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How Spouse Visa For Canada Shrinks The Distance Between You And Your Spouse
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Steps to Minimize the Processing Time for Spouse Sponsorship in Canada
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Canada Spouse Visa: The Best Way to Call Your Spouse to Canada

Are you married? Staying away from your spouse in Canada? It feels incomplete to be without your spouse in a foreign country if you are a foreign nationalist. But, the Canadian government has made it possible for you to bring your spouse to Canada on the Canada spouse visa. The dependent visa is a visa category which allows you to invite/sponsor your spouse to Canada based on your permit. Let us know about the different visa categories which fall under Canada spouse visa.
The first visa category which falls under the Canada spouse visa is spouse work permit to Canada. The visa category is for the spouse of international students who are on study permit in Canada or individuals who are on a work permit in Canada. It allows the spouse of international students or work permit individuals to work in Canada on spouse work permit in Canada. The visa allows the spouse to work in Canada on a legal basis and up to 40 hours/week. There are certain requirements to be met both by the international student or work permit individual as well as the spouse.
Requirements for the international student:
Must be at least 18 years old
Must be a full-time student in a reputed educational institute, college or university in Canada
Must continue study for at least the next 6 months
Must hold a valid study permit
Show valid proof of relationship with your spouse
Requirements of work permit holder:
Must be 18 years old
Must hold a valid work permit
Must be employed in the occupation that falls under NOC 0, A or B
Must hold the work permit at least for 6 months
Show valid proof of relationship with your spouse
Requirements of spouse:
Must be at least 18 years old
Must be admissible in Canada
Should demonstrate the necessary documents that show relationship proof with the spouse
Should demonstrate necessary documents that show proof of funds
For those spouses who are already working in Canada and wish to stay more in Canada can apply for Canada spouse work permit extension. The extension depends on the extension of the permit of the international student or work permit holder in Canada. The processing time for spouse work permit to Canada depends on country to country. For spouses who are applying for spouse work permit to Canada from India the processing time on an average is 14 weeks and for Canada spouse work permit extension for online applications on an average it is 51 days and for paper-based applications, it is 108 days. In case, the person fails to apply for visa extension within the validity of the current visa then they need to apply for visa restoration in Canada within 90 days or must leave Canada.
Another way through which you can invite your spouse to Canada is spouse dependent permanent residency. The visa allows you to sponsor your spouse to Canada for permanent residency based on your permanent resident status in Canada. You can sponsor your spouse living with you in Canada on any legal status for permanent residency or you can call sponsor your spouse living outside Canada for permanent residency.
Requirements to become sponsor:
Must be 18 years old
Must demonstrate sufficient funds to sponsor your spouse
Must show necessary documents to prove relationship with spouse
Requirements to be fulfilled by spouse:
Must be 18 years old
Must be admissible to Canada
Must show necessary documents to prove relationship with spouse
The processing time of your Spousal sponsorship to Canada application on an average is 12 months. Whether you sponsor your spouse living inside Canada or living outside Canada the processing time remains the same.
Well, Canada spouse visa applications can be made easy if you are assisted by experts. To make your visa application easy, is an online portal where experts provide you solution related to the visa categories according to your profile, requirements of visa category, the application procedure and documents required to make your case stronger. For more information, drop them an email at [email protected] or call them on +91 9998686283.
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3 Things to Know Before Sponsoring Your Spouse to Immigrate to Canada

Spouse Immigration Visa is one of the visa categories offered by IRCC to candidates who are staying in Canada on PR status and want to sponsor their spouse to immigrate to Canada. Canada Spouse Immigration falls under the Family Sponsorship Class where a permanent resident can sponsor his/her spouse, dependent children and parents to immigrate to Canada. Although Canada High Commission has relaxed the policy for Spouse dependent permanent resident there are still some protocols which need to be followed in the correct manner. Well, here are a few things that you should see before sponsoring your spouse.
A permanent resident should check before sponsoring his/her spouse for Spouse PR in Canada that whether he/she is eligible to become a sponsor. The basic requirements that the candidate should check before becoming a sponsor are:
- He/she must be 18 years of age for sponsoring a spouse for Canada spouse immigration.
