ve never heard you sing like that.” She breathed out. I looked at her lips again. Shit. Stop it.
“And so I told the guy, ‘look if you want to listen to some real blues–’ Oh! Here you guys are! We wondered where you two ran off to.” Jake and the rest of the gang strolled in, breaking the moment between Rosemary and I and taking their seats around the room once again. “Wow sweet guitar Rose.” Jake said.
“Oh my god it’s gorgeous, Rosemary!” Jita chimed in, “Just like the rest of you.” She smiled, “Isn’t that right Josh.” Was she– was she wingmanning me right now? Did she know I liked Rosemary? My wide eyes darted to Jake, who pulled a similar expectant face to Jita. Did he tell her something? I looked over to Rosemary. She’s gorgeous. Fuck that didn’t help.
“Uhh, yes. Just like the rest of her.” I regretfully sounded quite uncertain. Rosemary looked flushed and confused, but gave us each a grateful little smile nonetheless.
Jake continued to enquire about the guitar, breaking the weird tension. “You know, that guitar looks exactly like the one John Denver used to use. Mom made us watch all his live stuff, I’d recognise that model anywhere. Where’d you get it?” Nerd.
“It was my Grandfather’s.” She replied simply. I could see the way the edge of her eyes dropped by just a fraction at the thought. Everyone started up talking again and I silently reached over and flicked her hand that had dropped against the couch cushion, her other hand dangling from the guitar body. Her eyes lurched to mine and they looked even worse than a second ago. I grabbed her hand in mine and gave it a squeeze, then held it lightly as my thumb brushed back and forth across her knuckles. We stayed like that as the group continued their conversations until someone suggested Rosemary play a song for us all, and Rosemary finally squeezed my hand back and let go.
After a few more hours filled with warm conversation over Rosemary’s humble strumming of Hozier, Cat Stevens and the lumineers, amongst others, we retired to our sleeping positions; Zach and Lilah off in Zach’s bed, and the rest of us slouched into the couches.
✢ ⋆ .⋆*・ Jacob
I was in heaven. Jita had rested her head onto my shoulder, curling her body into mine as we laid back to sleep on the reclined couch. I could feel her chest rise as fall against the side of mine, the rhythm slowing to the point where I guessed she must have fallen asleep. I lazily looked over at Rose and Josh, who were in a similar, yet less compromising position. Though not quite curled into one another, Josh’s head had fallen onto Rosemary’s shoulder in his sleep. He snored a little and Rose and I made eye contact through the moonlight.
She looked at me then nodded towards Jita, wagging her eyebrows with a cheeky grin. I couldn’t help but grin back. Without jostling Jita, I pointed my free hand towards Josh’s head on Rose’s shoulder, and gestured my hand upwards in question. I watched as she looked down at his fluffy head of hair covering her collarbone, smiled, then settled her head atop of his. The grin she returned told me everything I needed to know.
Rosemary liked Josh.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ Joshua
“Josh, what I’m saying is that it’s time to make your move on her! You’ve waited long enough. Just do something to show her your feelings. Hell tell her straight up for all I care! You’ll get your answer and I’m 99% sure you’re gonna like it.” Jake had finally given up on listening to my late night rambles about the confusing situation between me and Rosemary.
Sometimes I feel like she really does want me in the way that I want her. Like under the streetlamp for that moment, when I thought I was going to kiss her. Or when she played me the guitar. But sometimes I feel like she’s thinking the opposite; that I’m nothing more than a close friend. Like every sparkly, exciting, romantic moment I’ve had with her has been all one sided - completely delusional. I can’t trust my memory; I’m so entranced by her that every time she gives me a smile it looks to me like heart eyes.
Of course Jake thinks it really is heart eyes. But I find it hard to believe. Maybe I should just take his advice and go for it. What’s the worst that can happen? I lose her. God.
“Okay I’ll talk to her.” I decide. “I think I should just tell her. It’s easier than having to sort out some move.” Jake nods. “I like being honest with her. I think we’re both good at telling the truth in the end.”
“Except for telling the ‘truth’ about how much you love each other!” Jake pokes.
“You better shut it or I’ll change my mind again.” I said sternly. He rolls his eyes. “I promise I’ll do it the next time we hang out, most likely next Sunday. I should have enough time to think of what to say by then, right?”
“I fuckin’ hope so.” As Jake said that, my phone lit up with Rosemary’s contact. “This girl and her otherworldly timing lately.” I shh’d Jake to shut him up as I answered the call.
“Hey what’s up?”
“Wanna come over?”
a/n: Sorry for the cliffhanger! I should have the next chapter updated before Christmas.
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The Opposite of Lost - Chapter Four
a/n: Hi! Sorry for not updating! Chapter five will be here shortly :) I also apologise for the slow-burn hehe
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female OC
Warning: Domestic abuse talk, loss of family/loved ones.
Word Count: 2k
Chapter Four
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ Joshua
On Wednesday night that next week was our senior parent information night, basically a pep-talk to the students and parents about study and working hard for our last year of school. Mom, of course, wanted to go and dragged Jake and I along with her.
When we walked into the auditorium late, it wasn’t much of a surprise. So we quickly sat down on the end of one of the rows in the dark. I scanned the room and spotted Rosemary sitting alone in the back corner of the seats. She saw me and we exchanged a quick wave before going back to listening to whatever the teacher had to say. The whole thing dragged on so much that my mother even started whispering to us and badmouthing the speakers. By the time it was all said and done it was dark out, and I called Rosemary over as we exited the hall.
“You must be the Rosemary Josh tells me so much about.” Mom called to her as she approached.
“Nice to meet you Mrs Kiszka,” Rosemary gave a curt wave.
“Karen, please darling.” Mom said as Rosemary smiled kindly in response.
“Hi Rosemary.” I stepped in front of Mom to finally talk to my friend.
“Hi Joshua.” She giggled.
“That was long, hey.” I said.
“I thought my ears were going to fall off!” She groaned in response.
“If I didn’t care about looking rude I would’ve taken the boys back home, wasn’t it awful?” Mom joined in on our ranting. “Where are your parents tonight?” She looked around with small concern.
“They couldn’t make it. Just me.” Rosemary’s demeanour shifted at the mention of her parents, but she hid it really well in front of my Mom.
“Well you’ll have to tell them they didn’t miss much.” She light heartedly exclaimed, “Shame, I did want to meet your mother, just let her know she’s always welcome round for dinner, you are too of course.” Mom patted Rosemary on the shoulder.
I watched Rosemary take a deep breath, looking back at Mom for a slight second and quietly respond “Thank you.”, turning to me and Jake. “See you tomorrow, Joshua, Jake. Pleased to meet you, Karen.”
“Lovely to finally meet you darling.”
Things got busy, yet seemingly settled for a while after that. Rosemary and I would meet up almost every Sunday at the national park, and we’d reached a routine. I’d pull into the parking lot, she’d be already there. I’d ask her where we were going and she’d tell me something different every time. It was always, “We’re meeting Thomas,” or, “Remember Bert?” Then we’d set off, not talking much until we reached our destination. I’d pull out two sandwiches, a honey sandwich for her and PB&J for me. I found out she loved honey after I brought one and she went on a tangent about the bees, and how she ‘admired them for their hard work, and their beautiful, delicious creation,’ and how honey comes from the ‘most beautiful of places – the middle of a flower,’.
Then we would sit and eat our sandwiches while we admired the view. We would talk for a while, and then turn back and go home. I wanted every single day to be like that. I was enamoured by her, the way she gracefully explained the world around her, the way her entire body glowed amongst the woods.
But nothing ever happened between us. It felt like we were friends, and I didn’t want to be friends. I wanted to be something better, but every time I went to complement her, I would either get too nervous and back out, or she would seem kind of uncomfortable. It always made her blush, but then she’d drop the happiness and dismiss the comment. I guess after enough times it sent the message. She just wanted to be friends. So what we had would have to be enough for me.
At school, things were going pretty well too. She’d finally opened up a bit more with us, laughing harder without fear of judgement, giving us snippets of stories of her past. But it still was a very touchy subject. Anything too personal, any question about her family, her past; she would shut down. But everyone seemed to figure that out quick, and no-one pushed it. Not even me, when we were alone in the woods, soaking in small patches of sun breaching the canopy, talking about everything on our minds, I held back my questions. I could see it pained her when it was brought up, and who was I to hurt her? So I didn’t. I never saw a scratch on her after the night I picked her up, either.
By September, we had a few proper gigs lined up for the band, and so we were practising just about every waking minute we weren’t at school. It was a Friday when we asked the group to come along to our practise, give us some feedback, or encouragement. We were snugly fit in the basement, Jita and Rosemary cross-legged on the couch while Zach and Lilah laid out on the floor with their backs against the sofa. It felt warm, a haze of smoke filling the room as the warm light of our lamps and fairy lights cast dim light across us all. The weather was starting to really cool down, and Rosemary had on a huge knit sweater over a black skirt and stockings. The boys and I still donned t-shirts over our pants, performing never failing to make us hot.
We played much more polished versions of our originals this time, and we were feeling very proud, I was especially happy now that the lyrics for Safari Song and Black Smoke Rising were really down pat. Everyone loved it, bopping and sillily dancing in their chairs to our beats. At one point Jake put the guitar behind his head and started playing a solo. Show off. Everyone clapped and erupted in shocked laughter while Jita looked entranced. I saw Rosemary elbow her in the ribs to stop her from gawking. We were just about worn out when Mom came down the stairs to request a song.
“Sounds great boys, thankfully it’s the right volume from upstairs I’m not bursting an eardrum up there like you all must be down here.” Everyone chuckled while Sam and Jake both booed. “Will you play my favourite while I finish up dinner? And don’t you get hurt throwing yourself around like that Jacob!” Everyone laughed at her harmless scolding as Jake went a bit red.
“Yes Mama.” I said waving her goodbye as she ascended the steps. I nodded to Jake, and he started the intro of ‘The Music is You’ by John Denver.
