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calsappstore · 1 hour ago
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Dylann Roof’s mental health assessment.
This post is for educational purposes only.
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calsappstore · 15 hours ago
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Third shooter: A theory that has been quite active for years is that Columbine High School Massacre was committed by three people. There are people who thought they saw more than just two shooters; I read somewhere that both Eric and Dylan had trench coats on in the beginning, but later on took them off, so maybe that is why they thought they saw more people. A man that is oftentimes mentioned, particularly by witnesses was Robert Perry (he was known to have terrible acne, crooked teeth and his behavior would lead people to describe him using negative terms). The hypothesis here would be that people mistook Perry for Klebob (both have similar height and long hair). Another person who was believed to be that third shooter is Chris Morris (leader of the trench coat mafia and someone who openly hated the school and the people in it), another man who was believed to the potential third shooter is Joseph Stair, he would partake in the trench coat mafia, but he had graduated a year prior. Stair was known to be a weirdo and also expressed hatred for the school. From my understanding, a few kids that belong to the TCM (Trench Coat Mafia) did talk to Eric and Dylan on AoL about guns, they would make pipe bombs for fun, but Eric and Dylan knew enough about guns and explosives to pull the attack alone. Eye Witnesses oftentimes make mistakes in identifying suspects, and that is okay, obviously everyone was in a stressful (to put it mildly) situation, it truly is no one’s fault; also, Mandela effect is a thing, a few people recalled Klebob, Perry or Stair being around 6,8 feet (none of them were that tall) or the shooters wearing balaclavas (there is no evidence that either Eric or Dylan wore that).
REBDOOMER and Harris' Wads: Eric Harris loved Doom, he wrote about the game, even in his school papers. He talks about how what he could not do in real life, he would do in Doom. Even in his AoL profile, Doom is written as being a major part of his life, describing himself as a “professional doomer”. His fascination with the game went so far, he wrote letters to ID Software (the developers of Doom) and even had copies of the Doom novels. REBDOOMER was one of Harris’ most infamous AoL profiles. Eric built a website to showcase his Doom wads (acronym for where’s all the data, it is a file format used by Doom, you start with an IWads and then graduate to a Pwad). This is relevant because Eric modded several wads for Doom 2 (Deathmatching in Bricks, Mortal Kombat Doom, Killer and Station) and at least one for the game Quake.
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REB and VoDkA: These were the names that Eric and Dylan went by. Eric was Reb because he liked the idea of being a Rebel, also, the word Rebel was used in the school’s teams for basketball, baseball and football. Eric used to be a soccer player in his freshman and sophomore year of high school, where Dylan would eventually join him. Eric really liked soccer, he left the Columbine soccer team, but joined an extracurricular soccer team called “The Colorado Rush”. Harris went frequently by REB (spelled in all capitals) at work and online, a few people at work did not even know his real name, to them, that guy was just REB. Eric was rather attached to his nickname, contrary to Dylan, who did not care that much about being called VodKa. Quite a few people have noted that REB and VodKa were alter egos, so when they vandalised something or did any rebellious act, they were not Eric and Dylan, but REB and VodKa, which makes sense. Whatever the case, the names unquestionably played an important part in the event.
Austin Eubanks: Another highly recognisable survivor of the massacre, he happened to be in the library when the worst of the massacre took place, Austin was really good friends with Corey DePooter, who sadly lost his life. Austin was next to DePooter and had to witness his friend being tragically shot. Eubanks was also shot in the hand and knee, but he managed to survive the attack. Austin’s story is quite sad, he got addicted to prescription medicine, he attended treatment in 2006 and then later in 2011, in hopes of getting better. For a while, he got better and he worked at an addiction treatment center and was a voice for recovery. However, unfortunately, in 2019, Eubanks was found dead in his home due to an OD. I sincerely hope he was able to find the peace he deserved.
Survivor/ Witness Accounts: A lot of information that we know to this day is thanks to the witness and survivors’ accounts. Many of them have courageously told their stories to help shape the event. There is not a lot to say here because this is pretty self explanatory.