- He/she must be a permanent resident living in Canada.
- He/she must be able to convince the visa officer that he/she is not receiving any nature of social assistance from any government organization.
- He/she must be able to provide all the basic needs to his/her spouse and dependent children in case they are sponsored as well.
A permanent resident should check his/her funding before sponsoring his/her spouse for Canada spouse immigration. Moreover, he/she has to show income proofs to the visa officer which justifies that he/she will be able to financially support his/her spouse in Canada and dependent children. If you want to know which documents are required to prove your financial stability you can contact our experts.
Before sponsoring your spouse a permanent resident should make sure that he/she does not commit the following flaws:
- If the sponsor has failed to pay an immigration loan, a performance bond, family support payments.
- If the sponsor has failed to provide basic needs to a former-sponsored relative who received social assistance.
- If the sponsor has a negative history with the relatives where there were cases of physical violence with the relatives or attempt or threat to commit such offence was done by the sponsor then chances of getting spouse immigration for Canada are less.
There are other requirements as well which need to be fulfilled while filing an application for spouse immigration visa which is meant to be fulfilled by your spouse and necessary documents are needed to be submitted along with it. Once the criteria are fulfilled your file is submitted to CIC where it is evaluated. Now, you must be wondering about Canada spouse immigration processing time? If everything submitted is appropriate then your spouse immigration application will be processed in an average of 8-10 months where your spouse or common-law-partner will get PR directly. In contrast to this, the processing time can increase based on your application as well as the inflow of applications with CIC during that particular duration. So, you should visit an expert who can assist you in such cases.
One of the experts when it comes to spouse immigration cases are which is an online portal where you can relevant guidance in the spouse immigration application such as the eligibility criteria and the documents required to fulfill the criteria.
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Top 5 Tips To Make Your Canada Spouse Visa Hassle Free

Dependent visa can waste a lot of your time and make it a hassle for you if everything does not go as planned. Canada has relaxed its stringent nature in terms of dependent visa but that does not mean that you can fool the Canada High Commission. There are certain ground rules that you should maintain when you apply for dependent visa. Here, are top 5 tips that make your Canada Spouse Visa hassle free when you apply for one.
If you are not the pro at dependent visa application or don’t know how to apply you must visit an expert. It is one of the primary things that you should be looking forward. An expert, based on your situation as well as the main applicant’s status in Canada would suggest you to apply for the particular type of dependent visa. For instance, if your husband is in Canada on a post-study work permit and you want to meet him/her early then you can apply for visitor visa which gets processed quickly. Similarly, the experts hold your hand and make sure that you come out of the visa office by getting that stamp on your passport.
Now, you have visited the expert for spouse visa Canada then, the next step you should be doing is following the expert’s advice by making sure that you have the proper documents. The expert will explain to you and your sponsor that what all documents are needed to be submitted for Canada spouse visa to the Canada High Commission. Well, if the documents are proper fewer chances of rejection can be there.
The experts also guide you and your sponsor about the eligibility of the Canada spouse visa by informing you about the various rules and regulations of the immigration committees and councils. Moreover, they are the people who keep themselves updated when it comes to such matters and help you in understanding your eligibility through their assessment methods such as stimulation of visa interviews and more.
The expert’s advice you not to maintain a negative record and involve yourself in activities that can possess a threat to your Canada spouse visa. Also, no indulgence in such activities during the visa application and visa processing is recommended by the experts as this can turn out in rejection.
The Spousal sponsorship in Canada can become a long process if your application is not submitted in a proper manner. Also, the processing time is generally of minimum 6 months and maximum can go up to the case.
Canada Spouse visa is one league of experts that have achieved success stories even in the difficult cases. Visit them at earliest for spouse visa issues.
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How can your spouse call you via permanent resident to Canada?

