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I’ve waited patiently for no-bullshit, tsundere exemplar Yukine and here he is
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3 trains and 4.5 km of walking later, I found the set for Aoshi and Kenshin’s fight! I had lots of help from some lovely people, and it was a really beautiful area to visit. I’m so happy I found it!
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Asexual Awareness Week 2015 dates!
Dates for Asexual Awareness Week 2015 have been announced! AAW 2015 will take place from the 19th-25th of October, so let’s start getting ready!
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To my followers!
Hey! So I've got my new personal blog created, nothing posted yet. But this blog will be all my personal rants, music for sure, maybe poetry. So message me off anon if you want to follow that blog! Ok thanx!!^.~
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Being happy is a very personal thing—and it really has nothing to do with anyone else .
Abraham-Hicks, Getting Into the Vortex (via katherinehenson)
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when women say “i hate men” they mean it in the “stop hurting me and my sisters” kind of way, not the “i want to rape, murder and oppress you” way. you know, the way men hate women.
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I learned that people leave. Even if they have promised a thousand times that they won’t.
(via sunsetkawaii)
Pretty much
(via querquelife)
(via adventurousfinds)
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me: *gets really sad and has an emotional breakdown*
me, ten minutes later: lmao that was so fuckin lame
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Sushi Lunch (by Harris Graber)
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Mehhhh need to stop blog stalking... Hahahaha I always forget I'm on their blog and reblog a ton of stuff and give myself away... Sorry not sorry... ^_~
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who wants to give up on society and go live in a treehouse with me
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boy: *says something sexual or flirtatious*  me: right… anyway
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At first I was like what’s so great about yik yak but then
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