Paint in Bright colours
2K posts
Ah salve! Pleased to meet you! My name is Veneciano Italia. North Italy to most people I think. I like eating, painting, singing, dancing and living life! Relationship Status: forever alone (North Italy roleplay blog for Simply Hetalia roleplay so no outside roleplays sorry)
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
Feli thought long and hard over it before nodding “but its a little strange...” he told the other “everything in the shops is not it is the backdrop for some film or something. Even the restaurant kitchens are empty. I suppose if someone took it on as a business the same thing as the houses would happen”
He looked at the other and smiled “Whenever I go to the fridge at 8 am sharp it is full again. of all the best things ever! and the cupboards and the pantry. Its like someone just clicks their finger” he demonstrated with a click “and poof, food. I was a little wierded out by it at first but it is nice to know you won’t stare. Makes you wonder if we will start getting money if people take over businesses. I wonder what it would look like”
Ivan Under the Dome
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
Feli didn’t stop his swing and there was a long pause as he thought it over “Ok sure why not” he replied smiling a little “I don’t really know how long I have been here. But I know most of this area of the town so I don’t get lost”
He eventually stopped the swing planting his feet hard on the ground before he stood up “I’ve been here long enough that you brain goes a little numb...kinda wierd how being social is fundamental to cognitive developement” he then laughed a little.
“I didn’t even know I knew those words” he continued to laugh “I think I used to know someone who used them alot”
Ivan Under the Dome
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
“Ivan...” he whispered as he swung, the name sounded familiar. “My name is Feliciano...” 
The swinging motion was repetitive so as much as he distracted him from the silence it stuck him in a different weird little loop. Like locking yourself in a cupboard to escape the emptiness of your house. The delusion was strong enough in one way but too powerful in another.
“Have you been here long? I know there are people here but I don’t really go near them...I don’t really approach strangers” At least he thought they were. When he was completely alone his confidence would shatter like glass. He felt like this was due to some event in his past but couldn’t recall.
Ivan Under the Dome
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
He turned around seeing the figure. He looked familiar...but being alone so long had taken a toll on him “ are you today?” he muttered not sure how the other would respond.
He kicked off the ground and began to swing properly pushing himself through the air back and forth to feel the somewhat cool air on his face “How long have you been here then?” he asked continuing to swing.
The swinging motion forced movement. Forced movement was better then the stillness of the surroundings. The creaking chains made noise that reminded him he was in control of that swing even if he wasn't in control of anything else
Ivan Under the Dome
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
Hearing the voice he broke free of his daydream but the owner of the voice was not yet intermediately known since he approached from behind confused he tilted his head in thought
“Hello?” He asked into the air wondering if the person was hiding out of view due to shyness or something.
Ivan Under the Dome
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
Feliciano had found himself this little park in the centre of the group of houses and was sat on the swing gently pushing himself back and forth as he stared up at the dome on the sky. He was certain he had seen a film about this kind of thing but to experience it was completely bizarre. The air was fresh and even had wind blowing. The sun wasn’t causing a green house effect and everywhere seemed peaceful.
It was uncomfortable in its serenity though. He hadn’t seen anyone yet and was too afraid to knock on any of the doors so he just sat swinging gently on the park swing.
Ivan Under the Dome
He really wondered how anyone had achieved such a thing as moving him into his current location. Also how had anyone not noticed the building of such a place. Perhaps this was some prank or maybe it was aliens. Hell maybe it was some secret goverment experimentation project. Ivan was very clued in on the various conspiricies floating around on the web. Such a thought made him look on his persons for his phone, then all around the house he had found himself in. Not finding it he sighed, of course they wouldn’t leave him some connection to the outside world.
Stepping back outside he sighed looking around at the identical houses. He had found food in the fridge at least so he wouldn’t be going hungry for now. However with all these other houses around surely there should be other people. Perhaps they hadn’t woken up yet. Ivan was a large male after all. What ever drug they had used to get him here probably had worn off sooner if they were only using a standard amount. Part of him was a little worried at what he might find roaming around this strange place even though it didn’t look dangerous. However the want to know if he was the only one there was more powerful, so he set off in search of someone else.
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
Ah it would be so nice to just sail down the canals about now...
but fuel is expensive...
Round trip on the Vaporetti it is~!
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
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HetaOni- time after time
Why do I always default to hetaoni drawing?
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
He smiled and nodded “sure whenever you are ready I will be happy to”
he turned back to the scene lost a little in thought, enjoying the tranquility
Picnic day!
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
He looked at the other before laughing “that is an interesting way of looking at it si” he leant on his hand a little lost in though looking over the scene. Damn it Ivan got him wanting to try sketching out the scene he hadn’t tried doing proper movement in a while 
“maybe if you ask nicely I’ll try drawing you or something for you” he smiled “it be fun we’d make a day of it and hang out together”
Picnic day!
He smiled happy the other was ok.
“having fun? well sometimes” he looked around at the people running around “it’s alot harder then other things you have to get the movement in first and quickly. then spend time filling in the detail of an action that has already passed”
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
Summer has begun! 
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I really wanna go to the beach but I know as soon as I plan it work will ring me....
It always happens so I get worried about planning anything!!
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
I guess haha. how have you been Mr Australia anyway? Not getting into trouble I hope
Hi and welcome! How have you been?
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Thanks, pretty good yeah! and pretty glad to have joined! What’s up here? How’ya going yourself?
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
I have been ok. been a little slow recently but I am sure it will speed up soon enough.
Hi and welcome! How have you been?
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Thanks, pretty good yeah! and pretty glad to have joined! What’s up here? How’ya going yourself?
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
He smiled happy the other was ok.
“having fun? well sometimes” he looked around at the people running around “it’s alot harder then other things you have to get the movement in first and quickly. then spend time filling in the detail of an action that has already passed”
Picnic day!
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
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*blush* Mr China….why are you….?
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
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*blush* Mr China....why are you....?
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canali-di-ispirazione-blog · 10 years ago
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((a picture is a thousand words right?))
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