😭😭😭 as an INFP 4w3 i've grown to hate "not like other girls" elitism, like i love pop music and girly things, but in turn that has given me a slight superiority complex towards both "not like other girls" people and "casual" enjoyers of pop music and girly things
The slant in elitism and how it differs for a 4w3 ISFP from a 4w3 INFP just occurred to me and made me laugh:
Fanny from Bright Star (ISFP): eww, your outfits are so hideous and basic. I design and sew all of mine to stand out in a superior way from your low-grade trash Regency garments, while judging you for being cringe (look at my fabulous bonnet!).
Marianne Dashwood from Sense & Sensibility (INFP): eww, a man who can't read poetry with the right amount of fervent ardor is so basic. I prefer people who TRULY UNDERSTAND the important things in life, which are emo poetry and moping in the rain, in the hopes that I might fall ill and die and then he will be sorry!! (Also, I hate the basic bitches who will be living in our house and eating off our plates and I won't be nice to them before we leave!)
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Can you describe each of the dominant functions when trying to solve a problem?
Te: what’s the fastest, most obvious solution that accomplishes a goal?
Ti: what is the logical root of the problem and what will fix it, quick?
Fe: what solution will ensure mutual benefits for all involved?
Fi: what solution do I feel most comfortable with?
Ne: what solution works best with the broader picture?
Ni: what solution has the best future outcome?
Se: what solution is apparent in the external environment?
Si: what has worked to resolve similar situations in the past?
- ENFP mod (sorry, keep forgetting to tag my posts)
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Fi in all four positions
Dominant: *sees fictional character they love* THAT MY BAE *fictional character dies* BAE NOOOOOOOOOOO *cries* *person shows them affection* !!!!!! *is around their SO or best friend or a person they wanna get to know better* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sees someone being needlessly rude or harmful to another sentient being* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Auxiliary: I gotta do The Right Thing™ and be My Own Person™
Tertiary: *Feels genuine affection towards a person* Maybe I should tell them something like “Bro, I appreciate you and the feels you make me feel, never change”. Actually naw, don’t feel like it *goes back to hiding in their room or idk maybe somewhere else, never to be seen for weeks on end*
Inferior: *Sees person behaving irresponsibly or being lazy* lol what a loser with likely no redeeming qualities unlike myself, who is perf just the way i am aside from some flaws that i may or may not be insecure about
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Uhh, hi. My name's Holly. Yeah, I know, it's so... Christmasy. But unlike the plastics in the school dance committee, I'm not exactly feeling warm and jolly about the winter formal. My boyfriend Darren dumped me like a stocking full of coal over Thanksgiving Break to go out with my ex-best friend, and my new crush is super-hottie football star Nicholas Mistletoe. He doesn't even know I'm alive, and if he did, why would he want to go out with me--the daughter of Krampus? I guess it's true what they say--holidays are Hell. *Fall Out Boy's "Yule Shoot Your Eye Out" plays*
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INFP functions in a nutshell
Fi: I want to MATTER in this world, I want to be my own inspiration, I need to know that what I've accomplished is in line with my real, authentic self
Ne: okay but what is that inner authentic self, hold on lemme just try to be 32549632 different people at once and work towards as many goals as possible
Si: idk I get kinda scared when I think about all these possibilities, I'd rather just do the same thing I've been doing for the past few years bc it feels comfortable
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INFP functions in a nutshell
Fi: I want to MATTER in this world, I want to be my own inspiration, I need to know that what I've accomplished is in line with my real, authentic self
Ne: okay but what is that inner authentic self, hold on lemme just try to be 32549632 different people at once and work towards as many goals as possible
Si: idk I get kinda scared when I think about all these possibilities, I'd rather just do the same thing I've been doing for the past few years bc it feels comfortable
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Fe Dominant: That person looks sad. I WILL SMOTHER THEM UNTIL THEY SMILE.
Fe Auxiliary: That person looks sad. I wonder why they’re sad? How can I modify my behavior to make them less sad?
