and a late birthday to Reborn sobs I forgot all about this
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neo primo
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First Meeting / Icebreakers
“Hi, I’m ______.”
“Oh fuck! Are you okay?”
“Crap! Sorry about that! Wasn’t looking where I was going. Here, I’ll get you a new jacket…”
“Need a ride?”
“How are you?”
“Seems like we’re gonna be stuck on this train for an extra three hours.”
“What’s your name?”
“Thank you.”
“You just saved my life!”
“Move the fuck out of my way.”
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Would you like anything?”
“You’re gorgeous.”
“Do I know you?”
“Uh, that’s my spot.”
“Oh, God, sorry! Let me buy you a new one.”
“Is that your dog? He is so CUTE!”
“Here, take my seat. You look tired.”
“Checking in?”
“Can I sit here?”
“May I buy you a drink?”
“I can spot you, if you want.”
“How’d you even get stuck in a locker, anyway?”
“Can you turn it down?! Some of us are trying to sleep!”
“Hi, I’m your new roommate.”
“I think I found your dog. Is he yours?”
“You look cold, take my jacket.”
“Hey, I think the mailman gave me your mail by mistake? [Name], right?”
“You’ve had a guy/girl over every night this week! And you’re really loud! You know how I know? I know because I live below you!”
“So, your kid apparently punched my kid in the face.”
“Bride or groom?”
“Can you switch seats with me? I can’t see!”
“Okay, look, if you’re gonna be airsick, aim the other way.”
“[Sir/Ma'am], if you don’t stop being rude to me, I’m going to give you decaf.”
“Don’t drink that! I saw some guy slip something in there.”
“Hey, is he bothering you?”
“Don’t give up your day job.”
“…Dude, your fly’s down.”
“I think you have the wrong number.”
“I’m [muse’s child]’s teacher.”
“[Muse’s child/younger sibling] was in my yard again!”
“Get out of here! This is my hiding spot!”
“SHUT UP. And learn to stay on key.”
“Good Evening/Afternoon/Morning/Day/Night.”
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Is this seat taken?”
“Here you dropped this.”
“You remind me of someone.”
“Will you be taking this?”
“May I take your order?”
“How are you?”
“You look familiar, have we met before?”
“Be careful next time.”
“Hey, could you help me?”
“Help me!”
“I’m so sorry!”
“Are you alright?!”
“I know we’ve never met, but I think you’re beautiful.”
“I think I may have seen you before…”
“Hey! Watch it!”
“Oh my god are you okay?”
“Have we met…?”
“Were you at that one party?”
“Remember me?”
“I know you don’t know me but I love your shirt.”
“Quick, pretend to look like you’re talking to me.”
“Hey, is that your dog?”
“Service takes forever here.”
“Don’t mean to sound cliche, but do you come here often?”
“I wouldn’t sit there if I were you.”
“This is gonna be a long plane ride.”
“Can you turn that music down?”
“People are trying to sleep!”
“I’m your new neighbour.”
“Is that who I think it is?”
“Be quiet!”
“Is that your son/daughter?”
“I’ve read about you.“ 
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"I... uh, I probably shouldn’t touch this button, right?” Dino asked, staring at the extremely enticing green button that lay in front of him. It gleamed innocently under the laboratory lights. Dino really wanted to press it.
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“I’m sorry Kyouya! I completely forgot to set an alarm--you didn’t wait for me too long, right? Right?” Dino stammered nervously, eyes wide.
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He sighs as he wasn’t that amused, honestly he can’t understand why Dino was there. The last time I saw Reborn-san was with Tenth, I think he is at home by now. Honestly he don’t know where the infant was but he can guess. As far you don’t annoy me I don’t mind.
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"Thanks a lot. I can’t say much about why I’m here, but I appreciate it,” Dino said in relief. Moving to sit down nearby, he let out a soft sigh, easing back into the chair. “... How’ve you been, Gokudera? I can’t remember the last time we’ve actually managed to talk like this.”
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Okay this was more than a little freaky. This person looked exactly like Kyouya, except with blue eyes and blond hair. It was creepy to see Kyouya’s face with foreign colouring.
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“U-uh, sorry, I didn’t catch that. What was your name?” Dino stammered out.
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why are you doing this to me, a lonely voice whispers into the cold depths of the night, that gaping abyss of a black hole that sucks everyone in to an eternity of soul-rending, spirit-destroying despair and misery
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I come back into the rp world just to fuck with @cantherinuscaelum
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Duality of man with Coco
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For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
⭐️ x 3
1. Chikara finds the stark difference between Dino and Ciro exceptionally refreshing.
2. If Dino were a food, Chikara thinks he’d be maple cream.
3. Dino’s penmanship makes Chikara a very happy cat, he’d be proud if he was Dino’s writing teacher.
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The sudden tenseness from Dino went unnoticed by the skylark, who had most likely not even noticed the slip of the name when he came to. Such dreams were becoming more and more of a frequent occurrence, though often fading to the point where he could barely recall the details. “There was a conflict of interest - and it was barely a scratch.” A lazy smirk curled at his lips as he angled away from him almost coyly.
