California Outdoors Q&A has moved!
California Outdoors Q&A has moved!
Dear readers, We recently moved the California Outdoors Q&A blog to our website at wildlife.ca.gov/COQA. If you previously subscribed to receive new posts by email, you’ll continue to receive them. (If you’d like to unsubscribe, you’ll find a link at the bottom of the next email message.) We plan to leave the previous three years’ posts here on WordPress as a public archive. Thanks for joining…
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What are lawful methods of take for turkey?
What are lawful methods of take for turkey?
ARE BLOWGUNS A LEGAL METHOD OF TAKE? Q: I saw a news story on TV about a turkey near Sacramento that was shot with a dart from a blowgun. Would that be a legal way to hunt turkeys? What are the lawful methods of take? A: No, a person may not use a blowgun to hunt wild turkeys, nor is it legal to possess a blowgun at all. The mechanisms by which a person may hunt or “take” wild turkeys are…
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What should I study in college to become a wildlife officer?
What should I study in college to become a wildlife officer?
BECOMING A WILDLIFE OFFICER Q: I’m starting college in the fall and am ultimately interested in becoming a wildlife officer. What’s the best degree to earn that will help me qualify for the job? A: Thank you for your question! Before you start your education journey and before you apply, it is important to understand we have certain minimum qualifications for education that must be met. You…
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Tips for mentoring youth hunters
Tips for mentoring youth hunters
MENTORING YOUTH HUNTERS Q: I’m taking my nephew out for his first turkey hunt on some property I have access to. His sister wants to join but doesn’t have a hunting license. I’m wondering what limitations she might have so a game warden doesn’t think she’s hunting too. For example, can she be in camo with us given that we’re only letting my nephew shoot? A: First and foremost, thank you for…
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What can I do if wild pigs destroy my yard?
What can I do if wild pigs destroy my yard?
WILD PIGS Q: I live in Alameda County where wild pigs sometimes get onto my property and tear up my yard. If I see a pig actively destroying my property, do I need permission from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to shoot it? A: Wild pigs can be a common challenge for residents who live near open land in the Bay Area and elsewhere throughout the state. During the dry…
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What is CDFW’s role in helping conserve monarch butterflies?
What is CDFW’s role in helping conserve monarch butterflies?
Monarch butterflies Q: What is CDFW’s role in helping conserve monarch butterflies? A: The Western population of migratory monarch butterflies has seen staggering declines over the past 20 years, from over 4 million in the 1980s to fewer than 2,000 individuals in the most recent census conducted in winter 2020-21. In California, monarchs are designated by CDFW as a terrestrial invertebrate of…
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What is CDFW's role in handling oil spills?
What is CDFW’s role in handling oil spills?
Oil spill response Q: I’ve been reading news reports about the recent oil spills in the San Francisco Bay Area and learned that the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is the lead state agency handling oil spills. How did the department assume this authority? (Dave) A: CDFW’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) was established by the Lempert-Keene-Seastrand Oil Spill…
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What is the legal status of wild donkeys?
What is the legal status of wild donkeys?
WILD DONKEYS Q: I read about a person in Riverside County who tried to capture a wild donkey but was stopped by the sheriff’s office and game wardens. What is the legal status of wild donkeys? Why can’t I go out and capture one and re-domesticate it? How do you tell the difference between a wild donkey and a domesticated one? A: You may be surprised how much effort has been put into…
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How are antlers different from horns and pronghorns?
How are antlers different from horns and pronghorns?
ANTLERS VS. HORNS Q: How are antlers different from horns and pronghorns in ungulate species like deer, elk and bighorn sheep? A: California is home to ungulate species that have antlers, horns and pronghorns. Deer and elk have antlers, which are made of bone and grow from pedicels, bony supporting structures that develop in the lateral region of an ungulate’s frontal bones (on the top bones…
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What's the best way to rebury Pismo clams?
What’s the best way to rebury Pismo clams?
REBURYING PISMO CLAMS Question: What is the correct method for reburying Pismo clams that are not of legal size? Answer: Pismo clams are an iconic species that have recently become more prevalent on beaches from Santa Cruz to San Diego due to several years of good recruitment. Because they bury in shallow sand, usually 2 to 8 inches, they are frequently encountered by people walking along…
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How many rods can I use while fishing in Tomales Bay?
How many rods can I use while fishing in Tomales Bay?
Fishing in Tomales Bay Question: When fishing off the shore of Tomales Bay in Marshall, Marin County, I can only use one rod, right? (Ramon) Answer: Fishing regulations in Tomales Bay are outlined in the Ocean Sport Fishing Regulations booklet. The number of rods you can use will depend upon what species of fish you are targeting. California Code of Regulations, Title 14, section 28.65 states…
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Can I use trail cameras during hunting season?
Can I use trail cameras during hunting season?
Using trail cams for scouting Question: Over the years I’ve spoken to many people who are certain that the use of trail cameras during hunting season is a violation of California Fish and Wildlife regulations. Is this true? (Josh) Answer: It is not a violation to use trail cameras during hunting season in California. The use of cameras can be described as “digital scouting,” meaning hunters…
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Can I use a homemade bottle trap in lakes?
Can I use a homemade bottle trap in lakes?
Homemade bottle traps Question: Is it legal to use a homemade plastic bottle trap in lakes and other freshwater bodies? (Anonymous) Answer: The 2020-2021 Freshwater Sport Fishing Regulations state “Except as otherwise authorized, all fish may be taken only by angling with one closely attended rod and line (or with two rods if the angler is in possession of a valid two-rod stamp).” However,…
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How do I find information on the backcountry stocking of trout?
How do I find information on the backcountry stocking of trout?
Backcountry Stocking of Trout Question: I have read in different places that CDFW at times stocks trout in the Sierra mountains and elsewhere in high country lakes – sometimes by airplane, horses and humans. Is there a web page on your site that discusses when and where this takes place? Is there a record showing when and where previous stockings took place? I have found the Fish Planting…
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Are all farmers held to the same standards as cannabis growers?
Are all farmers held to the same standards as cannabis growers?
Are all farmers held to the same standards as cannabis growers?
Question: I understand that the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) plays a regulatory role in commercial cannabis operations, because poor grow practices harm the environment and California’s fish and wildlife. But are farmers of other legal crops – say, almonds, or wine grapes – held to the same standards?…
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How do I fill out lobster report cards on a multi-day fishing trip?
How do I fill out lobster report cards on a multi-day fishing trip?
Lobster report cards are required to be filled out for each calendar day that you fish. (CDFW photo by Derek Stein)
Filling Out Lobster Report Cards
Question: I have a question about filling out lobster report cards. When I’m hoop netting throughout the night, do I start a new card entry at midnight? Or is a day’s entry from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. the following day? Here’s a scenario: Let’s say I’m…
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Can I Legally Fish Three Species At Once?
Can I Legally Fish Three Species At Once?
Fishing for three species at once?
Question: I would like to fish for sanddab, squid and rockfish on the same day. Can I do that legally? I believe it would be legal to first catch sanddab and squid with multiple hooks, and then switch over to a two-hook rig for rockfish? (Michael)
Answer:The setup you described would work. The general regulation is that you can use any number of hooks and…
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