Citizen and permanent residents can call their spouses to live with them in Canada on the bases of spouse permanent resident in Canada. The processing time for spouse permanent resident is approximately 8 to 10 months. Once your spouse arrives in Canada they become a PR directly without any kind of procedure. They also get to enjoy all sorts of facilities that an immigrant gets; for example, low school fees for children, free medical etc. Your spouse doesn’t have to appear for IELTS as you do not need a score for a spouse visa. If your spouse is already in Canada then they can work or study while the PR application is in process. It is important for you to maintain a valid visa status. Following are the requirements of Canada spouse permanent resident visa:
1. The applicant must be 18 years and above
2. You need to submit a medical report.
3. You also need a police clearance certificate of a country you have resided for more than 6 months.
4. Evidence of the relationship between you and your spouse.
Above are few of the many requirements set by the CIC for spouse immigration in Canada. It is important for you to consult an expert and stay clear of the application procedure of the spouse visa. You do not want to be clumsy with the documents. Consultants will provide you a list of documents which you will have to gather and provide necessary information to fill up the application. You are also required to submit your bank balance and criminal history if any. Your spouse does not have to appear for an English proficiency test to qualify for the spouse visa.
You can also call your children (below 18 years) along with your spouse on PR dependent. There are requirements and conditions that both the sponsor and applicant are required to meet. The sponsor is obliged to bear all the expenses of their spouse and children along with maintaining a commitment towards a continuous relationship. You can apply for PR and open work permit together, if the main applicant is in Canada. This way the applicant can work in Canada till their PR is in process. The processing time for spouse immigration visa in Canada is 8 to 10 months and hence your spouse can work legally till they do not receive an approval for their permanent resident visa.
You can take help of a consultant and understand the application better. They will also provide you a list of documents that you need to gather and submit along with your application as an evidence of the information you have provided in the form. Most of the people start filling up the form without gathering the documents and end up making mistakes. Organize yourself better before applying. You can take help of a consultant to apply for Canada spouse permanent resident visa. Visit, and know more about the spouse immigration.
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Know how to sponsor your spouse to immigrate to Canada

The Canadian government welcomes spouses of their citizens and permanent resident cardholders for spouse immigration to Canada. They do welcome spouses of different nationalists, but they have strict rules and regulations which need to be stringently followed by the spouse and the sponsor. Canada has also extended the spouse visa for a common-law partner as well as the same-sex spouse. A permanent residence cardholder can work anywhere in the country except Quebec and is also eligible to invite their spouse to the country. There is an eligibility assessment that a sponsor will have to consider in order to file for their spouse immigration to Canada. The Canadian government will not want a citizen or a permanent residence cardholder to violate the terms and policies of the spouse immigration visa. Therefore, you are asked to prove your relationship with your spouse by submitting a number of legal evidence.
Following is a list of documents the CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) obliges you to attach to your application for spouse immigration in Canada:
#1 Proof of the sponsor’s visit: Documents such as air tickets, boarding pass, a copy of the passport’s page affirming the entry and exit of the sponsor. #2 Wedding photographs: The album should include snapshots of all the rituals for the officers to believe the veracity of your wedding. #3 Wedding reception: You also have to attach the photographs of your reception as well as post reception photos. #4 Evidence of consistency: One will also have to have a copy of messages, emails, letters, social media posts or any kind of evidence that can prove your ongoing relationship. #5 Marriage Certificate: You will also need to attach a certificate issued by the registrar of marriages stating the authenticity of your relationship.
Above are some of the evidence that you need to attach to your application prior to the submission for the authenticity of your relationship. The spouse immigration Canada processing time is approximately 8 to 12 months. You can also take advice from a consultant regarding immigration in Canada as they have profound knowledge and latest information on the subject. One of the eligibility factors for a sponsor is being a permanent residence cardholder or the citizen of Canada. In either of the two cases, you are eligible for spousal sponsorship inside Canada. After submitting all the above evidence along with the application, you will have to wait for the approval for at least 8 months. Once you receive a confirmation you can proceed further and if not then you can always consult a professional for expert advice.
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Things You Must Know About Spousal Sponsorship For Canada

There is no doubt in the fact that Canada is amongst the best economically growing countries in the world. It is known for its hospitality as well as one of the best education hubs on the globe. Many students across the world pin Canada on the world map for a bachelor or a master degree. The Canadian government allows spousal sponsorship in Canada for individuals on student’s visa. This means that they can sponsor their spouse to stay in Canada for the amount of duration approved by the CIC authorities.