We are Columbine: On the topic of survivors, “we are columbine” is a documentary released in 2018, it featured survivors’ testimonies. They tell their stories and how the event affected their lives. Due to everything, classes were moved and suspended until the crime scene was cleaned up. When these students went back to their high school, they walked in chanting “We are Columbine” to restore the school pride. A couple of students made a flag with the Columbine flower and the slogans “we are columbine” and “we strive to survive” written on it. The flag was a symbol that although they were to move forward, they would never forget the lives that were tragically lost that day.
Klebob’s drinking: Dylan Klebob really lived up to his nickname of VoDKa, he liked to drink and was proud if it. On his diversion file, when asked if he’s ever drank or used drugs by himself, he responded yes “alcohol a couple times” but he says that he never experienced withdrawal and that he never used them with members of his family. He states that the first use of alcohol or marihuana was at age 15, but he did say it was with his brother (so did he or did he never use it with a member of his family?) at their house, and that Dylan was curious about what alcohol tasted like. Likewise, when asked about his relationship with alcohol, he states that he was “careful with it”. Dylan had to take random urine scans, during his whole diversion program, which lasted for about a year. All of them came back negative. In his first journal entry, he described being drunk with a screwdriver, he explains that alcohol is cleansing for him, in a moral sort of way. Klebob’s drunkness can be seen throughout his writings, as he would make spelling mistakes and say things that are absolutely unhinged. Dylan did not use alcohol as means to socialize, he drank as a remedy, which would make him more dependant on it later in life. Some signs of alcohol use disorder that he displayed were: problems at school (falling grades, complaints from staff, reports of cutting class and absences), mood changes (issues with depression, irritability and anger), uncharacteristic periods of lethargy and low energy; changes in weight and withdrawals from family (but some people act like this when they’re sober).
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Rebel Missions: Eric, Dylan and Zack (REB, VoDKa and KIBBZ) would TP houses, set off small explosives and superglue door handles, in an attempt to get back to those who bothered them. Eric was defined as the instigator, as these typically happened around Eric’s neighbourhood and to people Eric seemed to have a vendetta against. However, in 1998, the Brown family made a report about a garage window that had been broken by a paintball gun, Eric was named as the prime suspect, but it is worth noting that there is no proof that this was done by him.
Rachel’s drawing: Rachel Scott, the first victim of the attack, was a 17 year old christian girl known for her kindness and compassion towards others. The day of the shooting, Scott drew a picture of some eyes with tears that end up becoming blood. This drawing is significant and many people interpret it as her having some form of premonition on what’s to come. Overall, it tends to be seen as a rather eerie coincidence.
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There’s part 3, this is for educational purposes only.
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calsappstore · 1 day ago
He attended the Chicago Pride Parade in 1991.
He wanted to join the FBI at some point in his life.
He studied Business at Ohio State University before he dropped out (he attended for about a semester).
He had his first rum when he was 16, on vacation in Puerto Rico with his family.
He broke his hand when he was about 16-17.
He went on a ski vacation with his dad
He went to Milwaukee State Fair in 1990 and watched the fireworks.
Him and his dad raised a baby eagle when Jeffrey was 6, they named him Dusty.
He knew how to play chess
He read The Lord of the Rings
He loved the coffee from a french cafe at the Grand Avenue Mall
He got his first glasses in 5th grade and at the time of his arrest had about 5,4 in each eye.
When he was in Florida and slept on the beach, a rat ran over his head. It was so scary for him, he felt the need to call his dad the day after.
Jeffrey's blood type was 0 plus
He liked jewellery and once bought a blue topaz ring for about 1,500 US dollars
He made about 1,200 dollars a month at Ambrosia chocolate factory.
Dahmer always left his apartment at 10:08 pm to catch the bus for work.
He did not have a car. His DL expired in 1986 so he had to walk everywhere.
When he was in the army, he applied to be stationed in Hawaii, but got sent to Germany instead.
His penpals sent him around 12,000 dollars
As a teen, he listened to Neil Sedaka, so much so, he attended a concert with a classmate when he was 15.
He (apparently) had a yellow bike, but it was destroyed and no neighbour ever saw it.
When he was in high school, he worked as a waiter in a restaurant.
He had his first blackout from drinking at the German Octoberfest in 1980.
As a kid, he would spend lots of time in a wooden shed, which he called "The Hut" and yes, the experiments with roadkill were done here.
He refused an interview with Dr. Dietz because of a "bad hair day".