Everyone swayed as I sang, and I got lost in the words, letting my eyes fall shut as I felt the hum of the room around me. It was heaven. I looked up at the last note to see all but one person smiling back at me. Rosemary. Her eyes were completely glassy filled with tears threatening to join the waterfall already taking place along her perfect cheeks. She was looking down, clearly not ready to face anyone. I caught her eye as Jake finished the outro, and she quickly wiped her face off.
“Dinner!” Mom yelled out as the guys unplugged everything, heading upstairs with the group. Rosemary and I lingered around until everyone had left, and I pulled her into a tight hug.
“Everything okay?” I whispered.
“Yeah, it’s just a beautiful song. Sorry I-I didn’t mean to get upset like this, I just… y-you don’t know what that means to me Joshua, Thank you.” She hiccupped into her hands as my arms surrounded her.
“It’s okay, that’s the magic of old Johnny D huh? Makes me feel things I can’t even explain.” I laughed into her shoulder.
That Sunday we met up once again at the national park. It was mid-afternoon, as Rosemary had a late shift at the diner on Saturday, and the warm afternoon sun was working wonders after a week of cold weather. We sat at the edge of the river, back in the place we met at the end of the summer break. While we chatted about our class projects and annoying teachers, I could tell there was something eating at Rosemary’s mind.
“Something on your mind Rosemary? You’re doing an awful lot of staring into the water today.”
“Sorry, I just…” she did that thing she does sometimes, taking a deep breath, letting the moment sit. “I wanted to apologize.”
“Apologize? For what?”
“I’m sorry for being so… quiet about my past, my personal life. You have been so forgiving and welcoming to me and I wish I could do the same for you, I just… I have to work up to it, you know? It’s quite hard for me.”
“I would wait forever, Rosemary. You don’t owe me anything. I love hanging out with you, and I don’t want our friendship to get hurt by me pushing you.”
“I understand that, and I thank you. I just don’t want to lie anymore.”
“You are safe with me. I promise. You don’t have to tell me anything, today, tomorrow, ever. As long as you’re safe and I can look after you. You’re my best friend. And I’m not saying that because I want to get anything out of you.”
“Josh… thank you.” She leant down and splashed some water into her face. “Brrr okay. Ask something. I’m not good at this.”
“You sure?”
“Go ahead. I need to let something out. It’s killing me.”
“Why do you have to stay with your uncle if he’s hurting you?” Her eyes blew wide, a huge breath escaping her.
“Right okay straight into it.”
“I can ask something else… I don’t care at all.”
“No it is okay. I need this.” She collected her thoughts and continued on “He’s all that I have left. My parents are long gone, and he’s obviously not the best but, he’s okay most of the time. Sometimes he drinks – that’s when there’s an issue, but he has been good again for a while, and I know he’s done with that stuff now.” She pauses to reassure me that she’s ‘okay’ for the moment. “He uh, never had anything to do with me, we never really met until I came here, so he has reason to be upset, you know, he didn’t ask for this.”
“You didn’t ask for it either.”
“I know, but it’s okay. It was a long time coming for me, and I think I’m mostly healed. Once I’m eighteen I’m out of his house anyway.” Whatever it was was where the real wound lay.
“Well, you can always come live with us.”
“And deal with Sam’s ass all the time? Hell no.”
“Yeah, well imagine how I feel.” I think we both had to sit and think for a minute after that. She’d just told me a whole lot about her family. Her parents were ‘long gone’ so she probably didn’t want my empathy, even though I was dripping with it. She was leaving soon. Hopefully not away from Frankenmuth? Now wasn’t the time to ask every possible thing right?
I turned to her and noticed her breathing heavy again; replaying the information she just finally spilled over and over in her head. She was ever so slightly biting the inside of her cheek. She must have been trying to reassure herself that she did the right thing. Rosemary finally looked up at me, both our eyes glassy as I opened up for her to hug me. She clung so tight. It made up for all the words I left unsaid. I don’t know how long that hug went on.
“So your uncle, did he teach you all this orienteering, hiking stuff?” I said, releasing her.
“No it was my grandfather, I grew up with him and my Grandmother on some property.” Her eyes slightly lit back up as she focused on her answer, and she quickly dabbed at her eyes with the sides of her index fingers.
“With Winnie and Pepper?” I turned up the side of my lips.
“With Winnie and Pepper.” She smiled, finally.
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The Opposite of Lost - Chapter Three
a/n: Welcome! Please listen to 'Diary' by Bread later on in the chapter!
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female OC
Warning: Domestic abuse themes ahead.
Word Count: 7k
Chapter Three
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ Joshua
Even though I am a morning person, I always seem to be late for school. But today, I had managed to pull through, and get the boys in the car so we could be on time to see Rosemary. We pulled up in the senior parking lot and all walked out in search of her. Thankfully, we found her pretty quick, standing under a tree with another senior girl, Sasha. I remembered her to be only ever lovely and kind, which put me at ease.
“Hey Rose!” Sam yelled upon our approach.
“Oh, hey guys!” Rosemary said, looking at us, then turning to smile back at Sasha.
“Dannyyyyyy!” Sam immediately got distracted and ran off to see his friend who we literally saw yesterday.
“I’ll see you around, Rose. Nice to meet you.” Sasha returned Rosemary’s warm smile and nodded to Jake and I before walking away.
All the seniors were quickly directed towards the gym, where we were given our timetables. As Rosemary walked back to us after receiving hers, I snatched it up and we compared them all.
“Sam will be in your art class, then creative writing with me, and math with Jake. Solid.” I said, analysing the sheets.
“Great, so I’ll get a break from you all in world history.” We all laughed.
I showed her where her locker was, then we walked to mine so I could grab my stuff and show her where the art room was.
“So I was thinking, maybe on Saturday you could introdu—” I started to ask, but was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Joshyy!” Florence came bounding towards me, jumping into a hug with her legs around my waist.
“Florence?” I said, putting her down. “You told me you were moving away..?”
“Surprise!” She said, “Turns out I can stay until the end of senior year.” Florence searched my eyes for some elated reaction from me.
“Cool.” I said with a tight smile. “I’ll see you later. I need to walk Rosemary here to class. She’s new.” I turned to see Rosemary kindly waiting, nervously picking at her binder. Florence eyed her for a second, then gave her a little smile.
“Ok then bye Joshy!” She tilted her head to the side and looked up at me for a beat, then spun around to walk the opposite way.
“She seems to really like you.” Rosemary teased as we walked towards art.
“Oh stop it. She’s just like that.” I quickly mumbled.
“Whatever you say.” I rolled my eyes.
“Alright, here you are. I’ll meet you here when class ends and take you to creative writing.” I said, motioning to the door before walking backwards for a few steps, then turning to walk down the hall to my class.
We discussed our classes on our way to creative writing, Rosemary telling me about the immediate trouble Sam got himself into by mucking about. We found seats diagonally across from each other, pretty decent considering we came in a little late. She seemed to really be interested in the course work for creative writing, listening intently at our teacher. I for once listened too.
At lunch, we introduced her to our little group - Jake, Zach, Jita, Lilah and I. Sam and Danny occasionally joined us, but mostly stayed with their year group. Jita, Lilah and Rosemary seemed to get along quite well, though Rosemary was still a little shy.
I enjoyed the dynamic of our group; Jita had been our long-time friend, but I noticed her slight lenience towards Jake towards the end of last semester, so I was excited to see how that played out - especially since Jake has always had a crush on her. Zach and Lilah were dating, Zach being on the soccer team and Lilah on the volleyball one. They were both very competitive, which meant they basically waited each other out to see who would fold and admit their feelings for one another, which finally happened this past summer. The girls were both really smart, which helped a lot to keep the boys on track since we were all completely unorganised.
The remainder of the day went smoothly, with me showing Rosemary where world history was and Jake taking her to math with him.
The first week or so went on like that, everyone getting back into a school routine, and Rosemary adjusting to our school. I still walked with her to most classes, not that I needed to, but she never asked me to stop, so I didn’t.
“You guys want to come watch us jam tomorrow afternoon?” Jake suggested that Friday at lunch.
“I can’t man I gotta watch Lilah’s game.” Zach replied, putting his arm around Lilah.
“Self-explanatory for me.” Lilah added.
“I’ll come! You will too, right Rosemary?” Jita said.
“Sure! I can’t wait to hear you guys play again.” Rosemary addressed us.
“Yeah me too.” Jita glanced towards Jake then quickly looked away, trying to conceal her smile when Jake looked straight back at her, his cheeks slightly blushed. I caught a suspicious Rosemary subtly squinting at them both with a small smirk.
Jita had arrived a couple of minutes ago, and we were all hanging out in the garage. Sam and Danny were moving the drum kit on to a rug so they could try and drag it to move it in the future, since it takes so long to move. They were making laughably slow progress. They were almost finished when the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it!” Jita jumped up from her spot on the couch and jogged up the stairs. A minute later Rosemary walked down behind her. Rosemary was wearing a weathered green flannel half tucked into her shorts, her hair out.
“Hi Rosemary!” Sam shouted from across the garage, where he stumbled to get up and walk over, loudly crashing a cymbal on his way.
“Hey Sam.” She said, letting him hug her with a giggle. Jake followed in with a hug, as did I. It was the Kiszka way.
“Take your seats ladies. The show will begin shortly.” I pointed to our couch facing all the equipment. They both sat and chatted quietly as we finished setting up. Once the amps were all plugged in, I went over and shut off the main lights, leaving the twinkling fairy lights on along with a couple of lamps.
The boys started tuning up and getting their levels right on the amps, and finally, we were ready. We played through most of our usual set, and a little more Clapton because Jake was in the mood.
“Will you play Little Wing?” Jita suggested, looking intently at Jake.
“Ugh! Such a good song!” Rosemary commented as Jake began to play. The girls both danced in their spots on the couch, nodding their heads to the slow beat.
“What would you like to hear Rosemary?” I asked once the song had finished.
“Something of yours.” She said simply.
“Talk on the Street it is.” I looked back and nodded to the boys and we played the song. Rosemary had this glint in her eye during this one that she didn’t have for any other song. It felt different. I felt it too - playing our own music was something really special, and she could tell.
