calmgreentactician · 7 years
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“I think the amount of resets has finally made Karamatsu fucking braindead--”
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
“No, Totty’s gone too.”
He didn’t want to throw all of this onto the eldest at once, but they didn’t have the luxury of time, they never did, and they only had so much time until the board decided to step in....
“Jyushimatsu is still here, he just won’t come out of the training room.”
"I need to talk to you, Niisan." ~calmgreentactician
Glancing over at his brother, the eldest rose a brow. “Eh? What is it?”
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
“I’m worried about the others, especially Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu.” of course he immediately had to bring that up, it was just how he was.
"I need to talk to you, Niisan." ~calmgreentactician
Glancing over at his brother, the eldest rose a brow. “Eh? What is it?”
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
“Exactly what I said. They will take him in, and he won’t remember you.”
Choromatsu didn’t care how Kara felt about them, or about the resets, but the second he spoke badly about Iyami his face went cold again. Just like Jyushimatsu, it seemed the tactician didn’t take very kindly to the concept of people mocking their benefactors.
“To be blunt-- no. We belong, life, body, and soul, to Iyami until the day we either complete the contract or we die.” it was cruel but it was the truth. “It doesn’t matter what we want or what we do, if it goes against Iyami we are only prolonging the contract. That includes being friends with a stranger such as you, especially if you are putting idea into his head.”
“One day, he won’t need you anymore.” ~calmgreentactician
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously! | ACCEPTING(though off anon is fine too!)
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“Oh, I’m feeling so loved right now—”
Kara let out a heavy sigh and glared at the other.
“Look. I know you have your panties in a twist because I’m friends with Jyushimatsu. And I know you just want to do what’s best for you and your family, but honestly, fuck off already.”
“If he decides he doesn’t want our friendship anymore, fine. I won’t be happy with it, but if he wants that, that’s his choice to make. But, for god’s sake, I know I’m a fucking pest, but it’s not like I’m trying to hurt him. So can you get out of my hair about this?”
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
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“If you don't stay away from him he's going to forget you."
Choromatsu wasn't one for games, and he was getting really tired of this one between Jyushimatsu and this imposter version of his brother.
Good thing there was a solution.
"You're lucky he hasn't already been brought in because of you. If you somehow ruined his record, well, it'd be a shame to all of us. And we aren't a very forgiving group, especially not to people who hurt one of our own." He was just being friendly after all. "At the most right now he probably already needs minor realignment therapy, and that's terrifying enough."
Not that he could remember what the other process felt like, but he didn't want to either.
“One day, he won’t need you anymore.” ~calmgreentactician
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously! | ACCEPTING(though off anon is fine too!)
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“Oh, I’m feeling so loved right now—”
Kara let out a heavy sigh and glared at the other.
“Look. I know you have your panties in a twist because I’m friends with Jyushimatsu. And I know you just want to do what’s best for you and your family, but honestly, fuck off already.”
“If he decides he doesn’t want our friendship anymore, fine. I won’t be happy with it, but if he wants that, that’s his choice to make. But, for god’s sake, I know I’m a fucking pest, but it’s not like I’m trying to hurt him. So can you get out of my hair about this?”
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
What do you all do specifically?
They apparently had clearance, so it was fine to answer--
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“Osomatsu is our leader, that’s... pretty much his job. He directs and deals with the board, and if someone is out of commission he takes over for them. He’s skilled all around like that.”
“Karamatsu is our gunner, or sniper, whatever you prefer. We keep him away from the violence for the sake of everyone’s safety. He takes out targets, simple as that. He’s very efficient with what he knows and what he doesn’t.”
“I’m mission control, I handle the logistics and the plans of our missions. I’m the one that stays behind, a failsafe to to say. N-not that I.. don’t train, I’m just as ready for an actual battle as the other five.”
“Ichimatsu interrogates the people we bring back, though the proper term is inquisitor. I’ve always considered that the cruelest position, it needs a lack of emotion and he... certainly has it.”