Dahmer used to order the "big breakfast" from McDonald's
He started several fires when he was 12.
He never ate reindeer meat
He attended a couple AA meetings in 1982, when he was living with his grandma.
He got a 700 bucks membership to the Vic Tanney Gym, where he trained for about a year.
In 1980, while he attended the Octoberfest (the one he apparently blacked out in for the first time) a bomb went off at the entrance gates, killing 13 and injuring 200.
Per usual on this account, this post is for educational purposes only. Some of these facts I published on the other account but, I added a few more, for the sake of it.
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calsappstore · 2 days ago
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Suicide photos: If we were to name the most well- known pictures of the tragedy, the picture of them in the cafeteria with the guns would be probably number one. A very close second, however, would be the picture of the dead bodies in the library (which were moved after they searched the bodies for any potential threat). These pictures were taken as crime scene evidence, and were not leaked until three years later, when someone sent them to the National Inquirer, this magazine, of course, made the pictures the centre of that particular issue. Who leaked them remains unknown to this day.
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“Hey Dylan”: This refers to a very specific exchange between Dylan and John Savage. This story behind the latter gentleman is like this: John Savage needed to pick a place to study for an upcoming test (if I’m not mistaken it was a geography test) and chose to do so in the library, meaning he would be there in the thick of it, when the tragedy was going down, Eric pointed a gun at the person who was under the table, which happened to be John, he asked him to identify himself, and when John did so, Dylan was called over. John and Dylan had theatre together, so they knew each other a little bit. At this point,John said to him “oh hey Dylan, what are you doing?”. To which Dylan responded “just killing people”. Ultimately, Dylan let John go.
OKC bombing plan: In 1995, Timothy McVey, tired of the government plans and doings, planted a bomb in a car outside of Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, killing 169 people. This attack remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S History. This incident became known as the Oklahoma City Bombing, and a few people draw parallels with both Eric and Dylan. He wanted to join the military, much like Eric; and he was a computer wizz, much like Dylan. Now, the real interest that these two had on the OKC Bombing is unknown, but Eric was said to be somewhat of a fan. Both boys wanted to surpass the number of victims that McVey had. Actually, the original date that the Columbine was planned was April 19th (same day as the OKC bombing) , and it was going to be initially a bombing.
The 11K: The 11K is a loose term for all Jefferson County reports on the case. There’s closer to 27,000 pages, pictures, CCTV footage and everything else you could imagine on the case. Most known information on the Columbine case comes from the 11K. This has everything, ranging from school records, interviews with students and staff, copies of Eric’s webpage(s). It was released in portions between 2000 and 2006. Everything that is not included in here was said to be destroyed in 2011.
Brooks Brown: Brooks is one of the most famous people who survived the encounter. Eric told him that he liked him now, and to go home. Brooks and Eric used to be friends, but they had some not-so-nice encounters. They used to carpool together, and Brooks began being late many days, which as you can guess, Eric was not happy about. One morning, Brooks overslept again, and as he was getting ready, Eric called him, but Brooks ignored him, which caused Eric to need his dad to give him a ride. Everyone was mad in the situation. Dylan was friends with Brooks, so the fallout between Brooks and Eric was very awkward for everyone involved. Take everything Brooks say with a grain of salt, because he is known for altering the truth for his own benefit. (allegedly)
Eric’s website: In his free time, Eric was known for raging and raving online about the things that he hated the most, he would also post lyrics he liked (specifically kmfdm’s songs). The website has screenshots of it plastered online, and it is absolutely unhinged. The irony of it all, is that wether he did it on purpose on not, he might have thrown jabs at Dylan in a few instances.