The country currently has thousands of international students who are taking advantage of the education system creating a fantastic career of their own. If you are on students ‘visa then you can call your spouse on the open work permit visa wherein they do not need any IELTS score. They can stay with you and work till the permitted duration of time mentioned in the approval notice. One of the advantages of spouse visa is the grant of working full time in Canada. This aspect will help both the spouses to stay economically strong and consistent.
Spouse sponsorship Canada processing time varies from case to case. The processing time is different for paper applications and online visa applications. The processing time for open work permit usually takes around 1 to 3 months. The variation in the processing time also depends on the CIC authorities. If they have pending cases of the previous year, then your recent application will take more time than expected to clear. Following are 7 things you must know about spousal sponsorship for Canada:
1. If you are on students ‘visas then you can apply for spousal sponsorship inside Canada via the open work permit visa.
2. The spouse holding an open work permit visa can work for a Canadian boss without having an inveterate offer of employment.
3. The foreign nationalist spouse entering the country on the open work permit visa can work up to the validity of the sponsor’s visa.
4. Your spouse cannot study in any college of Canada if they have entered the country on an open work permit.
5. The foreign nationalist will have to prove that they are not a full-time student and therefore, they will have to work for a company related to their qualification.
6. Terms and policies of the spousal sponsorship inside Canada are upgraded by the CIC as and when required.
Above are few of the many things you should know about spousal sponsorship inside Canada. Spousal sponsorship outside Canada varies from government to government. The policies tagged to the spousal visa differ from country to country depending on their requirements for the same. You can file for the open work permit visa to get your spouse to Canada. But, applying for the right visa is the most important thing in this case. If you are applying for a visa that you are not eligible for, then you are not only disappointed but are also wasting a lot of resources. You can take guidance from a consultancy firm who can give you details regarding a particular visa and guide you through the process. Canada spouse visa is one of the most reputed ICCRC certified firms who can help you make the best choice. They are also aware of the latest updates on spousal sponsorship within Canada visa application which increases your probability of success.
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Sponsoring Spouse into Canada

Spouse sponsored into Canada will be granted a conditional landing in Canada for two years. Provided the couple remains living together in a conjugal relationship as spouses for two years after the initial grant of permanent residency, the conditional landing becomes permanent. In assessing whether or not the newly arrived spouse is living in a conjugal relationship for the two years, immigration officers may conduct spot checks of the living arrangements of the couple. In these spots checks, called "random assessments" in the new regulations, they will consider a number of factors, including their sexual behavior, sleeping arrangements, dinner habits, financial circumstances and attitude towards children.
These considerations and other very personal queries are aimed at determining whether or not a "conjugal partner" exits and whether it exists under the same roof. The onus to demonstrate compliance with these intrusive issues is on the non-citizen spouse. This means that the person under review may have to provide information on his or her sex life, and other issues, to satisfy an immigration officer that the sponsor and spouse are genuinely living together as a couple.
If an immigration officer decides she is not satisfied that the conditions are met, she would then render a determination that the non-citizen is not a permanent resident, and presumably write them not being in compliance with the law and issue an exclusion order, compelling them to leave Canada without being able to return for a period of year.
As a safety measure against forcing persons in abusive relationships from remaining in unhealthy situations, the two year rule is subject to exceptions for those who are being subjected to physical, sexual, psychological or financial abuse and/or neglect. Neglect is defined in the regulations as the failure to provide the necessaries of life, such as food, clothing, medical care or shelter, and any other omission that result in a risk of serious harm. This is an important protection to ensure that a person is not trapped inside a potentially dangerous situation, believing them unable to escape without losing permanent residency in Canada. A similar policy of protection has been recognized in Canada' humanitarian and compassionate grounds program and guidelines.
However, the law is flawed in a number of ways. Primarily, there is no recognition or exception made for persons who find themselves in relationships which though not abusive, are intolerable for any number of personal reasons including non-compatibility and/ or infidelity. Under the conditional permanent residency, a spouse who has discovered their partner's infidelity or who simply cannot get along with their partner is compelled to remain in the relationship for 2 full years, without any means of extraction, without losing permanent residency. This would even include a spouse who has conceived a child in the two year period and who has clearly entered into the relationship in good faith, believing when he or she applied for permanent residency in Canada that they were entering into a conjugal relationship of permanence.