“Jyushimatsu-- well, he call him a bruiser but the proper term for what he is is demolitions expert. To be blunt, he makes bombs and detonates them. he was just also trained in melee combat. He’s probably the second most useful of us.”
“Tot- Todomatsu is our mole. He goes into places where we believe there might be issues and gets in, then helps us get them out. He’s probably the least combat ready of us, but he can for sure hold his own.”
Oops, he rambled a bit, didn’t he?”
{ @exuberantredleader, @reluctantbluesniper, @cruelpurpleinquisitor, @wildyellowanimal, @sweetpxnkspy }
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
“Oh now you notice!”
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“It takes a complete stranger fucking tell you for you to pay attention!?”
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
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“You could. It is a disease of our minds, and if you say enough wrong to him it could infect him and end up giving us all trouble. Jyushimatsu never goes Rogue State on us, and it’s terrifying to think what would happen if a force like him went against Iyami.”
“I am, when I give a fuck enough to act normal around you.” he pauses. “My brothers, that’s it.”
“I don’t know, he’ll likely find you before anything. We’re all rather interested in you now, Jyushimatsu talks about you a lot. He seems to think you’re worth the time, so we’re trying to see why. Or, I am.”
He rolls his eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, I simply want to gauge if you’re an actual threat to us.”
"/You're/ the guy Jyushimatsu has been around?" this has to be one of the bruisers brothers, and he doesn't seem very happy to meet Kara. ~~calmgreentactician
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Ah—this one was… shit. Which one was this one again? Kara tried wracking his brain for the lookalike in his universe… the green one, the—
“Choromatsu,” Kara greeted with a sweet smile, as if he hadn’t just struggled to remember which one this brother was. “Yes, I am.”
Then, his smile wavered.
“Why the strange face? We’ve only just met. You can’t possibly hate me now, can you?” Kara snickered.
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
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“If you don’t want me calling you Karamatsu you could at least call me Choromatsu.”
“Because you aren’t controlled, you are an outsider. He trusts you because you look like Karamatsu, but you could easily lead him to Rogue State, and then we’re all fucked.” though, he prayed that wouldn’t happen, not to Jyushimatsu. Their bruiser never was-- He looked back up at the question, having zoned out. “It’s basically the only illness that can affect us.” he answered plainly, not wanting to give too much away.
“I’m capable, but I don’t have a reason to properly emote around you, now do I?” he retorted.
“No, they don’t, and Ichimatsu would be more than happy to get his hands on someone he could take that hate out on.”
He stops at that, shaking his head.
“Jyushimatsu could tell me that information, but I’m curious.”
"/You're/ the guy Jyushimatsu has been around?" this has to be one of the bruisers brothers, and he doesn't seem very happy to meet Kara. ~~calmgreentactician
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Ah—this one was… shit. Which one was this one again? Kara tried wracking his brain for the lookalike in his universe… the green one, the—
“Choromatsu,” Kara greeted with a sweet smile, as if he hadn’t just struggled to remember which one this brother was. “Yes, I am.”
Then, his smile wavered.
“Why the strange face? We’ve only just met. You can’t possibly hate me now, can you?” Kara snickered.
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
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“We can’t all sound like street thugs like you.”
“No, I feel comfortable saying that because I know it. You’re unpredictable and probably dangerous to my younger brother’s health. Even Jyushimatsu has his limits on Rogue State, and I’d rather not risk you pushing said limits to the brink. So that leaves us with two problems and two solutions.”
“Yes, I can smile, and I’m sure you like that.”
He keeps that small smile, though his eyes harden slightly, showing some form of annoyance.
“If you aren’t afraid of me I could introduce you to our inquisitor. Ichimatsu would probably love to get free reign with a copy of Karamatsu.”
He shrugs his shoulders.
“I don’t need you to add anything to my database. Jyushimatsu will do that for me, really.”