“Alright, anyone for some pool?” Jake questioned to the group when we finished.
“You know you’re gonna lose again, right?” Rosemary hopped up and walked straight to the table, hi-five-ing me on the way past.
“Oh it is on!” Jake gave us the stink eye.
“Join us Jita so it’s even.” I said, grinning as I followed Rosemary to the table.
Sam was as hopeless as ever, though Jake and I pulled through a bit more this time. Danny and Rosemary were a close match, taking much more daring shots, and sinking simpler ones easily. Jita was on Jake and I’s level, and was great at badmouthing the others. Everyone had to pretend not to see Jita and Jake giving each other looks the whole game because they were annoyingly enamoured by one another.
“Rosemary how the fuck are you so good?” Sam groaned as he watched another striped ball sink.
“Natural talent. Doesn’t seem to run in your family.” She replied.
“Woah” “Yo-” My brothers chorused.
“Hey! I’m literally on your team!” I protested.
“Just kidding! Jesus.” She laughed.
Danny somehow ended up taking the win for their team, after much build up and stress coming from our end.
“Suck it losers.” Sam yelled as we wallowed in misery.
We all went to sit around the couch and chairs, tiredly chatting away as it got darker. Rosemary and I sat together on the floor with our backs against the wall. After a while she nudged me while Sam was telling us about some teacher he pissed off at school.
“Hey Joshua.” Rosemary whispered. “Where can I get some water?”
“Oh. I’m such a bad host. I’ll show ya.” I got up and lent her a hand to stand. “We’re getting some water, anyone want anything?” I addressed the group. They all shook their heads.
Rosemary followed me up to the kitchen, and I turned the light on, the light growing dimmer since the last time we were up here. I opened the fridge to grab the cold water bottle.
“Glasses are in the cabinet to your left.” I directed her. When she reached up, her flannel sleeve rode up to her elbow, exposing a large scatter of bruises along her wrist and up her arm, almost in the shape of a hand. She grabbed two glasses and turned back around to place them on the counter in front of me, her flannel still caught up her elbow. She didn’t notice my continued stare at her arm, too focused on pouring some water. She finally looked up at me to see my arms reaching to inspect her injury carefully. Her eyes darted to her wrist and she hastily slid down her sleeve. She suddenly breathing very heavily, staring into my eyes like a deer in headlights. I furrowed my brow at her in silent conversation, and she slightly shook her head, then blinked and shook her head again with more vigour, breaking eye contact.
“Sorry, uhh… I’m all good don’t worry I fell this morning.” She looked out the window. “Looks dark out. I’m going to head home. It was nice to see you. Tell thanks to the boys and Jita.” She backed herself towards the front door. I followed her as she did so, reaching out to pull her into a hug at the door. She took a minute before settling into the hug, then she wrapped herself around me tightly.
“Can’t leave without a proper good bye..” I said earnestly into her shoulder. “See you on Monday.” I released her and she practically sprinted out the door to her car.
“Where’s Rose?” Sam questioned as I walked back into the garage alone.
“She didn’t realise how late it was until she looked out the window outside. It’s getting pretty dark.” I replied, faking calm.
“I should go too, Mom will want me home if it’s dark.” Jita stood up, patting Sammy on the shoulder. “Bye boys!” She waved, which we all reciprocated.
“I’ll walk you to your car.” Jake offered, jumping up to catch her, and they forwarded out. We all rolled our eyes.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ * ❀ 。• ₊°。
On the last weekend of March we held an end of summer campfire at our house. Our close circle were coming, along with some other friend groups we knew within the seniors. Ronnie and her friends were invited, and Sam and Danny had some people coming too.
We had set up to have it mostly outdoors, putting heaps of chairs outside on the deck, and more around our fire pits. It was nearing six o’clock, when people would start arriving, so we put on some music and chilled out until people started showing up. I put on my usual plain shirt and pants with a beaded necklace, but I knew I’d need a jumper of some kind later.
At around seven, most people were already here, though I still hadn’t seen Rosemary. I started to lose some hope, and Sammy mixed up a few salty dogs for us so I sat at the fire, trying to focus on enjoying the night anyway.
Florence turned up around 7:30, and I was pretty tipsy by that point. She kept moving into the seats nearby me every time someone left one, which kind of irritated me, but I let it be, she was having a good time, and I didn't want to start anything bad tonight.
I sat watching the fire, adding logs every now and again (I was in charge) and I kept thinking about Rosemary. I wished she was with us. I could feel my emotions running higher on the alcohol, and started feeling stupid for thinking so much about Rosemary. I needed to get out of my head, and the guys were all chatting about some girl drama at school and I'd heard enough, so I decided to go grab some water and my jacket from inside.
“I'm going inside for a sec anyone need anything?” I said. The second I stood up Florence basically jumped to her feet.
Everyone kinda hummed but Jake tapped me as I walked past and whispered, “The old guitar?”
“Why can't you get it?” I frowned. But he subtly motioned to Jita, who was sitting real close, playing with the rings on his other hand. “Fine.” I trodded off. I guess I did offer in the first place so I couldn't be mad, and I also knew how much this time with her meant to him.
As we walked up the path I could see Flo swaying in my peripheral, and shortly after she knocked into me. I made sure she got up the stairs alright and walked into the kitchen. I studied her, glossed eyes, flushed cheeks and heavy looking limbs. I decided it was not going to be that kind of night for me since I didn't want to look how Florence looked right now if or when Rosemary came. I drank some water to sober up a bit more and grabbed myself a jacket from my room while Flo drank the water I handed her. When I came back in she already had another alcoholic drink in her hand.
“Josh I’m cooooold,” Flo moped, staring at my jacket. She really was shivering, and I was a gentleman, so I walked back to my room and grabbed her a hoodie of mine and we walked back to the fire, Jake’s guitar in hand. I had to put my arm around Flo to keep her straight as we walked since it was hard to see now.
Everyone’s eyes lit up a bit when we came back down, and I thought it was because they saw the guitar, but their eyes were focused behind me. I turned around to see Rosemary walking down the stairs from the deck towards us.
She smiled kindly at me as I peeled myself from Flo so I could hug her.
She was wearing this embroidered western jean jacket over an off-white button up and bell bottom jeans. Her hair was stuck up into a bun that hung low on her head, barely held together by the tie. She had incredible style, and yet it felt as though she had thrown it together nonchalantly. She was just cool.
“Hey Joshua.” She whispered.
“Hey Rosemary.” I whispered back, and we all sat down.
Jake played some songs while we all sang along, everyone with a drink in their hand except for me and Rosemary. Sam was growing restless of hearing the same songs all the time, and his drunken state made him start to get very agitated. He kept shuffling in his seat and making annoyed noises. Then he made his intentions clear.
“Jita can you play guitar?” He said.
“No Sammy.”
“Lilah can you play guitar?” He continued around the circle.
“Zach can you play guitar?”
“Rosemary can you play guitar?”
“… Yeah.” She shifted slightly as everyone turned to her.
“Play for us! Pleeease? I can’t listen to any more of Jake’s songs they’rrrrrverplayed” He slurred rubbing his palms in his eyes.
“I don’t know, Sam, I-”
“I want to hear it too Rose! Here.” Jake got up and held out the guitar.
Everyone gave joyous looks to Rosemary as she tentatively grabbed the instrument from him.
“It’s not like you’ll remember anyway I guess…” She quietly mumbled. “I hope you guys like Bread.”
She played a song I’d never heard before - I assumed it was by Bread, whom I knew of but that was about it. The melody was gorgeous, and she sung quietly, floating above her graceful guitar plucking.
I found her diary underneath a tree,
And started reading about me,
The words she'd written took me by surprise,
You'd never read them in her eyes,
They said that she had found,
The love she'd waited for,
Wouldn't you know it?
She wouldn't show it,
And as I go through my life
I will give to her, my wife,
All the sweet things, I can find,
I found her diary underneath a tree,
And started reading about me,
The words began to stick and tears to flow,
Her meaning now was clear to see,
The love she'd waited for,
Was someone else, not me,
Wouldn't you know it?
She wouldn't show it,
And as I go through my life,
I will wish for her, his wife,
All the sweet things she can find.
“WOW.” Sam broke the silence while everyone sat shocked. After a beat, we all clapped and praised her.
“That’s such a cute song,” Flo called across the fire while snuggling towards me on our now shared log.
“It was very pretty Rose.” Danny said from next to Sam, holding up his drink in salute.
It was clear that Rosemary was a very skilled guitarist. It looked very natural in her arms, just like it did in Jake’s, or the other boys’.
But as the congratulations wore down, I couldn't help but feel like no-one listened to the lyrics. The song was horrifically sad. Realising your crush loves someone else? And then being kind enough to wish them well? My heart ached. While I sat there overthinking the song, Flo pushed further against me, putting her head on my shoulder. I looked up to see Rosemary staring right at us with a sad smile. Suddenly everything became a bit more clear. I furrowed my brow. Was the song about me? Now I thought about it, the situation didn’t look too good - She had seen me walk with my arm around Flo, her wearing my sweatshirt, and now almost sitting on my fucking lap. I didn’t even know if Rosemary liked me but if she did I sure as hell didn’t want to send this message. Goddamn it. At least I was sober enough to realise what might be going on.
I sat and pondered for all of two seconds before I stood up and walked down towards the tree line in our backyard. I muttered some excuse to leave and told Flo she’d fall over if she tried to follow me.
There was a small stream just at the edge of the trees, and I leaned against one with my arms folded. Listening to the trickling stream, I took my time to breathe and enjoy the glistening moonlight on the water as it danced past.
The voice in my mind went straight to Rosemary upon the sight; She'd like this spot. Ok, so I was really crushing on her. And I’d just completely fucked it all over.
“Fuck” I whispered to the woods, starting to bite at the skin of my thumb as I failed to calm myself down.
I stood bolt upright from the tree and turned to my left to see Rosemary, leaning against the trunk across from me.