Fe Tertiary: That person looks sad. Lol.
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Introverted Thinking
Me: The concept of "personal logic" doesn't make sense to me.
Me: Wait
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Tert Fe vs Tert Fi
ENTP: my childhood has broken me emotionally
ISTJ: haha yeah one day I realized I actually only care about me
ENTP: now I'm kinda just devoid of all emotion
ISTJ: yeah yeah me too
ENTP: no, no, I think the difference between us is that I'm a cold unfeeling robot and you're just an asshole.
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Dom Fi and Aux Ne have exposed me. i will be thinking about this Protagonist-mentality for the next couple of minutes
Sarcastic functions (For fun)
Dominant Si: You throw a temper tantrum when the rest of the group votes to replace the mushrooms with black olives on the pizza
Auxiliary Si: You’re feeling “edgy” this weekend, so you’re gonna try homemade tartar instead of going to Applebee’s
Tertiary Si: You probably have your favorite childhood cartoon character tattooed somewhere on your body
Inferior Si: You only changed religions twice during college, that’s surprisingly conservative of you
Dominant Se: Everything you do has to result in you saying “Whoooooaaaaaaa!!!”
Auxiliary Se: This is needlessly dangerous, so of course you’re first in line to try it
Tertiary Se: Put on that Armani/Versace because you’re gong grocery shopping
Inferior Se: I guess you owe it to yourself to have sex this year
Dominant Ni: Life is overrated, deconstructing the fabric of existence is where it’s at
Auxiliary Ni: During the the Lewinsky scandal in the late 90’s, you jokingly said “Hillary will get back at him by becoming president herself one day”
Tertiary Ni: You just now, out of nowhere, decided to knock down every wall in your apartment so you can have a yourself a kickass loft
Inferior Ni: You woke up this morning deciding you want to become president in the near future. As you Googled “What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans?”, you got sidetracked by a hookup on Tinder
Dominant Ne: You just gave a friend a two hour monologue on the history of Imperial Japan because they asked you if they should buy a Toyota
Auxiliary Ne: You’ve never made it to season 3 of anything
Tertiary Ne: You can can assess where your friends and family are going with their lives…..through astrology of course. And you just can’t resist an on-line quiz that tells you about your personality based on your eye color
Inferior Ne: Screw it! You’re gonna wear that fedora non-ironically. You only live once, after all
Dominant Fi: If there was such a thing as “the chosen one” in real life, you’re totally convinced it would be you
Auxiliary Fi: You display the same burning passion as historical civil rights defenders do…..when someone insults a TV show you like
Tertiary Fi: You appointed yourself as the “This is wrong” police at your workplace
Inferior Fi: You once shook your head in disapproval and said “What’s this world coming to…..?” when watching the news. That was the weakest 7 seconds of your life
Dominant Fe: You call up bathroom tissue companies to ask if you can adopt the baby and puppy that were featured in their last commercial
Auxiliary Fe: You wanted people to like and share your opinions if they agreed, way before Facebook ever came along
Tertiary Fe: You’ve mastered the art of making people believe you are the love of their life in order to get them in bed for a one night stand
Inferior Fe: You DO apologize sometimes. Like, “I’m sorry that you’re such a *insert insult* ”
Dominant Ti: You have absolutely no qualms about murdering someone who annoys you, except for the whole “possible jail time” thing
Auxiliary Ti: If it gets you exactly what you want, even cheating is fair game
Tertiary Ti: You actually have an idea or two as to why your “check engine” light just appeared, before you hand it over to the mechanic
Inferior Ti: You legitimately have a 100%, purely scientific explanation as to why Sharon is being a bitch right now
Dominant Te: The world is a giant Tetris game for you and you’re the line piece
Auxiliary Te: 90% of the people you know can’t do anything right. The other 10% can, but they are obnoxious as hell about it
Tertiary Te: Every now and then you realize that doing something about it is 100% more effective than complaining about it
Inferior Te: You took out the trash this morning, now you’ll spend countless sleepless nights wondering if you gave yourself up to conformity
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Auxiliary functions (In depth)
SUBMITTED via e-mail
Auxiliary Si (ESxJ): Auxiliary Si manifest in people sticking to what they know, what they have seen that works successfully, first hand. This makes them usually enforcers of traditions and nostalgia-seekers, but tertiary Ne can interfere and make them want to shake things up a bit. But auxiliary Si has more weight and therefore the road that is tried and tested usually wins out. New ideas thus, need to be studied carefully but are always tantalizing.