"/You're/ the guy Jyushimatsu has been around?" this has to be one of the bruisers brothers, and he doesn't seem very happy to meet Kara. ~~calmgreentactician
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Ah—this one was… shit. Which one was this one again? Kara tried wracking his brain for the lookalike in his universe… the green one, the—
“Choromatsu,” Kara greeted with a sweet smile, as if he hadn’t just struggled to remember which one this brother was. “Yes, I am.”
Then, his smile wavered.
“Why the strange face? We’ve only just met. You can’t possibly hate me now, can you?” Kara snickered.
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
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“I don’t have a reason to play games with an unknown variable.”
Choromatsu wanted the effect of enraging the other, and honestly it seemed like it was at least somewhat working. He did not seem to like the inspection, nor did he like his ‘formal’ tone.
He wondered just how much of their skills his younger brother had shown this alternate and what it meant.
“We all have our uses, that’s how our universe works. Jyushimatsu is included with the rest of us.”
He smirked at that though, breaking the facade slightly.
“I cannot do anything near what Jyushimatsu can do. He is for sure the pinnacle or our brute force and our brute ability.” he hummed, though, no, he could keep up with any of his siblings, even with his position as their handler. He would not allow his physical condition to fall behind and neither would Iyami. “I am just a desk jockey. I spend my time watching the others.”
“But I understand, you’re afraid of us, right?”
"/You're/ the guy Jyushimatsu has been around?" this has to be one of the bruisers brothers, and he doesn't seem very happy to meet Kara. ~~calmgreentactician
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Ah—this one was… shit. Which one was this one again? Kara tried wracking his brain for the lookalike in his universe… the green one, the—
“Choromatsu,” Kara greeted with a sweet smile, as if he hadn’t just struggled to remember which one this brother was. “Yes, I am.”
Then, his smile wavered.
“Why the strange face? We’ve only just met. You can’t possibly hate me now, can you?” Kara snickered.
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
“That’s just the corruption talking, not you, Osomatsu-Niisan.” hes quick to go to their facts. What they know for sure, not what some unpredictable ailment tells them or their eldest.
He feels bad for a moment for the lie until he remembers this is for their leaders own good and that things would soon improve. 
He just had to get him home.
"You know I have no choice" ~calmgreentactician
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“You’re my brother, you’re supposed to be on MY SIDE.” 
Seems like Osomatsu was upset… and was in a Rogue State. “W-why didn’t Jyushimatsu come? He’s the bruiser, not you. Or Ichimatsu? Or even Totty? Why you? Why did YOU of all our brothers?” He wished the other could understand why he tried to escape, but… there really wasn’t much he could do. 
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
Choromatsu shook his head slightly to regain himself, though the wooziness of the headbutt still lingered. That was fine though, he was doing better than their Rogue leader, on the ground and nearly completely out of it. If Choromatsu was a cruel person, maybe he would have hit him again.
But this was just his brother, his poor sick brother who obviously needed help.
“And you’re reckless. Did you know Jyushimatsu got hurt while we were out here looking for you? Who’s going to take responsibility for that, leader?” he simply moves over and grabs the collar of the elders shirt and pretty much begins dragging him. “You’re luck this didn’t escalate more. We’re already going to take a hit to our progress because of you.”
"You know I have no choice" ~calmgreentactician
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“You’re my brother, you’re supposed to be on MY SIDE.” 
Seems like Osomatsu was upset… and was in a Rogue State. “W-why didn’t Jyushimatsu come? He’s the bruiser, not you. Or Ichimatsu? Or even Totty? Why you? Why did YOU of all our brothers?” He wished the other could understand why he tried to escape, but… there really wasn’t much he could do. 
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
“That’s true, I suppose.” no, because he even if they were allowed sweets then those two would find them. They could hit targets from miles away and crush bone with just their brute force, he was sure that finding some candy would end up being a walk in the park.