“So what's got you sulking about down here?” I could barely see her face in the darkness, but as pointed as her comment was, it still sounded sincere. “I didn’t think my guitar was that bad.”
“Just…” Fuck what do I say what do I say what do I say “Some… big emotions. It's fine don't worry - I just needed a breather.”
“Good spot for a breather.” As she shot me an infectious smile to cheer me up, but I already couldn't contain mine at the thought that she liked the spot too. Just like I thought she would.
“No drinking for you tonight?” I questioned her empty hands.
“I gotta drive home. Would kill for a beer though just not tonight.” That was my sign to definitely stop drinking for the night.
When we got back to the fire we sat next to each other. We didn’t really talk, we just sat and listened to Danny play the guitar while others had their own quiet conversations. I tried not to think about the earlier events.
At some point it was getting too cold to stay outside even with the fire roaring, so those that were left packed it in and headed for the living room. Our group of very inebriated teenagers dragging themselves up the deck stairs into the house was a sight, one which Rosemary and I chuckled about as we helped out here and there so they all didn’t end up like dominoes. Sam needed quite a bit of help because halfway up he decided he was done and wanted to take a nap in the middle of the staircase. I had to stand below the stairs and talk to him face to face as he slumped down with his head resting on one of the steps.
“Sam you need to get up we need to get inside.”
“I’m fine it’s plenty comfortable!” He insisted.
He continued insinuating that the reason we were telling him to move was because we thought he wasn’t comfortable. We ended up each taking one end and lifting him by his wrists and ankles until he gave up his stubbornness and trudged inside.
We all took our places in the room, and Rosemary ended up sunken into one of the couches between Sam and Danny as I sat on the floor across from them all.
“What’s this from?” Sam curiously dragged his hand along her wrist after absentmindedly toying with her jacket sleeve. A large bruise was revealed, wrapping all the way around her wrist and onto her hand, even bigger than the last I saw on her. I hadn’t seen it in the dark outside earlier but in here it was clearly visible.
Rosemary stumbled over her words, finally landing on “I fell from a tree.” Which sufficed for Sammy, and any other drunken listeners, but not for me.
“You’re in the wars lately.” I said. She knew I didn’t believe her, and I could tell when she whipped her head up at my comment.
Everyone left shortly after that, and I guessed she slipped away unnoticed by me as others were going, because I missed the feeling of her hug as I drifted into sleep that night.
A couple of weeks later, on Saturday night, we went out for a band meeting at the diner. We strolled in pretty late, it was already dark out, but as we filed into one of the booths, what we didn’t expect to see was Rosemary, working.
She walked right up to our table looking down tiredly at her small notebook and wiping down her apron to get ready to serve us. She didn’t even look up until Danny spoke.
“How long have you worked here?”
As her head shot up, our faces dropped from smiles to frowns of concern. Her left eye was stained a deep red and purple colour, the bruise accentuating her dark under-eyes and painfully blooming under her brow bone. Her eyebrow even looked like it had a bleeding nick on it.
We sat in silence - the question didn’t even need to be uttered for her to know what we would’ve asked.
She huffed a breath and looked me dead in the eye, though it looked spaced out, as if she was… caught red handed.
“I hit my head. I fell down the stairs.”
“God, did you land on a fist?” Sam joked
“I don’t know what you want to hear, I guess the banister was not as soft as you’d hope.” She replied, almost turning a bit bitter. But on the surface she said it in a light-hearted, joking tone – too light for my liking. I could almost see the cogs turning in Jake’s head as he stared with a creased brow. He looked to me in question, and all I could give him was a warning look and a cock of my head to let him know we’d need to discuss it later. He subtly nodded in understanding.
“Anyways, to answer your question Danny, I have worked here for almost a month now, this is that job interview I was telling y’all about. And speaking of, what do you all want to order?”
She ignored me after that - wouldn’t look me in the eye, or really even address me directly. But to everyone else, she seemed almost completely normal. I really wanted to talk to her, alone, so I got up to go to the ‘bathroom’ after we’d all eaten. She was standing at the edge of the counter near the entrance when I put my hand on her shoulder to get her attention. She flinched. Her whole body shrunk down at my touch, and I immediately took my hand away with a frown.
“When’s your break?”
“Can I see your phone?” I showed her the time. “Uhh right now actually.”
“Do you wanna come sit at our booth? You don’t have to.” I offered
“I need some fresh air actually. Care to join?”
She led me through the back door where there was a step we could sit on that faced the surrounding woods.
“I feel like I never see you anymore. I’m like always working, and now school’s back I barely have time to go hiking.” Rosemary didn’t turn to face me as she spoke.
“Yeah. We’re pretty busy with the band too, and Jake works. But, we’ll be there tomorrow if you’re around.”
“I might just be.” I studied her as she smiled and looked at the ground.
“Did you really fall down the stairs?” Her face hardened and she looked back upwards, but still not towards me.
“I’m fine Josh please don’t worry about me.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I’m fine. Trust me.”
“You don’t look fine. And you won’t even look at me.”
She rolled her eyes and turned to face me, placing a hand over mine.
“Joshua. I fell down the stairs and hit my head on the banister. I’m not looking at you because I don’t want you to keep staring at it. And yeah, it hurt but I’m okay.”
I couldn’t accept it. I grasped her hand in mine in plea.
“If you’re lying to me and you’re hurting in there somewhere, I’m sorry. I just want you to be safe.”
She took a deep breath, and turned back to my eyes, giving me an appreciative half smile.
“Okay that’s enough Joshua.” She patted me on the hand. “Thankyou.”
When we got back home, I walked down to the creek again to clear my head. I needed to get over myself – she told me not to worry, and I needed to believe her. But I just had an inkling. And it wasn’t a good one. I soon heard the soft crunch of footsteps as Jake came down from the house.
“Is she okay?” He said softly.
“She told me the same thing she said earlier. Told me not to worry.” I looked up at my brother, and it was only then that I realised my eyes had been watering.
“But I don’t now, she had bruises on her that first time she came here, Jake. And at the bonfire night too.” Jake frowned under the hand he had covering his eyes and forehead. “I – I just can’t believe her Jake, it looks like – “
“I know what it looks like. And I think the same thing. We need to keep a close eye on her, but there’s only so much we can do if she doesn’t tell us anything. And besides, she could be telling the truth.”
We were lying to ourselves – we both knew she was not telling the truth.
“Look, don’t beat yourself up about it. Your burning glare at the bruise won’t make it go away. You should get to sleep, you might get some quality time with her tomorrow at the trails remember?” He smirked at me as I broke into a bit of a smile at the thought. “You gonna finally ask her out soon?” He nudged me as we walked back up the garden.
“You gonna ask Jita out soon?” I snickered as he put his hands up in defence.
On Sunday we left bright and early for the national park for some much-needed break from the garage and school. I felt a wave of relief when Jake pointed out Rosemary’s car sitting the dirt in her usual spot. As we approached, we realised the windows were slightly ajar, and inside there was a sleeping Rosemary, soundlessly laid out in her front seat with a jacket gracelessly draped across her. Her long hair splayed over her head, and the only way you could tell she was alive and sleeping was the subtle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.
“Rosie!” Sam screamed as he ran up and banged hard against the top of the car.
“Sam you little fucking shit she was sleeping.” I shoved him to the ground. Little shit.
Rosemary sat up, rubbed her eyes and rolled down her window as we all peered in apologetically.
“Sorry Rose!” Sam said from down in the dirt.
She peeked her head out the window to wave at him.
“All good Sammy I forgot to set my alarm anyway! You guys go right ahead I’ll see you in a bit I just gotta get sorted here.”
“Alright we’ll be on the north trail.” Jake looked at me, patting Sam on the back and starting towards the trees.
“Did you sleep here overnight?” I leant my arm on the door to hold it open as she slipped to the side with her hiking boots in hand.
“Yes I did. I stayed out on the track too long to drive home. You know how much I like it here.” She focused on tying up her shoes, sitting on the edge of the car seat.
“No other reason?”
“No. Okay I’m ready.” She got up and closed her door. “I know a shortcut that can get us to the landing on the north trail before the others, but we have to be really stealthy, okay?” Rosemary said as she continued to the end of the dirt parking lot and past the trail entrance.
“Mission accepted. Let’s go”
A bunch of careful trekking and hiding in bushes later we had reached the summit, with no sign of the boys.
“I’ll give it about five minutes. We moved pretty fast I think they will take a while.”
“Alright then lets setup in a bush so we can scare them.”
We were tucked tightly on the ground, sitting cross legged with our legs squished on each other.
“Josh, why do you spend so much time with me?” She leant her head on my shoulder, which wasn’t far to move in our current proximity.
“I … like spending time with you…?”
“Yeah but I feel bad. Shouldn’t you like… get back to Florence? You guys really have something! I feel like I’m in the way.” She picked her head back up.
“What? No don’t worry about it okay? I like you as company much more than her right now.”
“Bullshit! You have such a chance with her.” Oh. I thought. So I don’t have a chance with you? “She’s beautiful. All you gotta do is start making some moves! Although, it seems she’s already pretty set no matter what you do.”
“You got that right.” Smirking, I pulled a hand through my hair.
“Oookay and there’s the ego.”
“Oh shut it. I don’t like her.” I like you.
“Whatever you say.” I didn’t have the nerve to keep arguing, not with the impending arrival of my brothers on the horizon, and not until I knew I could be sure she was okay at home, or wherever she was getting hurt. We sat watching and trying to hold in our laughter as the boys rounded the bend to the landing, our vantage point perfect.
“Dude do you have the sandwiches? I’m so hungry.” Sam moped as he sat down on the edge of the lookout.
“Does it look like I have the sandwiches?” Jake grunted as he showed his empty hands and absence of a backpack.
“Ugh Josh must have them. I hope they’re not too long.” Rosemary and I silently snickered until I grabbed one of the wrapped sandwiches out and signalled that I would throw it. Her eyes lit up but then she leaned in and whispered with her lips almost touching my ear.