Eric and Dylan’s journals: Another rather (in)famous piece of the case would be the journals that both of them wrote. Although, only Eric had an actual journal, Dylan’s “journal” was a bunch of individual papers scattered among his school papers. Let’s do a brief analysis of their similarities and differences. Similarities: they both had a “unique” way of writing, which means, they very much ignored grammatical and spelling rules the English language has. Dylan would straight up make up words, and Eric liked to spell it how it sounded (he would have loved English in the 10th century). Another similarity is how both of these boys viewed themselves as “godlike” and better than anyone around them (although Eric wished he was God, while Dylan thinks he is a God). Both have a sense of superiority. But also an inferiority complex (in Dylan’s case this is super obvious, Eric conceals it a bit better, but it’s still there if you look deep enough). Another likeness lays in “death wish”; Eric’s approach to this lays more in him not really caring, he just wants to be free and is willing to die in the process, he thinks he has realised too much, Dylan, however, just plain expresses how his life is a mess and how he wishes he could die and not have to live his life anymore, he feels like everyone leaves and he truly has no one there for him. He prefers death to life, thinking it’s the solution for his problems. Now, let’s see the differences: Eric wrote to an audience, given he likely started writing once he knew the plan was going to take place, or at least when their plan started taking shape. Dylan started writing about a year before they planned NBK. Next difference is composition, Eric opted for a more straightforward approach, which he also adapts in his schoolwork. I might make a post on this, because there is so much, but, Dylan’s journal is not very cohesive. It starts making sense, but he derails into madness (for a lack of a better term), and the more you read, the less sense it makes. Eric mentions Dylan quite a bit, while Dylan does not mention Eric as much.
Eric was a psychopath: The FBI was quick to analyse both of their journals. The conclusion they reached from Eric’s journal was that Eric was a psychopath; he was a narcissistic, control freak. He displayed emotional shallowness, the need to “keep up a mask” etc… Take everything with a grain of salt, because Eric did write the journal for it to be read, so he wanted to be seen this way, wether or not this was his real self, that’s for you to decide what you choose to believe. Another case that leads people to believe Eric was a real psycho is, well, in the shooting itself. Eric was quite calm and focused, he killed more people. But, he also expresses lots of regret to what the shooting is going to do to his parents, and recognises that the shooting will be emotionally taxing on him. He also was a fan of animals, and loathed those who abused them (funny because guess what many copycats did?).
Klebob was self-loathing depressive: There is not much to add here, Dylan is known for being shy, quiet, depressive, overly independent, he was also irritable (which is a sign of depression), he hated himself and even partook in parasuicidal conducts (aka self-h4rm). Another disorder he was thought to have was Avoidant Personality Disorder (with schizotypal traits), again, take this with a grain of salt because these analysis were made after he killed himself.
15 crosses: After the tragedy, there was a memorial made for everyone whose lives were taken in this tragedy, and I mean everyone, Dylan and Eric included. This was highly controversial, as many people held the belief that the shooters should never be remembered in the same place as the victims, so the crosses were removed.
This post is for educational purposes only.
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calsappstore · 2 days ago
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If I were to mention “The Cecil Hotel” most people would recognise at least something about it. Some people might make the connection to Richard Ramirez, others would track it back to one of the most mysterious cases ever; Elisa Lamb. Point is, people that recognise the name of the hotel always think of something negative. The Cecil Hotel has an interesting history.
The hotel opened in 1924 at 640 S. Main Street, and since then, it has seen a few instances of macabre events, at least 16 murders, suicides, and unexplained events have taken place there.
Like I said, the hotel was built in 1924 by Willian Banks Hanner. It was supposed to be a destination hotel for international businessmen and social elites. Hanner spend around 1 million dollars on the 700- room Beaux- style Hotel, complete with a marble lobby, stained glass windows, palm trees and an opulent staircase.
However, just two years after its opening, the world was thrown into a Great Depression that very much affected Los Angeles. Soon after, the area surrounding the Cecil Hotel was dubbed “Skid Row” and become home to thousands of homeless people.
The once popular hotel, was now a home for junkies, runaways and criminals. Worse yet, the hotel ultimately gained a reputation for violence and death.
In the 1930s alone, the hotel saw 6 reported suicides. A few residents ingested poison, while others shot themselves, slit their throats or jumped our their bedroom windows.
In 1934, Louis D. Borden slashed his throat with a razor. Less than 4 years later, Roy Thompson of the Marine Corps jumped from atop the Cecil Hotel and was found on the skylight of a neighbouring building.
In September of 1944, 19-year-old Dorothy Jean Purcell awoke in the middle of the night with severe stomach pains while staying at the hotel, and as she went to the bathroom, she gave birth to a baby boy. She had no idea she was pregnant. Thinking her baby was death, she threw him out the window and onto the roof of the building next door. At her trial, she was found “no guilty by reason of insanity” and admitted to a hospital for psychiatric treatment.