Choromatsu didn’t understand the others amusement but kept that tight smile on his face, not wanting to see too out of place or too bewildered with this entire experience.
He jumped at the buzz and instantly was blushing and trying to act like it had not happened. Though, the other male seemed more excited about him winning and his score, so he was quick to laugh and shrug, feigning being humble.
He knelt down to help get the tickets, if only because they seemed to mean more to his current partner. This wasn’t completely bad though, and he wondered what else where was here.
“They would like that, I’m sure.” though they’d just get rid of it since they all had to follow the rations program, just as they had to follow everything Iyami set forth for them, but anyways–
He held the mallet, internally judging the weight of it and how useful it would be, as well as how fast he could manipulate it. A bit nerdy, yes, but Choromatsu was a nerd.
“Alright, that seems simple enough.” he hummed, offering a smile. This was practically child’s play compared to their training simulators.
He was not expecting the countdown for some reason, but it only took a moment to brace himself, this would be fine.
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
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“If you were physically wounded it would be the fault of your own body, not me.”
He immediately went to that ‘robotic’ tone he reserved for strangers, higher-ups, and punished siblings that he knew drove Osomatsu up the wall.
“Jyushimatsu is a wild card, but that’s why hes useful.” maybe it was cruel to speak of ones siblings that way, but it kept well with the facade that he didn’t really care.
The brother’s handler continues to inspect Kara, though hes already making his assumptions from his posture, how he carries himself and speaks, and even minor things like his dress or how he reacts to the tacticians prying.
He seemed very different from their Karamatsu, interesting.
“Jyushimatsu is the peak of our prime. I’d still like to see you fight. We could call it off at any time if you’d feel overwhelmed by a simple desk jockey.” he mocked, hoping to provoke the other.
"/You're/ the guy Jyushimatsu has been around?" this has to be one of the bruisers brothers, and he doesn't seem very happy to meet Kara. ~~calmgreentactician
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Ah—this one was… shit. Which one was this one again? Kara tried wracking his brain for the lookalike in his universe… the green one, the—
“Choromatsu,” Kara greeted with a sweet smile, as if he hadn’t just struggled to remember which one this brother was. “Yes, I am.”
Then, his smile wavered.
“Why the strange face? We’ve only just met. You can’t possibly hate me now, can you?” Kara snickered.
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
He was stupid to let his guard down around a sibling in Rogue State so easily. He should not have relaxed as quickly as he did when the elder took his hand, but here they were again back to square one.
Choromatsu stumbled back slightly from the headbutt, mostly held up by the other still holding his hand. When he was released he reeled back and didn't waste much time in retaliation. He wanted to make this even harder? Fine. It took but a moment for him to attempt to whip the elder with the gun, scowling.
"You know I have no choice" ~calmgreentactician
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“You’re my brother, you’re supposed to be on MY SIDE.” 
Seems like Osomatsu was upset… and was in a Rogue State. “W-why didn’t Jyushimatsu come? He’s the bruiser, not you. Or Ichimatsu? Or even Totty? Why you? Why did YOU of all our brothers?” He wished the other could understand why he tried to escape, but… there really wasn’t much he could do. 
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calmgreentactician · 8 years
When he fell the younger didn’t waste much time, reaching into his coat and pulling out a firearm. Seemed someone was a liar. He slowly moved closer, keeping the gun up.
“This is over, lets go.” he grunted. “The other’s are going to be waiting for us at the pickup.” he added, holding out a hand. That probably wasn’t the best move to make, but he was willing to make it, if only for the sake of trusting the eldest to be responsible.
"You know I have no choice" ~calmgreentactician
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“You’re my brother, you’re supposed to be on MY SIDE.” 
Seems like Osomatsu was upset… and was in a Rogue State. “W-why didn’t Jyushimatsu come? He’s the bruiser, not you. Or Ichimatsu? Or even Totty? Why you? Why did YOU of all our brothers?” He wished the other could understand why he tried to escape, but… there really wasn’t much he could do. 
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