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Thanks to the Sun flames, undoubtedly. Romario’s doing if he had to guess, explaining why he ended up in Dino’s bed of all places.
Kyouya was sure that if Dino found him earlier, they would be having a different conversation entirely. “Save your worry for the prey. They were thoroughly bitten to death.” Tempting as it was to push him away at this point, he merely shifted to allow him more room on the bed. A small concession to his worrying ways, Dino knew better than to test his patience. His smirk turned into a frown as he regarded the blond. “Your herbivores are straying. Do keep them on a tighter leash.” The intelligence had been right, for the most part. What he hadn’t expected was the perpetrators bearing the crest of the Cavallone. It was either a cleverly disguised ploy to discredit the Cavallone, or something even more sinister closer to home.
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“Kyouya,” he murmured, intentionally keeping his voice soft as he leaned in, hand moving from his cheek to his forehead, as if checking for a fever. The Vongola Cloud was starting to get--well, used to his physical forms of affection. This was far more than he’d ever gotten before, in this life or otherwise. “How can I worry for anyone else? You’re hurt. You never get hurt,” Dino added.
Stopping the smirk that threatened to creep onto his face, he instead shook his head. “What do you mean? My Family would never stray... Right?” He added, as if he were actually worried for it. (Maintaining such a soft persona was tiresome, but Dino couldn’t deny its usefulness.)
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Reborn-san always doing whatever he feels like huh? He snapped as the storm wasn’t that pleased. I’m fine, kinda busy with half-time works. Yet he choose that. And you?
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"Yeah, Reborn’s always been like that.” Dino agreed with a laugh, sending Gokudera an amused smile at his apparent irritation. It was almost endearing at this point. “I’ve been good. I’m glad to hear that you’ve been doing alright, Gokudera! So uh, do you know where Reborn is? If not, I’ll just have to hang around until he decides to show up,”
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It wasn’t at the sudden grab of his wrist that Dino stilled, eyes wide as he stared into Kyouya’s eyes. It was the sound of another man’s name, Cirino, that had him so perfectly still save for the rise and fall of his chest. To hear another man’s name upon the lips of one’s lover would have caused any other man to fly into a rage. Cirino. A name that Dino hadn’t heard in what seemed like aeons.
Why would that name slip from Kyouya’s lips?
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"I needed to come here, Kyouya. You’re hurt.” Dino’s voice was softly spoken, eyes ever warm and seemingly concerned of the dangerous man that lay curled up in his bed. “You--has anyone seen to you? You aren’t bleeding are you?” Drawing in closer, raising his hand to press his palm flat upon the curve of Kyouya’s cheek, he murmured, “And I only just arrived; I wouldn’t know.”
        “Sleep now, ma petite alouette.”
Long fingers ran through his hair even as he glared weakly up, the cruel smirk on the other’s face a direct contrast to his soothing words and actions. His vision blurred, limbs heavy and refusing to respond even as he tried to fight off the growing darkness. It was too late, he was fading too fast.
       I will kill you…
                                       “… Cirino.” 
The name was barely audible on his lips as eyes the colour of steel snapped open suddenly, catching the wrist of his unknown assailant before they could bury their hand in his hair again. For a moment, Kyouya was disoriented as he registered his surroundings, his grip tightening briefly on the other’s wrist before loosening. He knew where he was. He looked up again to take a proper look at the other, the adrenaline waning. Raven hair faded into blond, dark cold eyes replaced by sheepish caramel.
“I thought I told you not to come, Bronco.” Kyouya huffed, cool mask settling easily over his features now that he registered that the danger was over, if there had been any in the first place. He sat up with a barely disguised wince, letting the silken sheets pool at his waist as his gaze flickered around Dino’s chambers. Why was he not surprised that Dino had intervened where he was not wanted? Tetsuya was going to receive a harsh scolding for disobeying his explicit instructions: Come when he called, leave the Cavallone out of it. “Your men betrayed you, they deserved no less.” There was a slight defensiveness to his tone, even though Kyouya never justified himself to anyone. He had merely been taking out the trash. Trash that had managed to land a severe blow to him if the fading pink scar marring his chest was any indication. They had paid for their transgressions with their lives. With a soft huff, he drew the yukata close. 
“How long have I been here?” He continued brusquely to cover up his slip. They may be ‘involved’, but this was simply a relationship of convenience. It didn’t matter to him how Dino felt.
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@cantherinuscaelum | memoria
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Mafia Wife Kyoko. Based on this 
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