“You throw a couple of rocks off to the side and while they’re distracted, I’ll put the sandwich where they’re sitting. Just throw enough that they get up.” We could barely hold it together at this point, and Rosemary being able to run and get back at this rate was looking very difficult. We pushed on anyway. I gathered a stash of rocks from around us and started aiming, then I finally fired.
Jake was the first to notice, asking Sam “Did you hear that?”
“Please let it be Rosie and Josh I’m starved.” Sam replied. At my second throw, they both shot their heads over towards the bush I had successfully rustled. I waited a bit for them to look away so I could throw another without them seeing, and when I finally did, they got up to investigate. Rosemary darted out in her usual silent nature and placed the sandwich right where they were.
“Do you reckon it’s some sort of animal?”
“I want to see what it is – surely it’s bigger than a squirrel, I want to see something cool.”
“The fuck?” Jake turned around, finally acknowledging the sandwich that sat perfectly on the rock, just as Rosemary got out of sight. She basically fell into me with the speed at which she ducked back behind the bush. I thought for sure the sounds we made as we crashed together would startle the boys and give away our position, but it seemed they were much more interested in the mysteriously appearing sandwich. They scanned the tree line for us, but we were just hidden enough that we escaped their gaze.
“Sweet!” Sam dove right into eating the sandwich. “The gods have answered my prayers. I know you’re there somewhere Rosie! You can come out now!” I threw two more rocks in different directions, giving them the impression that we were surrounding them. We finished our games by each grabbing a stone and throwing them straight at the boys’ heads.
“Ow, God!” Sam held his head in defence, scrambling to try not to let go of his precious sandwich.
“Alright, you’ve had your fun, now let me have my sandwich.” Jake yelled towards us as we popped up from behind the bush.
“What’s the magic word?” I held the sandwich just out of his reach.
“Please.” He huffed. I handed it to him with a wink.
I turned to Rosemary. “Have you had breakfast? I already ate mine in the car and I have an extra.” Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jake smirking and rolling his eyes. I hadn’t eaten a sandwich in the car.
“Are you sure?” I nodded. “Thanks.”
We spent the rest of the morning chilling around, looking at different things that Rosemary thought we would like. We eventually had to say goodbye, but we all had a great morning. Everything felt like it was back to normal. Except Rosemary’s black eye.
I texted her that week and made sure she was free on Friday night so we could hang out. When I arrived at her door at six to pick her up, I could hear someone yelling, really loud – angry loud. His croaky voice reverberated through the front door where I stood. My hand quivered in the air before the door, and just as I tapped it against the vibrating wood to knock, the door swung open, and Rosemary rushed out, almost running me over, clearly not expecting me to be standing there. Her glistening red eyes locked with mine as she nodded towards the car. I followed her with bated breath, not daring to look back into the house, where the yelling continued. She grasped the passenger door as I unlocked it and hopped in, driving off without a word.
I could tell she was trying really hard not to cry; her breathing forced and deep, nostrils flared, and her wide eyes focused on a spot on the floor. I just kept driving. I didn’t know what to say yet, so I saved it until I got where I needed to be. When I finally reached the end of the old dirt road and pulled up to the secluded ridge, I got straight out and circled the car, opening her door and beckoning her to join me at the edge. The spot was in the corner of a property of an old uncle of mine, where a wooded hill rose in the back paddock. There was a small road that led to the top, and the hill quite harshly dropped on the other side, with a little clearing in the trees for the dirt road. It was high enough to be able to look onto a bit of the back streets of Frankenmuth.
Her tired eyes lit up slightly at the sight, lights of small properties speckling the dimming area.
“I guess I don’t really know all the best spots in this place after all.” She murmured, looking out into the town.
“Local secret.” I said casually, sitting down on the ground. We both stared into the distance as I finally broke the silence again. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?” She didn’t reply. “I know there’s something really bad happening. We both know that now. I just want you to be safe. If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s okay. I just care too much about you to see you like this.” I inspected her for any sign that she might say something. I felt like I might be prying too much. “Do you want to be alone right now?”
“No. Please stay with me.” She whispered ever so quietly.
“Okay. I’m going to grab a blanket out the back of the car to wrap around us. I’ll be right back.”
“I don’t want to talk about it just yet, if that’s okay.” She said, pulling the blanket over our bodies.
“I understand.” She didn’t jump right into any conversation or small talk that I threw at her, so I just did what I knew. I talked, told stories. In hopes that it would distract her, maybe make her feel more at home. Anything to make Rosemary feel even a fraction better. As I spoke, I nudged my upturned palm against hers, and she took it, and so we sat, holding hands while I told her complete nonsense.
“… And we had a dog, too. Jake and Sam wanted to name it some stupid name, I can’t even remember what it was. Ronnie and I had a great plan to call him Fish. We thought we were hilarious. Somehow Mom and Dad agreed with us.” I laughed at the memory, peeking over at Rosemary. My face dropped as I noticed the moonlight reflecting on her wet cheeks. She noticed I had stopped talking and looked over, wiping her nose.
“I’m sorry I just—"
“No it’s not your fault. You’re allowed to feel emotions. I’m sorry. None of this is your fault.”
“Thankyou.” She took a deep breath, blinked a couple of times, then started. “I had dogs, too. And horses. The dogs were Aussies, they would follow along on the ground as we rode the horses, and when we got in the car they would follow us too, running as fast as they could, from one end of the farm to the other. I don’t know how they didn’t get driven over.” She quietly giggled. “But that was them, my girls, Winnie and Pepper – they were always up for adventure. Didn’t matter where we were, all Pa and I had to do was whistle and they’d come running.” Every now and then she would look over for something my reassurance, and upon seeing my enthused smile, and feeling me squeeze her hand, she would look away and keep talking.
“Wish I could say the same for Fish. He was kinda stupid.”
We conversed for a while more, but it got cold eventually; the blanket that I had draped across our shoulders doing less and less to stop the cold wind from biting our skin. Rosemary said “Alright, you can take me back to mine now.” And we got into the car and I drove back to the suburbs.
“If your dad tries anything again, I swear, you’re coming straight home with me and staying until we find something better.”
“He’s not my dad. My Uncle.” Oh. “It’ll be okay now, he’s asleep. Please don’t worry. And I’m being more careful now. I’ll see you at school. Thank you for tonight.” She quickly rambled, got out and started walking, as if it was too late to change her mind.
#josh kiszka#josh gvf#josh kiszka x reader#josh kiszka fic#josh kiszka gvf#danny wagner#jake kiszka#sam kiszka#josh kiszka x oc#john denver
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The Opposite of Lost - Masterlist
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female OC
Joshua and Rosemary meet on the hiking trails just outside of Frankenmuth. Moving here in her last year of high school seems like a challenge, but the secrets she holds inside are certainly worse. Joshua tries his best to be there for her, but something unexpected blossoms. He falls first, but they're both unsure, even though it's plain to see for everyone else.
When they are together, they are the opposite of lost.
Told mostly from Josh's pov.
a/n: So this is my first fic ever, and I’m super nervous to post but here goes :) It’s set in highschool and will be nothing more than fluff, I’m sorry if that upsets you. Although I love and respect our incredible smut writers, I am unfortunately not one of them :( Anyway, back to the story. The premise is ‘new girl with secrets meets sweet boy’ - very sappy and overdone but whatever. If you like John Denver, I can promise great things for you in this fic ;)
My chapters are not all that long, but I'll try my best to post regularly!
Also, I’m Aussie so if I get anything wrong to do with American slang, school or spelling please forgive me! I hope you enjoy :)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
#josh kiszka#josh gvf#josh kiszka x reader#josh kiszka fic#josh kiszka gvf#danny wagner#jake kiszka#sam kiszka#josh kiszka x oc#john denver
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The Opposite of Lost - Chapter Two
The Opposite of Lost
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female OC
Word Count: 2.4k
Chapter Two
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ Joshua
I couldn’t stop thinking about how well last night went, how excited Rosemary was to see our show, and how close we were by the end of our game of pool. I told myself I’d go walking out on the trails to process it all, but I knew inside I was itching for the chance that Rosemary would be there too. I pulled into the parking lot and saw not only her car, but Rosemary herself sitting in the open boot of it, tying up her boots and fixing her two plaits. We both smiled at one another as I drove into the next parking spot.
“Coming or going?” I asked.
“Just got here! Where are the others today?” She said, looking up from her feet. She was wearing some cut off jean shorts with a huge dark green tee overtop, almost covering the shorts, as well as some colourful socks under her brown hiking boots. She had her camera around her neck and her usual crystal and stone necklaces on.
“Busy doing their own thing, so you’re stuck with me.” I replied. I was wearing some random faded shorts with a white tee, some old battered shoes, and a long beaded necklace.
“Cool! Shall we get going?” She jumped off the trunk, then closed and locked her car before turning back to me.
I bowed my head a little and put my hand out, gesturing her to lead the way.
“Excited for school starting tomorrow?” I asked, following her out onto the trail.
“Yeah…” She hesitated.
“Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Hopefully we have a few classes together - we’ll see when we get out timetables tomorrow. But I’ll walk you to class either way so don’t stress.”
“Thankyou,” She breathed a sigh of relief. “What would I do without you?”
“Hide in trees all day and watch us creepily?” I looked over to her.
“I’d do that either way” She raised her eyebrows.
We both chuckled. “So where are we going Miss Rosemary June? Anywhere interesting you can think of on this fine afternoon?” That rhymed.
“Ha that rhymed!” Jinx “I know a place.” She looked smug.
“Of course you do.” I smiled, following Rosemary with all my faith.
We walked for a while on the track before she randomly looked at a tree on the left and just hugged it. Literally saw it, let out a soft ‘Oh’, ran up, and hugged it. It had a larger trunk than the others around, and it stood out - not for any other reason, it just had that sense to it. She let go and slapped her hand against the bark, looking back at me.
“Bernie.” Was all she said. By this point I had caught up, and she smiled and started walking into the woods off to the left where Bernie stood.
“I like to name the trees that I use to mark things. It helps me to remember them.” Rosemary said after a while of me following her through a tiny path. “I know it’s weird, and you probably think I’m a lunatic actually—” She cut herself off from rambling while obviously trying to not look at me.
