What I think each cabin smells like:
The Athena cabin smells like cider, books, and coffee.
The Apollo cabin smells like the beach first aid lifeguard hut. (a mix of hot sand, sunscreen, fresh air, wet swimwear, beer, rubbing alcohol and ointments.)
The Hephaestus cabin smells like a multipurpose work shop.
The Aphrodite cabin smells like a someone spilt pheromone perfume in a Sephora.
The Ares cabin smells like a football locker-room that occasionally gets sprayed with sports enzyme.
The Demeter cabin smells like a gardening shop + organic grocery store.
The Zeus cabin smells like a storm brewing.
The Hera cabin smells like dust and interestingly like a baby’s head.
The Iris cabin smells like sweet mist and fruity tooties.
The Hades cabin smells like a graveyard séance, damp stone, moss, mildew, frankincense, sage, or copal incense or candles and an occasional metallic whiff of sheep’s blood.
The Poseidon cabin smells like the sea and fisherman’s boat.
The Hermes cabin smells like a pawn shop off the side of a highway that also deals weed.
The Dionysus cabin smells like a forest picnic with a whole lot of grapes, wine & cheese, and cherry cola.
The Artemis cabin smells like a well cleaned hunting lodge, white pine tea, slightly smoky jerky, and dried spices.
The Hypnos cabin smells like; lavender camomile tea, fresh bedding, and some gentle spa-like scents.
The Nemesis cabin smells like metallic trophies, laurel wreaths, gift wrap, and champagne.
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