canyoulikestop · 7 years
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375K notes · View notes
canyoulikestop · 7 years
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canyoulikestop · 7 years
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248K notes · View notes
canyoulikestop · 7 years
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57K notes · View notes
canyoulikestop · 7 years
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
People do not seem to realise that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character.
Ralph Waldo Emerson  (via plutosherz)
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
She went thru legal immigration.
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Uh oh. Shots fired.
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
Y'all need to take lessons & have a seat
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582K notes · View notes
canyoulikestop · 8 years
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
have people in horror movies never seen a horror movie
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
me, when literally anything happens: maybe it’s a sign 
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
Aren’t we Stronger Together?
Donald Trump is the President-Elect of the United States of America. On November 8, 2016, the American people chose to make history. The American people formed a movement, and this movement will forever shape our country’s perception of the way our political system works moving forward.
When the day began I put on my “Make America Great Again” hat, assuming it would be the last day I could wear it with some sense of justification, and honestly some sense of pride. Because after all, all we’ve been hearing from the liberal media is that Donald Trump wouldn’t have a shot in hell; he would barely get a minority of the votes. My Conservative friends and I hoped he just wouldn’t get his ass handed to him. As I’ve mentioned before I am a student at Stanford University. My peers are, for the majority, Liberal, and my teachers are, for the majority, Liberal.  Stanford presumed Hillary Clinton had this election in the bag. All I heard day in and day out was how Hillary Clinton would win this election in a landslide. And then she didn’t.
279-228. Donald Trump, fair and square, won the election by 51 electoral votes. This has baffled what seems to be every liberal on my Facebook newsfeed. How could so many people vote for Donald Trump? Why would they do that? Don’t they see his flaws?
Let’s be reminded of something. Hillary Clinton began this election with every odd in her favor. She is a member of the establishment, she has incredible political ties, and many years of experience. She’s a woman who has lived in the White House, who has a close relationship with President Obama. She also has a closet full of deleted emails, donor scandals, and distrust from the military. Not to mention she was investigated by the FBI, twice, during her campaign and had an incredibly low trustworthiness rating with the American public.
From the beginning the odds were stacked against Trump. He was everything Hillary Clinton wasn’t. No political experience, no real political connections, and definitely not a member of the Republican establishment. Essentially he was an enormous wild card. He said all the wrong things at all the wrong times. He was honest, he was blunt, and he was a little bit too much for people at times.
So to my Liberal friends, let me offer you my explanation. Let me illustrate to you just how Donald Trump won this election. He listened to the demands of the hardworking Americans of this country; those of whom make up the backbone of our great society. He reached out to women, to people of color, and to people of faith. He highlighted the morality of his family members, putting on display their work ethic and their outstanding character. He reached out to those that he knew were disheartened with the past, unfortunate, eight years of Barack Obama’s presidency. Most importantly, he promised these people change. He offered them a decent shot at a better life. He instilled hope. He reintroduced them to the America dream. His campaign knew of no gimmicks, no scams, nor any corruption.
This is not rocket science. You do not need a Ph.D. from a top University to understand Donald Trump’s formula for success. This is goodhearted, old fashioned, effective American campaigning, and it worked.
Here my Liberal Facebook friends continue: how did Donald Trump win if he only had the white, male vote? Well my Liberal Facebook friends he had more than the male, white vote. He had female votes. He had Latino votes. He had gay votes. In fact, I’m pretty sure he had every category of vote. Donald Trump’s message resonated with a lot of white, male voters, and they do constitute his base-this I will admit. But his message also resonates with a lot of Americans who need something besides a continuation of President Obama’s legacy.  His voters need and want change, and he provides them this opportunity; it’s that simple.
I have seen a lot of outrage in the past twenty -four hours. I have seen a lot of hate speech spewed. I’ve seen students result to violence and anger. I, myself, was bombarded by crass language when one of my sorority sisters discovered I lean right. But what does this accomplish? What does calling me a sexist, a racist, or homophobic accomplish? Nothing. It accomplishes absolutely nothing.
Donald Trump delivered his acceptance speech eloquently and firmly. He promised to work for all Americans, to be a champion for all Americans. His desire is to unify, not to divide; to bring our greater community together, not to polarize further.
So to the Liberals who are upset, I understand. If the tables had been turned I myself would have been upset too. Would I have rioted, or verbally accosted my friend for her beliefs, definitely not, but that is besides the point. The point I’m trying to make here is that if you must you can get mad at the election results, but then you must get over it. It is imperative to the success of our nation that you get over it. Donald Trump will be our President, and that’s not going to change. You say you are a party of acceptance, than accept this change, and move forward. Embrace that the silent majority has spoken, and move forward.  Embrace that the Republicans have taken over Congress, and the White House, and move forward. It’s time to Make America Great Again.
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
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Not a hard choice. #neverhillary
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
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Beautiful. #kenbone #nobama #liberallogic #neverhillary
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
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canyoulikestop · 8 years
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Yes. #neverhillary
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