“I think it’s very considerate and intelligent.” I said. “I want to know all their names.” She stopped walking and turned back towards me with a growing grin, and wide, excited eyes.
“That will take a lotta hikes.” She giggled.
“Sounds like a plan.” I said.
“Sounds like a plan.” Rosemary repeated, nodding in confirmation and setting off once more.
We walked in comfortable silence until reaching a small dried up riverbed that had grown over, creating a sort of trench. There was a huge log sitting across the two edges acting as a bridge. Rosemary walked confidently halfway across it, hands out to steady her. I followed carefully, almost falling a couple of times but eventually reaching her as she sat down in the middle. It was actually quite high off the ground now that I looked down to find my spot. I sat down cautiously next to Rosemary, my legs finally relaxing and swinging a little as they hung below me. The moss covering the top felt like sitting on a carpeted floor, and it smelt beautifully dense with wood and greenery.
“You were really good yesterday.” Rosemary broke the silence once we were settled. “Singing, I mean.” My heart leapt out of my chest and I snapped my head to her. She continued to look forward while my smile grew slowly and I turned and looked down shyly.
“Thanks. It means a lot. Truly.” She finally turned her head and smiled to me.
“I was half expecting you to pull out a trumpet or some kind of obnoxious horn instrument - honest to god I did.” She spoke between fits of laughter.
“I find my voice to be obnoxious enough actually. I’m surprised you didn’t pick that up before you heard me sing.” I said, managing to pull myself together enough to pretend to be serious.
“I can see that now.”
“… Thanks for winning us that game of pool.”
“I’ll hold you to that, because the boys already want a rematch. I’m keeping you though.”
“Of course, otherwise the rematch is not a rematch at all!”
“You know, I’ve been wondering, what do your parents think about you being out here all the time? It’s like you live here.” I had been wondering this since I started seeing her all the time. Mom and Dad have always been pretty relaxed with us but were usually aware of our plans or where we were, and we tried to be home for dinner most nights.
“… T-they uhh … don’t care.” Her answer seemed strained; almost spoken at a whisper. I noticed the way she looked down too, with furrowed brows.
“So why did you move here to Frankenmu—”
“When did you realise you could sing like that?” She cut me off. I let her. She really didn’t seem to want to talk about that stuff.
“I don’t know, Jake and Sammy just played and played and I eventually started to sing, but I had to do it all weird and loud so that it mixed well over their amps, and somehow that turned into whatever I do now. It wasn’t really on purpose.”
“Only the best things come about through growth.” She said insightfully.
“… So you think my singing is the best?” I teased. She rolled her eyes.
“Do you think that's what you're going to do … like in the future? Play and write music?” She looked out into the trench.
“Do you think that's a possibility?” I questioned, studying her.
“Definitely.” Rosemary kept her gaze forward, furrowing her brows as if to confirm her statement in her own mind, then she turned to me with a sincere look.
“What do you want to do after we graduate?” I asked.
“I have no idea. I’ll just have to see where the road takes me for a while, I want to go to Yosemite and all that.”
“That sounds good. I hope I can see all the national parks, and if I’m lucky I’ll try to go overseas; see the rest of the world.” She hummed in agreement, as we both looked out into the forest ahead.
We stayed like that for a while, both dreaming of the different places we want to go, letting our eyes go out of focus.
“Then what?” I finally broke the silence.
“After all that. Then what?”
“Grow a garden.” She said with upmost certainty.
“Should have seen that coming.” I giggled, and she did too. “I like that. I think I want a similar thing - settle down, wash the dishes.”
“Wash the dishes?”
“Yeah… I read this quote one time, something like ‘everybody wants to better the world but no-one wants to help Mom with the dishes’. I just want to spread and provide love in any way I can.”
“And what that looks like, you don’t really know yet.” She finished my thought exactly.
“Exactly. It could be singing my thoughts to the world, or it could be doing the dishes with my girl at the end of a long day.” I said, god I was just pouring my heart out right here. “And if things turn out I’ll be able to visit your lovely garden too.” I poked her in the side, but she didn’t even flinch, staring straight into the horizon, lost in thought.
“And I’ll jar up some homemade jam for you to take home in return.” In return for what? Some love? She smiled slightly and turned to me again. “Want to keep walking?”
“… Yeah let’s go.”
We got up and carefully walked our way back towards the track. Rosemary took the lead again of course as we wound our way through the trees. “It's getting a bit darker so if you need to go home I'd understand, but it's a tempting sky for a stargaze and you can join if you'd like.” She had her hand resting on Bernie once again, looking up at the clear, fading sky.
“I’ll stay. They won’t mind.” I replied, and she looked me in the eye with a soft smile. “Lead the way.”
She walked us uphill along the path, just out of breath enough to not want to talk much. It was so quiet at this time of day. I focused on the sounds of her boots softly stepping in front of me and her delicate breath whispering in the still evening.
I hummed a little tune, which turned into ‘Leaving on a Jet plane’ by John Denver as we walked. Reaching the summit, the break in the trees bled an orange glow, revealing her face to be deep in thought. I stopped humming.
“What’s on your mind, Rosemary?”
“What? Oh nothing.” She turned around with a distant smile, but didn’t make eye contact, and she walked down to one of the flat spaces of rock. Her eyes looked tired all of a sudden, and I wondered if it was something I did.
“Are you sure?” I tread up to where she stood still, breathing in the mountain air.
“Yep! Now let’s take our seats for the show.” And just like that she was back to her normal spritely self. We both sat on a large, flat boulder with our legs bent and our arms propping up our upper halves. The sun had just gone below the horizon, a beautiful ombre of blue and navy taking over the once rainbow sky. We spotted a few stars and laid flat, waiting for the rest to arrive. “I’ve always wanted to learn the names of the stars.” She huffed.
“Too bad they’ve been named already - you missed a chance there.” I teased. She scrunched her face and turned to me.
“Jokes on you, I would have never thought of cool names like Sirius and Perseus.”
“Oh so you do know their names!”
“I don’t know which name goes with which star though. That’s kinda the important bit.” She cocked her head to the side, her eyes glittering in the star shines as they darted across the sky.
I sat and admired the scene in front of me for a long time; the way each white speck danced across her glossy eyes, the way she tilted her head to a new angle every so often, her face relaxing. I looked up too, shocked at the clarity from this spot. I only got caught looking at her once, but she just smiled wildly at me, almost as if to say, how good is this? It was beautiful.
“Have you ever heard the poem ‘The two-headed calf’?” She whispered.
“No…” I said, and she hummed in response.
She took a breath and began to recite it.
“Tomorrow when the farm boys find this freak of nature, they will wrap his body in newspaper and carry him to the museum.
But tonight he is alive and in the north field with his mother. It is a perfect summer evening: the moon rising over the orchard, the wind in the grass. And as he stares into the sky, there are twice as many stars as usual.”
A breathy “Wow” was all I could manage.
“I think of it every time I see the stars. I love that poem, not because the message is as per usual you know, ‘carpe diem’, I love it because it just makes you feel.”
“Thankyou. It was wonderful.” I said. When I turned to look back at her, I could hardly see her face in the now faded light. “Okay I think we should go now. It's getting late and I don't want anyone to worry - your parents or mine.”
“I was thinking the same thing.”
As we stood, Rosemary stumbled on a pebble and went flying into me as I instinctively caught her, placing my arms around her to lift her back up before making sure she stayed upright by grabbing her hips. I felt my skin burn where I held contact, relishing in her soft body before quickly pulling back.
“You okay?” I whispered, our faces still close as we stood in the same spot. She sounded flustered as she answered.
“I'm fine, sorry…”
“It's alright, now let's get you home.” I patted her on the shoulder and beckoned her to join me on the road back. My left hand ghosted the small of her back as we walked, though she didn't stumble once.
“Hey, I know we are new friends, and you’ve just met me and my brothers, but I hope you know…I-I hope you know you’re safe with us. I will- we all will keep you safe, not just on the trails, you know, school, life, boys…” I trailed off as we reached our cars. “No more ‘Captain Jack’ if you will. I thought I should tell you that, I don’t know why - I guess I don’t want to lose you already.” She gave me this pained look, the streetlight dripping down her face. She took another deep breath like before.
“Thank you.” Rosemary breathed out, and we descended into a deep moment of eye contact. “I mean it.” We both finally smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wanted to hug her so bad. Too awkward, Josh.
“Tomorrow.” I echoed, and we stepped into our cars and drove our separate ways.
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The Opposite of Lost - Chapter One
The Opposite of Lost
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female OC
a/n: So this is my first fic ever, and I’m super nervous to post but here goes :) It’s set in highschool and will be nothing more than fluff, I’m sorry if that upsets you. Although I love and respect our incredible smut writers, I am unfortunately not one of them :( Anyway, back to the story. The premise is ‘new girl with secrets meets sweet boy’ - very sappy and overdone but whatever. If you like John Denver, I can promise great things for you in this fic ;) This story is a complete slow burn told mostly by Josh’s pov after the first chapter. Also, I’m Aussie so if I get anything wrong to do with American slang, school or spelling please forgive me! I hope you enjoy :)
We will reach a bit of domestic abuse in a few chapters so please be cautious!
Word Count: 4.5k
Chapter One
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆ Joshua
I caught sight of a pair of dungarees ahead in the trail, and watched carefully as she walked barefoot towards us. I looked to the ground for a moment while she came close, not wanting to stare, though I turned my head to her as she passed with a shy smile.
“I swear she’s always here when we are,” I whispered to Jake once she was out of earshot. “It’s almost like she’s following us.”
“I guess.” Jake said absentmindedly, continuing up the hill. But I turned to watch her for a moment, squinting to see her track off the side of the trail and disappear into the woods. My sudden urge to follow her was interrupted by Jake looking back from a ways in front, “Someone in love over here?” At that, I ran back uphill to shove my brother.
We saw her a bunch that week, though I seemed to be the only one to notice the way she was always going off the trails, or how she would be sitting on a boulder on the next hill over when we reached the summit of our usual trail.