The new enactment allows no discretion for an officer to factor in basic human frailties or errors in judgment into an assessment of who does and does not deserve to retain permanent residency. For a non-citizen spouse in Canada on condition who has a child within the two years, but who then is left by their sponsoring partner for compatibility issues, this means being forced to leave Canada and possibly taking their child with them. In addition to the loss of support from the sponsoring spouse, the separation of the child from one of his or her parents would also result. Depending on the distance of the spouse's home country from Canada, this conceivably has very serious consequences on the development of that child.
The new law is simply too harsh, not flexible enough and too intrusive. It will create animosity amongst those new immigrant spouses subjected to embarrassing and intrusive questioning and may compel others, who genuinely and in good faith came to Canada as a spouse, to leave without having engaged in any wrongful behavior. The law has potential for being cruel and intolerant. It must be repealed to allow for more flexibility.
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Canada Permanent Residency Visa

Canada is a country in the northern part of North America with natural captivate as it keeps vast opportunities for immigration. The constant economic framework, great education, great quality of life and profitable job options are the things that draw to the nation if you have Permanent Residency Visa. The nation also is known as a tourist spot due to its regional variety and natural sites.
The Canadian school has the same position as the United States. Canada has the modern lifestyle and about one- fifth of the resident of the country are from outside Canada. The permanent citizens have right to stay, job opportunity and engage in further research in the country.
Some benefits that the nation offers is quick access to medical care, free education for the child, social security support and an ability to file the case for citizenship of the nation. The guidelines for migrants who want to apply for Canada PR Visa are not that hard.
A permanent resident is someone who has been given permanent resident status by immigrating to Canada but is not a Canadian citizen. Permanent residents are citizens of other countries. The nation represents double nationality and you need to maintain it. There are two rules for migrants –provisional access and PR in Canada.
Under provisional access, people can make an application for tourism, education and work. You may make an application for addition in visa when you are in the country. Many immigration visas enable you to get Permanent Residency in Canada. For applying for migrants to the country, the applicant should demand for accepted immigration form.
Permanent Residency of Canada is one of the prized possessions for certified people across the world. The Canadian government needs qualified and highly certified migrants to improve efficiency of the economic system and they offer Canada PR Visa mainly for this purpose.
#Permanent Residency of Canada#PR in Canada#Permanent residents in Canada#Permanent Residency in Canada#permanent resident
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How to Get Permanent Resident Status at Canada?

Did you know of the opportunities that are open to new residents of Canada? If you immigrate to Canada and become a permanent resident Canada, you get most of the same privileges that citizens have! Because of this, many people are considering immigrating.
One big benefit that is conferred is the right to live and work anywhere in the country. You also get free health care for yourself and your family who live there, and free public school education for your children.
Immigrants can come and go; you can always go visit your home country if you need to do so. You can also bring your family when you immigrate, including your children.
There are safety nets in the Canadian social system for people who are unemployed or in financial crisis. You also receive extra benefits if you have children. Plus, once you have permanent resident status, you can sponsor your family. This means you can make it possible for your parents and siblings to immigrate as well.
The crime rate in Canada is quite low. You also have a high quality of life and standard of living. Because of this, many people want to come. You can even visit the US & UK without a visitor visa.
Once you arrive in Canada, the clock starts ticking. Three years after you arrive, you can apply for full citizenship and your Canadian passport. Once this is granted, you can then open and expand a business into the United States through NAFTA or the North American Free Trade Agreement. You can also get help from the Government of Canada's investor program.
Canada has a wealth of temporary job opportunities for new residents, compared to India and Europe. New residents are given the same status, freedom and rights as citizens. This is very unusual.
Many people want to immigrate to Canada for both economic and lifestyle reasons. Canadian citizenship is a wonderful thing, respected worldwide, and it is open to you if you just relocate to Canada.