Auxiliary Se (ISxP): Auxiliary Se manifests in people acting on their desires or simply seeking thrills, through good environmental awareness after it has been filtered through their Fi/Ti. In either case, this often comes off as rebellious behavior “I do what I want” and given that they are introverts, they don’t put as much thought as to how it will impact others, which can oddly make ISxPs sometimes come off as even more impulsive than their extroverted counterparts. An aura of mystery behind these types, only reinforces that. But in reality, they typically think things through more than ESxPs, Especially since tertiary Ni often pops up to lay out the bigger picture of whatever it is they are doing or thinking. But given that it only has to make sense to them, it may very well come off as making no sense to onlookers.
Auxiliary Ni (ENxJ): Auxiliary Ni manifests in people wanting to revolutionize “the system” or leaving their mark in some ground-breaking way. However, being extroverts means they will probably need assistance from others in order to do so, unlike INxJs who can just lock themselves in their basements and come up with a revolutionary insight. Thus, auxiliary Ni can be very good in tapping into other people’s strengths and using them. Or just generally, that they have a good sense of what people are thinking or where things are heading. This is a key component in them wanting to tackle the unknown, Tertiary Se however, refuses to let real time events and trends pass right over their heads and will often nag them let go of their projects momentarily in order to see what the immediate world is doing or has to offer. This makes them a little less focused than their introverted counterparts, but more realistic.
Auxiliary Ne (INxP): Auxiliary Ne manifests in people constantly questioning the world around them, but unlike ENxPs, they can be more pick and choose about this. But generally, they don’t take people, things and events at face value. There is always much more behind this. Tertiary Si takes in new and boundless information and acts as a filtering system in dictating what they love and hate. If you like this, then keep it (maybe forever) if you don’t like this……keep exploring for other options. This will work in tandem with their dominant Fi or Ti in making personal sense of things. The general portrait is usually of someone that goes through many phases, to the extent of coming off as very eccentric, while keeping many personal beliefs and values intact throughout time.
Auxiliary Fi (ExFP): Auxiliary Fi manifests in people constantly acting on what they feel is right or wrong according to their personal standards. But being extroverts, this can sometimes be subject to flexibility and change through other people, something that is much more rare in IxFPs. ExFPs can also be much more curious or accurately aware of other people’s beliefs and value system. To some extent this can also mean tertiary Te taking this into account when wanting to realize something concrete. This is not to be mistaken for Fe as it is merely wanting to understand other people, not necessarily making concessions with them. If anything, ExFPs can also be very judgmental about other people’s beliefs and values when it doesn’t gel with theirs. But rather than seeking to influence or change them, they prefer merely understanding what drives people and of course dismissing what violates their beliefs if it is too strongly.
Auxiliary Fe (IxFJ): Tertiary Fe manifests in people reading with great accuracy other’s needs and more than often catering to them. This can easily make them look like extroverts, as social conventions and expectations weigh very strongly on their minds. It also makes them great shoulders to lean on as they naturally understand people.Tertiary Ti however, can bring a good dose of skepticism and questioning, something that has a tendency to fall flat on ExFJs. Therefore, the concept of the human race should be one happy family can only go so far with IxFJs, as gritty realism can poke its ugly head and lead them to limit their generosity and philanthropy.