I had finally convinced my brothers to explore beyond the trails, and we’d decided to go into the valley that was surrounded by a loop hiking track so we’d be able to find our way out easily. As we reached the ridge, I spotted a clearing around the middle of the valley along the riverbed.
“That’s gotta be our goal,” Sam said, pointing exactly where I was looking. We all grinned in agreement before setting off with a joyful huff.
*❀。• ₊°。Rosemary
Shedding my overalls and crop top, I plunged into the chilly river water in my bikini. I swam a little around the river pool and ended up wading right to the small waterfall where I sat on my special little rock, just as I had everyday since I moved here. It was so perfect here, the waterfall singing its everlasting song while I sat in the sun, just warm enough to tolerate the sprinkle of water from the waterfall. The wash of sound was able to fade out the distant calls and laughter I heard earlier, presumably from the three boys I passed once again today.
I furrowed my brows as that laughter seemed to come back, and upon realisation, my head snapped across to those very boys peeking through the tree line. “Woah,” The tallest said, standing still at the side of the river, far from the waterline, “Guess we’re not the first to find this place after all Jake.” Concerned and confused looks plastered their faces. “Should we go up to her? Maybe we should leave..” he asked.
“Dude no! I didn’t hike all this way for nothing!” ‘Jake’ said
“Well what do we say?” The first retorted.
“It’s not like we have to ask permission!” I chuckled at their bickering.
“It kinda feels like we do… she did find it fi—”
“Are you boys going to swim or did you just plan on standing there all day?” I yelled, putting them out of their misery. I took a good look at the three, the first, a long haired boy with his shirt buttoned so low it seemed to have no purpose; the second, a lankier tall one that looked younger in the face than the other two, and the last, with similar features to the first, but with short curly hair, who I hadn’t seen look away from me the second he entered the clearing. Nor had he uttered a single word to the other two. He was grinning at my call; enough, in fact, to show his dimples, while the others looked at me in shock. Cute I thought.
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆ Joshua
I was in awe from the moment I left the trees. I don’t think I have seen a more beautiful scene in my entire life. The glistening water was beautiful. The waterfall across the rocks was beautiful. And she was beautiful. She was bronzed by the sun, brown hair shiny and slick as she sat on a rock, revealing her soft face, spare of makeup. She looked so natural, one with the gorgeous world around her.
She started swimming over towards us as we stripped to our shorts and started getting in.
“Nice spot you’ve got here.” Jake said, slipping into the water.
“Why thank you! And who may you be my trespassing friends?” She said with a smile.
“I’m Jake.”
“And I’m his bro Sam!” Sam said as he jumped into the water straight on top of Jake.
“I’m Rose.” She said, laughing as they continued brawl. “And you are?” She turned to look up at me with her hand out to shake.
“Jo—” Just as I took her hand she tightened the grip and yanked me into the water. I rose to the surface in shock, but when I looked at her I couldn’t help smile at her giggling. “Josh. Joshua Michael Kizska.” I said finally after she calmed down a bit.
“Well in that case I’m Rosemary June Finch. Pleased to meet you Joshua.” Rosemary replied.
“And you Rosemary.” I returned. We held a beat of eye contact, the moment softened by our smiling eyes.
“Come with me, I’ll show you guys the jumping spot!” She widened her grin as she cocked her head toward the waterfall before swimming over to the edge. I looked into blank space for a moment as she dipped beneath the water until my vision was occupied by Jake, who had a smirk plastered on his face as he looked at me, shaking his head.
After we’d each had our share of jumping off the small waterfall cliff and swimming around, we settled on the rocks to bathe in the afternoon sun.
“You must be new in town Rosemary, I’ve never seen you before. And you look around our age?” I started.
“Yeah, I moved here at the start of summer break, and I’m turning eighteen this year.” She replied.
“I can’t believe we’ve been hiking here for our entire lives and never found this place, and you’ve been here for literally two months and you seem to know the place like the back of your hand.” Jake said, furrowing his brows.
“About time you come off-the-beaten-track then.” Rosemary laughed.
“So are you in like, school or something?” Sam questioned.
“Yeah I’ll be in senior year at Frankenmuth High school this year.”
I sat straight upright from laying flat on the rock. “No way we’re in senior year there too!” I said, motioning to Jake and I.
“You’ll have to show me the ropes then.” Rosemary said with a warm smile.
We each rambled on about the high school experience for a while, trying to warn Rosemary about some of the teachers and students until we were satisfied that she wouldn't die on her first day. Then, we all laid on our backs, listening to the waterfall and the afternoon wind in the trees.
“I gotta tell you Rose, it’s pretty brave to come out here alone and all,” Jake said after a while.
“Oh, I didn’t come alone, don't worry! I brought Jack with me.” She replied, a mischievous smile growing on her face as she turned to shuffle through her bag as everyone sat up.
“Who’s Jack?” Sam said, as we all started looking around for some other person while she pulled out something from her bag.
“Captain Jack!” I turned to see her holding a small hunting knife, removing it from its sheath. A chorus of ‘woah’s and shocked huffs erupted as us boys leaned back a little. “He’ll get me out of trouble. Haven’t had to use him yet, I don’t think I ever will though.” She said as she twirled the thing in her hand, before tossing with a spin and catching it skilfully.
“Any particular reason you didn’t feel like using it on us?” I asked.
“I’ve seen you all heaps along the trails. I know you brawl, but none of you would hurt a fly.” She laughed, placing it back into her bag. We all smiled, seemingly glad to have that thing out of sight. “I think we’d better get moving if you guys want to get before dark. I’ll show you my path back.” We all agreed, putting on our clothes over our mostly dry swimwear before setting off up the hill, following Rosemary’s lead. She was quite mesmerising to watch; bare feet treading carefully as she dragged her hands on some of the leaves and tree stumps she passed. Her eyes were focused, looking ahead for the familiar landmarks that told her she was going the right way, and sweetly, she would often look back with a tiny, upturned lip and bright widened eyes to check that we were all following all right. Once we’d reached the main trail to the carpark she hung back, letting my brothers walk in front, leaving me to naturally fall in step with her.
After a little while of silence, I finally built up the courage to speak. “You should come walk with us next time we’re all around. It’s nice to have some different company for a change. You’re cool.”
“I think you’re cool too, and I will definitely see you all again. I’m here most days, so we’re bound to see each other at some point… but I can give you my number if you want to actually set up a time and place?” She said, motioning to her bag.
“Sure. But my phone’s in the car, can I give you mine instead?” She nodded, reaching around and pulling out an old flip phone.
“I know it’s old, but I don’t really need it for anything but texts or calls you know? If it ain’t broke!” She explained while I put in my number and name as ‘Joshua’ and texted ‘:)’ to my phone.
“No I think it’s great,” I said, passing the phone back. “I don’t even know where my phone is half the time… they’re just soul sucking little machines you know, I don't what it near me.” She smiled as I gestured wildly in the air to express my disdain.
“Exactly!” She laughed.
“Anyway, you’ll have to show us some other cool spots around here off-trail. I’m sure you’ve found some. That is, if you’re willing to share.” I pouted a little as I spoke, jokingly.
“I can and I will. Their beauty is too beautiful not to share. Besides, they’ve been hidden long enough, and I’m sure they are sick of me.” She turned to look me in the eye.
“Trees can’t get sick of you!” I said with a furrowed brow and a lopsided smile. How could anyone get sick of you?
“Look around Joshua, Everything’s living! Maybe they have hearts and minds and souls too.” She said, admiring the nature around her with a concerned look before our eyes connected once again. Then, we just continued walking happily. I adored the way she viewed the world.
“See ya rose!” Sam waved as we reached the car park.
“Nice meeting you. Until next time.” Jake saluted.
I smiled. “I’m glad we met Rosemary. I’ll see you soon.”
“Bye Sam! Bye Jake!” She yelled to the others. “Bye Joshua. I’m glad I met you too.” And at that we both grinned before parting ways.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ Joshua
I decided not to text her that night. As much as I was excited to see her again and make plans, I didn’t want to freak her out. I had a feeling it would happen naturally. And it did. A couple of days later, we went out late one afternoon once Jake finished work at the record store. I noticed her car in the parking lot as we pulled in. We walked one of the shorter tracks since it was pretty late, and as we reached the summit of the track, I felt a bit discouraged that we would find her. We looked around at the view for a while, enjoying the way the wind was a bit stronger and cooler up where the clearing for the summit was. I felt deflated as I couldn’t see her anywhere around us, but just as we started to leave, I felt my phone ring in my pocket. I took it out - it was Rosemary.
“Rosemary?” I said as I pulled the phone to my ear, hoping I was loud enough that my brothers would figure out what was going on.
“Nine o’clock” She said.
“Check your nine Joshua.” Rosemary chuckled. I turned around to my left, darting my eyes across the valley and back down the track a bit, but I couldn’t see anything. At my sudden change of direction, the boys were looking too. “Now look up.”
And there she was. Sitting on a high branch of a tree about thirty yards along the path, waving straight at us. We had walked straight underneath her not five minutes ago. She had her camera out, snapping a photo of our shocked faces staring up at her. Rosemary wore her signature blue-jean overalls today along with a white strapless top, she was leaning against the trunk with one leg propped up and the other hanging down.
“You are wild Rosemary June.” I yelled as we ran to her.
“Well I’ll try to be rabid next time!” She said between fits of laughter, carefully climbing down the tree to meet us. “You should have seen your faces!”
“Yeah yeah,” Jake rolled his eyes, “Should we go sit on magnet rock? I think we’ve got time.”
‘“Sure.” “Yep.” “Sounds good!”’ We all replied.
We walked for about ten minutes until we reached the rounded-horseshoe shaped boulder, sitting down in the bowl of it like a couch.
“Explored anywhere else in Frankenmuth so far Rose?” Jake asked as he laid back on the warm surface.
“Nothing past the grocery store to be honest.” She said, “I can’t seem to stop coming here!”