In 1962, 65-year-old George Giannini was walking by the hotel with his hands in his pockets when he was struck to death by a falling woman. Pauline Otton, 27 at the time, jumped from her hotel room after an argument with her estranged husband. Her fall killed both her and Giannini instantly. In light of all these tragedies, it was called “the most haunted hotel in Los Angeles.”
While it is true that suicides and other tragedies have contributed to the infamy of the hotel, the Cecil Hotel also. has its fair share of serial killers who loved it.
Between 1984 and 1985, Richard Ramirez, ultimately named “The Night Stalker” who gained infamy due to murdering 14 people, lived in a room on the top floor during much of his killing spree.
After killing someone, he would throw his bloody clothes into the Cecil Hotel’s dumpster and saunter into the hotel lobby wearing whatever he left on his body- this never raised any suspicions, given the hotel was always rather chaotic anyway.
In 1991, Austrian serial killer Jack Unterweger- who strangled prostitutes with their own bras- also called the hotel home. Apparently, he chose the hotel due to its connection to the Night Stalker (but it has not been confirmed).
There’s a few of these, namely, a local woman known around the area named Goldie Osgood was found dead in her ransacked room. There was one suspect who was wearing bloody clothes around the lobby, he was later cleared and her real killer was never caught.
Another guest of the hotel was Elizabeth Short, also known as the “Black Dahlia” after her murder in 1947. She reportedly stayed at the hotel, and was found not far from it with her mouth carved ear to ear and her body cut in two.
Probably the most talked about cold case is that of Elisa Lam, a college student from Canada who was found dead three weeks after she had gone missing. Her naked corpse was found on the roof of the hotel, only a few residents had complained about the water tasting funny. Authorities run her death as “accidental”, although you’ll find people who tell you they believe otherwise.
Before her death, surveillance cameras caught Lam acting strangely in an elevator, at times seemingly yelling at someone who could not be seen, as well as attempting to hide from someone, who could also not be seen. This video gained notoriety because people started to believe rumours about the hotel was haunted. Some even finding connections to her case and that of the Black Dahlia, given both were women in their twenties, traveling alone from San Diego to L.A and both of their bodies were found a few days after they had been reported missing.
The last body found in the hotel was in 2015, and it was that of a man who committed suicide, the hotel was talked about was more to be connected to pain, death and suffering, it even inspired the “Hotel Cortez” in American Horror Story season 5 about a hotel that’s about mayhem and murder.
This post is for educational purposes only as demonstrated throughout.
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calsappstore · 3 days ago
Also, I wanted to add, every post on my other account I still have, and I am going to post all of them, cause why not? I made them anyway, so if you read something that feels familiar, it’s because it is.
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calsappstore · 3 days ago
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Dave Cullen: There are multiple books covering the tragedy that occurred on April 20, 1999; However, Dave Cullen’s “Columbine” released in 2009, was undoubtably the most praised and talked about book relating to the Columbine Massacre. His alleged 10-years-worth-of-studying the massacre was a selling point, Dave was one of the people that popularised that narrative that they were not victims of bullying at all. He states that bullying was not a factor at all and that the boys were driven by something else. He also states that Dylan was a follower, while Eric was the leader of the two; Dylan was a poor, romantic dude whose only crime was wanting to die, while Eric was a psychopath and manipulative boy who took advantage of his depressed friend Dylan (not like Dylan wrote about homicide in his journal or anything, right?). Dave Cullen’s book gained criticism from the moment he published it, as it was known to not be a rather accurate book, not really based on facts, but fully based on this man’s own narrative.
Them being bullied outcasts: This is a topic that has been heavily discussed, some people said that they were bullied, some said they were not. There’s multiple accounts (mainly students) who confirm that bullying was rampant around 1997-1998. There are instances of them both being bullied, due to everything you can think of, from Eric’s deformity in his chest, to Dylan being tall and scrawny. Everyone who knew them testified that bullying was a factor, and how they were the “uncoolest kids” of the entire school.
