calypso-ogygia · 7 years
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PJO CRYSTAL GEM REDESIGNS. ✨ I was feeling inspired. 
Almost all of them have changed in some form or fashion, some in major ways like Percy’s, Annabeth’s, Reyna’s, Frank’s and Leo’s designs have all been completely revamped. Others were minor details like Hazel, Nico, Calypso, Jason and Piper. I enjoyed drawing these its always a fun character design exercise. 
I may do more with these I may not Im not too sure right now especially with the year just starting to get going but who knows! Hope you enjoy these though! 
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
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lemme just introduce the prettiest calypso i’ve ever drawn real quick
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
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all your gods are teenage girls:  calypso, a goddess of water
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
Heroes of Olympus as parents
My vision for the type of parents they’d be:
Percy: the ‘as long as there’s no casualties it’s fine’ parent
Annabeth: The panicking hover parent
Jason: the 'I’m the parent so I’m always right’ parent
Piper: the (accidentally) bad influence parent
Leo: the fun parent who’s still kind of a child himself, but can be serious if needed
Calypso: the 'everything’s a teachable moment’ parent
Hazel: the mom everyone wishes was their’s
Frank: the 'idek what I’m doing but I’m gonna try’ parent
Nico: the 'touch my child and you die’ parent/the 'idgaf just don’t get hurt’ parent
Reyna: the 'my kids are angels you say differently I send you to hell’ parent
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
Calypso: I told leo he was annoying and threw pots and pans at him.
Piper: When i get mad at jason i charmspeak and tell him to smack himself.
Annabeth: One time i judo flipped percy.
Alex: I decapitated Magnus and i would probably do it again.
Alex: I win.
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
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A sequel to the animation of the seven I made almost 2 years ago. I thought it was about time for another one. The order is Nico, Will, Thalia, Reyna, Grover, Tyson, and Calypso. There are too many characters, 7 is my max.
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
Calypso 8D? ps. Your art is BEAUTIFUL
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My angry daughter I love her so much
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
Reluctant Royalty AU
Character A is a prince/princess who is running away, leaving their duties and their betrothed, Character B, behind in favor of exploring the world. Character A ends up falling in with a group of pirates, whose leader happens to be Character B, who left their throne for the same reason as Character A. 
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
PROMPT: When you kiss your soulmate, you die… Unless, of course, your soulmate is in love with you. (Take this and do what you will with it. You could have it where soulmates have tattoos, or it could just be there’s no way of knowing if someone’s your soulmate or not unless you kill them. Or it could be you just know once you’ve kissed them.)
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
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diana + smiling
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
AU's about eldritch creatures or cosmic horror?
Character A has made a profession in dealing with eldritch creatures – the kind that are brought forth from old family heirlooms or are lurking at the bottom of abandoned wells – so when they get a call about something strange going down by the seaside cottage, Character A figures that this is just going to be a routine kill and clean. Character B is a horror that’s been trapped underneath the house for centuries, and now they’re finally free.
“Sometimes, when you yell into the void, the void yells back…and then it shatters your mind and you gain horrible, cosmic powers of darkness. C’est la vie, I guess.” AU
While sleeping in a cave, Character A is rudely awaken from their century long slumber by Character B, an amateur cave explorer that accidentally stumbled into Character A’s chamber.
Character A has a deal with the devil…or whatever lives in the lake/ocean near their house. Every full moon, Character A has to leave a sacrifice out on the beach for ‘the thing’ from the water to come devour – recently, Character A has been leaving out their bound and gagged enemies.
“I know it’s dangerous, but I’ve gained so much knowledge from listening to the elder gods that I can’t stop now – I need to know more.” AU
Character A is a “cosmic horror”, but they’ve been bound to a stone idol until somebody breaks it. Character B is at an antique store when they accidentally knock over a stone idol…and all hell breaks loose.
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
(ENG SUB)clip of B.I the biggest hole of all🤣🤣🤣 from iKON in Weekly Idol 170607
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
Time to Pretend AU
Characters A, B, C and D are hanging out one night when Character A mentions having anxiety over their plans to ask out their crush – who may or may not be Character B/C/D. The others decide to help Character A practice by role-playing as Character A and their crush. However, Character B, always the jokester, starts inserting outlandish events into the conversation (“And then a dinosaur attacked!”, “And then Character A was hit by a sniper’s bullet!”).
Character A is annoyed, but everyone else is really into it. Soon enough the group of them are running around the apartment/house/neighborhood/town/city, switching between characters, running from imaginary monsters, investigating an imaginary crime ring, and arguing with imaginary lovers, all as a part of the absurd story they’re making up as they go along. And through all this, Character A plays along, but they’re still completely terrified to ask out their crush.
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
Cult of Personality
Character A is Character B’s favorite singer. Actually, Character A seems to be everyone’s favorite singer. It seems like Character B can’t go anywhere without hearing one of Character A’s songs, or seeing a poster promoting one of Character A’s albums or tours. Their fandom spans ages, races, countries – the entire world seems to be united in their love for Character A. It would be a good thing, if Character B could figure out why. Sure, Character A is a great singer and rather attractive, but… No one’s that perfect.
It isn’t until Character B wins a fan contest for backstage passes to one of Character A’s shows that the truth finally comes out: Character A is an ancient fae, using the modern human tendency to flock to celebrities to have the fun they’re denied from the loss of the old fae ways.
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
Veronica: hey I was wondering if you could help me out with something
Cheryl: yeah I got a lighter and gasoline in the trunk
Veronica: it's not arson but thanks
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calypso-ogygia · 7 years
Humans and Monsters AU
In a world of monsters, Character A is a human. Afraid of what others may think, Character A continues to pretend that they’re a monster by using makeup, bandages, and clever lies. Character B is an actual monster and Character A’s best friend, but Character B has the sneaking suspicion that Character A is a human and they’re not sure what to do about it.
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