“Then I think we should show you around a bit. Starting Saturday.” Jake stated.
“If you’re free.” I added.
“That I am!” She smiled, “What’s the plan then?”
“Well, we’re playing at the old pub at seven, so If your parents allowed it, we thought you might like to come and watch. Thats one spot in town crossed off the list!” I said.
“Excuse me, if you’re playing pool at a bar I would certainly be playing too, not watching!” She said, eyeing each of us as we tried to conceal our laughter. “What’s so funny? I’ll have you know I have a lot of pool experience.”
“It’s not pool we’re playing Rose, it’s music. We’re in a band.” Jake spoke carefully as we all searched her eyes for some sort of dismissive thought. But her eyes lit up instead.
“Really?” we nodded. “That’s so cool! What kind of music do you play?”
“You’ll have to find out on Saturday!” I announced.
“What about the instruments? Can't you at least tell me that?”
“Mmm.. now that you mention it, I think we'll keep that one a surprise too.” I replied.
She looked at me with this pouty smile and low-lidded eyes that told me she didn’t mind our bickering.
❀。• *��°。Rosemary
I walked into the old bar expecting to see the usual Saturday-night crowd for a place like this, but I was shocked instead to see a very large gathering of people, filling the space and favouring the far right corner where I could see a small stage. Wow, okay. These guys must be good. The whole town was basically here, and I was suddenly feeling a bit strange about knowing them. Nonetheless, I ordered a mule from the bar and watched from the only free stool as they started setting up. To my surprise the bartender didn’t mix a virgin mule, he gave me a real one - but I didn’t say anything. Each of the boys were lit up with excitement, and it was wonderful watching them focus on their gear and talking to one another — they were in their element. There was a boy I didn’t know sitting behind the drum kit, which was where I expected Sam to be, but when Sam slid the strap of a bass over his head, it made sense. Still, I wasn’t expecting a four-piece. So as Jake grabbed the electric guitar from behind him, I was shocked to see Josh walk up to the mic stand, twisting a few knobs while looking at the crowd.
He finally met my eyes after a while of looking around and gave me the widest grin I’d seen from him yet. I shot one back with a small wave and he just winked. I was completely giddy to hear them perform now, he was so confident and happy.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ Joshua
I’d never been this nervous for a performance before. I told myself it was because of a large crowd, but once I spotted Rosemary sitting at the bar, I fatefully accepted the fact it was her making me nervous. She was wearing a white mini tee with a patterned vest overtop, and blue jeans that flared just enough at her boots. She was so cool. What if she doesn’t like it? I thought.
That question shuffled aside the longer I stared at her, because I was excited to perform for her, and because she too looked excited — and… maybe a bit nervous? I sent her a wink to be sure while I finished up fiddling with my mic.
❀。• *₊°。Rosemary
I continued to watch Josh as he turned and put his hand on Jake’s shoulder to whisper something in his ear. Jake looked up with surprise and immediately found me and waved. Sam saw him looking and sent me rock horns as they all got into their places.
The opening riff of ‘Layla’ by Derek and the Dominoes played and I watched as the room came alive. Jake and Sam were shredding it, the drummer was bringing the energy and pounding a beat I could feel in my heart, and Josh — His voice was just something to behold. As a whole they were completely captivating, each born to be onstage and radiating their love in this form. Mid way through the song, Sam left his Bass and sat at the keyboard and started playing the piano section of the song, which they all quietly joined in on to create a vamp below Josh’s speaking.
“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our show tonight, it’s great to be here with you and to bring you love, peace, and music, I’m Josh, behind me here is Danny,” He said, motioning to the boys, “Up here is Sam, and Jake. We’ll be playing some you know, and some we’ve written, and we hope you enjoy. We are Greta Van Fleet.” He spoke clearly but fast into the mic with barely a pause in the entire speech, and was finally interrupted by a strike of Jakes guitar just as he finished the word ‘fleet’.
“Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move,
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove,”
Josh suddenly erupted into singing ‘Black Dog’ from Zeppelin IV. If I thought his voice was incredible before I didn’t even have the words to describe it now. Their set was thrilling, from Joplin to Cream, they had the 60s and 70s covered which the audience clearly appreciated. There was not a soul in the venue who wasn’t mouthing the words, singing along, bopping their heads or tapping their foot. They finished on an original which Josh introduced as ‘Safari song’. Josh hadn’t looked at me at all during their set until now, smiling into the lyrics of the song and making eye contact every now and then. I couldn’t help but smile back, and ‘Safari song’ was instantly my favourite song of the night.
“Thank you!” Josh yelled into the mic, eliciting a powerful applause peppered with shouts and whistles as the boys walked off stage. I decided to stay at the bar for a while and let them be, as they were bombarded by old friends and the like to congratulate them on their performance the second they were off the stage. The boys finally found their way to me after talking to basically every single person in the room. Josh immediately pulled me into a tight hug as soon as I stood.
“Hi” he whispered
“Hi” I giggled back. We pulled apart and I went on to hug his brothers and shook hands with their drummer, who introduced himself as Danny.
“You guys were amazing!” I exclaimed as we turned back to the bar for drinks.
“Really? It wasn’t too… I don’t know, old?” Josh asked, looking quite unsure.
“Are you kidding? I knew every word!” he raised his eyebrows, and the boys all looked at me.
“Even Safari song?” Josh broke out in a grin.
“You know what I mean. Play me some Zeppelin and I’m hooked.”
“Well we’re glad. We would have had to give up a really fantastic swimming hole if you didn’t like it.” Jake nudged me on the shoulder.
“You guys are weird.” I said, raising my glass and taking a sip to hide my smile.
The other boys ordered their soft drinks and mock-tails while Josh sat down next to me, eyeing my drink. “Whatcha got there Rosemary?” He said, grabbing the almost empty glass before I could stop him. He smirked cheekily, taking a sip. Josh’s face fell and his eyes almost bugged out of his head, looking back and forth from the drink to me. I slowly pushed a finger to my lips with a knowing glance, trying not to laugh. I folded as he chugged what was left in the glass, and we both laughed at ourselves, eliciting confused looks by the other boys.
“Hey can I get two more of these man?” I said to the bartender with all the confidence I could. Josh couldn’t hold himself together, looking away from the bar to hide his face. The bartender mixed the drinks and placed them in front of us.
“Only one more though, understand? Otherwise I'll tell your mother Kiszka.” He looked serious, but winked at us nonetheless.
“Let’s play pool!” Sam said, and we all followed.
“Get ready to have your ass beat, Jake!” I said.
“We’re not on the same team? Fine, then I get Danny.” Jake retorted.
“H-hhem - We come as a package deal.” Sam said, putting his arm around Danny.
“Ugh Fine.”
I turned to Josh. He was already grabbing us some cues, one of which he threw to me. “Joshua you better be good at this.”
“Have a little faith will ya?” he said, focusing on chalking his cue.
Jake set down the balls and the game began. We were collectively mediocre at playing, though Danny and I seemed to have the upper hand. Jake and Josh were all talk, yelling loudly or saying something right as the other would go to strike. And Sam was hopeless, spending half the time groaning with his head in his hands after aiming at literally nothing and barely hitting the cue ball.
Near the end, we realised we were pretty even, and anyone could win - and it suddenly became the most competitive game of pool I’ve ever played. Snarky comments and celebratory cheers were made play-by-play, and it felt like the world was going to end every time Josh or I missed.
It finally got to a point with one of each ball type left on the table, and it was my turn, meaning I could win the game if I sunk our striped ball. I took a swig of my drink, leaning down low on the table to investigate my options. Josh put his arm around me, coming down to my level to whisper in my ear.
“You got this Rosemary you can win it, I know you can. Are you gonna hit that left there and bounce it off the wall?” As serious as our faces were, I was giddily enjoying this soft moment up close with Josh. I could feel his breath on my neck.
“Yeah but I don’t know if I can do it.” I replied.
“Nah its easy you’ve got it” He stayed low as I moved my cue into position. The other boys were on the opposite end of the table, holding each other and bending down to our level as well. They looked terrified.
“Nervous Rose?” Jake yelled, making them all chuckle.
“Never.” I said, my eyes never leaving the ball. I could hear Josh laughing lightly into my shoulder at my smart-ass response as I took the shot.
It hit perfectly and our winning ball rolled right into the hole below the boys, their heads following it in amazement. They looked up at us in shock before crumbling, dragging their hands down their faces, hitting them on the table and angrily groaning in disappointment.
Josh and I turned and screamed at each other in joy and danced around wildly, then hugged a long, tight embrace. It was warm and unapologetic. Maybe it was the three drinks I had but this was the best hug I’d had in a long time.
Once everyone had settled down, we finished our drinks and decided to head out, so we all grabbed the kit from onstage and started loading it into the back of their van.
“Okay that's everything, we’ll walk you to your car Rose.” Oh shit. It was just then that I realised I really shouldn’t drive myself home. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at Josh, and he seemed to have made the same realization. Jake looked at me with concern. “Do you want a lift home instead?” He asked.
I had to think for a moment - I knew I shouldn’t drive, but it was rude of me to ask for a lift home when as far as they were concerned, I didn’t need it. After a while I reluctantly nodded to Jake. We walked to their car and Jake started getting in the passenger seat, waiting for Josh to get into the driver's side.
“I can’t drive Jake I’m too tired.” He said as he rounded the truck to push Jake across the bench seat towards the wheel.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jake shoved Josh in the shoulder and got situated, starting the car. I tried to conceal my laugh as Josh glanced back at me.
I quietly gave directions as we drove through the town. Once we arrived on my street, I said “Here's fine,” making Jake pull up. I hopped out and stood at their open passenger window. “Thanks for a great night guys, can’t wait to hear you play again.” I said, smiling at everyone.
“Thanks for coming Rosemary.” Josh gave me a knowing glance with a bit of cheekiness to it.
“Bye Rose!”
I hit the roof of the van before standing back to watch them drive off.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆ Joshua
I watched in the side mirror as Rosemary walked down the street a bit; sitting down on the porch of one of the houses instead of going inside. Strange.
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