The Basement Tapes: Easily the most famous thing related to the case, “the basement tapes” are videos they recorded at Eric’s house, particularly his bedroom, which was located in the basement, hence the name. Sheriffs Department in Colorado were said to burn these tapes in 2011, and spread the word that no known copies of these basement tapes. The reasoning for this was, according to them, the fear of copycats, they described the tapes as being the “other shooters they need to commit more violent acts in the names of Eric and Dylan. From my understanding the tapes are about 5 hours, and certain people have been able to watch them, namely the parents of both the shooters and parents of the victims, along with other few people directly related to the case. Someone said this on youtube, and I agree, but I think they are making a myth out of these tapes, like, the tapes are probably nothing of the ordinary but the secrecy behind it makes everyone wants to see them, out of curiosity.
Marilyn Manson: Marilyn Manson had already been the focus of a few controversies before, after the tragedy, Manson cancelled a few legs of his tour because of the massacre. Contrary to the media, the shooters were likely not fans of the singer, Dylan seemed to have written something along the lines of Manson being a poser.
Doom: Another piece of media that was believed to have some fault for what Eric and Dylan did was the videogame Doom, which Eric was a fan of, and even wrote about this game, there are multiple references to the game itself. The game was a pioneer for first-person-pov, which tend to be rather violent. Doom was blamed for putting violent ideas in the two boys’ mind, basically. Ultimately, this gave even more fame to the game.
Zero Hour: the most famous screen recreation of the Massacre called “Massacre at Columbine High”, which features interviews with survivors. It’s a rather accurate video compared to the other movies (except for Zero Day) about the massacre (in my opinion)
Jeff Kass: Another man who decided to write a book about the massacre. It’s widely more accepted, as it’s based on facts more than Dave Cullen based his own book on facts. But it’s still rather bland in the grand scheme of things. From my understanding, Jeff Kass was rather invasive when it comes to getting his facts, including the harassment of some people close to Eric and Dylan.
NBK: Standing for Natural Born Killers, based on a movie by the same name. Klebob fantasised about doing the plan with the love of his life. Who named the plan is both unknown and debatable.
The Hit list: this one is pretty self explanatory. If any student pissed them off, they would very likely be on this list. However, very few victims that were shot were part of this list.
The Trench Coat Mafia: This is a rather popular part of the case. Although both Eric and Dylan liked the mafia, most members were older. Aside from this, this group of people were famous for being video game nerds and loved to play D&D. Chris Morris, probably the most famous person of the group; who brought a few knives to school and talked about how he hated Columbine.
Who said yes? The common belief is that Rachel Scott and Cassie Bernard were both brave young women who died for their faith; and although they were indeed both courageous young women, they were not the ones who Eric and Dylan asked about their faith. It was Valeen Schooner. She was shot 9 times and fell to the ground bleeding.
Peekaboo: This happened in the library. Both shooters would scream this before they shot somebody.
Poor police response: Both police and SWAT teams were acting on procedure at the time, so they took a long time to enter the school. It felt like kids saved themselves.
Columbine yearbook of 1999: This yearbook was relevant for two main reasons. The first one is obvious, and the second is some images of both Eric and Dylan that were removed, such as one of Eric going to class. The most controversial issue is how the images of Eric and Dylan were kept in the yearbook. I think is worth noting that the graduation that year was not controversial, as they did not mention Eric and Dylan, not even as graduating post death.
The Memorial: There were memorials made for those who lost their lives in this tragedy.
“Blow off yer goddamn head”: A line for “hitmen for hire” (a mini- movie they made as part of a project).
This post is for educational purposes only.
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calsappstore · 3 days ago
hey mooties, yes, I am the calsappstore you used to be mutuals with, I needed a rebrand but I’m back. So if we’re mutuals again, mwah
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calsappstore · 3 days ago
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
My name is June (you might call me Juno if you wish) and I’m a girl.
This blog is for educational purposes only. I do not condone, romantise, glorify or support any true crime individual I discuss. My interest lies in psychology, criminology and ballistics- I simply enjoy creating content around these subjects.
Also, I love Zero Day and AHS.
Disclaimer: I am not TCC but I welcome interaction from those who are. However, I block any account that uses my posts to praise these people. As long as you are respectful, you will be welcome here.
No DNI- I block based on behavior
Other than that, have fun and happy learning.
Also, I organise my post by (name of the case) + database in the hashtags for easy navigation on my account.
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