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Permanent Resident Rules for Canada Immigrants
There is dependably a potential turmoil with regards to securing a permanent citizenship in Canada. As the term recommends, the permanent resident can live in Canada and work without time confinements, not at all like if there should arise an occurrence of a visa. The occupants appreciate a considerable measure of benefits excepting a couple, such as voting rights. On the off chance that you are intending to migrate to Canada and work there, it is a smart thought to go over the permanent resident rules for Canada immigrants. For the individuals who wish to in the end settle down in Canada, the Canada home is a decent beginning stage, as it likewise offers assurance under the Canadian law.
A standout amongst the most critical permanent resident rules for Canada migrants is that one needs to put in no less than 2 years in the country during a 5 year period. Thus, the individuals who are sentenced wrongdoings or don't meet their commitments, will lose their permanent residency and will be ousted from the country as well. Permanent resident are given a card that they have to use at the season of passage into the nation on business transporters. Curiously, there are different methods for satisfying your residency commitments. You can aggregate residency days to make up the 730 days or 2 years that you are required to spend.
One can simply discover more data about permanent residency from CIC or Citizenship and Immigration Canada , which is in charge of conceding the status. The cases are evaluated and a ultimate choice could be taken abroad or at a Canadian port of passage. In actuality, it is likewise conceivable to bid against the choice of CIC, to the Immigration Appeal Division wing of Immigration and Refugee Board. Those federal skilled workers, who need to apply for permanent residency, will be tried on the premise of their dialect abilities in English. The instructive foundation and work experience will likewise add to the destiny of the application.
Considering the situations which let people keep up permanent residence even without remaining in Canada for broadened periods, one can state that there is adequate adaptability. Skilled workers who are decided for perpetual habitation experience some evaluation methods. Skilled workers are surveyed in view of all day work over the most recent 10 years in any of the occupations said in the qualified rundown. People are set in any of the 3 classifications, skill type 0, A and B. These are administrative occupations, professional occupations and specialized occupations and skilled traders. This framework is utilized as a part of Canada for grouping employments.
As of late, there have been changes, for example, disposal of the entire idea that judges an occupant's expectation to forsake Canada. The new Act additionally administers longer non appearances from the nation.
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How can I obtain an open work permit?

The most dominating approach to get an Open Work Permit is by being the going with dependent of somebody with status in Canada. This can incorporate a permanent or temporary document.
For instance, if your spouse is a Foreign Worker in Canada and is taking a shot at a Temporary Work Permit and the Permit was issued under NOC, A, B or O then you as a dependent could conceivable apply for an Open Work Permit.
Another way you can likewise take a gander at this, in the event that you have connected under a Permanent Residence Application and you are the fundamental candidate, you could apply for an Open Work Permit.
Open Work Permits are issued to people that are as of now in Canada, so you should as of now be in Canada to apply for one. You will be not able apply on the off chance that you are applying from abroad, as you will have no requirement for a Work Permit for Canada from outside of Canada. The Open Work Permit applies to inland applications as it were.
On the off chance that you have presented a spousal, conjugal or common-law sponsorship application inland then you could apply for an Open Work Permit.
Different courses in which you can get an Open Work Permit is through the Live-in Caregiver Program, Federal Skilled Worker Program and through the Canadian Experience Class. The Federal Skilled Trades Programs and in addition the Humanitarian Compassionate Applications likewise will take into account you to get an Open Work Permit.
As a lasting occupant under a significant number of these classes you should have the main stage affirmed which is known as an "Approval in Principle" before you will have the capacity to apply for Open Work Permit Canada .
When you have the main stage affirmed, the officer will express that in your letter. After that stage is finished it will likewise express that you are currently ready to apply for an Open Work Permit.
It is ordinarily prescribed that you present your application for an Open Work Permit when you are at the underlying phase of petitioning for your Permanent Residence Application. By doing this, it will wipe out the forward and backward after you have been "affirmed on a fundamental level". This implies once that officer is prepared to endorse you, you will be sent an Open Work Permit since you have effectively asked for it.
On the off chance that you happen to present an application that does exclude a demand for the Open Work Permit, it is nothing for you to stress over! When you have gotten an endorsement of the principal arrange you might be qualified for an Open Work permit which will be clarified in the letter that you get from the officer.
