candy-and-medicine · 1 month
once i figure out how to undoom her from the narrative the wedding is BACK ON
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candy-and-medicine · 1 month
girl 1: u look so beautiful in this light
girl 2: blushes
girl 3: (bad at hiding that shes immortal) i swear that mountain is shorter than the last time i saw it
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candy-and-medicine · 2 months
The Simplest Thing in the World
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Word Count: 986
Characters: Yagen, Saniwa OC (Ro)
Pairings: Yagen x Saniwa OC
Summary: In a tipsy daze, the saniwa asks Yagen if she loves him. He tries to find a way to respond. Or escape, but she wasn’t going to let that happen anytime soon.
When Hasebe told Yagen to keep a close eye on the saniwa, this is probably not what he meant.
Yagen found himself crouched over Ro on her futon, having been pulled down and catching himself from crashing into her by bracing on his hands and knees. She wasn’t strong in the slightest, especially by touken danshi standards, however, he wasn’t expecting a surprise attack in her tipsy state. He had helped himself to some drinks too, but despite being roughly the same size, she was still one of the top light-weights of the citadel.
Ro, on the other hand, lay on her back underneath him. She didn’t seem to be alarmed at her situation, though. From Yagen’s perspective, it looked as if there wasn’t a single coherent thought rattling around in that brain of hers. Her gaze was blithe as she patted his face, giggling at his stoic expression. She mindlessly called his name in a sing-song, her cheeks flushing upon seeing his eyes soften at the sound of her voice.
Feeling his own face heat up (‘maybe because of the alcohol’ Yagen reasoned), he grabbed and removed one of the hands prodding at his cheeks, asking what she needed from him.
“Yagen, do you like me?”
He went silent for a moment. Ro watched as he set his mouth into a straight line. At how his shoulders stiffened and how the hand touching hers was lightly squeezed. It was a habit she’s noticed him do from time to time, clenching his hand around whatever he was holding onto. Perhaps as an attempt to self-soothe or to physically reset himself whenever he was under pressure.
In spite of that, Yagen recovered quickly. He always did. “Of course I do,” he responded. “Everybody in the citadel does-”
She wanted to groan when he heard him use the “everybody does” excuse. “No, not that.” Ro wrapped her arms around his shoulders again. Only as a light drape, yet still the pressure was enough to make his head bow even closer to hers.
He watched her mouth open as if to say something, then quickly close. Her eyes appeared to waver in the candlelight with a strange mix of fear and melancholy. As if she was about to start crying and was afraid of being unable to stop.
“Do you love me?” she managed to say, in a voice not much louder than a whisper. It sounded like she was fearful of someone eavesdropping on them, but that was ridiculous. Most of the sword men had gathered at the New Year’s celebration dinner in the common areas, far away from the saniwa’s private quarters.
What was she so scared of?
Yagen didn’t even have a chance to speak before Ro interrupted his thoughts. “Ah. You’re doing it again.”
“I haven’t said anything yet,” he muttered with a tinge of annoyance.
“You don’t have to.” Ro placed a hand on the side of his face again. “I could already tell that you’re thinking of a way out of this.” She gently traced her thumb along his cheekbone. “Or how to redirect it.” Her fingers then moved to tuck a loose strand of hair behind his ear, his breath catching for the smallest of moments as her fingertips grazed his earlobe.
She said his name. His full name this time: ‘Yagen Toushirou’. It sounded sweet on her tongue, like it was another one of those candies that she always enjoyed. “When will you be able to lay out your feelings as clear cut as your blade?” Ro questioned in a lilting tone.
He didn’t know what expression he was making at the moment, but he got the feeling it was nothing good. Not with the almost smug way she was looking at him. Yagen wanted to turn his face away, but both her hands returned to cup it and hold him still. She was enjoying this a little too much for his liking.
But whether he was blushing or not, he set his face like a flint all the same. It would do him no good to crumble under something like this. Especially in the eyes of the saniwa.
Hanging on to his last shred of dignity, he replied, “Love is… too complicated of an emotion. You and I both know this, General.” He could see her wince at the reference to her past, but he stood his ground.
Well, as firm as you can stand on your hands and knees.
“Then can we at least pretend?”
“Pretend what?”
“That it’s the simplest thing in the world. For just a moment.”
This got a chuckle out of him. “And what for?” he asked.
Ro laughed as well, giddy with delight as he pressed his forehead against hers.
They locked eyes. She loved his gaze. How it resembled a special kind of coolness that accompanies moonlight and the evening breeze. It was comforting to her, to be able to feel completely at ease just in the presence of another person. Something she never thought she’d find.
He in turn saw warmth. His study drenched in honeyed light as the sun sinks beneath the horizon. A radiant smile. A silly kind of hope that these peaceful days with everyone, with each other, wouldn’t come to an end so quickly.
“Just indulge me,” Ro murmured. Her eyes flitted from his eyes to his lips and then back again. She moved one of her hands to play with the hair at the back of his head, interrupted by him grabbing it once more but this time intertwining their fingers as he rested them by the side of her head.
She mumbled “I love you, Yagen Toushirou” as her eyelids fluttered shut, feeling him drawing closer.
Ro heard him utter her name too. Her true name followed by an “I love you too” before the room became silent as they could no longer talk any further.
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candy-and-medicine · 2 months
FINALLY got around to using this one audio 😔🤌
Song is “We become We” from “Journey to Bethlehem”!! also the songs from that movie are pretty fun 👍✨ like they got Antonio Banderas doing a villain song and it ruled
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candy-and-medicine · 2 months
please watch this two second clip from santa clarita diet
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candy-and-medicine · 3 months
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Art I did for 4/9 day!!! (which was several days ago, but (・∀・)👍✨ kinda forgot this account existed)!!
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candy-and-medicine · 3 months
this was super indulgent ( ・∇・)👉👈 but audio is from horimiya (I DO NOT KNOW THE EPISODE NUMBER THO)
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candy-and-medicine · 3 months
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candy-and-medicine · 3 months
she did see the light tho 🤔 for like a full minute before being admitted
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candy-and-medicine · 3 months
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I saw the uniforms for a Pompompurin cafe in Japan and wanted to draw them on these two 🥺
…they should get back to work lol
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candy-and-medicine · 7 months
if she's your girl why is she breaking open my ribcage and devouring me like an animal?
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candy-and-medicine · 7 months
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Yume Week 2023: Day 5 (“Co-workers”)
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candy-and-medicine · 7 months
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Yume Week 2023: Day 3 (“Come find me”)
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candy-and-medicine · 7 months
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Yume Week 2023: Day 2 (“Fear”)
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candy-and-medicine · 7 months
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Yume Week 2023: Day 1 (“Don’t go so far away”)
(this was from a while back!! just reposting it on here from twt!!)
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candy-and-medicine · 7 months
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Also Ro’s saniwa intro!!
Original template from @/ forgottenkaze and @/ khnvinien on twt!!
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candy-and-medicine · 7 months
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The yume intro I made for my Twitter account!! ( ´ ▽ ` )9💖 Honestly love how it turned out!!
Original template(s) belongs to @/ reversiblekiss on twt!!
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