Auxiliary Ti (ExTP): Auxiliary Ti manifests in people being accurately aware of logic and facts, but having to consider people and the world around them at the same time, which makes said facts and logic malleable. ExTPs love nothing more than blunt truth telling, getting to the bottom line and so on, but also have tertiary Fe remind them to buffer this. Therefore, when in stress, this can be severely compromised and ExTPs can become downright mean in telling things the way they see fit. Fe can also work in tandem with their Ti in working with people towards a logical objective. In its darker form, this will most likely be manipulation of others for one’s own gain. Where ExTPs have a huge advantage over their introverted counterparts however, is that their logic knows how to work with others, therefore being more convincing or ironically, sounding more logical than IxTPs, whom even though this is their dominant function, have a tendency to not care about what others think and therefore may come off as being more “out there”.
Auxiliary Te (IxTJ): Auxiliary Te manifests in people being very pro-active in reaching their goals and not wanting emotional plights getting in the way. Te for IxTJs however, is much more slow than their extroverted counterparts. This ironically makes them come off as lazy, of all things, to others. That’s because they work with the mindset of “I’ll do it when I’m good and ready” and when that time comes, it will get done by all means necessary. Both Si and Ni work by amassing large pools of facts and data before springing into action, and thus the apparent “slowness”. It is actually all about forming a solid base before moving on to the next step rather than what may look like procrastinating. IxTJs, while usually having great leadership qualities (much more than they will give themselves credit for), usually prefer to steer clear from leadership roles because through their introverted personalities, they may find it draining to impose orders on others (something that comes naturally to your typical ExTJ). Thus they prefer showing their own competencies on their own accord and sometimes by picking up other people’s slack. Just as ExTJs can be influenced by their Se/Ne, so too can IxTJs be derailed OR fueled by their FI.
Note: No need for a dominant functions write-up as it would only be explaining the basics of said functions.
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Ne in all four positions
Dominant: *Goes on internet* HONEY I’M HOME wait is that a real thing husbands say to their wives like in old sitcoms? Was it normal for husbands in those eras to say that? OKAY NM I GOTTA REMEMBER WHAT I WAS GONNA BE OBSESSED WITH TODAY *sees that a new episode of their favourite podcast about Tuvan throat singing is out* THAT. I’LL BE OBSESSED WITH THAT. *Spends hours looking at memes related to High School Musical for no reason* I wonder if a Marxist criticism could be applied to an analysis of High School Musical. *Rewatches all 3 High School Musical movies and reads about Marxism in between movies* *Begins to write a post on Tumblr about the social structure of high school and how High School Musical is from the pov of someone close to the top of the social ladder* *Gets distracted by a picture of a unicorn with a badly written inspirational quote in comic sans over it* OMG THAT EXISTS. I WANT THAT IMAGE ON A T-SHIRT.
Auxiliary: *Injects fictional works and interesting facts into their bloodstream* oh yeahhhhh that’s the stuuuuff
Inferior: *Can’t think of a fitting title for a creative piece* Wait, I have an idea. I’ll just call it “Untitled”. I’M ACTUALLY SO CREATIVE OMG
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Ni in all four positions
Dominant: *Sitting in lotus position with eyes closed* I am at one with the forces of the universe, able to perceive the distant future and all the factors that will lead to its formation in a plethora of domino effects and chain reactions. You see that tree over there? It’s an Alaska red cedar, which has a lifespan of about 3500 years. To you, it must be quite a long lifetime, but to it, living for thousands of years is nothing special. Much like a typical dog only lives for a bit over 10 years, a single lifetime for you would be the equivalent of multiple lifetimes for it. Or even for a fruit fly, living for under two months is a full lifetime and if it could experience bafflement, it would at the concept that some living beings can live for decades, or even for a single decade in a dog’s case. But all this pales in comparison to the universe, which is the only thing that will outlive all else. You and I will die eventually, as will every other person and living thing that exists, but the universe will keep existing, hosting life in whatever form it takes. Humans are the only life known by us capable of understanding concepts such as this, which may suggest that we have a meaningful role in the grand scheme of things, but an average human’s only contribution to this grand scheme is ensuring the existence of other humans in the future, which can be seen as… *Fails to notice that the person they’re talking to got bored and ditched them sometime around “It’s an Alaska red cedar”*
Auxiliary: *Reviews vision for the future* Excellent, all is happening according to plan. *Something doesn’t happen according to plan* SHIT SHIT SHIT THIS IS NOT OKAY WHAT DO I DO
Tertiary: *At a bar* I’m getting kind of a creepy vibe from that guy sitting by himself over there. But maybe he’s just a normal guy who wants a drink after a long day at work or maybe all his friends are busy. I mean, not every guy who goes to bars alone is a creep *Sees said guy pester a woman for her attention and not leave her alone even after she turns him down multiple times* Yo, I was right. She looks really uncomfortable. I should step in and do something, I’m getting the feeling that he’s not gonna take no for an answer anytime soon. Alright, aux-Se, do your thing.