#open work permit#Open Work permit canada#spouse visa#spouse Open Work permit#Spouse Open Work permit Canada#Federal Skilled Worker Program#FSWP
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Canadian Family Class Immigration - One Way of Immigrating to Canada

One way your family can join you in Canada as immigrants is through family class immigration. Through family class immigration, certain members of your family are allowed to immigrate to Canada, upon your promise that you will take care of them for a specified period of time.
This article is a summary of some important aspects of family class immigration. It is not legal advice, but rather is merely informational.
Who can come to Canada?
Members of your family who may be eligible to come to Canada through the family class immigration program include your husband, your wife, or your conjugal partner, which includes your same-sex partner. In addition, your mother, your father, your grandparents, and your children may also be eligible. Additional members of your family, including your brother, sister, niece, nephew, or grandchildren may be eligible to join you in Canada as immigrants in some cases.
What do I need to do?
Before your family members can join you in Canada, you need to meet certain qualifications. Importantly, you must be eighteen years of age or more, and a Canadian citizen or a Canadian permanent resident. You must be residing in Canada if you are a permanent resident; in some cases Canadian citizens may be residing outside of Canada but remain eligible to sponsor their family members to immigrate to Canada.
You must also fill out a sponsorship undertaking. This is your promise to the Canadian government that you will support the family members you are sponsoring. Depending on the situation, this promise will endure for between three and ten years. You and the family members you are sponsoring must also sign an agreement which states that all parties understand their obligations.
In many cases sponsors must meet minimum financial requirements. The government established these financial requirements to help ensure that sponsors have the means to support their families in Canada. An important exception to financial requirements is that in cases of spousal sponsorship Canada, the government generally does not take your financial situation into consideration.
What other ways are there to immigrate to Canada?
There are many ways to immigrate to Canada. Immigrating through the family class is just one of those routes.
In addition, it is possible to come to Canada on a temporary work, visitor, or study visa.
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Spouse Immigration Visa in Canada

Citizenship and Immigration Canada makes provision for the Permanent Residents and the Canadian citizens to sponsor spouses or conjugal partners. Similar provisions are there for common-law, dependent children and parents also. But, this gets underway once you place an application under Family Class sponsorship for the spouse, common-law or conjugal partner who live outside of Canada.
The sponsor and the spouse must meet certain requirements on immigration. The applicants need to go through a background screening, medical and criminal examination. This is important because the investigation would establish the credibility and authenticity on investigation. Any individual with a criminal offense to his/her account is not allowed to enter the country as this might pose threat to the local populace. It is therefore very essential that you provide a certificate from the police department from the home country. CIC does also make clear that a certificate on health status of the spouse must be provided with all the papers.
The sponsor can make an application on sponsorship only if he or she is 18 years of age or above. Also, the sponsor should be the permanent resident of Canada in order to be eligible for making an application on Family Class Sponsorship. Spouse Immigration visa Canada makes amendment that the sponsor can still make an application if the spouse doesn’t have the legal status on immigration, provided all other specifications are met.
It is very necessary for the sponsor to also show his/her financial ability on supporting the spouse, common law or conjugal partner. Sponsor should therefore provide papers on his or her income statement or IT returns. CIC makes it clear that the sponsor should have a clear record on sponsorship. Any prior attempt on sponsorship that got failed on account of financial incompetence would be taken as negative on sponsorship.
A sponsor and the spouse must sign the sponsorship agreement on financial assistance and support. The spouse would make a declaration that he or she will make a good effort on being self-reliant. The sponsor is required to declare that the spouse would be financial supported for a period of 3 years from the date the status on Permanent Residency is approved. In case the spouse also brings along a dependent child then the sponsor must take the liability of the child for 10 years.
Spouse Immigration visa Canada is an opportunity for the Permanent Residents or Canadian citizen to take the route on Relative Sponsorship. This is an easier route as compared to other forms of visa such as open work visa or business visa. But, the requirements on spouse visa are somewhat differentiated. In this case the liability is on the sponsor to take care of the spouse and the financial obligations. The spouse and the sponsor are required to make sure that immigration comes clean on law and nationality.
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