Inferior: *Is asked to consider the future/abstract ideas* yeah how about i fuckin don’t lol
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Se in all four positions
Dominant: *Sitting and watching tv while changing their position every 10 seconds* UuuUUuUGGgGGhHHhhh WHY CAN’T I EVER SIT STILL *drops down to do some pushups and situps* gotta look good for all the cuties out there *goes out to get some post-workout food* YAY I’M OUTSIDE <3 *looks at sky* OMG IT’S SO PRETTYYYY *gets food and sits down to eat it* *eats food in under a minute* *starts walking back home* SO. BORING. NEED. STIMULATION. but not gonna lie I probs look pretty *checks self out in window reflection* I WAS RIGHT????
Auxiliary: I am so… Relaxed… At ease in this environment… So satisfied with reality as it is… *runs into a problem* WASSUP MOTHERFUCKER YOU WANNA FIGHT LET’S GO
Tertiary: *Goes for jog* *showers and grooms self* *puts together aesthetically pleasing outfit* ENxJ’s Tips for Success #15: You gotta look hella fine *goes to McDonald’s and indulges on fries*
Inferior: *Goes to get the mail* *gets overwhelmed by all the sensory stimuli on their way to the mailbox* WHY IS EVERYTHING SO INTENSE MAKE IT STOP *gets mail and returns to their dwelling* awww yeahhhhh peace at last
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Se in all four positions
Dominant: *Sitting and watching tv while changing their position every 10 seconds* UuuUUuUGGgGGhHHhhh WHY CAN’T I EVER SIT STILL *drops down to do some pushups and situps* gotta look good for all the cuties out there *goes out to get some post-workout food* YAY I’M OUTSIDE <3 *looks at sky* OMG IT’S SO PRETTYYYY *gets food and sits down to eat it* *eats food in under a minute* *starts walking back home* SO. BORING. NEED. STIMULATION. but not gonna lie I probs look pretty *checks self out in window reflection* I WAS RIGHT????
Auxiliary: I am so… Relaxed… At ease in this environment… So satisfied with reality as it is… *runs into a problem* WASSUP MOTHERFUCKER YOU WANNA FIGHT LET’S GO
Tertiary: *Goes for jog* *showers and grooms self* *puts together aesthetically pleasing outfit* ENxJ’s Tips for Success #15: You gotta look hella fine *goes to McDonald’s and indulges on fries*
Inferior: *Goes to get the mail* *gets overwhelmed by all the sensory stimuli on their way to the mailbox* WHY IS EVERYTHING SO INTENSE MAKE IT STOP *gets mail and returns to their dwelling* awww yeahhhhh peace at last
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Fe in all four positions
Dominant: I love my friends and family so much, they’re what get me out of bed in the morning. Oh yay, there’s someone I know over there, Imma go talk to them and then text someone else to make some plans for tonight.
Auxiliary: What do some people find so tough about being nice and accommodating to one’s fellow man? I need a fucking nap tbh, I’m sick of all the conflict and inconvenience in this world.
Tertiary: hey ;) wassup beautiful? ;)
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